Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Strangulation Phone Sex with Cassandra: My First Victim

strangulation phone sex subby blonde

I have a few masters, but one who is far from a benevolent master. In fact he is quite sadistic. He takes great pride in hurting me so badly that I come close to death. Today’s session was no different, except for the fact that we were not alone. He had another slave with him. A thin, young looking girl. She looked a bit strung out on drugs. Master said today I become an accomplice or die. I questioned what he meant and he smacked my face so hard I bit my lip. He then started to choke the life out of me. But, he stopped. Ordered me to strangle his victim. He said she was a worthless drug addicted disease ridden whore and the world would not miss her. I didn’t want to hurt her. She looked at my with glazed eyes like she was clueless about what was going on. Master probably gave her some good junk.

I started to protest, to resist. I am the victim, the slave. I don’t hurt and kill others, especially not some random girl. But Master got out a big coarse rope and said he would hang me from ceiling fan if I did not strangle the cunt. I thought he was kidding, that this was a joke. I ran upstairs to the bathroom to hide. But this made him angry. He ran after me, dragging the girl by the hair behind him. He kicked open the door and punched me hard in the face. Blood started gushing out my nose. He threw the girl in the tub, grabbed me by the throat and said “Strangle the cunt or I strangle you both.” He was serious.

strangulation phone sex accomplice snuffMy hands were trembling. I kept saying “I’m sorry,” over and over and over again as I put my hands on her throat. I closed my eyes and squeezed her throat as hard as I could with both hands. I could hear Master jacking off. He is so sick. She was thrashing about and scratching my hands. But, I was stronger, bigger and she could not really resist me. Didn’t take long. I felt her body go limp and I opened my eyes. Horrified at what I had done. I fell backwards; in shock at what I saw. Her throat  was purple, her eyes bulging, blood dripping at the corner of her mouth. She looked like a bruised rag doll; limp and purple. I started to cry, then master shoved his cock in my mouth to shut me up. He shot a load in seconds. Turns out it is an aphrodisiac for him to force me to be his accomplice.

Master says he is gonna make me kill again. He says I will grow to love it. I won’t know by what method or when, or who but he likes forcing me to do his dirty work.  My life is never going to be the same.

Another night in the life of a cum whore…

Taboo Phone Sex Rena

I got the phone call in the middle of the night, I was so tired with so much work lately.. but I dare not answer the phone by the 3rd ring or my night will be a whole hell of a lot worse than planned. I answered the phone and got my instructions for the evening. And if I did not do exactly what I was told, my punishment would be harsh, and completely unexpected.

I lived under constant watch by those who were paid by my father. My father owed a lot of people money, and I was his ticket out of debt. He got paid a lot of money to use me as a personal cash cow. I was not worth much to anyone, except as a bucket to dump their cum into. This was my life.. and I would be lying to you if I did not crave it.

I pulled the slutty clothing that I kept for my nights out, out of the drawer, and got dressed. I poured my make up on and put on my costume for the night. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided it was going to be a very long and painful night. I could feel my cunt tighten as the juices started to drip, I was addicted to being abused.

I grabbed the paper off the dresser with the address of the warehouse I was supposed to go to. I had been there once before. I remember the sting of the whip, the taste of the blood from my mouth as I was slapped repeatedly, and the full feeling I had from many men double penetrating me as I hung from the ceiling crying and begging. Just another night in the life of a worthless cum whore…

Mutilation Phone Sex with Venus: Some Guys Don’t Deserve a Cock

mutilation phone sex knife play tortureMutilation phone sex is perfect for a sadistic bitch like me who enjoys castrating useless men. And let’s face it, there are lots of useless men out there. Let’s just say I subscribe to the old adage if you can’t use it properly, then you should not have it. Case in point. This total tool I encountered on the subway last week. It was rush hour, and we were crammed in like sardines. This loser in a business suit sits down next to me. He tries to make idle chit chat with me and is oblivious to the fact I don’t give a fuck about what he is saying. He actually put his hand on my thigh. I looked at him, and very calmly stated, “Touch me again pervert and I’ll castrate you.” He recoiled his hand and I thought he got the message. That was until he set his briefcase on his thigh to block the view from the other side of the train and whipped out his pathetic cock and started stroking it. I knew what I had to do. Indecent exposure equals not deserving a cock.

I followed him off the train even though it was not my stop. I had my favorite knife in my backpack.  He was so stupid, he didn’t even realize I got on the same bus with him. I sort of stick out in a crowd too. I could tell he was trying the same thing to this chick on the bus. I could read the horrified expressions on her face loud and clear. Yes, this douche bag falls under the category of if you can’t use it properly, you should no longer have it. I got off at the stop he did and stalked him to his house. I waited a few after he went in; realized no one else was home yet or maybe he lived alone. Hard to believe that this pathetic fuck had a wife or family. But there are lots of stupid, naive cunts out there.

I knocked on the door, then pushed my way into his home wielding my big ass knife. “Remember me asshole,” I screamed as I lunged at him with my knife in the forefront. I backed him into a corner, till he slid down on the floor like a coward. I sliced his hands a few times so he would feel some pain and it would weaken him a bit. I grabbed him by his suit tie and strung him to the kitchen faucet. I tied his bloody hands to the pipe under the sink. So he was on the ground, struggling for air, tied to his kitchen sink. I took my knife and slashed his thighs a few times. Big baby was whining. “Did I whine when you jacked your worthless pecker in front of me bitch,” I yelled angrily. I then unzipped his pants with the knife exposing his worthless pecker. He looked scared and all I could do was laugh. Payback is a bitch.

mutilation phone sex castration bloodyI took the knife and mutilated his chest. I carved Loser into it. I mean you have to be a loser to expose yourself on the subway to a total stranger, right? He was shaking and crying and I just kept carving up his flesh. Mutilating his skin, but saving his cock and balls for last. I was enjoying this. Mutilating flesh on a worthless human is so fun. So fun it makes my nipples hard and my cunt wet. We were both covered in his blood. I kept licking the blade too. As he lay there covered in a pool of his blood, I grabbed his testicles.  I twisted them until I thought they might pop off on their own, then I sliced the right one off, followed by the left one. I shoved his balls in his mouth as a ball gag. “Shut the fuck up loser,” I quipped.

I left his penis, his dick, his worthless little pecker, whatever the fuck you want to call it, for last. I carved my initials in it first, then I lobbed it right off. Blood spurting everywhere. All I could do was laugh and masturbate. I told him he asked for everything he got and then some. I went and got a mirror so he could see his mutilated body. I told him be lucky I didn’t kill him for what he did. All I did was  take away his cock and balls and maybe mutilate his body a wee bit. If you don’t know how to use your dick, you don’t deserve to have one. Pure and simple. I left his balls in his mouth but took his severed pecker and put it in a zip lock baggie and left it on the kitchen sink for him. I explained I was being generous this time buy not flushing it down the toilet or feeding it to Fido over there. Perhaps a skilled doctor could reattach it. They was of course, if anyone finds him before he bleeds out.

Do you deserve to have your cock and balls? Because if you don’t, I am happy to take them away for you.

mutilation phone sex castration fantasy

Bad Cat Girl.

I love the new kitty cat Halloween costume I just bought. I know you said you liked it, but I didn’t know you meant you liked it that much. You said that when I wear it I look like a bad kitty cat. One that needs to be punished. You make me put it on and model it for the party that you’re having tonight. I’m the main attraction. You are allowing everyone to just come up to me and touch me. I’m not so sure I like it. But I want to show you I am such a good kitty. *meow* Don’t you like the way I look in this outfit?


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I love how hard you’re getting watching everyone grope on my tits. After everyone has had their feel of me, you instruct me to lose my costume and let everyone see the REAL kitty. You want everyone to see my tits naked. To really let them see what they are missing. What they could have if they were my master.


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Just to show everyone what a good kitty I am, you make me get on my knees and suck your big fat cock. Making me take it deep down my throat getting it nice and hard. All anyone can hear is the fireplace crackling and slurping and gagging noises.


taboo phone sex belle3


Once your fuckrod is nice and wet you bend me over on the floor and shove your cock deep inside of my tight wet muffin. Letting everyone watch you fuck me. If you glance to your side you see everyone either making out or touching themselves and each other. Your cock sliding in and out of me is making such good sounds. You keep fucking me, pounding my wet kitty until I feel you starting to cum inside of me. Oh yes fill me up master!! I love being such a ‘bad kitty’ for you. *meow* *giggles*


taboo phone sex belle4

Sticks and Stones; Skulls and Bones

All of the girls at my school are giggly little sluts who act ditzy and retarded. They wear the sluttiest clothes and then complain when horny teenage boys cop a feel of their exposed tits! I mean, it’s high school, people. If you wear a mini-skirt that shows off your fat ass cheeks, you’re going to get leered at–and you’ll definitely be felt up. There’s this one little tramp–Clarissa–who’s especially annoying. She’s always being called on in class and never has an answer. Clarissa just gets this stupid look on her face and goes: “Umh, whaattt?” It’s almost comical. I just don’t think it’s fair for girls to picket against ‘Slut Shaming’ when they act like total whores. Clarissa holes are going to be destroyed. No one’s going to be gentle with the soft tissue of her little asshole when she finally gets shoved down and violated like the filthy bitch she is. I can’t wait to see Clarissa get what she deserves. All of that fluffy blonde hair being pulled out of her skull, and those perky tits sticking out and just asking to be smacked…it’ll be sexy as hell. You wanna go on a bender with me, baby…I know just the bitch to hunt the fuck down…

Let the Rituals begin

Accomplice Phone Sex Reagan

It was time to begin the rituals again. I opened the letter and the invitation was inside. My stomach turned a little as I remember being the “one” they had on display as a way to recruit new members. But that was long ago, and though at the time I was a frightened weak one.. it is what made me stronger.

I had long ago watched my neighbor take the life of many during intercourse, I was able to remain hidden.. but eventually he caught up to me, asked me if this was a life I wanted to lead. Full of violence, blood, sex, chaos… malice.

I was naive and though true now, at the time I had no idea what I was getting into. Memories flooded me now. I was young, propped up naked on the alter.. watching a room full of men penetrate my cunny with his cock. Feeling them violate me, taking my innocence. One bye one. Some of them I recognized, serious, emotionless. Now many years later, I was in charge of finding a new recruit.

It made me smile to myself as I watched the neighborhood rug rats playing outside. I sat down and started to plan…

Violent phone sex is great!

violent phone sex StormViolent phone sex is better when it slow. I want to enjoy the screams. I want to relish in the blood. I want to feel it pouring over my hands. I want them to suffer! I want them to beg. I want to hear them calling for their mommy. I want to see the fear in there eyes. And smell the fear on their skin. Like this little whore I used up this week end! She was so sweet! So young and tight! I used my scalpel on her. Slowly slicing her. Dragging my fine lines all over her young tight body. Watching her perfectly smooth ivory skin peel open in dark red lines. Beautifully peeling apart for me! Oooh she screamed for hours. Blood curdling fear wrenching screams. I even pried her eyes open and slowly pierced them with needles. Over and over again. Just pushing them in far enough to leave them dangling. She could still see them in her eyes. She pissed herself then, again. But I was no where near done! I was just getting started. The pain warms me up. Gets my motor revving. Then we move into the please part. I love ripping her open. She was a little virgin when I started. He tight little pussy fought so hard to keep me out. But it finally gave way! Now her ass… That was a fight. I had to damn near rip her in two just to get the dildo inside her! But the screams she let out where so worth it! I came so hard! And that is what violent phone sex is all about!

violent phone sex 2

Use me, Abuse me

rape phone sex fantasies geneva used

  What makes me excited, and creams my sweet little panties? Getting used by you, of course! I crave to be owned and commanded. My panties get so moist when you manhandle me and bend me over forcing yourself inside me. I know it turns you on to treat me like a rag doll. I once was kept as a living rag doll. I was abducted from a Halloween party where I was dressed up as Raggedy Anne, how fitting eh? 

So as I played the role of a submissive at the party and participating with a scene or two for entertaining the attendees and we did just that! Well appeared one attendee was particularly entertained and wanted more. I was cornered in the kitchen near the back door where this individual put their hand over my mouth and a knife to my throat pushing me out the back door. I was shoved in a van and they got in the back with me and bound me up and gagged me. 

I was taken down a rocky road just before the van dropped and I just heard stillness and nature. The back f the van was opened and I was pulled out by my bound feet. Drug out of the van and tossed over the shoulder of my abductor I was taken into a secluded cabin. I was then put in a wooden chair, unbound and rebound to the chair.

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My abductor talked finally telling me he has been looking for his own life sized raggedy Anne doll to keep. I was used as a fuck doll, toilet and punching bag. This went on for an unknown amount of time before he, like a man, got bored with me. He then dumped me on the side of the road tattered and abused.

Rape phone sex Twitter

Bad Monetta

rape phone sex fantasies monetta1


It is that time again. Time for me to be tested. Time for me to show my worth and show my loyalty to my master. Some times when master gets to friendly or too sweet with me he has these trials he makes me do sometimes.  I do not really like doing them since they call for me to do things not only with my master but other men, but being a good slave that I am. I always follow my master’s orders. He came into the room with his friend and they sat down naked in the chairs. Master tells me that he and his friend will be watching me play with myself. That I need to be a good bitch and get myself wet for him to fuck me.


rape phone sex fantasies monetta


Once master feels that I am wet and ready enough he tells his friend to fuck. I don’t want him to. I thought I was going to fuck my master. The man grabs me and I fight against him. I look out my eye and see master just sitting there watching, not saying or doing anything. I thought he cared about me. i start crying and begging master not to let him do this. He just tells his friend to do what he needs to. With me fighting back, it made us fall on the couch and he just climbs on top of me, holding my hands above my head and spreads my legs so that he can get between them. With out any warning he puts his cock at my entrance and slams inside of me. I cry out because it hurts and he’s a little bit bigger then what I am use to. He doesn’t say anything he just holds me there and fucks me hard. I keep struggling to fight, but he starts ramming inside of me deeper and harder. I just slump and stop fighting. He lays me on my side and gets behind me and master finally stands up. I am thinking he is coming to stop all of is but all he does is put his cock infront of my face and orders me to suck it.


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I just lay there, letting one man fuck me and sucking my masters cock and a few tears slip out my eyes. They fuck my holes for what seems like hours. I’m starting to get really sore when the man says he is getting close to cumming. Master tells him to ‘fill the slut up’. And he does, right around the time master starts cumming in my mouth. He cums so much, he’s making me swallow it and I start gagging as he rams his cock deeper down my throat. Once they both are done they just walk out the room, leaving me there all by myself.


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I am Going to Die for Being a Snuff Phone Sex Slut

You wake me up again, and we are still in the woods. The sun is setting but I don’t even know if its the same day.  I am naked and there is something carved into my chest. Its upside down but my eyes focus just enough so that I can read it. It says “Snuff Phone Sex Whore” and it goes from my breasts down past my navel, carved and prominent in my own blood. How did you find me? I hear your surley voice call me a stupid bitch, and I recognize it from so many phone calls prior to you finding me.

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You were one of my best clients. Evil, yes, but I had the safety of the phones between us. I dreamed of the things we spoke of because you are so demonic and evil and your power was apparent even then. But now you had me. In real life. Terror doesn’t even begin to describe what I feel. All I can think of are the unspeakable things you and I masturbated to together. All involving cutting me up and snuffing me out. Is that your plan? And if so, which scenario? They raced through my mind, and I frantically tried to remember which one turned you on the most.

You begin punching me again, this time in the face. Every blow sends shock waves through my brain and I can feel my teeth shattering into shards and cutting my tongue. You scream at me and that tells me that we are somewhere that no one would hear me scream. That was always your way in what I thought were only your dark desires. You having me all to yourself, abusing and torturing my body until you own my soul. But I never thought I would cum face to face with you. In the woods, just as we imagined.

You scream at me for talking to other men, for being their snuff phone sex slut, and I try to apologize but you don’t even hear me. You swear to make me pay and with every blow I believe you more. This is how it is really going to end for me. All those dark nightmares, all those bloody orgasms. I was going to pay with my life for being such an evil little bitch.

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