Tag: Mutilation phone sex

Evil Phone Sex with Blair: Held for Ransom

Mother Fucker:

We have your mother. We know she is your favorite fuck toy; the only thing you really own and without her you will be completely lost. We are holding her for ransom. As long as we have her, we own you and can get you to give us whatever we want. But we don’t want your fucking money. We know the only thing of any value you own is your whore of a mother. We have been watching you for weeks through your bedroom window. We know all the perverted kinky things you two do together; how you abuse her for you and your friends’ pleasure. We want that fucking machine you use on your precious mommy. We get so hot watching you tie her to the bed, shove a ball gag in her mouth and start fucking her cunt and ass till she screams and begs for mercy. We want to use it on the pretty prey we dupe into coming back to play with us. Your fuck machine is gonna be an accomplice to our twisted fun sex games with the chicks we pick up and abuse for our pleasure. We are gonna ruin asses and cunts with that fuck device. And until you fork it over, we gonna ruin your precious mommy’s ass. And if we don’t get it by 5 PM today, we will snuff your bitch out and enjoy watching her die a slow painful death. Your mommy’s life and tight ass are in your hands. Give us the fuck machine and you can have your fuck toy back still breathing.

Evil Lesbo Bitches

evil phone sex anal torture mommy


Please give these crazy bitches that fuck machine. My ass and life depend on it. I was waiting for you on our bed when they broke into the house and kidnapped me. They didn’t believe me when I said you keep all our toys and torture devices under lock and key and because you are my master; only you have the key. They keep me in a cage like an animal and are anally torturing me with all sorts of devices. If you don’t give them what they want, my ass will forever be ruined. I want my ass tight for your cock baby. My ass belongs to you, as does my cunt and my tits. These evil bitches are getting off on my screams and my pleas. I don’t know how much more I can take. Just give them the fuck machine so I can be back in your bed, being your bitch, being your whore. I love you so much. They said that if they don’t get it by the end of the day, they are going to use a choke pear to mutilate my rectum like in the medieval days. Baby, do you know what that is? It has sharp prongs on the end and they shove it in an orifice, and it expands, shredding the body. It will kill me baby, slowly and painfully. I am so scared. We can get another fuck machine. These bitches are demented and so sick they would kill me over a stupid sex toy. I’m pleading with you to give them what they want to save me. I belong to you and no one else. Please baby, this is not a joke. This is real. I’m in pain and I am really scared. Give them their ransom demands. My life depends on it.

Your Mommy

Human It’s What’s For Dinner

Cannabilism phone sex1

They were herded like cattle, forced to bathe under high-pressure hoses, and watch as their family members perished. After the first couple of sawed, mutilated, and tortured bodies, most of the victims were more worried about themselves…than showing outward feelings about being disgusted as their spawn were executed. The large basement looked like a slaughterhouse, and it was.

It took four of us to carve out their bodies, remove intestines, and season. The fattier ones were grilled like stake and anointed with pineapples. One particularly attractive red-head was sliced up to be pepperoni for the pizza, which would surely be a hit among the munchkins that attended dinner.

We sampled everything, taking delight in our creations before sharing them with our next victims. Once they arrived and were seated, we presented the courses on white napkins and formal place settings. They were all curious about why some of their family members were not there, but they made the normal excuses (too busy, drunk, etc.). The adults and spawn thanked us for our creations.

Offering up a video from one of the family members who could not make it, we turned out the lights and dispersed. Pressing steel blades against their throats, we turned on the film. They agonized and moaned, watching their loved ones being hacked up. One woman looked down at what remained of her fillet minion and vomited; what a waste, I thought, because she had so enjoyed her aunt only minutes earlier!

We began torturing what remained of the family in our own special ways. Preferring knives, I sliced off the woman’s breasts and peeled back the flesh on her stomach. Her eyes were the last to go because I wanted her to see the bloody scene until she died. Then, it was time to prepare our meal from our newest kill. There’s just something about the taste of fear that seasons food like nothing else!

A Sadist’s Home Movie

Mutilation phone sex.jpg

We wanted to make a film, one that we could enjoy…and one that we could send to our next victims; we thought it’d be the perfect cruel joke. It was all set-up.

The little heathen was still screaming for her mommy; it would’ve been funny if I wasn’t growing tired of it. My accomplice was torturing the stupid, young pink ball of flesh while I was sharpening my saw. The girl’s mother was on my table, completely bound; and, I had made the good decision to gag her. She was crying, though, for her little spawn that was being stretched and carved like a Halloween pumpkin.

I dug the teeth of the saw into the woman’s flesh, just enough to imprint the edges; then, I pressed down, the faintest little trickle of blood falling down her forearm and wrist. She yelped with the gag in her mouth; I always enjoy those first few cuts while they are cognizant. It only slightly burned, but she knew that was only the beginning. I patiently sawed through tissue and bone above her right knee; it wouldn’t be a fatal wound and I didn’t want it to be. The sinew and corpuscles were completely visible as the dead leg hit the floor. She wasn’t thinking about her daughter anymore; isn’t it funny how our attention can change at the drop of a pin!

I was happy that the daughter had quit screaming; I looked once more and saw my accomplice shoving his cock into the hole where her small little nipple had been. Returning my attention to my victim, I sliced off her fingers, one by one, with the hedge trimmers. Then, I completed my tasks by removing her other limbs the same as I had done her right leg. She was a stub of a person, now. I untied her and threw her on the ground near the door. I taunted her, “Run, run. This is your chance.” I laughed as she continually fell and struggled.

Finally, when she had given up, I raised her by the hair and slashed her throat, making sure that the camera caught a close-up of her face. Yes, I would watch that over and over again later. The smell of death permeated the room; my accomplice and I were pleased with ourselves. We stuffed the bodies into a garbage can that we’d leave outside of the local daycare.

I am his


I can hear him walking down the stairs again.
I can’t help it but I’m shaking.
I don’t know if it’s because this hell room is cold or because I know he is going to touch me again.
I can smell his cigarette, his cologne mixed with whiskey and the smell of tide.
The smell of tide reminds me of home and makes me hopeful that he is just going to let me go.
I have been down here for 3 no 5 days? maybe its just been a couple of hours. I honestly don’t know.
I start crying as i hear him open one of the drawers behind me.. Please don’t let it be the whip again..
He sets something beside me. and spreads my legs open wide. I know what he is going to do..
I can hear the swishing of the air as he is working on his form..
Then he teases my pussy and ass with the whip.. then pulls back and i brace myself for the hit but he starts teasing me again.
SMACK and a cry out from me as he spanks my pussy. He is laughing and calling me his dirty whore.
He starts to tease me again and hits me so hard I felt my skin tear.
He stops, bends down and pours something on to my broken skin and it burns.
As its burning he shoves a hard and very cold object up my ass and it starts to vibrate.
My body is so overwhelmed by the pain from the tare and the pain of this thing in my ass but turned on by the vibrations.
He gets up again and pours more of his liquid on my ass checks as it burns more.
Then he starts whipping my pussy and ass even more. This time he hits my clit over and over again it makes me cum. I now know its his time to cum. He is going to fuck my mouth until I puke all over his cock and he will cum deep down my throat and make me swallow him.
I don’t know what is worse that he face fucks me to cum or that a part of me likes being his dirty fucking whore.
I am used to being used by men. That’s why I don’t fight. I know at some point he will just let me go but he will always be there watching and waiting for me to be alone so he can grab me and drag me into the dark and violate my ass again. And deep down inside of me I’m wanting it..

Accomplice phone sex with the Mortician of Souls

Accomplice phone sex collage2

I got called in for an emergency; some old man had died and his wife demanded that he be embalmed and the funeral happen in 24-hours, which is not usual. I laughed and thought that the broad had probably gotten tired of his ass and killed him. Sure enough, when she showed up, she didn’t look like a widow: she had on a tight pink dress that showed her ample and fake cleavage. I overheard her talking about how her husband had left a note that all of this should take place A.S.A.P. because he didn’t want her to suffer through the loss longer than she had to. She had a dyke accompanying her, and I believe that was the real reason for the hurry.

I embalmed the stupid son-of-a-bitch; and, I caught a glimpse of why he died…poisoning. I wasn’t surprised, and I would have just let it go, but I thought of something better. I worked extra-hard and got him prepped in no time; then, I left but re-entered through the back. I had laced her sparkling water and waited for her to approve the body. She walked in and stood in horror; I had propped her deceased husband up, eyes open, and posed in a relaxed state. With the lighting, he looked like he was waiting on her. I jammed a cloth in her mouth before she started screaming; and, then, I laid her on my table. I told my boss that she had left and I returned to my victim, who was completely conscious now.

Happily I traced a pen around her breasts where I’m sure the incisions had been made for her breast augmentation. I carved out the flesh and then played with them in front of her, flicking the nipples. It was the best puppet show as the stupid bitch started to lose consciousness…but not before I slit her pretty little face and held a mirror up for her to see. Her last moments were looking at her own mutilated body and screaming; then, I took a picture of her holding a pair of scissors above her ripped torso. She had, after all, done this to herself! 

I put the breasts in the coffin, under the pillows of the old man; I thought he’d appreciate that gesture. Then, I buried the bitch in an animal graveyard. Poor thing left a note…that she had felt so sad about her husband’s death that she wouldn’t need any of the money and was disappearing to grieve; no one mentioned that the handwriting didn’t look like hers. Hahaha!

Silent Night, Bloody Night

torture phonesex angieOne of my all time favorite horror flicks is Silent Night, Bloody Night. One line from the movie moves me beyond my evil darkness.  “I have wandered in bitterness until all seasons have become as one. And that is a season of vengeance.”

Vengeance, a dish served cold, ice cold, straight from the freezer. It has taken me almost six months to prepare for my own special form of vengeance and the title of this film fits perfectly with my plan. I have set up a lane in my basement. At the end of it I have a created a bondage set up to hold ten of my worst enemies in the formation of bowling pins. The shackles are designed to hold each onus’s arms high in the air and will put them on their tip toes. I finally perfected my “bowling balls” . Skill saw bladed bowling balls specially designed to slice and dice. My human bowling pins will start in the standing position. Once I have hit a pin or several pins, I will lower them, gradually slicing and dicing them until they are laying on the lane completely helpless waiting for that one roll that will end the pain and madness.   

malum medicum

If you’ve ever seen the bone chilling German horror film Anatomie (2000), you know just how fun playing Doctor can be. I was so inspired by this cinematic masterpiece, I decided to fuck up a bitch to honor it. For the surgical suture I had planned, my thread was chosen carefully. Black, strong, medical-grade sewing thread. I was going to disinfect it but decided against it. Dipping it in alcohol would prevent infection during a real surgery…but this was just an innocent game…make-believe play.

I belted my torture pet in and strapped her to the gurney while the chloroform was still swimming in her nostrils. The girl was precious: raven black hair, long and braided evenly on both sides. Unmarred, tanned skin without markings or blemishes. I couldn’t wait to spill her blood and ruin her holes as an outlet for my never-ending rage. I wanted to split her very being open and pull out her organs, fondle her heart & twist her own digestive track around her neck like a pretty little scarf. Take her apart from the inside out and sew her back up again.

She was naked, bared to my sight and exposed before me. A puff of black pubic hair between her legs. Delicate, pinkish nipples and soft skin everywhere. Stretched out, spread eagle, I fingered her limbs and cackled with glee. So happy to be ruining such a beautiful creation of God’s. While I loath them entirely, I do enjoy destroying them. My hand reached for a scalpel and pressed into her sensitive flesh as I sliced through her left tit. Such a glorious spillage of fat globules and an interesting pool of a substance I can only liken to phlegm gushed out. I leant down and lapped it up like a starved animal. Tasting my victims is my favorite part of the job. She began to stir and I knew that she was waking up. Perfect. My wolfish grin was dangerous and sharp as I stared down at her. She began to moan softly as the pain hit her–that pain she’d escaped while unconscious. “Hello,” I greeted her capriciously as she blinked awake. “The two of us are gonna have a lot of fun together.”

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Sadistic phone sex Jez

I hate college towns, but they’re good for one thing: football games. No, of course, I don’t love the game. But between the drinking and crowds, it’s a paradise for a sadistic whore like me! So many ages, shapes and sizes, races, and degrees of stupidity. I was feeling particularly wicked and wanted a nice, fresh face…someone who was pretty that I could mar. She was easy to spot; she had people gathered around her; and, since she was so popular, it was going to be a challenge to get her alone. But I was up for it! I waited patiently until she stumbled to the bathroom alone.

I walked up behind her, pressed a knife in her back, and said, “If you want to live, you will do exactly what I say.” She smelled of beer and perfume. I took her back to an empty high school gym, where I had set up my toys. I tied her up and made her watch videos of prom queens and beauty pageants…as I sliced her face. I left the rest of her body alone; I just wanted to scar her face, watch the blood leak from what everyone admired. She cried, “My face…” and I chuckled, reminding her that she would never again look like the beautiful girls on the screen. I let her live but kept tabs on her as she suffered with deep depression.

One night, I left her a note that told me to meet me up on the roof of a campus building; I signed it with some of her blood that I had kept. Of course she came. I told her that she didn’t have anything worth living for and that her eyes even looked dead. I noticed cuts on her arms that I had never given her and smiled. “Why don’t you just end it?” I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of pushing her. I whispered evil musings in her ear, the same ones that I had told her on our first night together. Blankly, she stepped off, screamed only for a second, and made a sound like a cantaloupe on the pavement. It was one of the most beautiful sights that I had seen in a while.

Freak show human doll annihilation

Gothic phone sex Jezabel5

We sold tickets and rented a pavilion to showcase our creation.  Our theatrical stage was perfect and we paraded the demented young monster-girl around the room, allowing anyone to prod, kick, or fuck her before strapping her to a table.  She did not even look human with her warped figure, large breasts and ass, relocated nipples, and asymmetrical limbs.  First, we made her watch porn of young ones who were beautiful, getting fucked liked like she never would…living a happy life that she never could.  She cried as the audience laughed and gawked at her.

Now was the time for me to give my surprise to my accomplice: I picked up an electric sander and grinned.  Gently moving it toward her cunt, the audience was instantaneously excited.  I pressed the unforgiving machine against her fragile clit…and then fiercely.  The freak screamed as blood jutted forth.  I caught glimpses of my partner’s approval while I continued to mutilate our creation.

Next, my partner chose a drill to gauge out her eyes.  The blood was gorgeous, and all that was left were sockets.  He paused and pissed in those red holes as our monster continued to snarl, unable to speak because we had constructed her mouth to stay wide open at all times.

I used my favorite knife to carve messages in her skin, such as “It’s all your fault” and “Ugly whore-freak.”  My partner enjoyed this touch of sadism and laughed.  He plunged his thick, erect cock down her throat; and we could see it move beneath the skin.  I took a stick and shoved it ruthlessly up her asshole, tearing at the tender flesh.

Her sores were beginning to ooze infection as we continued.  We encouraged any of our audience members to piss, fuck, or defecate on her sores.  I took great enjoyment when one of the participants slid his dick inside of the wound on her chest, where her nipple was barely attached.

Finally, it was time: I crawled on top of the table, slit the freak’s throat.  She began to make those beautiful gargling sounds with blood…and my accomplice fucked the slice on her throat until her head, barely attached, rolled to the ground.  We cut her limbs up and served them to our audience to do as they chose.

Freak show human doll creation

Violent phone sex

My accomplice devised this wicked scenario and asked me to join in the fun. We kidnapped a young girl and took her to a special surgical underworld. The doctors cosmetically altered her to make her look wonderfully freakish at our command.

We had her breasts enlarged to the size of cantaloupes on her small body; then, we relocated her nipples so that they were not centered. One was even hanging off the side of her massive breast! Then, my partner had her teeth removed so that her mouth was entirely gums; I requested that she have bones reconstructed to keep her mouth open at all times. Her face would be in the shape of a constant “O” like a fish. We both agreed this would be attractive for men who wanted blowjobs. And, we made sure that her limbs were broken and reconstructed to not match in length.

We debated about creating malformed penises out of her clit, but I persuaded my partner to be patient; I had a gift that I wanted to give him later where this was concerned. We added concrete to her buttocks to make her look absolutely ridiculous. All the while, we were taunting her, reminding her, “This is all of your fault. You will never be like the pretty girls.” We mocked her as she stayed relatively conscious with little to no pain medication.
When it was complete, we walked her around on a leash. We took her to porn stores, where we paraded her and kept her in the back room for guys to fuck unmercifully. And, they did: they fucked her holes raw until they were just pieces of meat. Then, we would make her lick up all of the cum on the sticky, filthy floor. And, her open mouth was a perfect urinal.

But, the real fun was just about to begin!