Tag: Sadistic phone sex


Snuff pornMaster, when you said I deserved a facial, I for a moment thought maybe I wasn’t a worthless cunt and that you were actually going to let me have a facial at a spa. That was so stupid of me. I didn’t realize until you pulled your cock out and your three friends walked in that you meant a cum facial. You slapped my face hard, pulled me by my hair down to the floor, and told me I was a worthless piece of shit cunt and that I was only good as a Cum dumpster. You told me to open wide, while you all started stroking yourselves. Not too much longer, one at a time, you all unloaded huge loads of cum onto my face. You got to go last, Master, and you delivered your hot load in my mouth. Thank you, sir.

Snuff Porn Sadistic For Torturous Fun

I’ve been the silent sadistic star for some awesome snuff porn films and it is one of the biggest rushes for me. So when I had an anonymous caller request a meeting about doing a specialized fantasy that would earn me some big bucks I was immediately apprehensive and worked my network of insiders to get this guys identity and inside information as i will not get my hands dirty with some sheisty mother fucker that would get me in trouble with the law. I have my men that will fuck a jerk up and dispose of the corpse in such a way that he’ll never be recovered.

Once I had the fucker cleared and the cash was in hand we arranged for the scene to come into play and boy was it a gritty fucking thing in the midst of some old meat packing plants now abandoned and with some really great electrical play. I really loved the idea of frying our victims genitals off while analy fantasy raping him with a mechanized beast phallus. I was so fucking wet by the end of this that I had to have a go with that beast phallus in my cunt and came so god damned hard.

Snuff Porn

Knife Play Phone Sex Fun

knife play phone sexI enjoy knife play phone sex.  With my trusty sharp companions, so many things are possible. I broke into a guy’s house earlier in the week. He was an asshole that needed taught a lesson. A lesson my knife could make. I got a great surprise. He had a young daughter in the house. Two for one. I tied him up, put my panties in his mouth while I played with his precious baby girl. She looked like a little beauty queen. The kind of little girl who will grow up to be a spoiled bitch. We need less of those in the world. I tied her up in front of daddy, so he could watch me sexually mutilate her young body. The body I am sure he has coveted a time or two before. I sliced off her right tit. She bled so easily. She screamed in pain. Her dad was begging for me to stop but get this. He was hard. Rock hard as I tortured his princess. He was pleading with me to stop hurting his baby girl, but his body betrayed his words. I held a knife to his young girl’s little clit. I could feel her trembling. She was scared. I told her to look between her daddy’s legs and see his hard cock. She closed her eyes, but I forced them back open. I wanted her to see her daddy for what he was: a snuff sex pervert. He was aroused that I was sexually mutilating his daughter. I sliced off both nipples. I sliced off her clit. I carved whore on her stomach. I was originally there to kill her daddy, but I was not expecting such a nice cock. I undid his pants and rode his hard cock in front of his daughter who was trembling in fear and pain. Once I had my fun with daddy dearest, I chopped off his dick and stuck it in his daughter’s mouth then I slit her throat. Both would bleed out.  I never leave DNA. It will look like a gruesome revenge killing over drugs or money. Hottest break in ever.

Forced Rape Fantasies

Sadistic phone sex I was walking in my front door getting back from shopping and there was no power in the house. So I went to the kitchen to put my bags down and went to go look to see if I was the only one without power. Just as I turned around to look out the window. Smack!!! Something hit me in the head then I felt a hand around my throat slamming me to the ground. I was facing up as he cut my clothes off me with a knife. His hand still firm around my neck tightly as he was undoing his pants. He got both hands around my neck and started pounding the shit out of my cunt. I could barely breathe his grip got tighter around my throat. I begin to pass out but not before I could feel his warm cum run thru my body.

Double Indemnity


Torture phone sex

Money is a powerful motivator.  It makes you get up every morning so that you can go to your less than amazing job all for the  almighty dollar.  You are a slave to it because you need it.  You want to be able to have the things your friends have … don’t you? Maybe you want the things that your friends can’t afford to have.  Make them feel a little bit less than you.  That’s what it is all about isn’t it? Making yourself feel good about yourself through mounting debt. Who wouldn’t want that? Me, that’s who.

I have in my time run across a few people who do not want to work for what they have, but they want money.  What’s a good way to do this? Life insurance.  You hear about it all the time.  A loved one is killed all because they have a huge insurance policy.  The best type are the ones that have a Double Indemnity clause.  That means if someone dies in an accident, or is killed the pay out is double.

This can be tempting for a lot of people.  I can help these type of people, for a small fee of course.  Fires, stabbings, shootings, you name it.  The only thing that it cannot seem like is a suicide.  If you off yourself, your family gets nothing.  So stop being so fucking greedy and die in the right manner.  One of my favorite ones, that I may or may not of been apart of, was this one woman who was a royal bitch.

Her offspring couldn’t stand their mother.  Not one bit.  She was just a complete shit to them all the fucking time, and they had had enough.  It wasn’t just one of them, it was all five of them.  Their Dad had passed away years ago, when that happened their darling Mother turned into a right cunt. They knew she had a policy but it wasn’t enough, so they put up with her ongoing shit for years after her favorite son talked her into increasing the policy and adding the Double Indemnity clause. 

The hard part for them was waiting for enough time to pass.  It worked out for them because a lot of people hated the woman, and didn’t make it a secret.  They just couldn’t take it anymore and made arrangements to hasten her trip to hell.  Turns out she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was stabbed to death during a convenience store robbery.  Her and the clerk, but sometimes there is collateral damage. 

From the video they have it looks like some crazy crack head did it.  The way they were acting in the store before the stabbing took place, the person was fighting with the clerk, then the woman.  You could tell there was some clear arguing going on, then when the clerk went to call the cops a bottle was broken and those sharp edges where plunged into their necks.  The crazy person then went and grabbed some Doritos and Bud Light and left.  Giving the finger to the camera on the way out the door.

Too bad they were completely covered up with no distinguishing attributes showing, and their clothing was nondescript.  I think the cops are still looking for them, but the bitch’s Sons and Daughters got what they wanted.  One dead Mother and a load of cash. 

Kidnapping Phone Sex Fantasy

kidnapping phone sexHis kidnapping phone sex fantasy was like one of my wet dreams. He picked me up hitchhiking. I am such a stupid bitch. I hitched a ride with a stranger. It was a dark desolate road too. My car ran out of gas because I put the last money I had in my wallet up my nose not in the gas tank. He seemed nice. He seemed safe, until he took me to his house, not mine. He gave me a lie about needing to change clothes before taking me the rest of the way. I am so stupid to believe him. I used the bathroom, but when I came out, he hit me over the head. I woke up tided to his bed with a ball gag in my mouth. He was on top of me, forcing his cock inside of my pussy. Do you have rape phone sex fantasies? He sure did. He didn’t care that I was fighting him the best that I could being restrained and gagged. He came deep inside of me. I am not on any kind of birth control, so I knew he could knock me up. He was still hard when he pulled out of my pussy. He decided to try my asshole too. It seemed like forever that his sweaty fat ass was on top of me humping away. When he was done with me, he tossed me naked in the back of his Ford truck. He still had the ball gag in my mouth. He tossed me off the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. It was raining, and I couldn’t scream. I managed to get up and walk to a gas station. A few guys hanging out there decided to make a gangbang rape porn with me as the star before calling for help. I was violated all over again. That is what a stupid whore deserves.

Breast Torture

Torture sex

Daddy and my new mistress love torturing my tits and finding different ways to hurt them. Whether it’s jamming needles into my nipples, whipping them until they’re red and bleeding, or putting out cigarettes on them, they love it all. Yesterday they tied ropes around them in intricate knots and steadily tightened them until they were swollen and losing feeling. The ropes cut off all circulation to my tits and they began to turn blue and black. I begged them to please release them or at least loosen the ropes a bit, but they just laughed and refused. My mistress started to suck on and play with my numb and now blue nipples. She just loved the sight of them in pain and I knew it turned her on so much. 

While my aching breasts were still bound and tied tightly, They both bent me over and had their way with me. They took turns fucking me until they had both cum multiple times, and despite my pain, I couldn’t help but cum a few times as well. She used her biggest strap on and rammed it in and out of my dripping pussy as hard as she could. When she was done, Daddy would take her place and fuck me in my ass or pussy. When they get excited like this, they can go for hours and hours, force fucking all of my holes until I’m about to pass out. By the time they were done, my tits were bruised and black and my ass and pussy were swollen and dripping blood and cum. 


Into The Light

Taboo phone sex

Do you know what freaks people out? When something horrible happens in broad daylight.  I think most people are programmed to believe that bad things happen in the dark, and they do, but they also happen during the day.  When that happens people lose their shit, like as long as something is done in the night that it is somehow more acceptable.  Not better, but more understandable.  I think it brings the bad thing closer to them, it disarms them, it makes them feel that if it happened to one person it could happen to them, and oh yes it could!

I do not see the dark as something to be feared.  I see it as a warm thick blanket that wraps you in it’s tendrils so that you can do anything you want without being seen. Although I wish I could perhaps do sinister, horrible things during the day in front of every one I know deep down that it would be completely stupid to do so.  However just once I would love to be in the middle of a city, in a place where a large number of people gather and just do something so horrendous that they wouldn’t be able to move, only watch.

Maybe hanging someone up with hooks in their back, then slowly flaying them.  Their screams just echoing through those busy streets.  Nobody doing anything, just watching in silent horror.  I am sure that someone would call the authorities, or try to be the hero, but you could always plan well enough to make sure that if that were to happen you would be prepared and able to squash any attempt at helping your victim.  You could even lower them into something hot, watch them boil slowly, or use a chainsaw and cut them to bits little by little. How about putting them in stocks and allow all those sex offenders out there to have a turn.  Shit, you would be a fucking youtube star in no time at all.

Just imagine all those wonderful sickening things that could be done.  All in the light of day.  I bet Mothers would clutch their little shits just a little bit tighter for the rest of the day just trying to keep them safe.  We all know however that they are never safe, are they?

Dead Fuck Doll

snuff phone sexI woke up on a cold metal medical-like table, naked and could feel the cold air hitting my exposed pussy. I couldn’t move any part of my body or speak, but I was still awake and could feel you touching me. You were standing over me with a saw. Started at my thighs, sawing one at a time all the way through my layers of flesh and meat and bone to the table until my leg was no longer attached to me anymore. With each movement of the saw, the pain was unbearable. I couldn’t scream. You tossed it off to the side like a piece of trash. Then you did the same to the other leg. Thrown. Trash. You slid me down the table and stuck you cock in my bloodied cunt and vigorously fucked it until I was cold and as stiff as your cock after bleeding out all over the table, floor and your cock. Then you used a hammer, broke my jaw, and fucked my mouth, forcing your huge cock all the way down my throat and into my esophagus. Feeling every ridge of my hollow throat. You grabbed my head so rough clumps of my brown hair were ripped from my dead scalp. You little dead fucking doll.

He took it all the way

snuff sexOh I had the most fucked up twisted kind of date last night and it was so hot! Me and this sexy motherfucker were out looking for little bitches to star in one of our fucked up movies when we came across this little blonde whore all alone. It was easy enough to get her to go with us, she was already scared and alone and I can seem really sweet when I need to. We took her back to my place and that’s where she started to realize that she had made a big mistake coming with us. My house is filled with scary weapons and bloody souvenirs from past killings, she took one look and tried to run away… too bad for her that there was no escape. We tortured her little body and fucked all her holes but that little whore had the nerve to die on us before we were finished fucking her, can you believe the nerve? Well, we weren’t going to let a little thing like death stop our fun, we just kept on fucking her little dead body until we were all satisfied!