Domination hone sex is what I need. I am a submissive whore, but I am not well trained. Not every man thinks of me a piece of shit. Many men worship and idolize me because I am hot. I get mixed signals. My daddy said I was a whore. He treated me like the piece of shit I am. But, with other men, I get mixed treatment. I was with John over the weekend. We met at a club. It wasn’t a BDSM club, so I was hopeful he saw me as an equal, girlfriend material. We had been on a few dates. I felt like a princess the way he spoiled me. Saturday night we were at his place. Romantic dinner, lovemaking then I spilled some wine on his carpet and he slapped me. I saw a different side of him. He grabbed my hair and pushed my face in the carpet like I was a dog who pissed the floor. Next thing I knew, I had a collar around my neck. He had a chain leash affixed to the collar. He told me from now on I am his bitch because I can’t be trusted not to ruin things. I apologized or being clumsy, but he didn’t want to hear it. He punched me in the gut, bringing me to my knees. That’s when he pissed in my face. He laughed as my eyes burned from his urine. He snapped. Went from a great guy to a mean bastard over a glass of spilled wine. I spent the weekend in a dog cage. I was no longer his girlfriend. I was his slave, his prisoner. He pissed and came on me all weekend, never again showing me an ounce of affection. I think I like being his bitch better than being his girlfriend.
Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies
I Need Domination Phone Sex
One Of My Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies Part 1
I was coming out of a shopping center putting my merchandise I just bought into the car. I was just about to grab my purse when I felt a hand around my mouth. And an arm around my waist. Dragging me backwards. I tried to scream, but they were muffled with the black glove covering my mouth. I was thrown into a back of van where I tried to scream for help as we drove off. It seemed for hours driving around and around. My voice so harsh from screaming for help. All of a sudden the van parks. And I hear the front door open. I get ready in the back of the van, I am going to rush him as he opens the door. The back doors start to open and I try to rush him. But he anticipated my move and was ready with full force punch to my face. Knocking me backwards into the van as I scream in pain. He steps into the van and proceeds to kick me hard in the stomach. I lose my breath gasping for air. I could hear him laughing taunting me. “You stupid skanky cunt!” “You will pay for that one slut.” He took some rope he had and tied my wrists tightly one to each side of van. Stretching my arms wide. He did the same with my ankles. Making sure the rope was nice and tight, digging into my skin. I was crying and whimpering for him to please just let me go I would not say a word to anyone. He completely ignored me. Rummaging thru a bag that we brought back with him. I could see a whip and hunting knife. There was a grill lighter and a box cutter. I was shivering with fear. Wondering what kind of torture sex was I in for.
Taboo phone sex with willing victim
Its so hard to understand why I keep being targeted for assaults. I have been fantasy raped over and over again. My asshole and my cunt are a magnet for violent attacks that sexually stimulate me even though I do not ask to be the victim. The very first time I was attacked I was just a girl and it hurt to have him shove his cock into my virgin pussy. I felt my skin ripping as his giant cock was pushed into my innocent pussy. He thrust and pound me so hard, I just remember there being blood everywhere and feeling like someone had hit me over and over in the pussy with a bowling ball. He fantasy reaped my asshole that night too. I have never screamed so loud in my life like I did as I felt him push himself into my asshole. I cried and begged for him to stop and it made him harder and fuck me faster and deeper. From there it seemed I just became a walking punching bag, pussy jizz drop.
Taboo Phone Sex Bitch
I think it is very clear from my site, my pictures and my blogs that I am a taboo phone sex slut. A dominant, sadistic one at that. Yet, day after day, I get dipshits contacting me who are so dumb, I wonder if they know how to breathe. You don’t IM me on yahoo messenger saying you are going to force fuck me. I have chopped off men’s balls for far less. You also don’t call me to talk dirty before paying. You especially don’t get to call me baby and ask me what size my tits are for free. In fact, even after you pay, you don’t call me baby or talk about my tits. I don’t do typical sex calls. I am not the girl for the girlfriend experience. Call me baby, attempt to force yourself on me, talk about spraying your seed on my face is what gets you castrated. It is also what gets you starring in my own ass rape porn. I know we have a president who thinks he can grab women by the pussy. His stupidity is contagious. I was at the supermarket late one night last week. I encountered this punk on a skateboard who started in on the baby talk. He didn’t like me telling him to get lost before I popped a cap in his skater boi ass. He jumped me when I went to my car. Stupid boy. He thought a chick like me would be unarmed and unable to defend herself. He thought he could overpower me with brute strength. I pack my own heat. So, I couldn’t really pop a cap in his ass. I could cut his cock and his balls off. I waited until he had his family jewels out. I played the woman in peril only until I had him where I needed him. Let’s just say he was shocked when I sliced his balls off; mortified when I took his dick too. I left him there bleeding out on the black top. You will get the same treatment if you forget I am a sadistic and an accomplice, not your baby or your whore.
Taboo phone sex with victim Aubree
Some people wonder what it feels like to have the euphoric feeling of floating out of your body. Well I feel that every time a man decides to choke me and fantasy rape my asshole and cunt when I am unwilling. I have gotten so use to losing consciousness and being taken to the brink of the loss of consciousness that I do not even know what it feels like to be caressed and gently fucked any more. Quite honestly I crave being choked, punched, slapped and humiliated because it makes me feel alive. If I am in pain I know that I am alive and not dead… yet anyway. I am sure some day some man will be raping me while he is holding my throat so tight that while my skin bruises and my eyes turn red from the blood vessels popping, that I will simply fade away into nothing and my corpse will be all that is left as he continues to fuck my shell and then throw away what is left of me.
Murder Phone Sex Fantasies: Use Me
When Murder Phone Sex Fantasies are the only thing that will make your cock throb, grow hard, and explode jism like a fountain then you are in the right place for mayhem. I’m a worthless fucking cunt that deserves to fucking die. Kill me, beat the crap out of me and make me cum, or forbid me to cum and piss on the open fucking knife wounds you just inflicted on me. Or invite a bunch of cracked out niggers over to jack me the fuck up and then use me like a filthy mens bathroom. Piss on me, in my mouth or on my pretty face and big luscious tits. Let these thugs force fuck my anus, cunt and mouth and jerk off their big filthy pieces of fuck meat while they shoot me up with filthy needles making me overdose while being fantasy raped.
I’m a useless bubble headed blonde that deserves every bit of punishment administered to me.
Ass Rape Porn: Pay Up Bitch
Ass rape porn is never what I want, but it is always what I get. Troy said I owed him money. I didn’t even remember this guy. Supposedly, we fucked months ago. I used him for drugs. I use every man for drugs. That is my reputation. Not like he didn’t get anything out of it, right? I felt no allegiance to him. He got pussy; I got coke. It is called a trade. Women don’t fuck for free. I don’t even fuck my husband without expecting something in return. He didn’t like my answer. He smacked my face so hard, my lip bled. I tried to run away, but he grabbed me by the hair and tossed me on the floor. His dick was out. He intended on collecting his money one way or another. He kicked me until I begged for mercy and promised to be a good slut for him. He even kicked me in the head. He pissed on me while laughing. He informed me that his fee went up because I was being a twat. I was contorted like a beach ball. My yoga pants tore at the seam from the position. He split them even further, then just ripped them off me. All he needed was room for his cock and access to my asshole. He pounded me like he was a hammer and I was a nail. He got in so deep. In that position, he could pin my arms back too so that if I fought or moved away he could snap my arms. Over an hour in that position was more torture sex than anal sex. I was bleeding, in pain with a prolapsed anus by the time he was done. He spat in my face and said sarcastically, “Next time pay up bitch.” Another lesson learned the hard way.
He wanted snuff sex but not like this!
He wanted snuff sex, he was very clear on that… but he wasn’t very specific as to who would be getting snuffed so I decided it would be him! He was such a cocky arrogant man and I just can NOT stand those kind of beasts! I will not bow to some man, I am a very dominate, aggressive woman and he would be bowing to me whether he liked it or not! I had to bring him down a peg or two so I told him that the only way I would help him snuff a bitch is if he let me fuck him first and this eager little homo jumped at the chance! I think his hyper masculinity was just a cover for his faggoty wimpy ways. I forced him to suck my rubber cock and even bent him over and forced his ass open, he was screaming and begging me to stop, that it was too big but I just kept right on pounding! Then I hit the little spring on the side of my strap on… the little button that pops out a very sharp knife from the tip of my rubber cock and I literally fucked that faggot to death!
Snuff porn fantasies Indigo
Do you know what it is like to feel blood dripping down your rock hard cock because we just slit the throat of a hoe that no one will miss? We fucked her in every single hole possible, tortured her for hours and made her scream and cum unwillingly. The rape fantasies we carried out until her dying breath. And we did it all because we wanted to get off. After we finished her off we fucked on top of her lifeless body because it makes me wet and come so much harder knowing I took her life away only to make me happier because I am a sick and twisted slut that enjoys watching others in pain, all while I play with myself. I enjoy my sadistic side and embrace it because I am numb to the feelings of others. The only thing I am worried about is my own interest and what is going to make me wet and get me off.
Murder Phone Sex Fantasies
If you have murder phone sex fantasies, you are not alone. Most men harbor them; usually for a woman. My stepson has them for me. Since he was a wee boy, he has hated me because I was his father’s whore. But daddy married the whore and left the Madonna, my step son’s mother. Now, he is all grown up and his hatred is fueled by drugs and years of plotting revenge. He got in my face the other day and let off some steam. I called him a pussy who couldn’t get over the past. I didn’t realize he was high on meth. He flew into a rage, claiming he had fantasized about killing me for two decades. I told him he couldn’t kill me because pussies don’t act, they just whine and bitch. He snapped. He smacked me across the room. I tried to run, but he lunged at me, grabbed my leg and pulled me back towards him. He ripped off my clothes and set them on fire, while he tied me up. “Who is a pussy now, bitch,” he seethed. He pulled his cock out. I knew what was next. First, he pissed all over my face while laughing at me; then he fucked me. My cunt and my ass got fucked like a man with pent up rage would fuck: savagely. I was bleeding and crying. I couldn’t make him listen to me. I didn’t think he had this in him. Years of nothing but passive aggressive comments and now, I felt like he might very well kill me. He kicked me in the gut repeatedly like he was channeling A Clockwork Orange. I thought he was done, when he fell backwards on to the couch. Then he picked up the light, tightened the cord and wrapped it around my neck. Everything went dark.