Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Sadist Accomplish Whore Wants to Double Team Victim on Halloween

snuff phonesex kieshaHey, guys, it’s almost Halloween! I hope all of you are as excited about it as I am because I can’t wait.

Some people like watching horror movies around this time of year. But me? I like making horror movie shit happen. I know some of you do, too, so I think that means we need to get together and see what we can do….

What do you think about some kind of accomplice fantasy? I love taking what men can dish out to me, but I also love getting a chance to dish it out sometimes, too. I wouldn’t want to take that away from you, either, though, so how about we find someone to torture together?

You know how sometimes you hear those stories about people doing terrible things to black cats during Halloween? I thought we could do something like that, just on a bigger scale. And, you know, with a girl instead of a cat, or maybe even a girl dressed as a cat. Hell, why not?

We will find the perfect one somewhere, in costume, leaving a bar or a party. She’ll be all by herself. I’ll go up to her and ask if I can walk with her so we both won’t be alone, and I’ll be so sweet and trustworthy and disarming that she can’t help but say yes. And you’ll be lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right time to strike.

You’ll have to do the heavy lifting part when we kidnap her, but I’ll be there to assist you in any way I can. Chloroforming her would probably be the easiest, but if you prefer to be a struggle, we could always do it the “hard” way. Then, when we get her to our lair, strip her, and tie her down, she’ll know for sure that she’s completely at our mercy.

Then what? There are just so many choices, aren’t there? I know you want to put your big cock inside all of her holes. Just let me get you nice and hard first, and you can stick it wherever you want. I want to see her choke on your dick, for one. Will you leave her pussy and her ass nice and bloody for me after you rape her? I want to see the dripping slowly defiling her milky-white skin.

I bet she doesn’t like girls, either, so I’ll sit on her face and make her lick me until I can’t take it anymore. And you know how I always have to pee when we’re done playing around? Well, there will be no need for me to get up and go to the bathroom, since I’ll have her face to use as my very own human toilet right there! You can use her that way, too, if you want.

And then, once she’s been kidnapped, raped, and tortured and is dripping bodily fluids everywhere, what are we going to do with her then? We could drug her so that she remembers nothing and turn her back out on the street. There’s no telling what might happen to her there. Or we could keep her as a little torture pet for the two of us, if you like. But if you really want to be sure to cover our tracks, we should probably get rid of her completely.

So who’s going to do the honors of snuffing her–me or you?

Suffocation Phone Sex for My Life

You knew everything about me before you stole me from my room. You watched me for years, since I was a tiny girl. You watched my naked body through the windows of my parents house as my daddy molested me. It made you furious that he got to touch me and promised yourself that one day I would be yours. Three years ago, today, you made that fucking desire a reality. You caught me on the way home from school, and dragged me kicking and screaming back to your dungeon, which is where I remain. You tell me that makes today our “anniversary”.

I shudder at the thought of celebrating with you. Your an evil and cruel monster, and you revel in my pain. The only thing that gets you off is scaring us slave sluts. After years with you, I am much more difficult to scare, and you know it. You’ve cut my nipples off, made me eat other girls while they are still alive, and even stitched my cunt together with needle and thread. My mind races as I dream that maybe tonight you will finally go too far and kill me. My body is wasted away, I am not the little pretty slut you first started watching years ago. You have younger girls now.

You drag me out of my cell and upstairs to your kitchen. I kneel on the floor and  you take a thick plastic bag out of your pocket and shake it out for me to see. Its the perfect size for my head, and I know that is exactly where you plan to put it. My heart leaps as I think you will finally snuff me. But to my surprise, you pick up the telephone and start dialing. As you do, you take your cock out of your pants, and tell me that you are going to call a phone whore for some suffocation phone sex. You are going to place the bag on my head, and if she can get your cock off before I die, you will remove the bag.

My life depends on some sex whore over the telephone? Before I could say anything, you jam the bag down over my head and secure it with tape around my neck. I can barely see through the bag as it fogs with my breath and I start to panic. I hear you talking to some whore on the phone and I can vaguely see you stroking your cock. I try to control my breaths, but I am immediately without enough oxygen. I couldn’t scream to try to warn the whore that I was there, as I was fighting the bag and becoming more dizzy by the second.

My lungs were on fire, and my senses started to fade, I felt myself shit all over the floor, and I could hear you slapping away at your cock while you degraded the bitch on the phone. I started to go limp, and tried to inhale, but there was nothing left. My vision fogged and I could no longer inhale. My consciousness left me and my head hit the floor. Suddenly you remove the bag and my lungs automatically gasp in as much air as possible, waking me up. My mouth wide open, and gasping, you shoot your hot load of cum right inside my throat. As Ilay there gasping and choking on your cum, you hang up the phone and simply say to me, “Happy Anniversary, slut”.

Do Not Fear The Desire

killer phonesex karmaThe sound of her scream sends a tingle straight to your cock. Then you see the blood and your body betrays you with an erection that you can’t deny. You wonder what is wrong with you. Why you are aroused by pain and suffering? Why do you want to feel the ripped and torn flesh? Why do these horrific sights that should cause you to turn away turn you on so much? You can’t deny the arousal that the dark side brings out in you. You can’t deny the desire to live out these fantasies that will surely damned you to hell. You dare not speak of it to anyone so you keep it all locked inside. How do I know these things you think of? Because my dark lover. The sound of her scream sends a tingle coursing through my body as well. When I see the blood, my body betrays me as my cunt drips with longing that I can’t deny. I no longer wonder what is wrong with me. Why I am aroused by pain and suffering. Why do I long to feel the ripped and torn flesh on her mangled body. Why do these horrific sights that should cause me to turn away turn me on so much. I no longer deny the arousal that the dark side brings out in me. Instead I embrace my desire to live out these fantasies that have already damned me to hell. If you dare not speak it, then write it. Don’t keep it locked inside any longer, meet me in a text session and live what you dare not speak. Close your eyes and feel the blood on your hands as we share our dark fantasies.  killer phonesex keyboard

Your Evil Accomplice is Just a Key Stroke Away

fantasy phone sex goth evilWhen the zombie apocalypse hits, let’s face it, we are still going to have certain needs. In fact, I do believe our killer instincts will become even more prominent, more primordial because we will be fighting for survival. Hunting will no longer be just for sport, but for survival also. We might be divided geographically, but we can still talk via the cyber text sessions we offer. So much easier to cyber text sometimes, like when hunting zombies or killing the assholes and the weak  who jeopardize our survival.  The apocalypse is close, and I am going to need accomplices. People who share my passion for survival, my passion for killing. Think of how much fun we can have together sharing the details of our kills? Sharing not only how many zombies we slaughtered, but the joy we took in eradicating the world of useless, dangerous people.  Sharing the gory details of what we did to survive, like killing a pretty stupid whore to feed on her flesh. In the apocalypse you are either the butcher or the cattle. We are the butcher.

Things will be desperate, resources scarce,  trust will be hard, but crucial if we want to win the war against the undead. We can help each other. I can share my killing secrets, you can share yours. Thanks to our cyber text sessions,  we can stay connected regardless of distance, regardless of the situation. We can hunt together. Survive together. Kill together. All thanks to the ability to cyber text one another. So, even if the situation is not as drastic as the zombie apocalypse, remember we can always stay connected. For the same price of a phone call, you can message me your darkest, sickest most depraved desires.  Your wicked accomplice is just a key stroke away.

fantasy phone sex killer texting

Snuff Phone Sex ~ Bloody Cyber Text Sessions

Snuff Phone Sex Reagan

Everyone loves a good story. But I love a good horror story, don’t you? Would you like to be a part of my own personal bloody story? So much I can do with my fingers, my hands, my mouth, my teeth. When you call me and ask me for my stories of blood and gore, we have such a good time. I become your accomplice, you become my victim.. we hunt together and prey on the weak and lost. We kidnap and violate the young ones. We even violate the dead, and eat our masterpieces for dinner.

Can you imagine after all we have done, there is actually a way we can do more? Instead of just a phone call, you and I can spend time together in a world so sick and twisted it will make your stomach turn. For the same price of a phone call, we can sit very comfortably in our own quiet little world and chat to each other. Yahoo, Skype.. I am sure you have a mobile app for either. Text me from the comfort of work.. or hiding quietly from the Misses. or from the comfort of your computer desktop or laptop. I offer you a way you can be more than one person in our horror story.. you can be the young weak one, or even another gender.. how far do your sick twisted desires go? Mine go further than you can ever imagine. If you have ever had that urge and felt a phone call was not convenient.. give me a heads up and we can move to our own sick world and write our way to blood and gore. See you on the twisted side of life!

~Reagan, your Maiden of Malice~

Let me Go

You told me today was my day. You said you had finally sold me, and that the men had arrived. They had  paid for me, and now they get their time with me. You told me I was to behave as sexy as I could, and then they will snuff me. You left me alone with them. They wore masks, so i was sure I would finally get out of this hell. I would finally get the life drained out of my pathetic fucking life. I would never have to see your face again.

But once you left the room they  stripped down and I saw that I would have two raging cocks to take down before I got my life drained. One more fuck. One more molestation of my body before I get to leave this fucking planet. I wonder to myself if they paid for this part, but who gives a fuck, right? They grabbed me and lifted me in the air by my hair and throat. I struggled, but they were young and strong. One pryed my mouth open and shoved his hard cock in. I sucked how you had taught me as they slapped me in the face and the nipples.

They hoisted me into the air and one penetrated my ass while the other one tore into my pussy. And finally, I saw the knife. One of them held it to my throat as they fucked both my holes. I stopped fighting and laid my head back, begging him to cut my throat. I told them I was a dirty worthless whore and to take me out. They both laughed and just teased me with the knife. One grabbed one of my nipples and the other sliced it right off. The searing pain shot through me, and I could feel my hot blood running down my stomach.

But this wasnt enough. You have beld me so many times, I needed them to cut my throat. I exposed my throat again and started calling them pussies – telling them to kill me now – but they just kept fucking me and pricking my body with the knife. I started crying when I realized they hadn’t paid to snuff me. They had paid to see some blood. They both came, and dropped my bleeding body to the floor and kicked me a few times. I begged them once last time to take my pathetic life, but they just left the room. I watched as my only hope walked out.  Why won’t you let me go, Master? 

The Taste Of Sin

snuff phonesex tasteWhat tastes better then blood? Thick and hot and full of sinful delight. She is on her knees before me. trembling with fear, tears streaking her face, naked, vulnerable, at my mercy. I feel the electricity coursing through me. Sweet nectar being released as my cunt contracts dispensing fluid that drips down my thighs freely. My nipples hard and erect, longing to be touched. I refrain from caressing them and the denial adds more arousal. A knife in one hand and a hand full of her hair in the other. Looking down on her sends a feeling of power coursing through me. I am superior, in control of everything except the sensations that this power brings, the lust that fills me. Yanking her head back so that I can look directly into her eyes, wide with fear I lower the blade to her throat. I can plainly see the pulse in her neck. Her heart is pounding with fear. Touching the blade to the pulsing artery she whimpers. I apply no pressure, not yet. I just run the blade lightly across her neck letting her feel the cold steel. We both know it’s coming but only I know when it will come. Adding a little more pressure to the blade I can see her skin breaking and small drops of blood form on the line where my blade is caressing her skin. Resisting the urge to make this swift, my cunt begins contracting faster and my cum is flowing in heavy gushes now. Finally I slit her throat and watch the blood squirt and drain down her naked and now limp body. Were it not for the grasp I have on her hair she would slump to the floor. Dipping my fingers in the blood I finally touch my nipples, pinching them hard, reveling in the sensation. Licking the blood from my finger tips I explode finally, relishing in the pleasure, releasing her hair and watching her slump to the floor. Sweet, fulfilling release!snuff phonesex angie

There’s no going back now

taboo phone sex georgie sjdgd

There is no way out for me, I killed for the first time and it probably won’t be the last. Even if I get away my actions will always haunt me. Maybe she would still be alive right now if I just tried harder because right now it feels like I didn’t try at all. After the sinking feeling in my gut went away I felt an enjoyable rush come over me. Am I starting to enjoy this? I’m afraid every day and night so I shouldn’t be. It’s all very confusing…
She was cuffed in a Saint Andrew’s Cross against a wall in the back of the room. She struggled and screamed for help for hours until it actually started to annoy me. I feel guilty that part of me wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up instead of to comforting her. All I did was lay silently on the cold cement floor where he left me, wondering what would happen next.
He came into the room carrying a very large and extremely sharp knife. I was already scared, but it made me more nervous when he untied me. I knew it wouldn’t lead to anything good and that’s exactly what happened. He stood me up and whispered his demands into my ear before placing the knife in my hand. I’m not shocked that even with a knife in my hand I didn’t consider escaping, that’s just how weak I am. All I do is mindlessly follow orders! It’s so bad that when I slit her throat the only thing I felt was the satisfaction of knowing I followed orders.
I held the knife to her throat and pressed the blade into her skin. She knew what was happening, but couldn’t accept her fate with dignity. She chose to spend her last moments begging for her life with tears pouring out of her eyes instead. Was she too stupid to realize that was exactly what he wanted? He enjoyed that she was suffering. It didn’t just make him laugh, it made his prick rock hard too. He jerked himself off while he licked every tear off her face, but he didn’t cum until after I cut her throat. Hopefully, she wasn’t alive to see it.

taboo phone sex georgia dhgd

Let My Flesh Nourish You

cannibalism phone sex torture subbyMost women masturbate thinking about being eaten. But I bet they don’t get off thinking about being eaten how I think about it. I could care less about having my cunt eaten out or pussy worshiped. I want to literally be eaten. I want a master with a particular diet; one that requires human flesh to survive. I want to nourish my master and maybe his cruel accomplice. Look at me. I am tall, with big beautiful breasts and some meat on my bones. You could sustain yourself on my flesh for quite awhile.I bet I am delectable. 

cannibalism phone sex snuff blondeI want you to hunt me like a wild prey. Abduct me. Keep me locked up while you force feed me like a pig to fatten me up for slaughter. Then I want you to tenderize my meat, season and butter my skin. Shove and apple in my mouth and slow roast me over a fire. I wanna feel the flames engulfing me; I wanna feel my skin charring, falling off my flesh while I am slowly cooked to death for your sustenance, your survival. I wanna die slowly, painfully for your pleasure, your amusement. I want you to get off on my screams, my pain, my pleading for survival.

You know I look tasty. You know I would be scrumptious.  I bet we could cook up all sorts of yummy scenarios together. Let me feed you and your family.


Babysitter phone sex with Moritia

Accomplice phone sex morticia 3



I hate babysitting. 

I hate it even more when I have to watch the little demons that my whore of a mother brings home.

They aren’t going to leave my house anyway so I have a little fun with them. 

My mother and her freak friends have brats to sacrifice to their goddess. 

What a stupid fucking religion. 

Anyway They have these  brats at home so there is no record of their existence.

These brats are stupid, they are kept at home they don’t go to school. 

So they really are just little useless fuck-tards. 

But they are fun to hurt. 

Like this last one. 

She was at the age where you become a woman, ready to be sacrificed and give her virgin blood to the goddess blah blah blah. 

I took her down to the basement where I have all my fun. 

Accomplice phone sex Morticia 2

I tied her up nice and tight where the rope was cutting into her virgin body and so she was screaming because of the pain. 

I left her there for a few hours.

I went down stairs and found her sleeping. 


No fucking way, she doesn’t get to sleep in my fucking house! 

So I got this tiny stick that my mom likes to hit me with and I beat her with it until I got tired.

By this time she was screaming and moving so the tight ropes were getting tighter and cutting deeper and deeper into her flesh!

God that turned me on.. 

So I got the idea that if she is going to be giving to the goddess she has to be purified. 

I went upstairs to the bathroom. 

I got the bleach and the toilet brush.. 

I poured the bleach all over her virgin body, making her pain even more.. 

Then well if you don’t know what I did with the toilet brush then you should call me.. 

Accomplice phone sex Morticia