Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Today is a Big Snuff Sex Day

snuff sexAre you watching the Super Bowl? Did you know today is the number one day in sex trafficking and snuff sex. More girls are hired to service men during the Super Bowl than any other day. This year is no different. I had to help my master get these young girls ready to perform. I had a couple Asian girls, a Russian doll, a Scandinavian princess, some illegal barrio girls and a couple white girls. My master traffics girls. I only recently found out. He was making sure I was loyal enough before bringing me in to help. I did not realize he was grooming me to be his accomplice phone sex partner. I feel badly for these girls. Some were sold to men by their own parents, most were kidnapped. They arrived to master today in a storage container in the back of a U-Haul truck driven across country. They were given heroin to sleep through the ride. They were filthy and string out. If I did not bring them to life, I would be in the container with them on the way back to where they came from. I showered them, fed them and dressed them like living dolls. They will be servicing all the men master invited over to his Super Bowl party. I am no longer needed. Thankfully, I turned them from dirty strung-out whores into pretty princesses. They will soon be strung out whores again. I watched a few girls get gang banged and turned into ass rape porn stars. It is survival of the fittest. I need to turn other girls out if I want to live. I have been in their place, but I aged out for men. Now, I am the assistant. I am the groomer. I can deliver you any kind of girl you want.

Depraved Sex with dead bodies

sex with dead bodies

Sex with dead bodies is nothing new.

The story of Herod, King of Judea, stored the corpse of his second bride, Mariamne the Hasmonean, in honey so he could indulge himself with them for seven years. He made her dead body still soft enough to fuck. There is no sensual lust in my tale, only the depraved side of men.

Just a couple years ago a man was arrested in Las Vegas and accused of penetrating the dead body of a 35-year-old homeless woman he purported to have met the night before. His arrest report indicates the woman had expired only two hours prior to his sexual contact with her.

I am extremely turned on by both the historical dead body fuck and the recent news of a man fucking a fresh hot female corpse.

I enjoy my own sexual encounters with dead male cock. It just gets so hard after I murder a man. I can ride his rigid cock for hours!

Never fear if you are a Snuff Phone Sex connoisseur and need that dead body orgasm, I have your fetish.

Maybe we can devour these dead remains together after we fuck them!

Your Taboo Phone Sex Accomplice

taboo phone sexWhat are your taboo phone sex fantasies? I want to be that devil on your shoulder who encourages you do very bad things to super young girls. I will not tell you that you are sick. I will not try to save your soul. I hate brats. Ankle biters who suck the life out of you and age you. They spread germs. I am more than willing to help you kill, torture and assault any young one you want. Taboo fantasies are my thing. Vanilla is for ice cream not sexual fantasies. I do not do the GFE thing. I am strictly about the things that could get us arrested. David almost got himself arrested too. It was because he did not listen to me. He wanted my help to kidnap and force fuck a young girl. He could not afford my accomplice fee, so we settled on a lesser amount and I would tell him what to do, how to do it and when to do it. His dick got in the way. That is most men’s downfall. Their cocks. You need me as an accomplice because I think with the right head. Never been arrested yet. I have never even been questioned by the authorities either. There are some keys when you want to do bad things to young girls. You need patience. You need to curb your biological impulses. You need a plan. You need me. I am a snuff porn queen. I know how to help you have your fun and get rid of the evidence. Dave got horny. He forced his cock on his young niece instead of waiting for a lookalike in a different town. The girl told her mom and now Dave may go to jail. You never let them live, guys. You also do not shit where you sleep. I am an accomplice who has made a career out of helping men like you live out your darkest desires. You just need to listen to me.

Look What Ass Rape Porn Did to My Ass

ass rape pornThe deal was I would get $1000 for an ass rape porn. I just had to endure some pain for a couple hours. I agreed. I did not need to know the specifics. That was me bad. I should have asked. I was thinking about the coke I could buy with that money. If I was not such a druggy whore, I would have learned that a bunch of black men were going to gang bang my ass with no lube and zero foreplay. I was in over my head, but I needed the money. Well, I needed the coke. Those guys passed me around like a piece of candy. They shoved their cocks deep inside me. Balls deep. Sometimes, their cocks could not get hard again quickly enough, so they used beer bottles or fists until their cocks came back to life. There was a reason why they could not find the right woman for their gangbang rape porn. They were waiting for the right druggy whore to answer their ad. They were waiting on a dumb bitch like me. My ass was gaped so far open their feet could fit up my asshole. I know, because a few tried. They pissed in my gaped hole; they even spit into it too. When they came in my asshole, I had to shit it out and lick it off the floor. It was two hours of hell. Two hours of humiliation and torture. But two hours to be able to score coke, so it was all worth it.

Ass Rape Porn

ass rape pornI hate watching ass rape porn with men. They always get horny and start eying me up and down. I have this occasional fuck buddy I hook up. We fuck but mostly we get high together. He is not a dominant guy. It is an equal sort of thing. I hang with him because it is a nice break from all the rough sex with other men. That all changed the other night. I do not know what changed. He was a different man. Maybe it was the strand of weed he was toking. We put in this porno flick. It was a blonde girl getting ass fucked by several black men. Suddenly, he was on me. Not in a playful way. Not in a sweet way. He was just on top of me pinning me down to the ground. He ripped my clothes off and tried to force his dick inside my pussy. The problem was his dick was too small. I laughed. I do not know why I laughed. I know better. I fuck a lot of black guys. I am not like exclusive or anything. My laugh pissed him off in a way I have never seen him pissed off before. He smacked me across the face and rammed his fist up my cunt. He called me a nigger loving bimbo as he pumped his first in and out of my pussy, tearing my pussy open. I was crying in pain. I never saw this coming from my mild-mannered fuck party buddy. I was begging for forgiveness, but he did not care anymore. He grabbed the candle stick off the coffee table and jammed it in my ass. He sodomized me with a candle stick while fisting my cunt. If Clue were a torture sex game, I was playing it. It was a macabre game of violence and torture. I was supposed to be on a break from that, but such is the life of a taboo whore.

Bloody Phone Sex Fun

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex is bloody fun. Honestly, if there is no blood or guts, I am bored. Violence turns me on. I love filming myself with a tender age victim. When you cut a young girl, it is like veal. Tender, not tough. The blood that flows from the skin is crimson red. Oh, how the young ones bleed too. I had a young girl tied up on my kill shack bed the other night. When she woke up, she cried for her mommy and daddy. She was naked and tied tightly to the bed. She was not going anywhere. I had an array of blades on the bed. Once her eyes saw my BFFs, she started crying and screaming. I told her tears make me wet. Fear makes me wetter. I made small cuts all over her body to see her blood flow. I started masturbating watching her bleed. These cuts were just to get the blood flowing, not for her to bleed out. Call it foreplay. I masturbated watching the bright red blood trickle down her lean belly and drip between her legs. Blood is a good lube when you are exploring your rape phone sex fantasies for the young. I got out my huge dildo to fuck her virgin cunt. Now that is the sweetest tasting blood ever. The blood that flows from a busted hymen. Little thing was crying and sobbing so hard I thought she might start convulsing. I was torturing her for my pleasure. Honestly, a lot of pleasure. Between her bright red blood and her cries, I was super fucking wet. I thought about a slow bloodletting. I have done it before and stored the blood in the freezer, but I decided to put my wounded animal out of her misery. I diced her up alive because I do get off on knife play phone sex and tossed her to the animals.

Domination Phone Sex for Money or Coke

domination phone sexI need domination phone sex. I am a slave. I am a submissive whore. I am just here for men to use. I hope that I may get some coke out of it, but that is not always the case. I was desperate for money. I could not trade my holes for coke. I had to hook on the street. Me. A suburban housewife with two teen sons and a lawyer husband on the street corners hooking with street urchins. I was clean and fresh looking. No needle tracks. No signs of a pimp beating the crap out of me. The guy that offered me $500 seemed nice. We went to his office because he is married, and it was too cold for the car. I knew it was not safe, but I owe a dealer a lot of money and he is at the break your bones or pay up stage. I was just getting money anyway I could without my husband knowing. My “John” stripped me naked and made me crawl around his office floor. He hurled insult after insult. When he reveled a hidden door, I got scared. It was a dungeon. One full of whips and chains and other BDSM equipment. He paddled me until my ass was raw. He told me he was married but needed an outlet for his violent phone sex fantasies. I tried explaining I was not a whore, but he said I was on a street corner hustling for money; therefore, I was a whore. After about an hour of spanking me raw, he brought his cock into the fun. He skull fucked me so hard I puked. He just laughed because that was what he was hoping for. His cock was big and thick, but I am a big dick sucker. It was the force and the hatefulness that made me puke. I passed out a few times, but he would just piss on me, revive me and do it all over again. He offered me a $1000 for 4 hours tomorrow. I was desperate. I agreed. I may not survive it though.

violent phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex Fantasy

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex fantasies are why I am here. You are not the only one with sick fantasies. I did not always have such perverted and fucked up fantasies, but decades of abuse and being some one’s bitch has changed my outlook on life. A few years ago, I happened upon a 90s movie called Boxing Helena. It has been masturbation fodder for me ever since. Do you know the movie? It is a strange movie about obsession. A man covets a woman so much, he dismembers her and keeps her in a box under his bed. She can never leave him with no limbs. Since seeing that movie, I have had torture sex fantasies about a man dismembering me. I want to be coveted so much that a man would go to such extremes to make sure I would never leave him. I think deep down inside I know no man would ever want me that much. No man would ever go to such measures for me, a blonde bimbo. They might, however, do it to hurt me. Think of me as your sex doll. You can fuck me when ever you want, any one of my three holes. You can take my arms and my legs, so I will never flee. I am yours forever, for better or worse. Kept right under your bed for whenever you need to use me.

Gangbang rape porn: He only Dates Junkies

gangbang rape porn

He only dates Junkies. So he can make gangbang rape porn. He says junkies will do anything he wants. He keeps his girlfriends high and has multiple men come fuck them at a time. These women are always barely legal and found themselves in a mess.  They want a night off from making these brutal rape fantasy films. But they never get a night off. Those pussies and ass holes could park a fucking car inside! 

Gapped so good and unusable after a few months. That’s where I come in. this sexy Lady Monster accomplice will take his used up young whores and dispose of them. I make snuff movies for my men of distinguishable taste.  Now these girls are subjected to bloody torture and medical device and limb cutting. I love how the blood pours. I will be covered and my pussy  will be throbbing. I have to take some accomplice dick as I am simultaneously cutting these bitches up! Fuck me as I murder used up whores. I have the intense desire to roast each piece of girl meat and savor their flesh after killing them! 

Need a Partner for Teen Rape Porn

teen rape pornDo you like teen rape porn? Watching it is one thing. Making it is an entirely different ballpark. Sadly, I must make a lot of these movies solo. It is so much more fun with a partner in crime. You can do more damage to a hot teen slut with your cock than I can with a strap-on or a fist. Well, maybe not more damage, but you can certainly take care of the middle part, right? I had a cheerleader slut I slaughtered last night by myself. I am not saying I did not have a good time because I did. I just would have liked to see you fuck the light in her eyes away. You could tell she was a privileged twat. She kept saying things like, “My daddy will kill you if you hurt me.” And “I’m the head cheerleader.” She is the headless cheerleader now. Stupid cunt. She was feisty. I should have sold her to my friend who is in the underground sex slave world. Instead, I had fun with her by myself. I should have tortured her longer too, but her mouth never stopped talking about daddy or how special she was. I wished you were there to explore those violent rape phone sex fantasies of yours. I mean this bitch deserved cock in all her tight teen holes. She was a fucking virgin. Dressed like a slut at the mall. A fucking cheerleader too. But I popped that cherry with my strapon. Made her suck her virgin blood off my fake cock too. She never shut up. Even as I was gagging the twat with my bloody strapon she kept talking about daddy. Well, daddy could not save her from me. I used my hatchet to behead her so she would shut the fuck up about daddy. Boy did that make a mess. I kicked her head outside in the snow. This morning it was gone. Eaten by wild animals. Snuff porn is better with an accomplice. I killed the pretty white teen cheerleader. I tortured her. I fucked her. But having you there to fuck her would have been such a more satisfying kill for me.