Tag: roleplay phone sex

Goth Teen Phone Sex Fisting

Goth teen phone sexThey had picked me up near the mountains in Colorado, and I was excited! They were girls around my age, and they promised a shopping trip and hangout. We did shop, and they even bought me a new outfit. Then, they invited me back to one of their house for a quick bite before they dropped me on the other end of town to carry on my way. They fed me, and when I started to feel weird, I knew. They’d drugged me and were half-carrying me to a bedroom. They got me situated on a bed, set up a camera, and started stripping me. They ran their hands all up and down my body for the camera, making sure to massage at my tits, thighs, pussy, and ass. Then, they flipped me and helped me get into doggy-style position. That was when it happened. She started sliding fingers into my ass – first one, then two, then three. Before I knew it, she had her whole hand inside of my ass, and was forcing it into a fist inside me. She started punching up into my innards as I held onto the bed for dear life. I couldn’t have moved if I had wanted to, so she plowed my ass for several minutes. Then, she pulled her hand out and started fingering herself and her friend with my ass juices. They came really pretty for the camera. Now that I’m on the road again, I’m seriously hoping they don’t post that to the net. That gets out, who knows what kind of weirdos will start looking for me.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies: What are Yours?

rape phone sex fantasiesI love rape phone sex fantasies calls. The idea of a stranger, even somebody I know, brutalizing my fuck holes makes my pussy drip. I have a caller who loves force fuck fantasies. Every time he calls, we role play a different violent fantasy. I cum every time too. This morning was extra hot. I was on my couch watching TV when there was a knock at my door. I was expecting an Amazon package, so I didn’t check to see who was at the door. This big burly stranger busted through my front door chain. He pushed me down on the couch. He tore my clothes from my body, slapped my face and told me I belonged to him. He said I was dirty little cock teaser who needed a lesson. He stated he had been watching me for weeks. I shake my ass like I think I am better than everyone. He was about to show me that I was nothing but a dirty fuck toy. Just a cum and piss receptacle. He gripped my throat so tightly, I gasped to breathe. He slammed his dick in my ass first, then my pussy. He enjoyed making me clean the shit off his dick. A dirty whore like me is a shit eater he informed me. My pussy was so wet. That didn’t go unnoticed by him. I tried to fight him off. I tried to tell him I didn’t want what he was doing to me. I pleaded to him to not cum in my pussy because I could get pregnant. He came in my pussy. Told me I better hope to God I get knocked up. He wants to force fuck a pregnant slut. He slapped me around, pinched my nipples so hard that they bled then left me on the couch with his cum pouring out of my swollen pussy. What are your taboo phone sex fantasies?

Mr. Z’s Sweet meat retreat

accomplice phone sexThe sound of tin cans clanging together woke me up. One of my damn sluts was trying to escape. I was pissed. This one was saved special for Mr. Z.  Usually I starved my victims to break them but this was a lucky one. She had a lunch invitation from a VIP. He liked his flesh in prime condition. It was hard, but I hadn’t even left a mark on her. He said that bruised meat tasted “gamey.” So, for the last 2 weeks while he was out of town, I had pampered that slut. I even rubbed her with the special lotion that he left. After this escape attempt, I just wanted to kick her ass though. The other meat dolls were too weak to escape. That’s how I preferred to keep them. My other clients were not quite as picky about their cuts of meat.

I licked my lips as I dreamed of her demise. Mr Z’s famous method of injecting the spices, the expert trussing, and that splash of secret sauce made all of our dinners delectable and bone sucking good. Working with him was such a joy and that first taste of a juicy finger or a slice of inner thigh made even a hardcore like me appreciate a choice cut of meat.


Neutered makes for a better pet.

castration phone sexLove those roleplays. Castration phone sex has to be the most fun as I watch you quiver and quake wondering if tonight is the night that you lose those fun bags. You always wanted to be a little faggot with a pussy anyway. So, just let me finish this job and make you into a panty slut.  I love fucking as much as anyone but some men shouldn’t be allowed to have the tools to procreate. You are one of them. Spreading your nasty seed and infection among women wherever you go. Knocking up pussies and making little bastards. Oh yes, I love “fixing” your kind. You don’t deserve that large pair of danglies. So, here’s a nice drugged beer and the crazy notion that I might let you fuck this pussy too.

Except this time you are the helpless one, waking up hogtied and your nutsac banded like a bull calf. It’s swollen like a purple balloon. So much more fun to pop them that way. I have my razor tipped stilettos on. Shall I dance all around your “boys” or just make it quick and clean with a straight razor. Or maybe, just slow and painful cuts until you are begging me to just end it all. Oh, I love being a dark, evil ball busting slut. I think you’ll be making this decision for me. Scream louder when I pick the right choice.

Cannibalism Phone Sex with Marley

Cannibalism phone sexI was picked up by this small group of very happy people. They shared their smokes with me, and offered me beer, and seemed like awesome people. They brought me back to a commune and shared food with me, and when I woke up, I was in a cage. I spent a week there, being force-fed, force-fucked, and mated with all kinds of furries. By the end of it, I was begging them to just kill me, so I shouldn’t have been so surprised when they told me that was the plan. I begged and cried the entire time they were bathing and prepping me, making sure I was clean clean clean, and I couldn’t understand why they wanted me so clean. Killer phone sexThen, they carried me in to the huge kitchen, and I finally got it. They curled me over on the table, and worked a huge pole into my ass, all the while I was screaming and struggling to even fall off the table, just to get away from that cold rod. I felt as it ripped through my guts, up my chest, and out of my mouth. I was trembling from the pain, fear, and exhaustion by that point, and then they picked up the pole and started carrying me outside. That’s when I saw the bonfire. They carried me straight to it, and then hoisted the spit over the fire, all while I continued to scream from the pain and humiliation of it all…

Gangbang rape porn fantasy

I was walking home and I do not live in the best of neighborhoods. It must have been around 9pm or so, and I noticed some scuffling behind me. I tried to quicken my pace and as I rounded the corner onto my block, I was grabbed and drug into a nearby alley. They then shoved me quickly into a garage that they had open and waiting and closed the garage door. The next few hours will full of sodomizing me, torturing me and forcibly raping fucking all of my holes over and over. I counted about for of them, they were in their 20’s it looked like. At one point there one guy had his cock in my ass as he had me straddling him, while another was behind me in my ass and the third was face fucking my mouth so I could not scream. The fourth was watching playing with his swollen fuck stick. They made me bleed, tore me open and then when they were done told me to keep my mouth shut and go the fuck home.

Gangbang rape porn

Our BBQ was a hit.

accomplice phone sexWe all sat down to celebrate with my accomplice phone sex meal. Of course, only you and I knew exactly was in those pulled pork sandwiches that everyone was chowing down on. We exchanged sly grins as the juices dripped from their chins. It made my pussy wet, knowing all of the effort we had put in was paying off. I laughed when someone complimented you on your delicious spicy sauce. Have another slice of ass, I wanted to say.

If only they had experienced our kidnapping of a fresh and perky young girl. This one was hand picked by you. I just made sure she came home with us. The poor little one begged for life and pleaded with you that she was a virgin, so please don’t rape her. Turns out that the only injection she got was with the cajun baster. I sunk that needle in deep to fill her with aromatic herbs in oil. Of course you added your own “secret sauce” to the mix.

Soon her beautiful carcass was slow roasting on the smoker. I’m sure the smoke quickened her demise. She screamed a few times as her fat dripped into the fire, making it flare up. Good thing we purge them before we cook them.

Mmmmmm, finger licking, cock slapping good. Care to join us?

Blasphemy phone sex

Blasphemy phone sex

I decided to take a religion class; I had taken them as a teen and forgot a great deal about it. Really, what teen is that into paying attention to religion, usually, you are just a raging ball of hard-ons and hormones. So anyway I was in this religion class and excused myself to go to the bathroom. The priest told me where it was but I got lost along the four thousand hallways of this church. So I just started opening doors. It never occurred to me that some of these doors might be the residence of the rectory’s nuns. I cracked open a door without knocking, and there were two nuns topless and enjoying each other’s touch. I have to say my pussy got instantly wet. The only sexual outlet for these nuns is one another. When I made my presence known they both shrieked a bit and quickly covered up. I stepped into their room and said it was ok, I just wanted to help.
They both were pretty leery which is understandable. I made my way over to them and started to help them both get out of their habits and be able to explore their naked bodies. I said that it would be a good idea to lock the door, but there were no locks on the doors … it creates barriers to other souls or some junk.
Come back next time to find out if they squirt are a first timer and where I smudged some cum near the priest’s pulpit.

Drown a cheating whore

suffocation phone sexSometimes a mouthy cheating whore needs some suffocation phone sex to shut that trashy,  cum slurping mouth. You called and told me about your cheating slut girlfriend who broke your heart. I may be evil and warped but I aint no fucking cheater.

I got all dressed up and headed out to the club where she hung out. She had her ass and tits hanging out, rubbing on every cock on the dance floor.  I decided to be her new BFF. I ground my pussy against hers and squeezed her tits, She followed me home for the promise of some drugs and my BF for a threesome.

You were waiting for us. She didn’t notice because she was so excited about the big bubble bath you had waiting for us. As soon as we were in it, making out, you came up behind us and dunked her head. I laughed as she gagged up water.  You dragged her out of the tub and knocked her back on the bed. I dived on top of her, punching her in the mouth.

I laughed at the fear in her eyes as you pulled the bag over her head. Her first scream used half of the oxygen. The bag sucked against her open mouth as you jerked your cock. I laughed and laughed as your cum splattered against the bag as she took her last breath.

It’s Just a Shower!

He was hot, and he had invited me back to his house to get cleaned up and have some food before he sent me on my way again. He seemed decent, well-dressed, nice car, you know the type.Killer phone sex

He showed me to what I guess was a guest bathroom and brought me a towel, wash cloth, soap, and shampoo. I adjusted the water and got it just where I like it, then got in and started washing up. The shower wand was amazing, and in almost no time, I was fantasizing about him while I used it to massage my clit.  My fingers slid into my cunt from behind as I sprayed all up and over my clit, enjoying the sensations, and driving myself mad while thinking of him.  It was not long after I got down on my knees and was really getting into it that he walked back in and cleared his throat. I was embarrassed, and I immediately moved to stop what I was doing, but he was on me in a flash. He told me he’d watched the entire thing from the camera he had installed, and that he was very disappointed I’d take advantage of his generosity to commit sin. He told me I needed to be cleansed, and then pinned me down with his entire body. He held my arms tight to my body with his legs wrapped around me, and held the wand over my nose and mouth. I couldn’t take a breath without inhaling water and choking. He prayed as slowly drowned me in his shower, and that was the last thing I heard.