Do you like medical fetish phone sex? I was at the hospital the other day visiting a friend. I was not looking for trouble, but trouble always follows me. This sexy doctor was hitting on me. I flirted back figuring it was harmless. I was in a hospital. I was surrounded by people. He asked if he could buy me a cup of coffee. I don’t drink coffee, but I agreed because he was hot. Plus, likely rich if he was a doctor. Little did I know he was a demented doctor. He spiked my coffee. I started stumbling, slurring my words. He took my arm and escorted me to a different part of the hospital. It is still sort of a blur, but I remember being in an exam room. I remember the bright lights and being strapped onto an exam table. My legs were in stirrups. Other people were in the room with us. I think they were doctors. Or at least they were dressed like ones. No rubber gloves. My demented doctor got out a speculum. It looked like it had teeth. Was I hallucinating? I was not. Once he shoved it up my cunt and cranked it up, I started bleeding. I could feel blood gushing out of my pussy. The other men in the room started fucking me. It was like some sick fetish gangbang porn. Men fucking a bloody patient against her will. I was trapped. I screamed, but I was quickly silenced. They fucked me while my cunt was gaped open by a steal trap with teeth. They laughed as they came inside me. Their cum stung the inside of my wounded womb. It felt like some one squirted acid in my cunt. Eventually, they grew bored with me. My demented doctor let me go. Good thing I was in a hospital. I went straight to the ER for medical treatment.
Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies
Medical Fetish Phone Sex
Bad Babysitter Phone Sex
I have a bad babysitter phone sex story to share with you. I was asked to watch a friend’s baby girl. I use the word friend loosely. She is a stuck up bitch who has always looked down on me because I work in the adult industry. Babysitting presented me with an opportunity for revenge. She has a beautiful young girl. The kind of girl that men pay good money to fuck. Know what I mean? I know this one bad ass man who loves super young girls. I have fucked him a few times and the only way he gets off is with some rough age play. I texted him a picture of the little angel and he responded back with, “How much?” I set a fair price. Really, I sold her little cunt for a steal because this was about revenge not profit. I drugged the little girl with a special cocktail. Two Xanax crushed in Koolaid is what you give a little slut before you explore your rape phone sex fantasies. I watched as he savagely fucked her hairless cunt. She was moaning in pain, but she was not lucid enough to scream. I put towels under her because I knew there would be blood. There always is with sweet young virgins. He used her cherry juice as lube for her ass. He fucked every hole on her tiny body. My cunt was so wet watching this princess be ravaged. I cleaned her up as best as I could when he was done with her. I disposed of the blood soaked towels. I licked the cum off her body. I even gave her a sponge bath. I fucked my friend on the couch with his dick still covered in her sweet cherry juice. Once my bitch came home from her date, my partner in crime was long gone. I cleaned up all the DNA like a member of the CSI team. Hopefully the little girl will not say anything about her battered holes. At least I know she won’t remember how she got those battered holes.
Fatal Fantasy Phone Sex Accomplice
I specialize in fatal fantasy phone sex. Murder is natural instinct. Over time, society has tried to beat those primal instincts out of us. In the beginning of time, man took what he wanted. It didn’t matter if what he wanted belonged to someone else. Or if what he wanted was young. I bet you look at young girls and covet them. You are too afraid to take a young girl because you don’t want to get in trouble. Murder is the solution. Take what you want. Have your fun. Then kill her when you are done, so no one knows what you did. Hire me as your accomplice phone sex partner though. I know how to get rid of bodies. I help men like you fuck the shit out of some cute young thing, then I dispose of the tiny lifeless body afterwards. I can even make you a home video of you fucking a tender age little pussy or ass. Guys love to relive the moment when they finally got to tear apart a super young hole. Let’s face it. Money talks. If you have money, you can buy whatever you want. You don’t need to go to some foreign country for it either. Let me help you fuck that bald pussy you want. I will get ride of the body for you too.
Unleash Your Snuff Sex Demons With Me
Unleash your snuff phone sex demons with me. I make men quiver with fear and brats scream and cry in agony. Decide what role you will play with me! I can be the willing accomplice to break in stealthy and kidnap those brats as you meet me in my “workspace of terror”. Would you lie to be tearing open your offspring cunts and ass or would you like me to hire a couple of BBC terrorizers to do the job as you watch? One thing though, they won’t survive this fucking! And if I don’t think your man enough to witness such an event I will slice your balls off and have you singing Alto! You decide how you will play and leave the blood and Rape phone sex fantasies to a Pro. Your Hard cock in hand we will explore the deep underbelly of that mind and what makes your cock spurt!
I made him a little bitch
This bitch owed me money… a lot of fucking money and she was not paying me fast enough so I had to do something drastic to get her attention. She has this son that she is so proud of, he’s so smart, he’s so athletic, he’s so perfect blah blah blah. I kidnapped that boy and broke him so completely that he will never be the same. I stripped him naked and hung him by his wrists in my basement and invited a few rough guys to come and break him in. They fucked his lil ass and his pretty lil mouth and reduced him to a blubbering mess. We dressed him up like a whore and made him sell his ass on the street to anyone that would pay and we kept him for days and turned her perfect little son into a dick sucking faggot with a taste for partying. I sent him home with an addiction to drugs and dick and told her that she was lucky I let him live… next time I he won’t be so lucky so she better pay me soon.
Gangbang Rape Porn in a Dirty Bathroom
I was at the mall the other night. I was just shopping and minding my own business. I was not looking for trouble, but trouble finds me. Some men were following me around. I thought they were harmless. I am a sexy babe. I just assumed they liked watching my ass jiggle back and forth. I was near the new wing of the mall they are building. The Apple store is right before the blocked off part. I went in to get some accessories for my new iPhone. When I came out, the guys pushed me into the under construction area. No one was paying me any attention either. They dragged me to an unfinished, dingy bathroom. They wanted to make a gangbang rape porn. I was screaming but no one could hear me over the construction noise. One of the guys had rope. They planned this. I knew there was no way they just had bondage rope with them. They tied my feet together and my arms behind my back. I was struggling to move. They stripped me naked before they bound my limbs. Their cocks came out and they took turns fucking my mouth. I could barely move. The restraints were tight. They made me bob up and down on each cock. Then before cumming in my mouth, each one of the men shoved his hard cock up my ass. Most times I had a cock in my mouth and one in my ass. I was spit roasted. The bathroom smelled of stale piss and sewer water. It was obvious it was being torn down and rebuilt. I just wanted to get away from these violent men, but I was bound and gagged. Naked and covered in cum too. They passed me around for what felt like forever. Eventually, they grew bored with me. They left me naked, tied up and covered in cum on the dirty bathroom floor. Hours later a construction worker found me. Before he helped me, however, he fucked my ass too.
Home Invasion Phone Sex
Well I’m not delicious prey without a use. I have many uses, really. One thing predators find the best use for me is to come in and help themselves to my delicious body and fuck holes. Home invasion phone sex is a common occurrence for me and sometimes I get battered and torn up bad. I’ve had them use me and leave me for dead. Once or twice they were considerate to call 911 for me before the left me to bleed out. I was left one night in my bed soaked in my blood. They had to administer pints of blood because I had so much blood loss. This is so fucking common. I am a total fuck whore and am meant to be used. The home invasion that happened last night left me super sore but I cam like a fucking whore and smiled in my distress because it felt so fucking good.
Women Have Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Too
Men aren’t the only ones with rape phone sex fantasies. I met some women Friday night who had the same dark desires as many of my callers. I was in a gay bar. I thought it would be a safe retreat for me from the brutality of men. No gay man is going to want to hurt me. It never crossed my mind that some lesbians might. I was talking with some lipstick lesbians at the bar. I did my man bashing, and they bought me drinks. They were nice. They were attentive. They listened to my man woes. I thought we bonded. That was far from the case. They were plotting anal torture sex at the bar. One of them slipped a mickie in my drink. The next thing I knew, I was naked on a floor with a huge dildo in my ass. The pretty lesbians were in a circle surrounding me. They were cackling like witches as they took turns sodomizing my ass to ruin. They were not using lube. This was not for my pleasure. It was for their entertainment. I was crying but that turned them on. As they shredded my asshole, they mocked me. They called me names and slut shamed me. Those lesbians treated me more brutally than most men. I can’t even find comfort from women. I am a worthless whore.
Willing Torture Victim
Perhaps you’ve been with women in the past that you couldn’t be open with. Not everyone in the world can handle the intensity of extreme fantasy. I’d even say that we’re in the minority. The good news is that you’ve managed to find your way to the depraved vixen that your taboo dreams have been waiting for. Dark, bloody and fatal fantasies only serve to make me even wetter. You can feel free to let every guard down in your sexual world and invite me on in. I’ll exchange keys with you and allow you into my dark playground of the mind as well.
I can’t remember the very first time I talked to a man with murder phone sex fantasies but I can tell you that I never tire of it. So many sexual acts are so vanilla they can put you to sleep. You never have to worry about that from a wild kinky bitch like me. I’ll be your torture victim, the one that you’ve been waiting to get on your slab. You can take it as far as you want to. I’ll only take everything that you dish out and more. Come and possess me anytime.
Gangbang Rape Porn: Friday Night is Not Date Night for Me
Most of my girlfriends were out on hot dates last night. Friday night is date night. It is gangbang rape porn night for me, however. My phone was blowing up from texts. My BFF was trying to get me to join her out at some club. Tony showed me the texts. I was tied up and couldn’t respond. He circled around me mocking the fact that I thought I was worthy of going out on date night. I was bound like a parcel package. I was naked and cold. He didn’t care. I soon discovered he was not alone. He had a group of men with him. They might as well have been a pack of wild animals. He let them pounce me. They shoved cocks and fists in any hole they could find. That included my asshole. I tried to rock myself into a different position. It was my way of trying to fight. That was a mistake. They started kicking me. Some spit on me. Others pissed on me. They were drunk and mean. They reminded me of my father. I never had friends as a schoolgirl. I could never go to school dances or out with friends because I was too busy getting force fucked by daddy’s drunk friends. While my besties were drinking fruity drinks and letting men spoil them, I was tied up, forcibly fucked and humiliated. I don’t deserve a night of fun. I am nothing more than an ass rape porn whore.