Let’s have Torture phone sex. I explained to you before how I like to torture my victims. I don’t mind explaining it to you again just in case you forgot. I am the type that traps her prey and then saves for later to devour. I call myself the black widow. Here is my most recent Torture phone sex story. I went out on a early Sunday morning. I laid my eyes on a cute petite jogger. She had brunette hair and the biggest fake tits I have ever seen. I instantly wanted those fake tits to lick. My cunt got wet just thinking about it. Needless to say I was able to pull her inside my car and bring her to my home. Down in the basement is where my dungeon reside. I torture the whore for hours and hours. Then an hour before her death. I laid back with glee and played with my pussy watching her fight for her life.I came so hard once she finally passed away. Don’t you love the thought of torturing an innocent soul? I know it makes your cock hard just as it makes my cunt so fucking wet.
Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies
Kidnapped and Drugged for a Gangbang Rape Porn
I went to a club with girlfriends Friday night. I was being a normal sexy milf for once. I was not high. I was not looking for trouble. I just wanted to celebrate another soccer mom’s birthday with a group of female friends like a regular mature woman. Last thing I remember before waking up in a gangbang rape porn was toasting the birthday girl with a Pixie Stick martini. I lost a big chunk of time. I was confused. My head hurt. I was bound and gagged and surrounded by strange men. I had no clue how I got where I was or what happened to my friends. They would have stopped anything bad from happening to me I thought. I asked my kidnappers where I was, but they ignored me. They ignored me verbally. Instead of talking to me, they slapped and punched me. Even spit in my face and pissed down my throat. They spoke to each other in a language that I thought might be Russian. As I was lying on the floor smelling like a men’s urinal, other men came into the room. They took off their clothes and fucked me. Pulled my limbs, slapped me around and fucked me like a rag doll. Honestly, I thought maybe I was in some dream, but the pain was real. I had been drugged at the club and somehow ended up in the victim in a snuff porn horror show. After they were done using me, they tossed me in another room. I saw women chained together, strung out on heroin most likely. I saw my friends. OMG, we were all kidnapped together. Before I could try to talk to one of them, I felt a needle in my arm, then everything went dark again. We were kidnapped for the sex trade.
I was used and abused
My Master lent me out to a BDSM club last night and every man there used me to make his rape phone sex fantasies come true. I had no say in the matter, I had to do as I was told no matter what. It was honestly pretty easy at first, I truly enjoy being used little a little love doll but then Master Antonio came in and a strange fear washed over me. I had heard stories about how sadistic he was but I had never actually experienced a session with him before. I was hoping that maybe the stories were all just exaggerations but from the moment he walked into my room I knew that they were all true. He grabbed me by my hair a slapped me across the face and told me to get on my fucking knees. I was shaking all over but I did as I was told, I got on my knees and looked down at the floor. What followed was a nightmare, he beat me, burned me with cigarettes and fucked all my fuckholes until they were gaped open and so sore that I couldn’t sit down. I was covered head to toe in bruises and I couldn’t even walk out of the room,I had to crawl. It was the most intense experience of my life and I have to do it all over again tonight too!
Snuff Phone Sex Fantasies
Snuff phone sex fantasies are what men want with me. My phone life is no different than my home life. Master and his cronies want me dead. On a good day, they just want to torture me. Last night, Master had a poker party. I was his betting chip. When he lost, his friends got to use me. They took me down to the dungeon. I hate the dungeon because nothing good ever happens to me down there. Master’s poker buddies tied me to a bench. They put a ball gag in my mouth and took turns punching me. They thought it was amusing to turn my alabaster skin black and blue, and even purple. I screamed and I cried. It really hurt. Master just watched and masturbated as his fuck slave was a gangbang rape porn star to a few other guys. Those men weren’t vested in me like Master. Since I am not their sex slave, they didn’t care if I got uglied up. Master lost several rounds and since I was payment, he couldn’t intervene. They tied up my tits and punched them like they were boxers. I was in a lot of pain. I feared one of my saline bags would pop. Eventually, Master kicked them out. He doesn’t want to lose his favorite slave.
Fantasy Phone Sex Seems Real
Fantasy phone sex calls with a sick bitch make your dark desires seem real. I have some fantasies like killing the Kardashian dip shits, but obviously I don’t act on them. I find this line of work very satisfying because I can work out my anger issues as well as my hatred for society. There is not enough time in the world for me to snuff all the losers and bitches that need to be gone. I do enjoy taking out young cock teases before they grow up to be a Kardashian type. I had a unique opportunity the other night to do just that. A friend of mine wanted me to meet his niece. I hated her at hello. I hate most brats. I have zero maternal instincts. He set me up. He knew I would hate her. He knew I would want to make a snuff porn with her. Normally, I don’t kill anyone I have a connection with like this, but she was worth the risk. My connection is to her uncle not her. No one would even know I had met the brat. My friend would be the suspect. We drugged her and took her to my kill shack. He used me because he wanted to fuck her tiny little slit. He wanted to gut her like a pig. Like most men, too weak to do it themselves. I am not weak. I have no impulse control. Once someone is in my cross hairs, they are dead. She called me Wednesday Addams to mock my Goth queen look. I don’t tolerate disrespect from something so young, so I killed her. I brutalized her. Gutted her like a pig and chopped up her remains and fed then to the coyotes. But not before I let her uncle test out his rape phone sex fantasies.
I killed that little bitch
His name was Francis, he was a weak little man that had no idea I was going to kill him. He was excited to be in one of my movies, he wanted to be a star… and he was going to be the star… the star of my latest snuff movie. He was so so happy when I led him out to the stage but when he saw no one else but me there with ropes in my hands he was a little confused. He protested when I tied him up but what the fuck was he going to do about it? He was a weak little bitch it’s not like he could fight me. Once he was restrained I beat him slowly and mercilessly until he was a bloody mess begging for death. Little bitch boy cried the whole time too guess that’s what little faggots do huh? Should have known he would be a little bitch with a name like Francis.
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with a Druggy Whore
Rape phone sex fantasies are easier to explore with a dirty coke whore like me. I get my fix and I don’t care what the fuck you do to me. I made the mistake of saying that to Rick this guy who gave me coke the other night. Of course, he gave it too me with strings attached. He wanted his son and some of his friends to have fun with me. If I said no, the coke would have been taken away from me. I know how things work, so I went with it. I figured high school boys couldn’t be as rough on my fuck holes as men their daddies age. I was wrong. I forgot how hard a young teen boy’s dick can be. It never goes soft or if it does, not for long. They fucked the shit out me. They tied me up first. Then they passed me around like candy. Boys fucked my ass and my cunt. They pissed on me too. Some of them put as many as four cocks in my ass at once laughing at my gapping asshole like I was a strung-out ass rape porn star. They enjoyed me for hours until they had no more cum left in me. Daddy dearest put my abused ass in an Uber and sent me home with my coke. A druggy whore must do what a druggy whore must do.
Sometimes I Get to Enjoy Accomplice Phone Sex
Accomplice phone sex is common as a submissive whore. I am not old, but I am not young either. Being in your 30s makes you too young to be mommy to many men and too young to be tight and perky for most men too. Master wanted something young and tight. Since I couldn’t deliver what daddy wanted, I had to go get him a young schoolgirl. Women make better kidnappers because young girls trust women more. I was able to get a young mallrat that fit his description. I know what he likes. I was surprised when master told me to play with her first. I never get that lucky. In the submissive whore world, it is survival of the fittest. I had experience and age on my side, so I had my fun. I fisted her fuck holes. I choked her too. I made the little bitch bleed and cry. My cunt was so wet because for once it was not me being abused. I knew I couldn’t go too far, however, or I would be the snuff porn star instead. Master watched me fuck up his next victim while stroking his cock. The rougher I got with her, the harder he got. When he couldn’t be on the sidelines anymore, he replaced me. He force fucked her first, leaving his cum all up inside her tiny pink cunt. He didn’t care about the DNA because he was going to dissolve her flesh in a vat of lye. That is why I never piss off master. He knows how to make girls disappear
She shouldn’t have gotten in my car
I picked up a stupid little drunk whore last night, she was so wasted that she thought I was her her Uber and she hopped right on in. Stupid bitch didn’t even notice that I wasn’t going anywhere near her house! Honestly it was so funny I had to laugh, I took her right to my place and helped her inside and she still didn’t notice that she wasn’t home. I stripped her naked and tied her up and left her to sober up, I didn’t want to play with a wasted whore I wanted her to feel everything I did to her. This morning when we woke up she was screaming and trying to break free of her ropes but she couldn’t move at all, all she could do was lay there and accept the punishment I inflicted. I started with my sandpaper dildo and boy did she holler about that but that wasn’t enough for me. I pulled out my biggest meanest dildo, the one with the razor wire embedded in it and when she saw that she screamed until she puked. Then I fucked her until she bled to death on the floor it was hot as fuck.
I’m Not Always The Victim
I bet that you’re tired of these training wheel Dommes that just dip into the shallow end of the BDSM pool. You know that you’re capable of enduring so much more than some light spanking and ass worship. What you need is a cruel and evil Domme. You need to call me and give yourself over to my sadistic phone sex desires. Get your hand off of your cock and read carefully. Do you want to tell me what your limits are? It’s like this, slave. Your limits are up to and including death. You better be prepared to sacrifice yourself to my inner demoness.
Are you afraid? You damn well should be, you should be mortally terrified. I’ll drive you to the edge of your sanity and stretch your pain threshold until you’re a quivering mess of blood and cum and you can’t even remember your own name. Fuck politeness, fuck safe sane and consensual. I am here for more, faster, harder, rougher and I am taking you down with me. I can smell your metallic blood from here and it smells like wicked rapture to me. Your life is going to be snuffed out for my sadistic pleasure.