I was out at the club last night with my girls and noticed this super sexy guy glancing my way. We started to talk and dance and the next thing I knew, I was drugged and fucked up while tied down to his bed with some thick rope! He slipped a Roofie pill into my drink at the club to bring me home and have his way with me! Everything is such a blur but I do very vividly recall how fucking horny and violent he was with me! He treated me like snuff scum! I came to consciousness and he was force fucking my tight pussy with a butcher knife while jacking his hard cock watching my reaction. I was squirming and screaming, begging for mercy! He was relentless! He took a couple clamps and clamped by nipples so hard, they started to gush blood! The blood was draining down my chest and he was catching it into a cup which he then made me drink! I was gagging while swallowing it down and he started to make a shallow slice along my throat from ear to ear. It was so fucking hot! My body was convulsing and I was bloody from head to toe! He shoved his cock into my pussy and tore my insides up even more. So much blood and skin tissue was flopping around everywhere! He pulled out of my pussy and busted a huge load of cum all over my bloody tits. He scooped up all of the bloody cummy mess and poured it into a big vile to keep. He even put some into a smaller vile and made it into a necklace for me. It was so fucking hot how he took advantage of my sexy self while I was helpless!
Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies
Drugged and Force Fucked
Surprising Domination and Snuff phone sex with Makayla
There truly is a difference between being dominated by a man, and being dominated by a woman. Men are primal and rough. They assert their dominance through physical actions. A Domme, on the other hand, will cut you down and humiliate you more than you ever thought possible. My first experience being dominated by a woman was when a guy drugged me and brought me back to his Mistress. She wanted a fresh piece of ass to tear apart. When I woke up, I was tied up suspended by a metal frame. I was gagged and couldn’t move. Mistress saw me wake up and walked up to me and told me that I was her dinner for the night. Before she was done with me I would beg her to end me. I started dripping at just the thought of her having her way with me. She left me blindfolded and fucked my ass with a 9 inch strap on and no lube.
She then whipped me and fucked my ass again. God it hurt so good. She took my gag out and choked me with her 9 inch strapon that she fucked my ass with. I had tears and spit running down my face. Without saying anything she left. I don’t know how long I was suspended for, but my legs and arms went numb. All I could feel was my raw little asshole and how bad it hurt. She left me for what seemed like an eternity. After 3 days Mistress lived up to her word. I begged her to end me. My legs and arms seared from lack of blood, my asshole raw, ripped and bleeding. I couldn’t take it anymore. I was there for 3 days, and I lost track out of how many times I came after the first 8 hours. They just kept fucking all of my holes.
Ass Rape Porn Pays for My Addiction
I love ass rape porn. I am an anal Annie. Always have loved cock up my ass. I discovered the joys of anal sex when I was pregnant and about to pop. I was so horny, but my belly was too big to fuck in most positions, so my husband fucked my ass. I loved it. I get fucked more in my ass now than I do my pussy. It is no secret I have a coke habit, a very expensive one too. I often make money off my ass. I use to score drugs for free, but as my dealers tell me, I am not a tight little whore anymore. No one really wants to fuck me, well not for the amount of coke I want. I have had to get creative with how I earn my party money. I am a taboo phone sex whore. Men on the phone enjoy force fucking my ass and sodomizing it with all sorts of objects not designed for the ass, so I thought I would take that to the Back Pages and offer up my ass to men for a price. It is keeping me well supplied in coke. Turns out men of all ages want to brutalize a Milf’s ass. Most recently, I was hired by the football coach of a local high school. He thought it would be fun for his team of horny teen boys to have an ass to take out some aggression on. I love young boys. To get paid to let a football team sodomize my ass seemed like robbery in a way. They didn’t pay me enough. It was gangbang rape porn. They stockpiled my ass. At one time there were a dozen teen cocks in my ass. It prolapsed and bled. They even choked me as they shoved their cocks in my ass. I had to suck their bloody shit cover dicks clean after wards. They didn’t care they hurt me and likely ruined my ass. Future callers.
Violent phone sex with Makayla
I have been sick all day. Food poisoning is a bitch. I had to walk to the store and get some Imodium to help settle my stomach. I had to stop along the way a few times and go off into the bushes to pull my pants down and take a giant smelly hot liquid shit. God, it burned so fucking bad! It was pure water with chunks in it. At least shitting outside I didn’t have the back splash from the toilet water on me. I was in the store when it hit me. The urge to take a molten hot shit. I ran to the bathrooms and the Women’s Room was out of order. I could fill it burning and slowly seeping out of my raw asshole. I ran into the men’s and picked the first stall I came too. I pulled my pants down and tried to make it to the toilet but I started exploding all over the stall. I tried to the shut the door but the lock was fucking broken. I was destroying this toilet and I heard a flush. I turned bright red when a pair of feet showed up to my stall door. I tried to get up to shut it but he slammed it open. He grabbed me by my pony tail making me get off the toilet. He grabbed my arm and bent it back, forcing my face into my nasty diarrhea. He kicked my legs apart and slammed his cock into my dirty raw asshole and start fucking me as my hot liquid diarrhea was being force fucked out of me.
More Snuff Phone Sex for 2017
Snuff phone sex is the perfect way to start off the New Year. My only resolution this year was to wreck more havoc. I want to kill more people. I want to dismember more folks. I want to up the torture and the pain. I want to castrate more men. I want to kidnap and destroy more little ones. I want to get more revenge. I want to put more losers out of their misery and ours. I want to see more blood and guts. I want to hear more cries and pleas. I want to consume more flesh. I want to ruin more lives. I want to fuck with people’s heads more. I want to kill more for profit. I want to kill ore for pleasure. You get the picture, right? I want a lot of snuff sex. So far, 2017 is looking like a great year. At the stroke of midnight last night, I killed my first victim for 2017. A precious little blonde angel. I saw her so sweet and innocent at the mall. Her adult companion was paying more attention to his phone than his angel. I rescued her but she had to die after what my accomplice did to her tender little body. He wanted to ring in the new year inside the tightest pussy and ass he ever had, so I gave him what he wanted. For a price of course; a very hefty price. You have to pay for your naughty taboo predilections. But, think about it. If I am your accomplice, you can do whatever you want to whomever you want whenever you want. I even do the clean up and disposal for you. You have all the fun but I take the risk. Something tells me I will be hearing from you soon.
We had to kill her
A friend of mine had this drunk bitch at his place, she was so wasted that he could pretty much do whatever he wanted to her so he invited me over to play. By the time I got there though, shit had gotten real crazy! He was fuckin her ass when she woke up and decided to get all pissed off about it, he got pissed off and beat her fuckin ass. Now she was huddled in the corner all bloody and he didn’t know what to do. Well, there was only one thing we could do, we had to kill her! May as well have some fun with her first though right? We fucked all her holes open, first with his cock and then with my biggest strap on cock, the one with that is wrapped in razor wire. Bitch bled out and our problem was solved!
Bondage Phone Sex with a Submissive Whore
I have always considered myself a bondage whore. I love bondage phone sex. When I was younger, bondage was my foray into the submissive world. Bondage required trust in your partner. I found out recently, that bondage is not what it used to be. Not even close. I was feeling vanilla recently. I have grown tired and frankly scared of all the rough treatment I get from men. Bondage is more sensual so I thought I would explore it again. I went to this new bondage club called Tie Me Up this week. I met Frank, a young Italian man into rope games. We had so much fun at the club, we went to his place to fuck. Club rules always are no exchange of fluids which means can’t fuck. His house was a bondage whore’s dream, well more like nightmare as it turned out for me. He had a rope swing that he ensnared me within. I was suspended and tied up. I didn’t get scared at first, because he respected safe words in the club. Never tied me so tight I couldn’t stand it. We were on his turf now. Whole different set of rules. Actually no rules. He skull fucked me so hard as I was suspended upside down, I feared I would need braces. Upside down is a tough position to suck dick too. As I started to puke, I swallowed my own vomit. I pleaded to be released. Be careful what you ask for, however. He let me down, just to force fuck my ass repeatedly. He didn’t just fuck my ass with his cock. He used both fists too. All three at the same time. I had two fists and his cock up my ass simultaneously. To say my ass gaped a little is an understatement. My ass was a cavern. I think your head would have fit up my backside after he was done. I crawled home, bleeding and prolapsed. Be a long time before I try bondage again.
Kidnapping phone sex with Makaya can fulfill your Primal urges
I absolutely love it when men use me to feed the primal urges lurking deep down inside. I was lying in bed rubbing my wet little pussy last week and drifted off into a world of fantasy. I had an entire scenario play out in my head while I rubbed myself. I was out for a run one evening when suddenly a van appears out of nowhere and a guy jumps out and grabs me and pulls me inside. As the driver speeds off my blood surges in my veins. What is going on? Who are these people? In all of the excitement I blurt out “Who are you? What do you want?”. The only response I got was “Shut the fuck up, Bitch!” and a hard whack on the head with some sort of blunt object, and then black. I slowly open my eyes confused and head throbbing, trying to figure out what is going on. I quickly realize that I’m blind folded. I try to move my legs, but they won’t budge! I realize that my knees are pushed up to my tits and tied in place, exposing my pussy and ass completely. I could feel that my black lace thong was peeled back giving my attackers a complete and full view of pussy and ass. After what felt like hours I heard someone enter the room I was in. I hear footsteps coming my direction, stopping right next to me.
A few seconds of silence and then it happens. A swift “whoosh” and a stinging sensation right across the middle of my ass. My body responds to the cane, habitually wanting more. My pussy starts to drip as I let out a slight whimper from the pain. I hear my attacker laugh. He leans down to whisper into my ear “I’m glad to see that you like this, I’ve got the next three days with nothing to do punish you for being a naughty little whore”. With that I climaxed, so unbelievably turned on that I squirted. Just thinking about being tied up and used as a fuck toy for 3 days sent me over the edge.
Ass Rape Porn Punishment
I assumed the ass rape porn position. I knew I was going to be anally punished. I had been a bad whore. I was instructed to bring master back a pretty young thing and I came home from the mall empty handed. I was weak. I felt sympathy for a young girl whom I knew would be sexually abused and tortured then discarded. I lied and said the mall was dead. I can’t lie to him. He sees through me because he owns me. In the position, I have no idea what is coming. I just know it won’t be pleasant. He is quite cruel and capricious. I felt several hard whacks with his hand on my bare ass. I knew that was just warm up. When I come home empty handed, I have to pay the consequences. What came next was his fist up my ass. He made sure to have all his big rings on his fingers so it really hurt. I got lost in the pain. It was hard to determine what was going in my ass. There was a beer bottle. I definitely felt a bat up my ass. He loves to torture my butt with big objects. I guess I wasn’t in pain enough for him and he broke one of the beer bottles to fuck me savagely. Now I was paying attention. A pain slut like me needs more than a baseball bat up the ass to scream. Broken glass taught me a lesson. With my ass bleeding and shredded, I went back to the mall and got him what he wanted. A perfect little blonde angel to fuck. Young, tight and innocent. Nothing like me. I was bringing this angel to hell, but if that is what master wants, that is what he gets. What do you want?
Violent Phone Sex – The Great Escape
I escaped today. I guess I’d traveled a couple of miles before I heard the furries behind me, stirring up a lot of noise. I ran as fast and far as I could, but before long, they were on me. The 4 brothers looked pissed, and they took my still-naked body between 2 of them, and the other 2 laid into my ass, spanking and punching it until I know it’s bruised. Then, they started in on me. The one between my legs pulled back on me until he could ram himself into my dry, tender cunt, ripping me. I cried and begged to stop, told them that I’d never do it again, but they wouldn’t listen. They took their turns with me, ripping my ass, too. I could feel the searing pain of the tears with every thrust, the bruising areas on my backside taking a pounding, too. All I could do was retreat into myself, focus on their brother, and all the tenderness and kindness he’d shown me. I felt so horrible that I’d betrayed him after all he’d done for me. I had only wanted to be able to go home again. Now, I had no idea if he would ever forgive me.