Tag: roleplay phone sex

Substitute Teacher

Roleplay phone sex1

My teenage niece had been crying over this boy for a couple of weeks; then, she got angry, which made me proud. I’ve never understood why anyone would rely on someone else for their happiness. The woodshop teacher, a friend of mine, asked the turd to return to school later that evening to finish up a project for extra credit. Of course, when he got there, I was there…with one of my most sadistic friends. The shit-head flirted with me, even though I told him that I was a substitute teacher. And, I was going to teach him something alright…
We pressed his fingers directly on the sanding machine. As he yelled out in pain, I told him, “You deserve much worse. In fact, if I could kill you multiple times, I would.” I pushed his blonde curls next to the machine next and watched the blood spurt all over my goggles. It is always amazing how much blood is in the head. My friend, whom I love for his twisted sense of humor, was drilling holes in each one of the young boy’s toes. We nailed him to one of the bookshelves that someone was making; then, we used the electric nail gun on him; we laughed, counting double points for stapling anywhere he was bloodied or bruised. Using sandpaper and a file, we ridded him of what remained of his nipples so there were gaping holes in his chest. He was losing consciousness, so we had only a few more minutes. We used a file to carve out his abdomen and take out his intestines…stringing them along the bookcase. The finishing touches, of course, were mine: I chopped off his cock and shoved it into his mouth. I thought it was all poetic. I delighted in taking pictures for the photography class and draped them all over the adjacent room.

Blazing Malice

So I’m sure by now you’ve heard the rumors going around. Blaze and I are pretty much best friends now, and we do everything together. Even babysit. She brings the video cameras, and I bring the ‘lil ones. Last night was Friday, so we were babysitting for the Mclachlans and their two twins. A tiny little boy and a cute younger girl with an itty-bitty twat. I told Blaze I wanted to watch her brother stick his baby boner into his sister’s pussy hole. But with a twist . . . how hot would it be to make them pretend to be our pets? We could force them to meow or else get sprayed in the face with a spray bottle full of cleaning fluid. She said that type of torture kink would make us a fortune because they’re identical twins and furry friend porn is hot. While she was setting up the equipment, I got us some lines of Coke to ski with and tied down the two little brats. Their eyes were so wide with fear when I told them that we were going to do to have fun. I had to gag the teeny girl with Mr. Mclachlan’s filthy boxers that still had some dried cum in them. She wouldn’t stop crying. I bet they were all creamed-in because her dad got off on stripping his young daughter naked to ‘help her change clothes.’ Don’t you think? Maybe I’ll pull him aside and offer him a nice copy of the DVD of his little daughter playing with her toy blocks like a kitty on her hands and knees. That naked baby girl ass will be all spread open for her lion brother to poke from tight holes behind.  Oh, I can’t wait for Blaze and I to finish editing this footage!

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Cassandra: Hurt a Rich Bitch


rape phone sex fantasies bondage pain slut

Before waking up in this dingy disgusting bathroom, the last thing I remember is having a Pixie Stix Martini with this nice young guy at Malone’s. How did I go from an upscale bar to this? As I sat there on the floor trembling, I could hear guys peeing. I asked for help; asked where I was, but I was ignored. I started crying, sobbing actually. No chivalry in this dump. Suddenly the door slammed open, and a guy dragged me by my hair across a dirty tiled floor into a dungeon like room. I was in trouble and I was really scared. So scared, I peed my panties. I started begging for an explanation, pleading to be let go, offered up money. “My daddy is super rich” I said, “He will give you whatever you want.” I was met with a hard slap across the face, and a “Your daddy doesn’t have what we want.” That guy then ripped my clothes off and his friends surrounded me. They began tying me up, kicking me, spitting on me, calling me a stuck up rich bitch. I was so scared.

I actually passed out for awhile. When I awoke, I was tied up spread eagle and had a huge cock in my ass and every hole I have was being violated. Two cocks in my mouth gagging me. I tried to resist but they just got rougher with me. They punched me in the stomach, smacked me across the face, throttled my throat till I passed out from lack of oxygen and when I would come to, they just repeated the cycle of abuse. They kept saying I was a cock tease and a stuck up whore who needed to be put in her place.  I have explored rape phone sex fantasies before, but this was no fantasy. This was real. I was drugged, kidnapped and abused for hours by complete strangers. I had cocks in every hole I got. I was covered in cum. I had bruises and restraint marks all over my body. My face was swollen and bloody from being battered. My ass was bleeding and I think they tore my vagina. I’m not a virgin, but my thighs were covered in blood too. When they were done using and abusing me sexually, they laughed and took pictures of me. I was in the fetal position, crying on that dirty floor, begging for mercy.

Mercy never came. Only fear, only pain, only darkness.

School Nurse

Medical fetish phone sexAll the shits are out of school.  I think summer vacation for the masses is a severe detriment to the education of the young.  There is nothing more irritating then to arrive some place only to find screaming snot machines with their Parents.  Family day they call it.  I call it a nuisance.  They should be in some sort of state run educational program instead.  Perhaps that way they will have a better grasp on what to expect from life, and actually make something of themselves besides fat. 

I would love to be the School Nurse at a state ran mandatory educational institution.  If they didn’t shut up in class, showed lack of attention or manners then they would be sent to me.  Mandatory cavity searches at the start of each day would be administered with as much care as one would give to a gutter whore.  If they refused, then an enema would be administered until they expunged what ever it is that they were trying to hide. 

If they became injured then I would mend them.  If stitches were needed, then they would feel the needle pierce their tender flesh as the cat gut was crisscrossed to close up their wounds.  No anesthetic needed, it is too expensive and they had not earned it.  If they perhaps dislocated a limb, then I would yank the appendage out and re-adjust it so that it would slip back into the socket.  Imagine what type of people they would be if they were to Graduate from this type of environment.  No more thinking the world owes them something, no more being spoiled by stupid parents.  They would be educated, strong and I am sure they would always remember their school nurse Sin.

Gothic Girls Rule

torture-phonesex-karmaI love the darker side of life. Things that go bump in the night. I am the firl with wild dark hair. The one that has tattoos and body piercings. When you see me from across the room with my dark eyeliner and pale skin, you know I am in the forbidden zone. I love the dark and tabboo fantasies and fetishes. Normal, everyday vamilla sex is such a drag. I want to kiss you and bite your lower lip drawing blood and tasting it. Tonight I am going to trun a sweet young cheerleading type into a real goth girl. She has no idea what she is in for She will never go back to the sweet little thing she once was. I have the perfect outfit for her, all the makeup and some special little dark and twisted treats to indtroduce her to. Tonight I am the teacher and she is the student and by the dark of the night I will fill her soul with blackness. My cunt is tingling with anticipation. There is no turning back now!

The Soccer Mom

Taboo Phone Sex

Ahhhh.  The Soccer Mom.  The topic of many of conversation.  I fucking HATE Soccer Moms.  They for the most part are just slaves to their families.  To me slaves are to be abused, used, and then tossed aside when they are done being useful.  However, they can be used for other things.  Things that the common person would never think of using them for.

Take for instance Leslie.  Leslie used to live very close to me, her and her three little demons. I would see her loading them up into their minivan, yelling for them to hurry up, her looking like she had been tortured by a make up artist on crack.  She was just a fucking mess.  To top it all of, she was just a bitch.  She thought her little vagina bullets were the best things on earth.  The fuck they were.  Three tiny little bitches in training to be just like their Mother.

You know about my friend.  I have mentioned him so many times in my blogs before.  He was over when he heard Leslie screaming for her bitches to get in the damn van, they were late!  He started to laugh and told me he had an idea.  He stayed at my place until Leslie got home, as soon as she pulled up, he hauled ass over to her driveway.  I had no clue what the hell he was doing.  I saw him point at me in the window and Leslie waved at me.  Her idiot botched abortions started to run toward my place.  My friend was walking behind them with Leslie.

I opened the door and gave him a WTF look, he winked at me.  I just shrugged, as soon as the door shut he picked up the poker from my fire place and cracked Leslie across that back of the head with it.  The bitches started to wail.  He walked over to them and smacked them all across the face, they shut up pretty damn quick.  He looked at me and told me to help him.  We hauled the baby maker up the stairs, stripped her, tied her up, gagged her, then tied the wee bitches together and tethered them to the radiator.

Once the Soccer Mom woke up, it was torture time.  Have you ever smelled burnt flesh? The way his dick jumped when he held that knife blade against her skin right after he held the blow torch to it was amazing to watch.  When he was done there was no more Leslie, and her bitch babies were full of his cum, and full of his knife blade wounds.

Roleplay Phone Sex

Roleplay phone sexRoleplay phone sex is so much fun for me when I am completely in charge and I have the ability to highlight my sadistic abilities. When you show up at my house I open the door wearing only my bra, a tiny black skirt and some stockings. You reach for me right away, but I stop you and say “Don’t you want to role play my fantasy first, Baby?” You reluctantly say yes, so I lead you to my play room. I ask you to lay on the bondage table, so you do. You seem a little nervous as I tie up your left arm and leg, then work my way to your right leg and arm. I double and triple check your bindings to make sure you are snug and securely tied down.

You stare at me as I walk around you several times just observing my handiwork. As you tried to speak I shoved a cock shaped gag in your mouth and latched it shut. It was this moment you noticed her sitting in the corner intently watching as I prepared you for what was about to happen next. In almost a whisper I explain to you that your wife was here because I called her. I called her right after I had first heard from you, and she paid me to help her get rid of you. I might have done it for free if she would’ve told me you hit her. Ah, but I digress – since you are a miserable worthless cock sucking piece of shit, your wife and I have decided to kill you slowly and painfully.

I hook electrodes up to your nipples, and one on the tip of your cock. I place one on each ball sac, then I press a button on the bed that raises your hips and gives me full access to your ass. I slide a cattle prod in your ass as far as it will go and I press the button. Your whole body jerked and I couldn’t help but laugh. Your sweet innocent wife is over there laughing her ass off too. She decided to hit the button on all the other electrodes and your whole body convulsed. Your cock was mysteriously harder than I’d ever seen it before. Your wife comes over and sits on your face, just rubbing that pussy all over you, and the gag won’t let you taste her will it.

I start stroking your cock as I work a steel sound down the shaft. I continue to stroke your cock but I pick up the pace. You start to scream behind the gag, but it’s no use – nobody can hear you. I stroke faster and faster, as your wife rubs her cunt allover your face bringing herself to a very satisfyingly hard orgasm. This causes your cock to spasm and you feel her cum all over your face. I squeezed as hard as I could, and you blew your load, and you were upset because the result of an orgasm while sounding is very painful. This continues on for several more hours until you can’t take it anymore, I lean over your face and suffocate you with my tits. I listen as you draw your last breath, and I’m sure I heard birds singing and chirping as they danced across the sky. This roleplay with you is one my favorites because you are unable to speak or move through most of it.


taboo phone sexShe lays there mesmerized by her growing belly.  She places soft hands upon her stretched out skin, feeling the little parasite move beneath her flesh.  She grabs her husband’s hand and places it on the rolling movement.  He smiles and kisses her forehead.  Soon they would become Parents, their whole family is excited, the very first rug rat is to arrive within days.  Her husband turns off the lights, he kisses his pregnant wife one last time, and just to be cute, he kisses her stomach.

She wasn’t sure how long she had been asleep but she woke up startled.  She looked at the clock and tried closing her eyes to go back to sleep, but something was off.  She opened her eyes, lifted up her head and listened.  She heard the slight breeze outside, then felt the breeze on her leg.  She didn’t remember leaving the window open, but perhaps her husband had gotten up and opened it.  Lord knows this being inside her belly made her hot one moment then cold the next.  She smiled and laid her head back down.

The ticking noise started in the far corner of the room.  She lifted her head once again, squinting her eyes to try to see into the thick darkness.  There it was again, this time it was coming toward her.  The hair on the back of her neck stood up, she reached out to wake her husband.  He wasn’t there.  She sat up and screamed his name, his body; limp, lifeless, was thrown from the corner.  She began to scream as the long, forked tongue wound it’s way out of the dark.  It flicked at the air around her stomach, she tried to slap it away, but it continued to it’s target.

Her eyes became wide with fear as the tongue plunged down into her navel, her body was wracked with pain.  She started to grab at the sheets, the night stand, she even prayed, but she was well beyond prayer.  From the corner came the creature to which the tongue came from.  It was grey, hairless, thin, it’s mouth was open to display row upon row of needle point teeth.  It jumped to the ceiling then down on top of her.  It continued to drink from her swollen stomach, she tried to fight it off, but nothing could save her, nor her fetus. 

In a matter of minutes the Aswang had had it’s fill, it disengaged it’s tongue, raked it’s claws over her now still body then made it’s way out of the open window to return to the nightmares from which it came. 

The Flip Side

snuff phone sexNow all you guys know I am not submissive, oh HELL no.  I do not believe in being someone’s bitch.  However, over the last couple of days a certain someone has phoned me.  They told me they wanted to ‘use’ me.  I said, “Use Me, how?”  They explained a little bit, and I thought, “Okay, what the hell, might be fun.”  So I ran his information, and off we went.

It went something like this.   I have a friend Jocelyn (actual real life friend, whom I actually hate, but whatever), who loves the pipe.  She takes me to her dealer’s place, he tosses a few bags of Happy Dust onto the table, and even sparks us up.  All is well and good, I start to feel good, Jocelyn is feeling good, EVERYBODY is feeling good.  Then, he puts some good ole Hera in it too, and sparks it up for me.  Now I don’t do Hera, only Happy Dust, so I was like, “What the fuck is going on?” Because the effects are almost immediate.  Dude slips me the Chocolate Rock and my skin starts to fucking itch. 

Before I know what the hell is happening, Jocelyn (whom I fucking cannot stand) is fucking making out with me. I’m almost fully undressed, and I have this guys dick buried inside me, but because I’m so fucking elevated, I’m just like, “Oh, this is nice.”, and laughing and shit.

Then this Dude tells Jocelyn to off me while he cums.  What…the…fuck! 

Anyway, the call was actually fun, I had a great time with it.  The next day we do another call, and it’s a continuation of the one we did the day before.  It was some pretty fucked up stuff, but again, I had a great time with it.  I think this is the only time I will be in any form ‘submissive’ because honestly, I just don’t do submission, it’s not for me, but being that the fantasy was so super jacked up, it worked out fine.

Please take note though.  I do NOT do submissive calls, only with this guy because, well, the story line was fucking amazing.  So do not call me up, and want me to crawl to you, because that won’t fucking happen, and I will politely direct you to someone else.  Well, at least as politely as I can. lol

Torture Phone Sex

torture phone sex

I brought in a medium sized package from the next room. There I found my captive, a young teenage girl who had spent several hours secured with chains to a steel table. I opened
the package. In my right hand, I held up the ornate metal object smiling approvingly. One end of the object consisted of four oval bronze leaves perfectly nested, each one covering half
of the leaf next to it. Together the four leaves formed an ovoid sphere. The other end of the object consisted of a large screw connected to a handle. I showed the object to my captive. Her hysteria turned into a silent abject fear. I brushed aside one of her tears and spoke. “Sweetie…this little toy is called a the ‘Pear of Anguish’. It DOES look like a pear, doesn’t it?” I did not
wait for an answer. “I found this little toy in a museum of medieval torture when I was vacationing in Salzburg last summer. I fell in love with it as soon I saw it. So, when I returned to the
states, I commissioned a sculptor who works with metal to make me one. Wasn’t that clever of me?” She started to cry again. I continued. “So, here’s the fun part! I am going to insert the pear into you vaginally. As you can see, it’s only a little bigger than a tampon. So…no problem. Then, I am going to ask you trivia questions. Each time you guess incorrectly, I will twist the handle of the pear one rotation counterclockwise, and the leaves of the pear will separate a bit applying pressure to your vaginal wall. And with each turn the pain becomes that much more unbearable. Oooh…I’m so excited! I can’t wait to play!” She screamed. I looked at her with mock disdain. “Tsk tsk…no complaining before the game even starts, young lady.” I forcibly spread her legs and carefully inserted the pear in her vagina. When I finished, I smiled. “OK, sweetie…ready for your first question?”