tonight at the club I was digging on this sexy motherfucker. We were dancing and grinding all night on each other not uttering one fucking word to one another. But each of us knowing what was going to happen at the end of the night when they turn on the lights and kick us out the club. Well needless to say when that happens we are heading back to my place for a wild fucking time. Once inside this sexy motherfucker grabbed me by the throat throwing me into the wall hard as hell. Then he pulls his knife out cutting off my shirt at the same time cutting my nipple a little bit. Oh, it felt so fucking good I had hoped this guy was going to use the knife more of on my milky white flesh. Even better I hope he goes all the way tonight and takes my life after he treats me like i am nothing but a piece of white slut trash.
Tag: Sadistic phone sex
Brutall Sexy Motherfucker
Ass Rape Porn
He made me his ass rape porn star for him and his friends. I was high and drunk; my no didn’t resonate well. If it did, they didn’t care. They were punk ass high school boys. They knew who I was. Everyone in the community knows me. I was walking home from my local bar and they were skateboarding. One of them asked me for a cigarette and I muttered something about they were too young to smoke. Then they grabbed me. They started saying things like, “We aren’t too young to fuck you bitch.” They pinned me down on the sidewalk and took turns fucking my ass and cunt. For teen boys, they were brutal. They used their fists and even their baseball bats. They kicked me, spit on me, even pissed on me. I was fighting until I new it was futile. I have been force fucked before, I will be again. I just let my head go to someplace else until they were done. They were teen boys, so it took longer for them to finish. I smelled like a hobo when they were done. They doused me in alcohol to erase any DNA. I wasn’t going to the cops. I am taboo phone sex whore, shit like this happens to be daily.
When my dad needs to make a quick buck, he pimps me out to any man who wants me. My body belongs to him, not me. The men who use me know that they can do anything to me no matter how sick, fucked up, or violent. I think daddy loves seeing me come home after I’ve been pimped out and seeing how I’ve been beaten bloody and used like a toy. He makes me lift up my skirt and show him my worn out pussy and asshole so he can see how well I’ve been fucked. Sometimes I’m still dripping with blood and cum, but he likes that. He gets off on knowing his daughter is a worthless slut that gets fucked for cash while he pockets all of the money and I get nothing. My poor body is covered in scars and marks from where he and countless other men have beaten and abused me. They’re like trophies for him though, every mark is a reminder of how he owns me and can do anything that he wants to me. He reminds me of this by beating me bloody and forcing his cock into any hole that he wants and fucking me bloody until I’m screaming. He’s always thinking of horrible new ways to torture me and make me beg for death. I know that someday he’ll snuff me out for good, when I’m all used up and no man wants a scarred and beaten broken little whore. I try to please him because I’m so terrified of stepping out of line and making him mad. I don’t even fight back anymore, even when he’s force fucking my ass or choking me with his cock, because I’m afraid if I make him angry enough he’ll kill me. I’m terrified of him.
They used me so hard!
The men I was sold too were feeling especially sadistic today, they wanted to make some ass rape porn and guess who got to star in their movie? Yup, that’s right, me. I was already so sore and swollen from last night but I knew better than to say no to them, I just got dressed and got down on my hands and knees like they told me to. The pain was so severe that I had to scream but that didn’t bring me any mercy, if anything it just made them fuck me harder! There were more men than I could count, they were fucking me for hours and hours and I thought for sure that my death time was coming soon but it just would never end. I was praying for death but that just made them laugh at me harder, they were getting rougher and rougher and I didn’t know how much more I could really take! Eventually it all ended, they left me beaten and bruised all curled up in a corner waiting to die. I didn’t even get a last meal, only a belly full of cum. I wonder if this is it, will I die this time?
She was so cute after she died
I found the most adorable little brat this morning so I brought her home for some fun. She was happy to play games with me until she figured out that all the games I wanted to play were all causing her pain. She tried to run away but how could she? She was far too small and weak to get out of my house. I tortured that little whore for hours but I started to get bored with it. So I called a few friends over and let them fuck that little whore to death. She struggled and screamed the whole time and all that screaming got me so fucking wet! I had to get one of my sexy friends to fuck me too I wanted to cum as she died. It was hot as fuck and even after death she was still cute… just a lot more bloody and bruised up.
Druggy Pain Slut
Mandy got a new man. And when I say, a new man, I mean her new drug dealer she is fucking. She is a coke and pill whore like me. Mandy and I got this pack between us when we get free drugs we share. Her man is a big black dude with a thick BBC. And like most black men he loves watching his black dick disappear in white slut flesh. Right away Mandy mentioned me to him. She told him I was just as much of a druggy pain slut as she is for the right price. Carmine offered us an 8-ball of coke and bag of skittled pills for us to split. Lol, he had us at 8-ball.
Snuff Sex Makes My Muff Wet
Snuff sex gets my muff wet. I like watching it, but I love making it too. I will make it with a male or female, young or old, black or white. I just love to kill and torture. I was hanging out the other night with this super hot guy. He was a Goth like me. Things were going great until he got naked and I saw a teenie weenie. I was like the what the fuck? He told me he had an 8-inch cock. He was a far cry from that. He was standing in front of me like a dickless Marilyn Manson. He was proud of his dick. I told him it was a clit stick instead of a dick. I asked him to leave. I was not fucking a small dick. He tried to force himself on me. Boy, did he have the wrong girl for that. He was about ready to star in my next homemade snuff porn. Before I killed the loser, I cut off his balls and his dick. I Lorena Bobbitted his loser clit stick. At least John Bobbitt had a dick that could be found. I could feed this loser’s dick to my goldfish. He never saw it coming when I grabbed my knife and made a few swipes. Holy fuck he bled a lot for such a small dick. He cried like a baby too. I just made him the girl he should have been born. I was just going to castrate him until he started crying like a bitch. I wanted to make the torture fun last, but he was too fucking annoying, so I slit his throat. I do my best to not engage in a crime of passion, but he had it coming for disappointing me. I have killed for less.
New Slave for Us
It took some convincing master, but I finally got the slut that you asked for. I’ve spent the last 2 weeks making her feel comfortable around so that we can turn her into fucked up little plaything. This morning I told her I wanted to go with me to a party I heard about. It didn’t take much for that dumb bitch to fall into my trap. I followed your instructions just like you said, master. Bring her by building and wait for you to grab her. So now that the cunt is in the next room, what should we do with her master? I want to hear her scream as you whip her bloody. I want her face to turn blue while we choke the shit out of her. If I’m a good fucking slave do I still get to have her make me cum once before we throw her away? You said this time I’d get to have fun too.
Don’t start something you can’t finish
Sadistic phone sex is best with a slut that deserves getting strangled and muliated. My mom brings over her boyfriends, and I always seduce them this time I messed with the wrong man. I was teasing him so much he lost it on me. I gave him a lap dance and he was beginning to reach under my skirt. I pushed him away and went about my buisness. In the bath I went to rub one out. Well mommy’s new fling had another plan. I was grabbed and dragged out of the tub. I was given a beating I would always remember. The rage in his eyes was like nothing I ever seen. Don’t start something you cant finish little whore. Slap after slap I was recieving a brutal attack till I was drenched in blood. Once I was all bloody and screaming in agony thats when he fucked my cunt an ass. The bloodier I got the more excited he was. I was his slave for the night.
Fuck, Kill, Eat : Killer phone Sex
Your wife went into labor at the park as I was picking you a bratkin out! Nothing this perfect has happened to this killer phone sex whore in a long fucking time. I calm her as we head past the hospital I get out and tell her an ambulance is meeting us, but instead, I use ether to put her out and stuff her back in the back seat. She starts to fucking scream when she starts to wake up. She can’t fucking move, she reaches down to her stomach and her gaping twat. Blood is everywhere. She burst out and screams again! I know she hears her fresh from the womb brat screaming. I lift her head up to show her that brat cooking in the big oven. She is going to taste so fucking good too. Your whore of a wife screams as she watches you rubbing your hard cock. You tore that bastard fucktyke apart before I threw her in the flames. I fucking hate hearing her scream. I put a ring in her mouth that stops that fucking bitch from closing her mouth. Now slide your cock down her fucking throat. Force that fucking cunt to finally suck your cock. While I shove my fist up her oiled pussy, fisting her whore hole so I can stuff her with seasonings to make her taste even better. Her whore cunt is so fucking wet. I think she loves smelling her brat cooking as you throat fuck that whore! I tie a noose around your cheating wife’s neck. Thirty BBC come in to make gangbang rape porn with her forced birth body. Between the fuckings, you tell her how many brats you have rape fantasy killed and gotten rid of, and it is all her fault. Now she will pay as the men cum on her body one after another and hoist her to the rafters where she strangles to death. I throw her carcass in with her brat for our killer feast tonight. Come on come all to the killers’ feast. We fuck, kill, and eat the remains.