Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Smile Through The Pain

Keeping a smile on my face while multiple men either one at a time or in a group abuse me and fuck me hard is something I now have to do. It is something master came up with while teaching one of his classes. They want to see me try as hard as I can to smile while the pain is being inflicted on me. This all started last week. On my first day, I thought I was going to die. The men went in on me hard, they wanted to see me fail and give me a punishment. I did not fail though, even when five men surrounded me, blasting their cocks in every one of my holes while tying a leash around my neck suffocating me, I still kept a smile on my face.Rape phone sex fantasies I was not going to let these men see me fail. In fact, I did so well when one of the men decided to take a knife and twist it in my asshole causing me to bleed out heavily I decided to moan a little. The amount of blood coming out of my ass was a lot, I was going in and out of consciousness, the men could tell and started to get bored. They knew if they punished me now for my smile starting to fade away from trying not to pass out, they would not have a lot of fun torturing me. The men left, one guy stayed with me to fuck me one last time while I was slumped on the wet grass, the blood made his cock go in real smooth. That is the last thing I remember before passing completely out.

I killed a bitch boy

taboo phone sexI killed a little bitch boy and trust me, he definitely deserved it. He was weak and wimpy and he even had a girl’s name! Why should a man like that be allowed to live? First thing to go was his manhood, it was just like him weak and small and useless so I bound it up and cut that useless little knob right off. Then as he stood there bleeding profusely, I began to beat him with a heavy rod, each blow broke bones and crushed his flesh and every second of it got me wetter and wetter. He was crying and begging me to stop but his cries were getting weaker and weaker as he bled out, I knew he couldn’t possibly last much longer. I beat him until my arms got tired and by then he was dead, the little faggot got exactly what he deserved.

Hell of a Masturbation

Torture phone sexI did not do something I was supposed to do. Master was pissed about it. I forgot to shave as he told me to. He has a class going on and I was his test dummy. He said he wanted me to shave my pussy so the men could get a good view of what was going on. I do not know how I forgot, I am always so good with remembering all of the master’s requests. It could be these classes have me tired. Not only am I a slave to master, the men he teaches each week use me as practice. The punishment master chose for me has my throbbing black pussy and ass feeling like they will fall out of my body any minute. My punishment from my master was to sit on a chair for the next 5 hours and fuck myself hard and fast. I could only get quick 5 minute brakes every 2 hours. I thought since I have gotten fucked by more men than that for a long time I would be able to handle it. I really thought master was going easy on me. That is until I started. To fuck myself for five hours is horrible. Not only is my nigger ass and pussy in pain bleeding, my arm and hand feels like it is going to cut off. Master also put it up online to go live so all of his class could watch the pain on my face. I am so glad my master is gone for the day so my bloody torn throbbing pussy and ass can heal.

Snuff Porn Accomplice

snuff pornWhat are your snuff porn fantasies? I know you have them. We all do, just most people won’t admit it. I love being the devil on your shoulder telling you to kill your boss or murder your cheating whore wife. I even go more extreme, telling you to fuck and kill that sweet young girl you have your eye on. Most men would jump at the chance of fucking a young school girl, but their fear gets the best of them. What if she tells? Dead girls tell no lies. You fuck them, I kill them for you. It is the perfect relationship, right? I helped Mr. X kill his neighbor girl. Every damn day, she bounced on her trampoline in the yard in front of his bedroom cock teasing him. She would be in this little white tank top and booty shorts, showing off her sweet little body. One day, Mr. X found me on the dark net and hired me for his accomplice phone sex needs. I snatched the little girl from broad daylight while he had a strong alibi. Later that night, I met him at my kill shack in the woods no one knows about. He made his rape fantasies a reality, enjoying her sweet bald cunt and I killed her. Bonus, you hire me, you get the disposal of the body for free. I have never been caught and I have never had a client regret fucking that super young, super tight pussy. This sadistic devil is tell you to go for it.

Torture Time

Torture sexYes, my life is full of torture, my ass, titties, black cunt has been through it all. Nipple clamps clamping down on my hard nipples make me scream in pain. When I am being punished I get the pleasure of having a baseball bat driven into my asshole. Splinters are stuck in my ass for days. I can’t even take a shit without my asshole bleeding. My master really likes to put a dog collar around me. Not the normal dog collars, the ones that will shock the fuck out of my neck. He likes doing this when I am on his deadly fuck toy. Basically, he made this toy himself with wood and two 12-inch dildoes. I sit on the wooden contraption and the dildos rise up, one dildo inserting into my ass, the other inserting into my black tired cunt. The penetration from both dildoes fucking me at the same time is too much for me to handle. If master turns the speed up enough I will pass out. That is why master has me wear the dog collar if I pass out while I am still on his toy he will make sure my hoe ass gets shocked. Master likes to call me a black bitch and he will bark at me. He loves the look on my face when the collar shocks me awake.

Teen Rape Snuff Porn Fantasy

Snuff porn

I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was in the library picking out books when I heard the double doors slam shut and scuffling, followed by yelling. I hid behind the racks. Suddenly someone placed a bag over my head and dragged me away. I couldn’t see what was happening, but I heard the voices talking about taking hostages. I begged for my life but was choked and slapped around if I dared to speak. They tore apart my clothes and I heard gasps around the room. The men knocked me down to the ground and forced my legs open. My arms and legs were held down, I couldn’t fight back. They forced their thick huge cocks in all my holes, squeezing the bag tighter and tighter around my face to where I couldn’t breathe. With every gasping, dying breath, they just force fucked my holes harder and harder. Until I could no longer stay alive.

Kinky Bondage Phone Sex with Furry Friends

bondage phone sexI have always enjoyed bondage phone sex. I am a kinky whore, but sometimes I go to these underground fetish clubs and meet my match. Last night, I was having fun getting tied up and fucked in the ass. I had a blindfold on so I didn’t know who was fucking me. I could tell it was many men sodomizing my puckered asshole. Cocks of various sizes and thickness were going up my booty hole. Then there was a lull. I thought they were done. I had gone through all the men and drained them. That was the case, but the lull was not only so they could rest their dicks for gangbang round two, it was so they could bring in the half-time show. I felt a slimy much smaller dick go in me. I felt hot bad breath on my back. Drool was dripping down my back. It didn’t take long to realize they ushered in man’s best friend to make a kinky ass rape porn with me. He was fucking me furiously. I could hear human giggles. They enjoyed it. I felt so humiliated and used. I had not signed up for a furry fuck. Once the four legged beast nutted in me, they made me shoot out his slimy cum. I had to lick it up from a saucer before they sodomized me for a second time. One of the most humiliating bondage whore experiences of my life.

We killed them together

taboo phone sexI got a couple little young whores and brought them to my friend’s basement so we could kill them together. He stripped them naked and crouched between the first girl’s legs so he could bite that juicy little cunt of hers. He bit her clit right off and boy did she scream! Watching that turned me on so much that I had to join in, I got that pretty little pink nipple and bit it off and made her swallow it. She gagged and cried but I forced it down her throat then I ripped that nipple hole bigger so my friend could fuck that ripped up titty. He could feel her heart beating on the end of his cock and you know what? He literally fucked that stupid whore to death! He punched his cock right thru her heart all while her friend watched in terror. She knew that she was next to die.

Gangbang Rape Porn in the Alley

gangbang rape pornDo you have gangbang rape porn fantasies? Most men do; at least most men do when they see me. For whatever reason, I bring out men’s darker desires. They want to fuck me regardless if I want to be fucked. I went to the liquor store late last night. I was minding my own business when a bunch of men grabbed me and pulled me in the alley. They were waiting for a woman to come by and I was the first one that didn’t look like a crack whore according to them. I pleaded with them not to do what they were about to do because I had a husband and sons waiting at home for me. They didn’t care. In fact, I think they liked the fact that I was a suburban housewife. They didn’t know I was a taboo phone sex whore who has done things most housewives have never considered. I didn’t know what to do. Fighting them might be worse for me, but not fighting them could end up the same way. I half assed fought them. They rammed their cocks in my holes in a cold dark alley like it was something they do every night. I begged them not to cum inside me because I didn’t want to get pregnant. They joked that an old whore like me couldn’t get knocked up anyway as they shot their cum loads inside me. They were laughing at me and joking about going back to my family looking and smelling like a cum dumpster. Little did they know that is not a new look for me.

Bad Babysitter Phone Sex Club

babysitter phone sexI am a member of the bad babysitter phone sex club. I am proud to be a bad babysitter too. I hate little ones. I am not maternal in the slightest. Many people tell me I should get married and birth some brats. Why would I want those little soul sucking germy parasites around full-time? I would be the worst mother. I would sell my brats for money. I would forget them at the mall. I only see little ones for one purpose. To be used and abused. Okay, two purposes. So, anytime I babysit, I have a reason for doing it and it is not because I love the little ones or need the money.  It is because I know someone who loves the little ones and needs the money. Little ones go for a premium price. You can drug them for a little illegal snuff porn making or you can just flat out sell them into slavery. Either is a risk because the last person to see them is always the suspect. I am a great actress. I had this little boy I was watching over the weekend. I know a man who knows some men who love little boys. This P ring of men travel to Thailand yearly to procure young boys because age of consent laws are different there. Rich white men who like young boys pay top dollar, so I ran a little porn studio in this house I was staying in for the weekend. Each man payed me 5 grand to fuck his little tight ass. I should have said higher money because they agreed immediately. Usually, I end up haggling the price of the little ones. They each paid great money to play with a tight virgin asshole. One guy paid double because he wanted to pop that young ass cherry. If you like little boys or little girls, you need a sadistic babysitter like me. I never care about the welfare of a little one.