Tag: roleplay phone sex

Killer Phone Sex with Snuff Slut Toni

killer phone sex

Disgusting perverts with nasty minds are always fun to talk to. Thankfully, tonight I got to talk to one. An actual sex offender too! Just my type. There’s nothing I like more than a filthy and creative mind and he definitely had one.
Getting on the registry didn’t cure him of anything and I’m glad because he wouldn’t be as much fun to talk to if it did. All it did was “feed the demon” just like he said. Listening to all those stories in the therapy he was forced to go to only gave him ideas, most of which he’d never had before. I would have loved to be in that room, I’m actually jealous that I wasn’t!
Later he told me about sneaking into his sister’s room like a naughty little boy when he was a brat. He wasn’t doing this to check on them either, his intentions were never innocent when he crept into their room. Once he was inside he would take his hard, throbbing cock out and press against his sister’s face. Sometimes, even trying to force it between their lips.
Then, finally we started talking about all the twisted things I’ve done. I could hear him breathing heavy, I could tell how much he loved it. I told him about all the little throats I slit, and all the little sluts I’ve tortured. What really sent him over the edge was when I told him about how I popped this one little whore’s eyeball with a spoon and watched her get skull fucked by a big fat cock. It was so hot that he came before I talk about how her brains poured out around that guy’s cock. Maybe another time.

killer phone sex

Frat to kill

Ass Rape Porn Langley

I was so excited about being asked to a frat party by some of the most handsome guys on campus I wasn’t prepared for what would happen next. I was here on scholarship from the UK as one of the best cheerleaders in the world. It was a representation that got old pretty fast and made it hard to make friends. So when I was invited I was more than excited to go. I couldn’t wait to call my parents and tell them not to send a plane ticket to get home. Putting on my favorite skirt and blouse set I was ready to go and have a good time. I wanted to really have a good time on campus for once.
Grabbing my hand we stepped out into the cool night air it was chilly so he offered me his jacket and I took it and wrapped it around my shoulders. Walking at night on campus we had been told never to walk alone and you know the old speeches they normally give. Getting to his car and climbing in, I strapped on my seat belt and glanced over at my date, we never saw it coming as five people rushed down the hill to the car. I didn’t know or see them around campus before. Shattering the glass and throwing my date to the ground, I felt the tear of his pants as one of them used the glass to tear his flesh and shove it up his ass. Pulling by my hair out of the car, I was hit and hit again with the glass and stripped out of my clothes .I felt the glass cut through my flesh and the ripping of my clothes that were now shreds on the ground. Looking up I saw more people couldn’t tell if they were boys or girls running down the hill. Pulling me to my feet I was carried to a car and thrown against the window so hard I am sure I broke the glass. Soon the darkness was on me and the games were just beginning…..

Blasphemy Phone Sex with Toni: Torturing the Sheep

Blasphemy phone sex

Nothing is more pathetic to me than people who go to church or believe in a god. I don’t care what god you worship, it’s pathetic! Christians and Catholics are the worse though. That’s not just my opinion that’s a fact. A lot of the people you see flocking to church every Sunday, or sometimes even twice a week, are just as morbid and twisted as me. In their minds, they’re saved so anything they do in this life is forgiven as long as they ask for redemption. At least that’s what they like to think.blasphemy phone sex
One of my favorite things to do is kidnap these stupid bitches and torture them until they loose every once of their faith. Just loosing faith in god isn’t enough for me, I want them loose faith in everything including their salvation and humanity. Their last seconds on earth will be so horrible that there won’t be any flash backs, there won’t be time to reflect on the past. All there will be is pain and anguish.
The Hell the created to scare people into following their beliefs will be their only reality and I always love every second of it. Watching them suffer and squirm, listening to them beg for their sad little lives–it’s what I live for!
One time I even forced a pastor of a small Baptist church to wear heels and shoved a crucifix up his ass. Fucking him with that crucifix hard and deep was one of my favorite memories of all time. Don’t think he didn’t deserve it! They all do! He’s rolling in money while all the members of his church struggle and they’re all blind to it too. Don’t worry, those sheep aren’t of the hook. They all got pictures in the mail, it was a warning that I’m coming for them too.

blasphemy phone sex

Fantasy phone sex with Ivy

Evil phone sex

It started out as fun. My dope dealer came by with some new crystals. I offered him a few lines. As we were getting high we started messing around with each other. I danced for him, rubbed my pussy in his face. Laughed as he got hard. He grabbed my arm and told me to do something about it. I asked him what I would get. He tossed a sac on the table. I laughed at him again, which made me angry. “You couldn’t handle me. Take a another line and get the fuck out.” His grip got tighter around my arm. ” I like it rough, You can not do it the way I like it.”

Roleplay phone sex He slapped me in the face, it was hard but nothing what I like. “Hahahaha you hit like a bitch.” He punched me this time, making my lip bleed. I got in his lap and started to kiss him. I bit his lip real hard as I wrapped my hands around his neck. He pushed me off. “You is a crazy bitch. Alright bitch. Lets do this.”
He got up and grabbed my hair. He pulled me by my hair to the table. He picked me up and started to take my clothes off. I kept fighting him. I kicked, punched and elbowed him in the eye. He got real fucking mad and slammed me down on the table. I was laughing as he grabbed me by my throat. “Do you want to fucking die whore?” I nodded no, playing innocent. “Then you are going to do every fucking thing I tell you to do.”

Taboo phone sex

I nodded again as he sat down and told me to take my clothes off. I slowly took off my shirt and jean shorts. He had his cock out and was stroking it. “Get down on your knees bitch. Suck this big dick.” I licked my lips and got down, I started to open my mouth when he grabbed my hair again. “No teeth you crazy bitch. If I feel one tooth I’ll kill you.”
I smiled and wrapped my lips around his cock. I was sucking it for a good 10 minutes and then I grabbed the tip of his cock and bit that mother fucker. “Next time you think you are a bad ass mother fucker, think of me bitch.” I spit in his face and dragged his ass out of my apartment. I think I need a new dope dealer!


Fantasy Phone SexIf you know anything about Greco-Roman Mythology then you know who Arachne is, if not, I will take a moment of My precious time to enlighten you.  She was a mortal woman who was turned into a Spider woman by Athena.  There are various versions of the story, but the one thing that remains the same is that she was turned into a Half woman/Half spider. 

Today I had the honor of doing one of the most sensually deviant roleplays of My Sadistic life.  In essence I was Arachne but with a twist.  I crept into his bed one leg at a time, showing him my beautiful face, my lovely breasts and of course My gorgeous spider abdomen.  I used a special spindle that I could protrude from my pussy/mouth and plunge into his cock.  I deposited as much venom as I could, fucking him, drawing him in deeper and deeper into my undulating abdomen.  I wrapped all of My legs around him, holding My prey steady as my proboscis snaked out of my grinning mouth so that I could force it down his throat to feed. 

While I pumped my sharp spindle into his now overly swollen cock, I told him how I needed his seed so that he could fertilize My eggs.  My spider offspring needed to be born.  They would mature in the same room where his lifeless husk of a body would be left for them to have something to eat once they hatched.  Which I thought was rather nice of Me.

I loved every single minute of this fantasy and I honestly hope I get to speak to My willing, horny victim again soon.

Roleplay phone sex

Mutilation phone sex Makayla

Today daddy was different. He walked down the stairs with a look in his eyes that scared me. He put my collar on me and then grabbed another daughter. Last time this happened one of the girls never came back. As we walked up the stairs I knew one of us or both of us were never coming back to the comfort of my little pallet beds. We would never see our tiny holes that we called home. Once we were upstairs daddy stripped us naked. He was looking over our bodies. He finally handed me a basket full of clothes pins. He grabbed Gabby and slammed her down on the table. Daddy is so strong. He strapped a choke collar on her and tied it tight to the table. He tied her arms and legs down. He told me to get started. I pinched her skin and pulled up as much as I could on her malnourished body. After I pinched and pinned as much as I could, then daddy pulled out his knife and started to make little cuts on her body. asking her if it made her pain go away. She was still crying and screaming in pain. He told me to make her shut up. He handed me a pair of pliers and told me to be creative. I took the pliers and pulled out her tongue piece by piece. The look in her eyes as she watched me do this will haunt me till I die. I don’t know what happened to her after daddy kicked me down the stairs. But we never saw her again. 

Family Rape Porn Fantasy with Blair: Forced Son Gangbang

rape phone sex fantasies mommy whoreI thought my boys only had rape phone sex fantasies, like most horny men.  Turns out they wanted to explore a family rape porn fantasy they have had for their mommy since they were little boys. I love my sons, but they are really hardcore and abusive in the bedroom. When my boys fuck they do a ton of cocaine, making them animalistic. Many a girlfriend has cried on my shoulder after my boys have essentially used her.  I raised them better than that, but they love to make a bitch cry. Love to film themselves fucking and sharing a girl like she was a piece of meat.

They got in some trouble at a hotel; unable to pay their bill so they called their mommy for some cash. I agreed to go to this no tell motel  against my better judgment. I was likely gonna find some poor girl dead or in a pool of vomit, piss, cum and blood. When I got there, the joke was on me. The bitch they planned on violating tonight was me, their own mother. I walked right into a trap. My oldest son slapped me so hard in the face for protesting that he knocked a tooth out. My other sons started grabbing me rather violently. My clothes were ripped from my body, my hair pulled, fingers and fists shoved up my pussy and ass, they even spit on me. I was screaming and begging for mercy. Trying to reason with them that this is not how you treat your mother. I knew they were animals in the bedroom, but up until now, they were animals to some stupid coed, never their mother.

family rape porn fantasy mommy gangbangOne son gripped my throat so hard, I thought for sure he would crush my trachea. While I was gasping for air, they fisted my cunt and ass, putting two even three fists in me at once, all the while forcing me to suck their cocks. They not only shot loads of hot jizz down my throat but they pissed down my mouth too. The ultimate degradation. My boys were violating me in the worst way. And if that was not shameful enough, they were filming me. This was a far cry from the mother son porn Kay Parker did in the 80s. Despite having all dumped a load down my throat, they were still hard to torture my ass.  They forced their cocks into every one of mommy’s holes. My ass and pussy were bloody and swollen like raw meat.

gangbang rape porn redhead mommy whoreI was crying, pleading for mercy. I couldn’t believe they were forcing their own mother to be a dirty fuck toy.  It’s like they forgot they came out of the pussy they were violating. Hours and hours of anal torture, being a human cum dump and toilet, even a breeding whore by the men I brought into this world. I felt abused, violated and humiliated. When their cocks were drained, they kicked me out of the hotel room, naked and bound. My sons are animals. The only reason they did not snuff me out is because they hoped they had bred me. Apparently pregnant porn  is a big cash cow too. Not sure if I can handle another family fuck fest like this one.

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Hit Girl

Murder phone sex fantasiesEvery once in a while you meet someone who is so fucked up in the head you just have to look at them in awe.  Those are my kind of people!  I have a friend who I have known for about two years and he is one of these people.  He will scare you, not jump out and scream BOO scare you, but full on make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end when he walks into the room scare you.  I adore him.

This dude managed to fall in love.  Yes this surprised me, along with everyone else.  The woman he fell in love with was for lack of a better term…normal.  Not one freaky thing about her not even any ink or piercings but some how they ‘loved’ each other.  Well, up until a couple of months ago.  Seems that my friend’s craziness got the better of him and started to think his girl was fucking about on him.  Now from what I knew and had seen of her, she didn’t strike me as the type of woman who would do that.  She was always by his side if she wasn’t at work, she used his cell phone because she didn’t have her own, and as far as I know she hardly ever went on the net.  See what I mean about her not striking me as someone who fucks about on their man?

I asked him why he thought that and he said that he found a bunch of guy’s names written down in her appointment book.  I was like, “hello, it’s an appointment book! Of course there are going to be names of guys in there.”  However, he pointed out that there were times for them to meet and when she came back from these meetings she was always off a little bit. Alright, I can see why he thought she was going around on him.  Did he want to break up with her? Nope. Did he want to just stop seeing her? Nope.  Motherfucker wanted me to kill her.

Yup went from being crazy in love to just down right crazy.  Being the good friend I am, I said, “Sure.” That’s what friend’s do right?  Sooooooooooo, I know that before him she was dating a chick.  I know my shit is good so I said I would see if I could get her alone with me then I would do it.  I asked her and she said, that she would love to see me naked but couldn’t do anything because she was in a relationship. Again, not something someone who fucks around says, but I already told him I would.  Now I’m here, sitting and waiting for her to come to my house.  I am going to answer the door naked because less clean up for me if I am nude.  I’m not sure how I am going to do the deed yet, but I am sure I will come up with something.  The shit I do for friends…I swear.

An Angry Black Man

Rape phone sex fantasiesI met him at a bus stop.  He was looking at me to the point where I actually felt uncomfortable.  I finally asked him what the fuck was he looking at.  He said loudly that I look like the bitch his grandmother works for.  I told him that I was not the bitch he thought I was.  He said he knew but I still looked like her.  I asked him why he referred to the person that his grandmother worked for as a bitch.  He told me that she treated his grandmother badly and didn’t pay her enough for all the work she did.  This gave me an idea.

I asked him what he would do if he could do what ever he wanted to her to get back at her for the way she treats his grandma.  He laughed and said, “If only!” I said, “What if you pretended that I was her since I look a lot like her.”  He told me that I must be shitting him, I told him I wasn’t.  I gave him my number and made it very clear that he could do what ever he wanted, that I was into pain.  I got on my bus and I hadn’t heard from him so I thought he would never call.

Eventually he did.  He sounded a bit unsure when I showed up, but I told him that I wouldn’t go to the cops, and I went into great detail about my recent past and how it excited me.  He then asked me what if he goes too far, I said then you go to far, I don’t care.  It took a bit but he finally got into it.  I’ll tell you what, he ragged out my cunt worse than I have ever had it before.  He slapped me around, he choked me with not only his hands but his cock as well.  He used me and violated me in every way he could come up with. 

I had so much cum of his on my face at the end that it looked like I stuck my face in marshmallow fluff. It was just what my pain slut self needed.  When he finally was exhausted he went to say he was sorry about how brutal he was.  I told him to save it, I loved it and if he ever was that pissed off again at the bitch who employed his grandma that he should call me.  I gave him a kiss and left.

I am daddy’s whore

I made daddy so happy on our date that he has given me more food and a extra blankets to keep me warm. He came down stairs today and he cuddled with me! I couldn’t believe it. While we were cuddling daddy started playing with my pussy. He whispered in my ear telling me he loves how wet I get for him. He wanted to play but I was expecting he wanted to play the way he wanted. He started spanking me, hard. So hard that he was leaving hand prints on my body. He rolled me over and spit in my face.

” You are daddy’s fucking whore.”

I nodded my head yes. He punched me hard in the face.

“Tell daddy what you are.”

His powerful punch made my head dizzy and fuzzy, when I didn’t answer right away daddy hit me again this time busting my eyebrow open. With the blood running down my face and aching I whispered

“I am daddy’s whore.”

That wasn’t good enough he punched me again and it felt like my head was hallow.

Rape phone sex fantasies

I could feel his erection pressing into my thighs. I was dazed as he ripped off my panties, and stuck two fingers inside of me. He growled and punched me again in the face.

“Get wet you fucking worthless whore.”

I looked at him with blood and tears running down my face and whispered

“I am trying to be a good whore for daddy and get wet but daddy you keep hurting me.”

The anger in his eyes scared me.

Rape phone sex fantasies

He grabbed my neck with one hand and started punching me in the face with the other hand.

“Does this hurt you stupid fuckin’ cunt? Good bitch I want it to fucking hurt.”

He pried my knees open with his legs sat up and slammed his cock into my dry pussy. He fucked me so hard I was raw and bleeding. His cum burned as he came inside of me. The last thing I remember  was

“You are a worthless fucking whore.”

My body hurts so bad. I don’t want to make daddy angry again.. I am his worthless whore. I deserve everything daddy does and I am thankful for my punishment. It wasn’t his fault. I mad him angry.