Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Keeping my new year right on track

snuff sexSo if you haven’t already heard my new year’s resolution was not to stop kidnapping, torturing, forcing and killing – but to rather do it more often to better get a grip on my constantly growing anger and to fulfill practically the only thing that turns me on… What can I say I want what I want and I always make it happen. But I don’t quite like to do it alone. I like to be needed and helpful; I love to be the perfect accomplice and capture the ideal victim to have our way with. What are you into? Young and innocent? Or maybe a whore who deserves this shit and will probably secretly love it till we snuff her out? I personally have no preference, as long as I get to see the scared look on their face as I tie them up naked and as I hold my knife to their throat when they struggle. I don’t care as long as by the time we are done with them, they are begging to be fucked and telling us they will do anything we want them to do. This always makes me laugh, breaking them to this point, making them our little sex slave and into filthy little whores, begging to be fucked in order to save their life. They never quite get that they won’t be making it home ever again and that we are the last people they will see as the life fades from their eyes. And how creative I can be as I kill them in the most painful ways I can think of, in the bloodiest fashion. But not before we have our fun of course. She’ll be pleading for you to fuck her ass in no time – then begging to taste her ass and your cum once you’re done. She’ll love chocking on your dick after rubbing it all over her bloody cunt. I can’t wait to get started, so what are you waiting for?

Ass rape porn or a Butt rape porn fantasy

Ass rape porn or a butt rape porn fantasy will be granted to a few perverts I know and babysit for. These gaping assholes seem to think they can give me a ride home and try getting some. Pa Lease, yeah seriously I wear these cutesy outfits and act all sweet and innocent, but that doesn’t mean shit! Well, actually I lied, it’s all part of my sadistic plan and manipulation is sweet and tasty like my cunt.

Ass rape porn

The plan; I catch the fathers off guard when I know the mother/ wife will be away, in fact I set it up *wink*. I skip on over to victim #1’s house and ring the bell. When Mr. Reardan answered the door I turned on the charm and made sure my back was to the door as I bent over to fix my shoelace. Granting Mr. Reardan a fine view and oh I think i forgot my panties. Lured in I push past him and grabbed his tie like a leash and pulled him along. I shove him down on the bed as I raise my skirt up and pull a dildo out and start fucking myself with it. Making him strip and crawl across the bed to me as I giggle. Motioning him to turn around I get his ass right where I want it. I take his tie and loop it up and toss over his head.

Butt Rape Porn Fantasy

Grabbing the tie tight I strangle him as I take his ass cherry against  his will, or was it that SOB fucking shot a load as I pushed in and pulled the tie. I pull out and remove the tie, he’ll be passed out for a bit. I roll him over and see his cock is still hard and decided to take a ride. I suffocated him as I rode his cock to my own pleasure.

             ass rape porn

The next guy will not get off so easily.


Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Cassandra

rape phone sex fantasies cum whoreDo you have rape phone sex fantasies? If you do, then I have a story for you. I had just got back from the club. It was almost daylight. I lose track of time when partying with my friends. When I entered my apartment, the lights would not come on. “Fuck, I blew a fuse again, ” I thought to myself. I got a candle out and lit it so I could see. I managed to find my way to the bathroom. I was so tired, I would deal with the fuse box in the morning. I held the candle up to the mirror to remove my eye makeup. That’s when I saw him.  A man’s reflection in the mirror. I dropped the candle, screamed, but before I could run, I felt a hand on my neck squeezing me so hard I started choking.

He picked me up with one hand by the throat. Carried me out the bathroom and hurled me against the wall with super human strength. I could feel blood running down my face. He was dressed all in black so I could not see him at all anymore. But I knew he was close. Could hear him breathing. I tried to crawl on the floor. I have a secret compartment under an area rug that I keep my gun. But as I scrambled he followed me. Slammed his foot on my hand, broke two fingers. But the pain of a few cracked fingers was nothing compared to the kick in the gut and face that followed. I was flat on the floor, bleeding, in pain when I felt him on top of me. His big hands pulling my clothes off. He shoved a fist up my pussy as he called me a dirty cock teasing whore. He was pounding my cunt with his huge fist and I was crying. He shined a light in my face. I could feel my makeup all smeared on my face. I had to look awful.

rape phone sex fantasies big titsHe forced my legs up to my chin, then shoved his cock in my ass. He was violating my ass while fisting my cunt. Every time I cried, or yelped he smacked my face hard. I don’t think I knew him. But then he made a comment about bitches like me snubbing guys at the club getting what they deserve. I knew who he was now. This total loser who tried to dance with me. I tried to fake an apology, but it just angered him further. He pulled his cock out of my ass and forced it down my throat. Fucked my mouth so hard I threw up, but was forced to swallow it. Made me lick my ass off his dick and dine on my puke, while he continued to fist me. I could feel my pussy bleeding. I just laid there, trying not to cry or fight for fear he would kill me.

Finally it was over. He had forced his cock in my ass and my mouth. He had beat, slapped, choked and kicked me. He fisted my pussy, broke some fingers and if that was not enough, he pissed on my face as he was leaving. “You bitches are all good for only one thing,” he said, then he spit in my face and left. I just laid until the sun came up. I was broken, bruised, bloody and battered.  Did I get what I deserved for refusing to dance with a total loser? What do you think? What would you have done to me?

Gangbang Rape Porn Addiction

Gangbang rape porn addiction gets me in trouble all the time. It’s jaded me the way I like getting the shit beat out of me by a gang of men. Yes, getting scared to near fucking death will guarantee wet panties. It’s something i can’t get past and I doubt I could ever orgasm during plain fucking vanilla sex. Gimme danger and make me scream if you wanna make me cream.

Gangbang rape porn

So, once a guy in my gang caught wind of my filthy secret and decided to take it upon himself to run his mouth to the rest of the gang… Well I failed to mention that when I am causing the violence, pain and bloodshed my pussy gushes and I need to grab the biggest baddest man in the vicinity and tell him to fuck me hard and give it to me now. 

The very night this dude ran his mouth I got him hammered and he thought he was going to grab a piece of my ass and would get a chance to beat the shit outta me. Well, he was greatly mistaken. Outfitted with some talon clawed steel knuckles I came up behind his drunk ass tapped him on the shoulder, and upon his turning around clocked him square in the face then let the claws out and ripped at his chest. I was kicking the crap outta him as someone grabbed my shoulder and nearly got a face full but he was huge.

Gangbang rape porn

Stunned and fucking horney I was in a haze of rage and hormones as this guy grabbed my arms and another large 6’4″ frame grabbed my feet. These monsters carried me to a van and I had no fucking idea who these guys were and where the hell were they taking me. The van stops the door swings open as the two huge forms were standing over me again. I was hauled out and carried into some Industrial park warehouse unit. Upon entering I see there are like eight more of these giants. They all had their dicks out and they were massive I was laid down on this mattress and stripped. 

Well you probably know what happened next…

Torture Sex: Clowning Around

Torture Sex

Torture sex just beckons me and today was no different. A simple stroll can be the stroll of a lifetime. But something tells me it could be the stroll of death. I guess we’ll find out, won’t we? 

Torture Sex

Strolling through the park with my earbuds in so I was not paying attention to my surroundings. This little simple mistake made my day take a turn for the worst. I suddenly felt a hand over my mouth and something on my neck used to pull me into a van. Fighting and feeling like my neck would break I struggled but to no avail as I started losing strength. I felt my eyes get heavy…

Awake, unaware exactly what happened or where I was I tried looking around. My body was completely restrained and there were colorful lights all around me. I heard circus music playing the really demented circus music that left me with shivers up my spine.

Suddenly in came three clowns, these clowns did not look normal. These were the creepiest clowns I have ever seen and their laughing was creepier as I noticed a butcher knife in one of the clowns hands dripping with blood.

Restrained I tried screaming but that amused the evil clowns even more. The three of them were standing over me and I suddenly realized I was stripped naked and my entire body ached. My cunt felt like it had been fucked raw, and my breasts were bruised.

Then the clown spoke, it was a deep creepy voice as I mentioned I have been sufficiently tenderized. I noticed just then that I was covered in olive oil and felt like my cunt was stuffed with carrots. Another realization came about, I think I was about to be butchered and my body parts were going to be tossed in the cauldron on the fire in the middle of the room.

Babysitter Phone Sex with Blair: Don’t Trust Me with Your Little Ones!

babysitter phone sex naughty mommy

I know I look like a normal suburban housewife. The kind of woman who would be safe babysitting your girls, especially considering I have my own brood. But here is what no one realizes, well no one trapped in suburbia at least. I have a huge drug problem and I am a dirty whore. I love to party and be used.  So when someone makes me an unseemly  offer, I almost always take them up on it. Like when my dealer offers me unlimited cocaine in exchange for the young teen charges in my care. Those girls mean nothing to me. So, of course, I have no problem slipping some roofies in their hot coco, and pimping them out for some teen rape porn.

After they passed out, my dealer came in the house with his posse. He put ball gags in their  mouths and I undressed them. They looked so innocent laying there. One guy was filming everything as the others violated their holes. Guys were grabbing handfuls of little titties; cramming fingers up their asses; and fucking their virgin cunts. When I saw all the blood, I knew they were virgins. Those girls were getting gangbanged by men three times their age, and I just sat there and watched. Most teen girls are nothing but mean girl brats, so I have no problem assisting in their torture. These little bitches were covered in cum, blood running down their thighs, and all I could think about was all the coke I was going to get. The guys even mutilated their pussies. Took a scalpel and sliced their pussy lips. Even pierced their clits. All for the camera too.

teen rape porn snuffThey woke up early. I thought I doped them up enough to be out cold for awhile, and I could just clean them up before their parents returned. When they woke up they started screaming  and causing a ruckus. My dealer punched each whiney bitch square in the jaw until they passed out. He upped my ante. Let him take the girls and properly dispose of them, and he would throw in 10 grand. That was a no brainer. I could toss the house, make it look like the girls tied me up, had a wild party and disappeared. Teen girls runaway daily in this world. I knew what he was going to do with them. Hot teen pussy is worth a lot of money on the black market. Once sold as sex slaves and transported to Russia or the Ukraine, these little whores would never be found again. No way they could ever rat me out. But, I knew he was going to have some fun with them first. He was not done  ruining their tight wholes or inflicting pain.

Once I had my money in my hand, I didn’t give those girls a second thought. And for the right price, I will be your accomplice too. Help you ruin all the young girls you want! Fresh young meat is so fun to play with, don’t you think?

rape phone sex fantasies teen porn

All Taped up, With Nowhere to go…


My master has no interest in me today. Which is pretty odd because he usually fucks me everyday, he loves my slave pussy and he told me he would never leave me alone to fend for my own nut without him. But today it was something different, he wanted something different with someone different. I would have to work for him today, give him all my sweat and effort! I found him the perfect pain princess and she was too ready to serve. He told me he didn’t even want to see her pussy, there was only one hole that he wanted and that was her mouth. I was just going to leave her fully clothed and let him take her mouth, but I knew he would want so much more than that. He had such a creative sexuality that I knew I was just going to have to give him something he’s never seen.


I wrapped her entire bottom half in duct tape only leaving her tits exposed, she looked like a beautiful mermaid by the time I was done. I’m so glad I taped her up the way I did because I saw the excitement come across his face when he saw her all wrapped in tape on the bed waiting for him to come and take over her. I didn’t know how much master loved mermaids until I saw how much more of his nut he filled her with, he’s never given me that much and I’m his dark queen. Before jealousy could overtake me I realized that I put all of this together and that amazing nut that he gave her came straight from me. I may have to leave her taped up and have her stick around for a little while longer. 

It’s that time again!

rape phone sex fantasiesYay! It’s that time again! Time to break out the duct tape and go on the search for my newest victim. I plan on driving by the catholic school down the road to scope out any potential whores. It will soon be one girl’s unfortunate day when she gets scooped into my car for a couple days of fun that won’t end in her favor as much as she might pray and beg that it will. It’s never hard to find the right girl at those schools, they are so easy to lure over when they are waiting all alone for their ride, when I make myself look like such a sweet woman asking for some directions. I always like to bring her home to whatever man is in need of my assistance that week, I know I’m the ultimate accomplice. I always take videos of her losing her virginity and then having to suck his dick with her very own blood and juices on it. These little wanna be good girls always think that they are something special because they take sooo much longer to submit than the other little whores I pick up, but in no time I will have them begging for more. My favorite thing to make them say is “I’m your little school girl slut.” I make them tell me over and over again how much they loved to be fucked and how they are truly just a slut. They hate it when I make then do that, tears running down their face, wrists tied tightly, cum all over her hair and body. I think it’s the perfect picture. Now what I really need is someone to share in the fun, and I’m wondering, is that you?

Keisha Kills Again!


My master surprised me this past weekend. He came into my basement and started having a conversation with me about my family. He wanted to know who they were, where they lived and how many of them could come over for Sunday dinner. I was really sure that he had lost his mind or he must be far too intoxicated to even understand what he was saying to me. Since I’ve been captured he’s told me everyday that he is my only family and I should forget the rest of the rats that I came from. I had been with him for so long that I was convinced, and I followed his every word never questioning a command. Even in my state of confusion I gave him as much information that I could remember.

To my surprise he wasn’t joking and actually had a good reason to dig up my past. They all arrived at dinner on time that Sunday and we sat down as if we all knew each other. They didn’t really seem like the family that I had left behind all that time ago. They seemed to be looking at me as if I had done something wrong, I was wondering what he could have told them. My snappy little sister is always the one to say something smart, so it didn’t surprise me when she started talking shit about our living arrangements. What did surprise me is how defensive I got over this place, the same place I’ve been trying to escape from. I was yelling at my sister loosing control and she just wouldn’t stop. Before I knew it, my hands were around her neck and I couldn’t stop myself from strangling her. I felt her body go limp in my hold and I knew in that moment I had went to far. But the death of my sister turned me on even more and I let my master take me right there next to my baby sister’s limp body.


Blasphemy Phone Sex

 Blasphemy Phone Sex1

 I had it rough growing up. My mother was very religious and my father was a drug addict. My mother was forever convincing my father to go to church, to find God, and he’d come around, until Sunday came, and then he’d throw a fucking fit and my mother would end up going to church with long sleeves and sunglasses. Everyone knew, but he was the man of the house, so either no one spoke up or no one cared. I’m pretty sure it was the latter. My father beat me  often. My mom never believed me until the time she walked in. My daddy was humping my face and his friend was fucking my cunny. My mother took a frying pan and smashed both of their heads in. She left their limp bodies on my bed, threw me over her shoulder, and put me in the truck. She drove all night to her brother’s house, where I climbed into the nearest bed, my eyes sewing themselves shut and my body aching for rest and sleep. And there I had the strangest dream.

Blasphemy Phone Sex

My father killed me, which wasn’t very surprising, and I went falling through nothingness and I fell into Hell. I was tied up, whipped and fucked by the devil Himself for eternity. I was just a dirty cum dumpster for every man that landed there. I was routinely beaten and slapped and choked out and that was my life. Forever. Satan’s dick was really, really hot. Excruciatingly so. I awoke from the dream when I realized the pain was not in my dream, but in real life. My cousin, 2 years my junior, had tied me to his bed and was fucking me with a plugged in curling iron. I realized what was happening and he stuffed his limp little cock in my mouth and pissed down my throat, continuing to fuck me with the curling iron. My pussy felt like it was melting shut and in fact, still bears scars from that night. I wasn’t sure whether I’d rather be taken advantage of by my Daddy or my cousin, but it didn’t really matter. Psalms 9:9 states The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. and Psalm 9:9 is bullshit. I’m just a little pain slut, and I deserve everything I have coming to me. Is it your turn?Blasphemy Phone Sex