Maybe I’ve been watching The Walking Dead too much lately but I love watching that black bitch chopping heads off. It gave me a great killer sex idea. Next time we go round us up some snotty nosed little brats to have rape phone sex fantasies with. I’m gonna chop their fucking little heads off. Of course that’s wayyyy after we’ve had all the fun their tiny bodies can handle, and then some. Hell, maybe I’ll grab one of those heads and bob it up and down on your cock!! Doesn’t that sound like fun? I’ve got all sorts of evil toys and contraptions to torture those little crumb snatchers. Less mouths to feed for some poor dumb bitch is what I say. Come on. You know you want to do it. Just the thought of all the devious fantasies that goes through your sick twisted little mind make your cock hard. I bet you’re rubbing it right now. Mouth watering.
Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies
Fucking Her Dead Body
Oh, you really screwed the pooch this time. Having a little breath play during some choking sex I see. Guess you held that belt a little too tight for a little too long. So why is it that you’re fucking her even harder now that she’s dead than when she was still breathing? You keep coming and coming and filling her dead cunt with your thick cum but your cock is still so fucking hard. She should have known that this could have turned out very badly for her. I guess she didn’t realize that all this time, you’ve been fantasizing that she was really dead, until she was. What are you gonna do? Keep her as your little fuck doll? You do realize that in a few days, she’s really gonna start to smell up the place. Call me and we can figure out what to do with her corpse. I wanna hear you fucking that cold dead cunt.
Tinder Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Gone Bad
Do you have rape phone sex fantasies? I am the force fuck queen. Men love to get rough with me on and off the phone. I had a Tinder date last night. He didn’t know my history as a submissive whore to daddy and his friends. I thought I could have some hot sex, smoke some weed and get rid of him. Justin had other plans. He didn’t want rough sex. He wanted to hurt me. He wanted to sodomize me. He even wanted to break my arm. I didn’t know guys like him were on Tinder. When I realized he was a masochistic asshole, I told him to leave. He charged me in my own home. I was pinned to the wall with his hand around my throat. I kneed him in the balls to get free. That was not the smartest thing I have ever done before. It was a knee jerk reaction. Sometimes I am prepared to be abused, but this was not one of them. I ran for my phone once I broke free. I was going to call 911. I didn’t know this guy. That is what Tinder is. It is random hookups. He presented himself as a horny man into blondes and anal sex. Before I got my phone, he grabbed my arm. He twisted it behind my back, sending me to my knees. Suddenly, I was in intense pain. He said it was a spiral fracture and that if I continued to fight, I would have a lot more pain. For the next several hours I was his ass rape porn star. He forced his cock in my ass with no lube until I was bleeding and crying. He shot bloody jizz in my face, spit on me and reminded me he knew where I lived if I was thinking of calling the police. I went to the ER and said I fell down the stairs going to do the laundry.
My Worst Fantasy Phone Sex Nightmare
When it’s fantasy phone sex, anything goes. That is what I love about this job. I like to get fucked up on coke, which always takes me to extreme places. I have dark fantasies. Very dark fantasies. What about you? I tend to run my mouth when I am fucked up too. I told my stepson about a deep dark fantasy last week. I know better than to tell him anything. He hates me. He gets me high because he knows I run my mouth and I don’t fight him when he abuses me. The truth is that I like the abuse. I told him this sick fantasy I have about spiders. There is nothing that scares me more than spiders. We were talking about fears. I told the wrong person that I thought I might have a heart attack if spiders were crawling all over my body while fucking. I am a submissive MILF; the thought of a man exposing me to my worst fear turns me on but scares me too. Last night my sick fantasy became a reality. I didn’t have a heart attack, but I pissed myself and hyperventilated. My stepson dragged me out of bed and tossed me in the cellar. He was taunting me in the dark. His voice seethes with hate. He hooked me up to a fuck machine. What came next, I never could have imagined. He dumped a container of hairy, big spiders on me. I was restrained to the bed frame while getting fucked and these creepy spiders were all over my body. I was shaking. I have never been so scared. This was not fantasy, it was torture sex. I was shaking badly from fear. I couldn’t enjoy the fuck machine. My stepson laughed at me as he jacked off on my face. I knew I should have never told him my worst fear.
Accomplice Needed For Ageplay Rape Phone Sex Fantasies?
Because you don’t have the balls to do it on your own, you call me. You’ve been having rape phone sex fantasies about little ones for a very long time now. You have come close a few times, but you always chicken out you fucking weak pathetic soul. You wanna be a “P” daddy so badly. You just can’t bring yourself to do it on your own. That’s fine. That’s what I’m here for. I won’t let you say no. I’ll push you further than you ever thought you could be pushed. You’re gonna snatch that girl. That little one. I’ll make sure nobody sees you. But you’re gonna have to do the work. Now, when we get her back here, I run the show. Got it? I’ll make that little slut gag on your dick til she pukes. Then I’ll make her turn around. Grab those small little hips and thrust your cock in her tight little never been touched before asshole. It’s what you really wanna do anyways. Don’t hesitate. Call me and I’ll guide your sniveling ass all the way to the end. Oh and speaking of ends, you know I am gonna snuff her little life out right?
Filthy Blonde Cunt
I’m a real ditz and a complete addict of rape phone sex fantasies that humiliate and destroy me. As a filthy blonde cunt that has no fucking clue I will dress as whorish as ever even after rape fantasies have been played out on me numerous times. My therapists have all concluded I am just too dumb to get it and I will continue to put myself out there as prey.
Fuck, how can I manage to really tell them exactly how much it turns me on and how the only way I can orgasm is by being brutally fucked and used like a damned piece of trash. My fake tits are a fucking joke as is this hot fucking body. I lure the most lunatic of men in and they man handle me to the end. Not much more to say as I won’t be breathing much longer.
Forcing Ageplay Rape Phone Sex Fantasies
There you sit, whimpering in the corner with your knees balled up to your chest. Begging me to stop. Fuck no you sniveling wanna be “P” daddy. This is what you asked for. This is what you begged me for. Now, that I’ve got this little one here and you realize your ageplay rape phone sex fantasies are coming true, you wanna back out? I told you that I would push you beyond your limits. I knew you would try and back out. That’s why I saved all of our messages about how badly you wanted to fuck a tiny smooth bald cunnie. There’s no backing out now asshole. Not after I went through all the trouble for you to get this little brat here. Do you know how hard that was? Oh, you’re gonna fuck her. You’re gonna do unimaginable things to her, while I film the whole thing on my phone. You’re gonna do it, or else.
Oh, You’re Gonna Do It
“Oh, you’re gonna do it. If I have to threaten and fucking force you to do it. Taboo phone sex is something that both turns you on and scares you. It scares you cause you know how fucking much it turns you on. That’s what scares you. The thought of fucking and torturing these little ones. It could be one of yours. Looking all innocent and shit. Go on and admit it . You’re a fucking perverted “P” daddy. Grown woman pussy just doesn’t do it for you any more does it? Noooo, you lust for that young bald smooth cunnie. Those wee little ones. You know how fucking disgusting and wrong it is, but you just can’t help yourself. No more than I can either. So let’s be fucking “P” together.
You must read this nasty shit
So tonight I think I am in the mood to go out and get a little bitch and help you torture her. I want to make sure that little slut knows exactly what she deserves. I mean look how she is dressed in a skin tight little black dress that you can see her little pink nipples through, well I have a good idea to get rid of those little nipples. I wanna take a sander and just sand those nipples right down to where she looks like a little flat chested whore. Then I wanna make fucking sluts in each of her tits for your cock to go in there and fuck her chest cavity. I love seeing the blood squirt all over your cock from pounding those fucking tits. Then I wanna take a knife and make a big gash right through her stomach and have you put your cock in there and fuck ever organ until she just dies right there on your cock. Then you can just fill her little dead corpse with your hot steamy cum.
Taboo Phone Sex: When a Whore Needs a Fix
As a taboo phone sex slut, no is not in my vocabulary. I struggle to tell anyone no, even strangers; especially strangers I need a fix from. I was out of options for coke. I had no money, so I did what I always do for a fast buck. I put on a short skirt and fishnet hose, teased out my hair and marched my old ass down to the corner of Main St. That is my neighborhood’s red light district. Among a sea of teen runaways, this old whore stands out. My pussy and ass are used up, so I can’t get the same price as a young tight cunt, but broke ass horny men purchase my old holes all the time. I don’t get the nice men or the sugar daddy types. I get the sadistic women haters; the fetish freaks and guys fucked up on drugs. Beggars can’t be choosers. This car full of young men offered me $100 for an hour. That would buy me coke, so I took it. We went into this old burned up warehouse nearby. I knew I was in trouble, but I was desperate to get high. The moment we were out of sight from the other whores, they started pulling my clothes off. They slapped me, even kicked and punched me. I was thinking they were not going to fuck me because they seemed to be enjoying abusing me. One of the guys said that I looked like I had a diseased cunt. Their solution was to fist me instead and fuck me with their beer bottles. I would have preferred being an ass rape porn star with cock over fists and bottles any day. Luckily, I can handle rough anal treatment, but my asshole still prolapsed. I still bled. I still fought back the tears. Once they had their fill of thrills, they spit on me and came on my face. One dude tossed me a $100 and told me to enjoy my dirty fix. A girl has to do what a girl has to do to get high.