Snuff sex was not on my to do list that day. I was walking through a local park listening to music when something hard hit me in the back of the head. I fell to the ground. When I touched the back of my head, it came back bloody. A rock had been tossed at my head. I suspected on purpose. My eyes were blurry. I felt dazed and confused. I felt a hand around my mouth. I was drugged with something because the next thing I knew, I was tied up naked in a damp, dark basement. I screamed for help. It seemed futile. I could hear no outside noises. There were no windows. I couldn’t even hear sounds above me. “Where the fuck am I,” I asked myself? Then a shadowy figure shined a bright light in my face. As it got closer to me, I realized I knew who it was. He was the neighbor boy. An odd, quiet teen. I always thought he was slow or something. He spit in my face. “See me now whore,” he stuttered. He went off on a tirade about me being a cock teasing whore. He picked up a baseball bat. I was defenseless, scared, shaking… I tried to reason with him; plead with him to let me go. Even promised to fuck him if he let me go. He had to still be a virgin. “I will take what I want from a stupid whore,” he retorted. Just then he shoved the baseball bat up my ass. After a few minutes of anal torture, he pulled out the bloody, shit covered bat and made me lick it clean. I never saw what came next. A blow so hard to the head, it cracked my skull. Pretty sure my brains were leaking out. His voice got fainter with subsequent blows. Soon it was cold and everything went dark.
Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies
Snuff Sex Whore
A Day In The Park
This wasn’t because he owed anybody money. This was just because Daddy wanted to watch me get fucked and abused by a bunch of strangers. He put me in a cute nightie and took me out to a quiet area of the local park. He used heavy rope to bind me around my waist to a tree. He spread my legs and tied them as well, using tent stakes to secure them. He put a gag in my mouth so I could not make much noise. There was a path from the main area of the park leading to where I was. He had placed signs along the way advertising a whore for the using. He then waited behind another tree and watched. He watched as man after man approached me, fucking me mercilessly in whatever hole they chose. I was fucked hard in the throat, pussy, and ass. I lost count after the 20th man had used my body and cum in one hole or the other. My body was a literal cum dumpster overfilled at every opening. This was for Daddy’s pleasure, but I must admit, I came multiple times. The thrill of being used as a nameless, worthless whore overcame my fear and all other feelings. At that moment I lived for nothing but being filled by cock. Then another man approached. He exclaimed over what a mess I was and how I was repulsive to his sight. He then removed his belt and used it to spank my tits, pussy, lower legs, and any other body part the belt would touch. He found a large stick. It was almost large enough to be considered a limb and he placed it in me, fucking my poor pussy until it was bloody, raw, and full of splinters. He told me this was how worthless whores should be treated. Then he shoved his cock down my throat deep making me gag over and over until he unloaded his spunk down my sore raw throat.
Ass Rape Porn Biker Bar
Ass rape porn was last call for me Saturday night at this dive bar. I went in looking to score some coke. Biker bar. Pretty rough crowd, but the rumor is you can get whatever drug of choice you want there. I owe a ton of money to my dealer, so I needed to buy somewhere else this time. I walked in wearing a short mini skirt, high heels and a tight top with no bra. I was down to fuck for my coke. The moment I walked in, all eyes were on me like vultures in need of fresh meat. I saw no women at this biker bar. Redneck music was blaring on the juke box. I had second thoughts, but no way I could make a hasty exit without serious ramifications for me. I sat at the bar, ordered a beer. The bartender looked at me curiously and asked me point blank, “What are you looking to score missy?” I inquired if it was that obvious. He just chuckled and introduced me to Clyde who was not as friendly. He patted me down like he didn’t think I was there to score. He thought I was wearing a wire. He said I had to strip naked. I didn’t want to, but I didn’t have much of a choice. I was starting to jones pretty bad. One guy said my ass needed inspected to make sure I was not hiding a wire in my shit hole. Clyde shoved a beer bottle up my ass to check it out. Another guy yelled for him to check my cunt too. Another bottle was shoved up my pussy. He double penetrated me with two dirty beer bottles while the rest of the bar jacked their cocks on me. Once they deemed I was not hiding a wire, I was gang banged on the bar. Tied down and force fucked in the ass by cocks and various bottles. Hours went by. I was sodomized relentlessly. My ass was prolapsed and bleeding. Whore was carved in my ass with a pocket knife. Eventually it was last call. I thought that meant for alcohol. It just meant one last call to force fuck the MILF in a biker bar looking to score blow.
Knife To The Wife
I woke up to something cold, hard and, sharp pressed against the side of my neck. This is not a normal way of ever having to wake up. But one would think if they were to be awoken with a dagger against their neck most likely it is because an intruder has entered their home. Not so much the case with me. This intruder of my life…pressing this knife against my flesh making me beg for survival is my very own husband. If you keep up on my blog. This will come as no surprise to you. You already know how violent and angry he his. You have probably read about all the hate filled fuck rages he goes into. Either it be him or his arrangements of someone taking what they want from my old battered, torn, abused, and used pussy, asshole, and or mouth. On this particular night he made a threat against my life and took his hatred to a whole new level. His exact words that he spit in my face when my eyes opened were ‘If you don’t do as you are told I will fill your fucking throat with my load and then I will split your wrinkly old neck from ear to ear just to watch my nut ooze.” This was a legit threat and I took his cock in any way he demanded.
Late night domination phone sex and ass pounding
Whoa. Make this train wreck stop. Getting fucked in the ass with an 11 inch cock was not part of my work agenda tonight!!! It was slow at the cafe and I’d blown enough johns to cover my bills. Me and the girls were having coffee when he walked in. Talk, black, and buff, he exuded that blatant sexuality that drives women wild. The bulge in his spandex pants told the whole story. He walked right back to the condom display and deliberately dropped a box of Magnums into his bag. I approached him, asking him to pay for them. “You gotta pay, sweetheart, or I’ll get them taken out of my check. I sure aint buying no Mags if I don’t even get to see that cock that’s gonna fill it.” He flashed a gold grille and whispered, “Follow me.” Curious, I did. He was parked in the darkness at the back of the lot. I smelled the joint that he fired up and licked my lips. He handed it to me and I sucked deeply. Suddenly, that shit just hit me. Whatever it was laced with made my pussy like lava. The big nigga smiled as he spun me around, planting me facedown on his caddy. He banged my face into the hood a few times. My skirt was yanked up and I could feel his giant dick sans condom, of course, pushing urgently at my backdoor. I screamed into the darkness as he rammed my pooper, deep and hard. He laughed an evil laugh as I screamed for my god to save me. He was grunting and lifting my hips with every thrust. tearing chunks of hair from my head. I was begging now, despite the pain, as I felt his cum bubble up in my guts. He grinned like crazy as he handed me back the stolen scum sacs. I could barely walk back into the cafe as he drove off. Nice play, nigga. Nice play!!!
Bad Babysitter
Oopsies, I did a bad, bad thing! I was just supposed to babysit, no big deal right? Except that I totally couldn’t stand this fucking brat I was watching, every sound that little bitch made was piercing and loud and so fucking obnoxious! God the little shit would NOT shut the Fuck up for two minutes at a stretch and I just simply couldn’t take it any more! I didn’t mean to actually kill her… All I wanted to do was force her to be quiet but I guess she must have suffocated in all that tape. See, once I started wrapping her head in duct tape, I couldn’t stop! I just kept wrapping until her whole head was completely covered and by the time I realized what I was doing, she was already pretty much dead. And I was really going to try to keep this one alive too! Guess I am just not cut out to be a good babysitter huh?
Accomplice Rape Phone Sex Fantasies
Rape phone sex fantasies are a submissive whore’s bread and butter. I hook up with men all the time who want to role play a rape fantasy. I am the perfect MILF for such dark fantasies. I never fight unless that turns my partner on more. I never say something is too dark. Plus, you get me high, I may go places you couldn’t even dream up. Jon was a young guy I met at a fetish club a few weeks ago. He had a lot of anger towards his mother for rebuffing his advances for years. His fantasy was to force fuck mommy in a degrading way. He liked the idea of a stranger rape fantasy. He wanted mommy to never see it coming. At first, I thought he wanted me to pretend to be mommy so he could force fuck me by surprise. Actually, he wanted me to be his accomplice. He wanted my assistance in getting his mother assaulted. I rarely get the chance to be an accomplice, so I jump at it every chance I get. My role was simple. Become friends with his mother and lure her out one night. I started taking yoga with her, and after a couple weeks we decided to go out on the town. I just didn’t realize I was not the only accomplice. A hot young stud was buying us drinks all night, but the last drink was laced with something that knocked us both out. We woke up in some bleak room, bound, naked and gagged. Men with masks entered the room. They did unspeakable things to our bodies. I was not sure if this was part of his fantasy or if I had gotten mixed up with different predators. No one sounded familiar. They pissed in our faces. Slapped us bloody. Sodomized us with broken beer bottles. Burned us with cigars. Shot us up with heroin so we didn’t realize what was really being done to us until it was too late. Forced us to eat shit. Carved whore on our foreheads. We woke up, I am not sure how much later, with broken bones and gaping cuts, cum leaking out of our asses and cunts. She called her son for help. When he arrived, I had no clue who he was. He was clearly not the man I met in the club. I apparently helped some random man force fuck and torture her and myself.
Forced Gangbang
I went to a Friday the 13th themed party last night, it was filled with all kinds of creepy stuff and everyone there was dressed up like it was Halloween, there was blood and gore everywhere. I was having so much fun but after I had been there for a little bit, everything just went hazy and dark. I don’t know exactly what happened but I guess someone must have slipped me a roofie because when I woke up I was right in the middle of a crowd of naked horny men! Somehow I ended up the star of a nasty gangbang and I was tied to the bed so there was nothing I could do about it! All my holes were stuffed full, I was bleeding and couldn’t hardly breathe there was so much cock and cum fighting their way down my throat, I really thought I was going to die! I must have passed out then because next thing I remember I was laying barely dressed on the ground in front of my apartment door. I know one thing for sure… I won’t be going to any more Friday the 13th themed parties!
Sick Ass Rape Porn Torture
Ass rape porn starlets you would think could handle anything, right? I have had so many things shoved up my ass, I make proctologists blush. Seriously, guys love to sodomize me with fists and all sorts of things not designed for ass play. I thought there was nothing that could shock me until I met Peter, a Goth Master at a Marilyn Manson show a couple weeks ago. One of the sickest masters I have ever encountered. He stripped me naked. He beat my ass with a leather belt for hours. Not just any belt either. This one had a huge belt buckle with spikes that with every whack got embedded in my ass, making it bleed. That was just foreplay for master. Seeing my ass turn to raw hamburger meat before his eyes, just made him hard. He force fucked my ass for a good half an hour using my blood as lube before the real fun started for him.
He blind folded me so I would not know what was coming. I could never have imaged what was next. I felt a cylinder type object inserted in my ass. Plastic by the feel, wide by the pain. I heard strange noises, which freaked me a bit. Then the real fear set in as I felt live things going into my stretched out ass. Something with claws went first. Maybe a rat or mouse. It started using my asshole as a habitrail. Little claws tearing my flesh from the inside. Then nibbling started. Master giggled. I cringed in pain and fear. That was nothing to what came next. Slimly things that wiggled in my bloody gaping asshole. Worms, slugs, maggots…. not sure which, maybe a combination of all three. Master laughed harder as I puked and cried. Then suddenly, he yanked the tube out and bound my ass cheeks together so what was inside my ass had to stay there. For hours, I was bound with creatures roaming free in my ass, eating my intestines, shitting and pissing inside me. It seemed like an eternity until Master let me shit the creatures out. I puked again. I could not believe what was coming out of my ass. I am scarred for life, physically and mentally. Think you can top Peter in the sick department?
Taboo Phone Sex Accomplice
I wanna take you on a REAL mindfuck baby with some taboo phone sex making you an accomplice. So let’s not waste any time as it’s late Saturday night and I’m ready to take these MDMA tabs while slipping you a couple and off to an adventure we go.
You become my little pawn and I use you to do my bidding. I take you to an Home invasion Phone Sex job, and have you stick close behind me. The stealth one and a pro at picking locks I get us in and you realize we’re in your family’s home and start to panic. Grabbing you I start duct taping your mouth, wrists behind your back and drag you down to the master’s suite. Opening the door I shove you down into a chair at the vanity and tape your ankles to the legs.
Yanking mommy out of the bed I shove her towards you as I open your pants and yank mommy’s panties down and shove her down on your dick. I force her to wrap her legs around you and tape her ankles together. I make sure she is viewing her husband on the bed while she’s sitting on her son’s cock. I return to the husband now and pull out a 14″ black strapon cock, a bullwhip and my buck knife. I mount your father while he tries to fight me I push my cock into his ass… I push it in DRY. Forcefully fucking and ripping his ass I continue to force the full length on him all the while wrapping the bullwhip around his neck I tug as I thrust in. I hold eye contact with your Mother as I continue fucking her husbands ass like a little faggot whore that he is.
Right before I pull out I take my bull knife and with a quick swipe I castrate that fucker and let him bleed out while I leave the two of you in the compromising position.