Daddy was pissed at me last night. I had a date with a guy I met on Tinder. I didn’t know that Daddy could see everything I did on my phone. I told him I was going to the store, and he punched me in the face. Before I could get up, he yanked me up and tied me up so I couldn’t go anywhere. He stripped me first. I was bound to my limbs like a package of meat. Daddy had this look on his face like I had killed his best friend. He was circling around me seething. He spit in my face, slapped my little titties and kicked me in the stomach a few times. He knew what I was up too. In that moment, I realized he saw my phone. Daddy wants me as his slave only. He never wants to share me with other men, not even his friends. I tried to apologize. I knew if I lied, it would be worse for me, so I came clean about wanting to hook up with a cute boy. Daddy was silent. His silence scares me more because I never know what he is thinking. He went into the kitchen and emerged with one of those big lighters. He burned my clit; he completely mutilated it. The pain was excruciating. “Now that you have an ugly pussy, no other man will want you whore,” he yelled. He left me tied up in pain crying until the next morning. I am never going to have another man. Daddy will kill me first.
Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies
My dad punished me by bringing in a guy with the biggest cock I’ve ever seen to stretch my tight little pussy and ass. He locked me in a room with him and he forced himself onto me. My panties were ripped from my body and his hard cock was forced into my pussy. I felt my cunt being ripped and stretched as he plowed in and out of me. Once he had destroyed my pussy, he moved onto my ass. I screamed and begged him to let me go, but he just punched me in the face and told me to shut up. I felt two teeth knocked loose and my mouth filling with blood. I finally gave up on fighting back and he continued fucking my ass until it was bloody and ruined and filled with his cum.
Sick Fantasy Phone Sex
I love fantasy phone sex. Well, sick fantasies of course. I am not the vanilla fantasy kind of girl. I want to be the devil on your shoulder telling you to do sick and depraved things. I have this friend Alex. We go back to high school. He helped me get some extreme revenge on a group of mean girls. I was always able to get him to do my dirty work. I was a sick bitch even back then, but I l had a fear of being busted. I no longer have that fear. Alex has dirty thoughts about young girls that he is afraid to act on. I used his computer recently and there was all the evidence. I decided that I needed to be his dirty accomplice; his cheerleader to get that sweet bald pussy he yearns for. I took him to the mall. He thought we were seeing a horror film. Instead I took him around shopping for the perfect victim. Once we found this super young, super cute little girl, I told him how tight her cunt would feel on his dick. I assured him I owed him a few favors, so I could get rid of her tiny body easily once he was done having his fun. I wanted him to force fuck her tiny bald cunt. I wanted to watch, and I wanted to make a snuff porn of the event. It took some convincing, but before long we were at my kill shack and he was making his dark desires a reality while I filmed him. He shredded her cunt and ass. I had no clue my friend had such a punisher cock. He bloodied her fuck holes up. She passed out from the pain. I made sure she never woke up again. I mean, what are friends for, right?
Dead Lay
Fuck me it’s all I can think about right now I want you to be really mean to me I would like for you to get vicious even. Have you ever imagined or fantasized about slicing a dead body while fucking it at the same time? Have you ever thought about being a necrophilia lover? I can give you what you want I can set the right environment and circumstances for you to fulfill all of your bloody gore filled salacious disgusting fantasies. I’ve got a group of friends who bring over those hot unfortunate skanks who didn’t make it in the streets. My friends sliced them up so they can bleed for you well you penetrate their lifeless bodies. I can have it set up to where you get to watch yourself as a memento if you will fucking a cold hard dead skank tramp whore. For instance, I know a girl she’s been missing for only 2 weeks now, and she is a really hot spicy piece of tramp trash. She’s still warm and breathing, but that can all change if you want it to. It can be arranged for you to have that fresh hot wet pussy brought to you lifeless and still warm. Let me make your nightmares come true all of the sexual desires that everybody tells you to ignore. Let me make you the happiest Boogeyman ever. I want to watch you take advantage of a nice, recently deceased piece of young pussy. I like to videotape and sell those tapes overseas to very high-paying perverts that love Gore. I want to make sure that you are entirely pleased but only for the right price.
Made for Snuff Movies
I was made for snuff movies. That is what he told me when he kidnapped me. I was so scared. I had no clue how I got to this guy’s place. I had no idea who he was, but he knew everything about me. I was shaking like a caged animal. I could hear him talking on the phone. He was haggling prices for a side of beef. I suddenly got the idea that I was that side of beef. He kidnapped me to sell me on the black market. The best case scenario would be sex trafficking. The worse case scenario would be snuff porn. I was sold to be a sex slave or a dead whore. There were other women in the room with me. They were passed out. I figured they drugged them, like they would me too. Easier to smuggle meat that is quiet. After a few hours, a man in black came to talk to my captor. He gave him a large sum of money and the mystery man hand selected me. The man revealed himself once I was in the back of his van. I knew him. He was a friend of my father’s. He forced fucked me many years ago when I was a small school girl. Was I bought to be returned to my prick of a father? Turns out he wanted me all to himself. We pulled over somewhere so he could fuck me in the back of his cold, rusty perv van. I fought, but he was strong. I didn’t want him then, and I didn’t want him now. After he nutted in my ass against my wishes, I knew I had an advantage. I grabbed his balls and squeezed so hard, I severed a testicle. I kicked him in the face and fled out the back of the kidnap mobile. I know I am in a lot of trouble now. I was bought and sold by two men who will hunt me down and kill me. I just need to hide out for awhile until things cool down. Maybe you can hide me. I will be your willing slave in exchange.
Predators just seem to be able to sniff me out, like a cat hunting a mouse. I’ve always been a victim. Years ago when I was a lot younger, I was walking home from school when a man took me. I guess he saw a cute little redhead walking alone and he just couldn’t help himself. He pulled me into his car and drove me to his house. He duct taped my mouth and tied my ankles and wrists. He held a knife to my throat and told me if I screamed he would carve out my jugular. He took the tape off my mouth just so he could jam his cock into it and fuck my throat until I vomited on myself. He forced himself into my virgin pussy and fucked me until I was bleeding. I could feel his hard cock ripping apart my hymen. When he was done with me, he warned me not to tell anyone or he would come back for me. He dumped me out onto the road in front of my house the next day and drove off. Sometimes I would see his car parked outside of my house at night and I knew he wanted me to see him, he wanted me to know he was watching me. I never told anyone for fear he would make good on his word about coming back to take me out. I still look over my shoulder when I’m walking alone. I’m just waiting for the day I see his car slowly driving down the road, coming to get me and drag me back into his basement to abuse all of my holes and hold a knife to my throat. Will he let me go again when he comes back for me? Or will he finally snuff me out for good?
Gangbang Rape Porn Valentine
I didn’t ask to make a gangbang rape porn for Valentine’s day, but that is what happened. My stepson fed me some bullshit about wanting to make nice with me and take me to a fancy dinner. I should have known it was a lie, but when he said he had some coke for me as a present, I let myself think the best. I am a coke whore; if I think there is a chance I can score coke, I believe anything anyone tells me. It is like they had me at coke. When I arrived at his place, there were a few more men than I was expecting or wanting. He promised me coke if I didn’t scream. I wanted that blow so badly, I agreed. He lives in an apartment and I can get loud. His friends never go easy on my fuck holes. There was no reason to think that because it was Valentine’s Day anything would be different. My stepson tied me up and let his friends have me as a gift. They forced their dicks in my tiny butt hole and pink pussy. I was grinding my teeth so hard I thought I might chip some teeth. They put a couple cocks up my ass at once. My stepson was the director. He filmed what felt more like a snuff porn. My ass was bloody and gaped so wide, I knew I would never shit right again. I might not ever sit right again either. I just had to endure his sick rape fantasies for a couple hours then I got my coke. I know I am warped. Who degrades themselves like that for powder? It was all worth it to get that much free coke though. I guess it wasn’t free because I paid for it with my ass and my cunt.
I was startled awake to the sound of broken glass from my bedroom window. Before I could even scream for mommy and daddy to help me, I was bound and gagged and shoved back out of my window. I was pushed into a van and that was when I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in strange warehouse. Tied up and bound with rope so tightly it dug into my skin. I realized I was completely naked with my bald pussy pinned back and my perky teen tits tied up and turning purple. My kidnappers brutally beat my crumpled body until it was black and blue. They whipped my quivering clit until it was swollen and bleeding and then performed their brutal rape fantasies on my virgin cunt and rosebud ass. They fucked me so hard until my asshole prolapsed and then they whipped it and kept fucking me until I bled. For days, they made me the star of their teen ass rape fantasies. Every single day.
Violent Phone Sex Boyfriend
The new man in my life is the violent phone sex kind of man. He enjoys hurting women. I am not his sub; I am not really his girlfriend either. I guess I am his rough sex buddy. I have a wild attraction to bad boys. I always have. I know it is risky, but I can’t help it. Nice guys are boring as fuck. Roger was in a rougher mood than usual. I got the booty call around 1 am. I dressed in something slutty that wouldn’t stay on my body long. I wore his favorite perfume and did my make-up like a whore. The little touches he loves so much. When I arrived, he pulled me by the hair caveman style into the bedroom. I was wet because he was so forceful. I love a strong dominant man who takes control of me from the get-go. He tossed me on the bed, stripped my clothes of and sodomized my dry asshole. He never uses lube because he wants my ass to bleed. He pulled my arm behind my back in such a way that I suffered a spiral fracture immediately. I heard the bone snap, so did he. I felt it shortly thereafter. The pain was incredible. He just looked at me and said, “Suck it up bitch. You can’t leave until I nut in your whore ass.” I was fighting back the tears because my arm was useless. He still pounded my ass while my broken arm dangled at my side. I prayed he would nut soon because I needed medical attention. He liked fucking me while I was in pain. Eventually, he came. I had to try to dress myself with a broken arm and drive to the hospital because he didn’t care about what he did to me. My top was unbuttoned, and I drove poorly. I walked into the ER and passed out. I now have a pretty pink cast for 2 months. The price of liking bad boys like you and Roger.
You will pay for trying Cunt Whore
Fucking cum dumpster cunt whore, trying to fuck my boyfriend while I was away I’ve got something for that bitch. You nasty slut whore I’m going to fix you-you wanted to sleep with my boyfriend you thought that you would get away with that you told him all those lies too. You deserve to get chopped up in little bitty pieces you got damn slut. I’m going to slice your fucking throat I am going to teach you bitch that you never defy me. I love my man and if I’ve got to show all of you cunt bitches how much then I will. Yes I did slip that pill in your drink, and that’s how you got here dirty bitch you thought you were going to get away with your fucked-up Behavior, but I had something in store for you all the time. I’m going to slice your fucking body up because you thought that you could sleep with my man you thought that you could fuck my boyfriend without me ever finding out. I should show you for real why everyone calls me so dangerous. You are about to find out, and it’s so unfortunate for you that you’re going to find out and you’re not going to learn anything else in life again because it will be the end of you. You fucking cunt whore you’re nothing you think that my boyfriend actually liked you that he wanted you bitch he never did. You are the fucking worst bitch in the world. You deserve to get sliced up you deserve to have your body tossed around like a rag doll that’s what you deserve. You are going to get everything that you deserve, you spicy cunt bitch you’re going to get everything I’m not holding anything back. I hate you I hate the sight of you I hate the smell of you I hate everything about you. When I am done with you I will have your body wishing I had only fucked you with this butchers knife.