Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Young Victim To Sadistic Snuff PHone Sex Accomplice

snuff phone sexMy snuff phone sex is straight out of horror films. I never got off to regular sex. When I was opened up By our neighbor who was on one of those offender lists I fucking loved it. I loved how he took my body and enticed me with candy and toys. How he used his small dick to penetrate me for the first time. Little girls were the only thing that he could feel with that dick.

He was kind of upset that I didn’t fight him too much. When he was done he told me to shower, only I didn’t, I went to the garage and took his chainsaw and started it up. When Pervert Tom The neighbor came to see what was going on I sliced his leg off with that big chain saw. He screamed bloody murder, haha! And then I took a filet knife I had stolen from the kitchen and jumped on him with my tiny body and sliced his dick off with one swift cut. He bled out crying and asking forgiveness. The look in his eyes when I said I wasn’t punishing him was priceless. I just really wanted an excuse to cut a mans dick off!

I bought a bitch to torture

taboo phone sexThis drunk ass redneck asshole was on my nerves but he had a pretty little girl and a gambling problem so he was willing to sell his little whore to the highest bidder. I bought her and that asshole had the nerve to ask me if she would be well treated, he was feeling guilty for selling her and wanted to see if she would be going to a good home. Well I assured him that I just wanted my own little brat, that I was unable to have them so his sweet girl would be loved and cherished. Ha! What a fucking joke that was I swear I could hardly keep a straight face but he bought it. I took her home and torture that stupid little cunt to death. We fucked all her holes open and broke her fucking bones, she died a gruesome horrible death and I filmed every second of it. Then I broke into her daddy’s house and made him watch it all. He was so guilt stricken that he killed himself, it was glorious!

Bondage Phone Sex in a Flop House

bondage phone sexBondage phone sex gets kinky when you are a druggy whore. I was at this flop house getting high. I live in a gated community, but I was downtown in some abandoned flop house with junkies looking for a fix. The police raided the place. I was restrained in handcuffs and taken to a separate room. I feared going to jail. My family would be embarrassed. The police made me an offer. Well, not so much an offer as an ultimatum. I could let them work out some aggression with me and I would never see the inside of a jail. It didn’t take me long to be their ass rape porn slave. It was my get out of jail free card. They chained me to a spreader bar so I couldn’t move. They put a ball gag in my mouth so I couldn’t scream, then they sodomized me for hours. I just focused on the fact that I wasn’t going to jail. It felt like I was in hell, however. When their cocks stopped cumming, they started fucking my ass with their bully clubs. Now, those left marks. Gaped my asshole, prolapsed it and even bloodied my asshole. Small price to pay for my freedom.

I hate a liar

taboo phone sexUgh if there is one thing I can’t stand it is a liar and a thief so when this fucking crackhead whore stole from me and lied about… oh that whore had to die! She had the nerve to come in my house and act like we were bff’s or something, bitch please the only reason I even even spoke to her to begin with is because she is my lover’s family and I was trying to be nice for once. Well all that got me was missing money and jewelry so I went to that whore’s house and pulled her outside. She denied it all even tho I knew it was her so I knocked her over the head and dragged her skinny ass to my car. Her junkie husband tried to stop me so I just shot him. Crude I know but it shut him up! I took that whore home and tortured her for hours, I made sure not to cut the bitch cus I didn’t want to catch anything from her nasty ass but I broke every bone in her body and then left her on the side of the road like the garbage she is.

Snuff Sex with Rena

Snuff Sex


I want nothing more than to be your little victim slut Master! I want you to use me to fulfill your every desire. I don’t care if I survive, I just want to know that I was pleasing you. Even if I’m dead you can use my body until you grow tired of me and have to toss me away. Push me down and beat the sides of my face until I’m moving back and forth from consciousness. Make my eyes black and my nose bloody, bust my lips open so that when you fuck my mouth there is extra lube from all the blood. Fuck my pussy hard and fast and deep before moving to my ass. Use my tight little ass until it is bloody and prolapsed and when you are ready strangle me while you climax! I want to be your plaything, your victim, one you’ll remember long after I’m gone!

Bad Babysitter Phone Sex

babysitter phone sexI love sick and twisted babysitter phone sex. You want to babysit with me because I always look for a family with a super young girl. My friend Harold has a thing for super young bald cunt. I took this one gig because the little angel was his type. I lack maternal instincts. I usually want to break their little necks like a chicken. I gave her a special cocktail and she was out quickly. That was when I brought my friend over. He wanted to fuck a young cunt. Men need a female accomplice for fucking young girls. We know how to bring you pussy. He fucked her a little too hard. I couldn’t blame him. She had a tight virgin pussy. It prolapsed. I had to think about how to put her back together again. I was just renting out her fuck holes this time. I like snuff sex with the little ones because you can fucking destroy their holes before you destroy them. I pushed her little prolapsed pussy back in side with a dildo and put an ice pack on her tiny slit to reduce the swelling. I licked all the cum out too. My friend had the best time of his life. So did I. 

Dark Fantasies

Rape phone sex fantasies


I’ve got dark fantasies about getting gangbanged. I love the thought of more than 30 guys treating me with cock. You can call me a lot lizard slot that would suffice according to everyone that I know. I like to be double stuffed with cock in my asshole. I’m a dirty bitch I’m a nasty whore I’m a skank who can’t get enough of cock, and I love it so very much. If you want to fuck me, all you have to do is tell me, and I’ll make you happy, of course no problem. Let’s get coked up let’s get nasty because we can. I just want to be the worst fucking cunt slut, you know. I like a dick, but I’ll shove my tongue inside of a pussy if that’s what a guy wants to see. I do everything to satisfy guys I mean, isn’t that what it’s supposed to be like? No one ever pays me enough attention; that’s why I had to go out and make guys pay attention to me. I have found out on My Life Journey’s that guys love pussy slutty disrespectful dirty girl pussy more than anything put. Now I get all the attention I want any time that I want attention. I know exactly what to do. I put on a great show I satisfy. I’m no longer than boring little oddball, no now I’m the flaming hot fucking whore who loves to be in the middle of orgies. You can be just like me be the Flamin Hot fucking whore in my next orgy, and we will have a Time To Remember forever.

Gangbang Rape Porn in Sticks

gangbang rape pornI was out of town this week for a few days but still managed to make a gangbang rape porn. It was not on my holiday agenda, however. I was at this little dive bar with my girlfriends. I can out drink all my friends. Hell, I can out drink most men too. I was making friends in this watering hole not far from where we were staying. This was hillbilly country. We rented a cabin in the woods. These guys I met weren’t like boys from Deliverance or anything, but they were rednecks. One was nice enough to walk me home. I was stumbling, but the cabin was half a mile away. He walked me to his truck where his drinking bodies shoved me in the back. They started fucking me and calling me a trailer park whore. I was drunk and disorientated. I screamed but that just brought more men to the truck to join in. A bunch of hillbilly rednecks gang banged me in the back of a Ford truck. They were brutal about it too. By the time they were done, I was covered in cum. My pussy and ass were bleeding and my clothes torn. I had to walk back to my cabin half naked in the dark. I can never escape taboo phone sex.


What a little bitch

taboo phone sexI wanted to make a little movie so I searched for the wimpiest, weakest little bitch boy I could find and when I found Francis I knew I had the one. Even his name was feminine, he was weak as hell and really small, really just the weakest specimen of a male I could have ever found. I told him that I wanted to make a movie and that he would be paid well for his participation in it and that stupid little bitch boy trusted me enough to agree. He didn’t protest at all as I tied him up, he really thought that it was all for pretend! He soon figured out that I was serious when the first blow struck him. He cried out in pain and begged me to let him go but I just laughed and beat him over and over! He cried and told me I was killing him… but that was the point of all this… I wanted him to die. His mother clearly wanted him to die too, why else would she give him a little sissy name like that?? My movie ended with him slumped over bleeding to death and it was hot as fuck.

Ass Rape Porn in a Crack House

ass rape pornAss rape porn was what he wanted to watch. We watched a few hours of hardcore ass fucking when he decided watching was no longer enough. He pulled me off the couch and slammed my head on the floor. I was in a dirty crack house. I needed a fix and the only guy who would get me high for free had crack not coke. I was so desperate to get high, I hung out in a dingy crack house with a sadist. I had been warned about him, but I didn’t listen. All I cared about was getting high. My face was buried in a carpet that smelled like dog shit. He ripped my panties off and rammed his cock up my ass dry. I was high as fuck, but I felt the pain. It felt like his cock was going in my ass and out my mouth. That was when I realized he wasn’t fucking me with his cock. He rammed a baseball bat up my ass. A Louisville Slugger was sodomizing my asshole as he puffed on the crack pipe. When he was done, I collapsed on the dirty floor. He dangled the bat in my face and made me lick the shit and blood off it. Not enough crack could dull the pain of my prolapsed ass.