Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Psycho Movie Serial Killer Wannabe

knife play phone sex killer snuffLast night I went to a midnight showing of the original Halloween. It’s a classic. One of my favorite films. Michael Myers is my hero. Gets to kill annoying people with a big ass knife, always allude capture, some how never get killed. I often fancy myself a psycho movie serial killer like Michael, Jason, Freddy, Chucky or Pinhead.  Brutal, evil, cold, invincible. A killing machine who does not worry about that silly thing called guilt. A true sociopath.

There were these two blonde bimbos in front of me that were texting and talking through the movie. I find that annoying. When I asked them politely to shut the fuck up and watch the movie, they got rude with me. I channeled my inner psycho movie serial killer, followed them out when the movie was over. I hide in the shadows,  stalked them, watched them, followed them home. Stupid bitches left a window open. Of course I took that as an invitation. I found them laying in bed together.  They looked like they passed out. Clothes and makeup still on. This was too easy. But sometimes a quick easy kill like one of my heroes would do, is just good for the soul. I plunged my knife into the heart of bimbo #1 and her eyes opened wide, she took a big gasp, then slumped back down on the bed in a bloody pool. Bimbo #2  never even woke up. Her BFF is being snuffed out right next to her, and her drunk ass is snoring. I slit her worthless throat.

I went over to a chair in the corner, licked the blood of my knife, rubbed the blood on me into my pussy as I masturbated. Then I went home, left with an unquenchable desire to kill again. Yes there was lots of blood, which makes me hot. But they were drunk, oblivious to dying. I get off on the fear, the tears, even the screams and resistance. Where is the challenge if they don’t even realize they are being hunted, stalked and killed?  I’m like a vampire, needing to feed.  Would you like to be my accomplice? We can find some unsuspecting bitch, hunt her like an animal, kidnap her and torture her for hours, maybe even days, until we decide we are finished with her.  Sometimes I feel sorry for  my psycho movie serial killers because they play alone.

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Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus: Random Acts of Violence

knife play phone sex blood gothIt’s Halloween time. My favorite. Normally, I am not a knife wielding psychopath unless provoked. If I am gonna cut a bitch or stab a tool, they have usually deserved it. But something about Halloween brings out my inner Michael Myers.  You know, stone cold killer, no rhyme or reason to his victims. Last weekend, I was walking around my neighborhood and I just felt homicidal. Felt compelled to kill. To just kill for fun. So I started creeping around in backyards looking for blood to spill, flesh to tear.

Then I saw them, a family of four on their back porch carving pumpkins. They looked idyllic, almost like out of some Good Parenting magazine or something. That made me hate them. Made me want them snuffed out, even the little ones. I walked right up on their porch too. Showed them my knife collection and asked if I could help carve pumpkins. They looked a little taken a back, but still they invited me in. A strange woman, with knifes, trespassing in their back yard. Yeah they deserved to not live.knife play phone sex  evil snuff

I played the game with them for awhile to give them a false sense of security, then the carnage and mayhem began. I tied them all up to chairs and put them face to face. Mommy son, daddy daughter. I like to watch the fear in their eyes. I like to see the “why us” look in their faces. Sometimes there is no why. Just opportunity. Like today. And maybe if they had been a bit smarter they could have lived.

I like to play games with my prey. I told Daddy if he wanted his sweet innocent offspring to survive he was gonna have to prove his love.  I told him to kiss her, a big romantic one too. And he did. He hesitated and got a knife in his thigh, but then he did. I told him I could spare her life if he fucked his baby girl. I told Mommy the same thing about her son. You would think they would do anything to spare their wee one’s lives. Guess love does have some bounds. Sad really. If my life depended on it, If the life of a loved one depended on it, I would saw off my arm.  And Mommy and Daddy won’t have sex with their offspring. Would you do anything I said if your loved one’s lives depended on it?

knife play phone sex evil killI snuffed them all out right there on their porch. Total blood bath. I went into a frenzy with my knives. Slaughtered the innocent lambs first so I could enjoy watching their parents cry and plead. I enjoyed telling them too that their blood was on their hands. They could have prevented the slaughter. My knives covered in blood, I let mommy and daddy have a taste. Sick, I know, but fun too. They didn’t really love their brats or they would have done whatever I asked without hesitation.  The pumpkins they were carving now covered in their blood too.

knife play phone sex bloody sadisticThe real fun was slaughtering mommy and daddy. Random senseless acts of violence make me feel good. A knife in an artery with a slow bleed out while looking into your partner’s eyes as you die, pretty darn entertaining. Oh the shit they say to each other. The confessions they make. Guess they wanna die with a clean conscious or some silly shit. But I sat there, watching them make  their dying confessions, profess their love yada yada yada. Blood spurting everywhere. Turned me on actually. Blood spraying me like that is an aphrodisiac. I need an accomplice. Someone I can trust. Be so much more fun to share both my random and not so random acts of violence with a partner who gets off on the blood, the violence, the torture too. Is that you?

knife play phone sex bloody

My boyfriend is a corpse.

violent phonesex georgiaMy boyfriend decided to attempt to stand up to him, even though I begged him not to. I told him to just leave me alone and forget about me because I never wanted this to involve anyone else. I was hoping that tonight when I came home everything would be fine. Obviously it wasn’t and will never be again.

He wants to destroy me, I swear. He’ll take everything away and break me down until I’m nothing. His cock will get hard watching me suffer, he’ll laugh at my pain and he won’t stop even when I’m broken, crying at his feet.

I could see the blood the instant I opened the door. I could smell it before that, I was just clinging to the hope that it wasn’t real. My boyfriend was dead, on my floor, and he was playing in his blood. He had this huge twisted smile on his face. I just froze. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t feel anything. He was laughing, standing there with his twitching evil dick, covered in head to toe in my boyfriend’s blood. He demanded I take my clothes off and join him, I was too afraid to say no.

He pushed me on my knees in the pool of blood while he rubbed his bloody cock all over my face. Then, he forced it into my mouth. I started to cry uncontrollably, he slapped my face firmly with his hand when I was getting too loud. The blood filled my mouth with a metallic flavor, I just had to try not think about it or where it came from. I had to be a brave girl. Finally, he pulled his cock out for a few moments. He decided I didn’t have enough blood covering my body so he used his hands to collect and smear it until I was covered.

I was told afterward to get on top of my boyfriend’s corpse and fuck it. Rigor mortis had set in so his body was bloated and stiff and so was his cock. I cried and screamed, but he just pushed me down onto my boyfriend’s cold dead dick. Again, I froze. I couldn’t thrust or grind on my boyfriend like we did before. It was too sick and I was too afraid. So he put his cock back into my mouth again, causing me to move slightly against my boyfriend’s cock. He fucked my throat harder and harder, causing me to move more and to feel things I shouldn’t. My pussy wasn’t just wet with blood anymore.

I felt so disgusted with myself. I wanted to die, I wanted him to kill me. He just kept thrusting in and out of mouth with the same fucked up grin on his face. He made sure I came more than once before he finally pulled his hard red bloody cock out to shoot cum all over my boyfriend’s pale face
I was still hoping that he would keep going, that he would kill me. All he did was push me down into the puddle of blood and order me to clean the mess up.

Domination Phone Sex with Cassandra: Controlled with Poison

domination phone sex big tits submissiveOne of my Masters invited me to dinner. It seemed quite benevolent of him, so I had my suspicions. As soon as I arrived, he ordered me naked. I was the appetizer. He forced me on the dinner table and started to fuck my holes. Master is never gentle with my holes. To describe how he fucks me as rough sex is an understatement. He always fucks my ass and my cunt to the point they are swollen and gaping open. After he came in my holes, he tied me to one of the chairs and said he prepared a very special dinner for me that I should feel honored to eat.

I was scared. What in the hell was he gonna shove down my throat. He claimed it was a delicacy in Asian countries. I thought to myself, oh great, I am going to have to eat something gross like guinea pig or octopus, or maybe even man’s best friend? Wrong, wrong and wrong. He brought out some blowfish looking thing. I thought fish, I could handle that. Then he told me it was a puffer fish. Pufferfish are generally believed to be the second-most poisonous animal  in the world, after the golden poison frog. Certain internal organs, such as liver, and sometimes the skin, contain tetrodotoxin and are highly toxic to most animals and humans when eaten; nevertheless, the meat is considered a delicacy when eaten properly. Eaten not properly, it can be deadly.

Master told me I had to eat it and he warned me to eat carefully. He was gonna take sick pleasure watching me try to eat a highly lethal piece of meat. I had never eaten Pufferfish. I was clueless about how to eat it to prevent death or extreme illness. I decided to go slow very slow small bites to see if I could feel a reaction. This was working for awhile until I suddenly felt drugged. I was light headed, dizzy and going numb. Master grabbed my head and shoved my face into the plate, forcing more in my mouth. Then my whole body felt paralyzed. I started vomiting and feeling my heart race. My tongue was numb, my lips swelled and I couldn’t breathe. I thought I was going to die. Master was going to let me die. It would look like I died on my own accord from eating poisonous fish. Technically Master had not laid a finger on me.

Then, Master stabbed me with a needle. Within minutes I could breathe and within hours all the feeling came back in my body. Master grabbed me by the hair and made it clear that he could take my life when ever her felt like it so I better be a good fucking cunt all the time. His message was clear. He owned me and my every breath was under his control.

What will you do to control me? Show me that you have the power and I will always be powerless.

Kill Yourself Already!

fantasy phone sex jade

Hello there, My name is Jade. I am your suicide prevention hotline specialist. I specialize in suicide fantasy phone sex. Whatever your problem is, we can solve it. Life is an option. I know it may feel like no one loves you. But trust me when I say I do. You have so much to live for love. I would hate to see you off yourself. You feel alone, useless, pathetic right? Like no one would give a damn if you died? You feel like the world would be a less fucked up place if you remove yourself from it? Come on sweetie, I need you. I love you! Don’t you dare think of awful things like that! Don’t think about, you being a pathetic wimp. To even think of killing yourself is foolishness. I mean, if you really wanted to do it… you would have done it already right? I mean what’s the fucking use of complaining about your stupid life. Stop fucking whining about it. I mean, I know it’s hard feeling like you’re less of a man. I understand. You don’t compare to your wonderful friends who’s life is complete and fulfilled. Damn love, I just don’t want to see you go. But if I was in your position I would see why you have thoughts of suicide. You know what, just die already! Oh shit, I shouldn’t have said that. Just wrap that rope around your neck and kick the chair, or put all the bullets in, load up and shoot. Fuck, I did it again. Life is an option!! But no one said Death wasn’t an option either. Awww Fuck it, No one fucking cares! Kill yourself already. 

Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus

knife play phone sex goth girlOne of my callers asked me how I got into knife play phone sex. My love for knives is actually hereditary. My great grandparents were carnies. Yes, circus freaks. They both threw knives and swallowed them.  I inherited their knife collection along with some other vintage carnival items like their morphine needle. It is great to use for subduing victims, even today. I fancy myself a knife thrower like my great grandparents. Only I am no circus freak and it is not for entertainment, well not public entertainment.

knife play phone sex sadistice pain

I have these stairs that lead down into my basement where I practice my knife skills on worthless humans, usually men.  Just the other day I picked up this stupid guy who thought he was gonna fuck me.  Really, do I look desperate and so cheap that I would go fuck some guy because he said I was pretty? I have zero tolerance for stupidity and even less for horny pervs who don’t know how to treat a woman. I told him in my basement was a love den. Yeah right, I look like I have a love den. But it got his stupid ass down those stairs. As I was following him, I injected him with my grandparents old morphine needle to incapacitate him. That shit works fast too. He got all woozy and began to stumble.knife play phone sex drugs butcher girl

He actually fell down the last few stairs which was perfect. I then strung him up to the concrete wall where I practice my knife throwing techniques. The less they squirm or move around, the less the likelihood I will hit a major artery. Moving targets I have not quite mastered yet. While he was semi conscious, I broke out my grandparents knife throwing collection. They were all nice and sharp too. I just tried to concentrate and throw them along the outline of his body. I usually do pretty well. But this guy was fat and maybe he needed more morphine because he was not as limp as other practice playmates have been.knife play phone sex goth girl killer

I told him be still or he would fuck up my aim. He started getting belligerent with me and calling me names. The fat fuck of a pervert had the audacity to call me a fat whore. So, I decided to practice with a blind fold on. My grandparents could do it. Turns out I can’t. As I was throwing blindly, I heard  screams and yelps. Kind of just turned me on. No one would miss him. The more he screamed, the harder I threw and the less I concentrated on where the knife was going. I wanted to hit his flesh, impale him.  I wanted to make him bleed. After I went through all the knives, all I heard was gurgling sounds. I giggled in amusement when I took my blindfold off and saw about 30 knives in his flesh. Even one dead center between his legs. I literally nailed his balls to the wall. He didn’t deserve them anyway.

I made quite a mess as it turns out. He bled out, slowly, but he did pool his blood on my floor. I kind of like the red stains on the wall, so I just cleaned the blood and sinew off the floor. I don’t really care if I never become a master knife thrower like my grandparents. I enjoy the sport of impaling flesh with sharp objects. Especially flesh on worthless pieces of shit. Are you a worthless piece of shit?

Evil Accomplice Phone Sex

accomplice phonesex angieHave you ever seen the movie 13 Ghosts? I love the evil Cyrus and his demonic plan to open the eye of hell. I would love to live in his glass house filled with evil spirits held captive by the spells etched on the walls. My absolute favorite scene in the whole movie is when a glass wall is activated during one of the house’s morphing sequences and severs Cyrus’ attorney, Ben,  body in half. His eyes wide with disbelief as he realizes that he his body is no longer one. The movie so inspired me and stirred my need for some cold blooded fun that I decided to devise a way to re-enact that one scene for myself and a lucky accomplice.accomplice phonesex 13ghosts It took us several weeks to devise the sharp sheet of glass, rig it guillotine style and create a device to hold our “character” I couldn’t wait to see if the body, once severed, would slid down the glass in two parts like in the movie. Of course one time to test this theory would not be enough, We had to gather several “characters” of several shapes and sizes to see what effect this would have in real time. The planning and preparation created an anticipation level beyond belief. When the day finally came we had 13 “characters” to pay homage to the movie’s title that gave me the inspiration. One at a time we placed them in our device and released the sharp sheet of glass, delighting as the body was severed and the blood flowed. We took our time making the ritual last all day. It was the most fantastical and erotic movie reenactment I have ever created. I plan on keeping my device and plan on using it again in the future. accomplice phonesex ghosts2


And Then He Said “Let There Be Torture”

torture phonesex angieTHESE ARE MY EARLIEST MEMORIES.


In the beginning we were a happy family. Mommy gave birth to me and Daddy was in love with his sweet little Princess. Daddy got so jealous of Mommy giving me all the attention. Every time he looked at her with me he would see red. I was his, he made me. He would sneak in my room at  night and stand over my crib, looking at me with longing, his cock would grow until it ached. He had no choice, he had to pull his cock out and jerk his dick spewing his cum all over my little body, scooping it up with his fingers and feeding my eager young mouth. He would close his eyes and imagine my little mouth sucking the tip of his cock the way it was sucking the tips of his fingers.
One night after fucking Mommy with visions of his Princess in his head, his dark desires came bubbling to the surface. Something in Daddy snapped that night that changed both of our paths in life.
Daddy took me from my crib and showed Mommy how he loved his Princess every night since I was brought home from the hospital.  Her screaming and crying just fueled the fire with in him. She was out of her mind questioning how he could do that to me. How dare she question him? How dare she insist that I was hers and not his?
He bound her to the bed and made me watch as he tortured her. He fucked her until she screamed from the pain and then lifted his knife high in the air. The sparkles from the light were so pretty as they glistened off the blade. And then it came down and sunk into her soft belly. When it came back out it was a bright red the blood dripping down on to her body. Daddy made me lick it before making me watch again as he repeated the process twice more before ramming his hard dick deep inside one of her gaping holes. Ramming harder and faster as he repeated over and over how much he loved me and how I was his Princess, no one else’s, his and all his.
Then Daddy stuck his thumbs in her wounds and ripped her flesh wide open, her eyes grew wide and were staring into space. I know now that was from shock. He picked me up and let me sit in her abdomen as he continues to fuck her, covering me with his cum from inside her cunt.
Finally he grabbed her head by the hair, pulling her head back and exposing her neck to the beautiful blade. In on swift motion he severed her head and held it over my open mouth, urging me to drink her life blood.
From that point on, I never knew which Daddy I would wake up to. One Daddy kept me locked in the dungeon. he loved to torture me for being a whore like my Mommy. he could see her in me. In my eyes, in my features. He hated that slut and wanted to cause her as much pain as he could.
The other Daddy pampered and spoiled me. As long as I was his accomplice, going and getting pretty little things for him and helping him torture them. He would shower me with love and affection and my every desire was met.
Daddy is long gone. But I still have the house and the dungeon and the desire to torture.
Thank You Daddy,
Your Dark Princess~~Angie

I am God

It’s hypnotic. That moment right before you attack. That single glorious moment before you take another persons life. I’ve heard that it’s different for each person; that some people hear god speaking to them or some other voice, that some hear white noise, and other hear their own heartbeat above anything else… but me? No. All I hear is whatever music is playing the the background. It’s like I just zone out and nothing is around me. It’s like I’m stuck in a single moment of time. The little whore wouldn’t stop screaming when I sliced my hand scythe into her neck and drug it all the way down into her stomach. It was over in a just a second, but that second felt like a glorious eternity when I was the absolute power. I had control over how this little whore would die. I could decide that last thing she saw, smelled, tasted, heard and felt. I am God in that moment. TabooPhoneSexMagenta

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies with Venus

murder phone sex fantasies goth teenI have a confession to make. There are a lot of folks out there that annoy the fuck out of me. I have no tolerance for stupidly, even less for self entitled misogynistic pricks. A few months ago,  I met this dude who runs a tattoo and piercing place in his apartment.  I was looking to get my nipples pierced.  Turns out he had some penthouse type apartment  with a huge balcony and wonderful view of the city. Nicer than any place I had been in. I paid him for the nipple rings, then I took my top down and got ready to be pierced.  He said he needed to strap me down so I didn’t wiggle and loose a nipple. I figured it sounded logical. He was professional up until he pierced me. As soon as that stud went through my left nipple, he pulled out his cock and started jacking all over me.  I was strapped to that table. I was calling him every name in the book. He got on top of me as if he was gonna penetrate me. But, he underestimated my desire to control my body and what is done to it. I said, come up closer, let me suck your dick. Tried to tell him he didn’t have to force himself on the willing. Instructed him to feel my cunt if he had any doubts. He didn’t know that my pussy was wet because I was about to hurt him deadly.

He straddled my face and put his worthless pecker in my mouth. I mean a real man doesn’t have to force a woman. I bit that sucker clean off too. Blood was spurting everywhere. I was covered in blood. Yummy, sticky, sweet tasting blood. He curled up on the floor in fetal position and screamed in pain. Took me a few minutes to finagle the knife outta my pocket and cut that strap freeing myself, but I did. I am not without my resources. I leaped off that table, spit his limp dick in his face and kicked him in his balls. I then took my knife slashed him a few times.  I sat back, covered in his blood and masturbated as he laid there moaning and crying like a pussy.

He didn’t deserve to live. You can’t violate a woman and think you can get away with it. He was crying like a baby on his floor, begging for mercy, offering to pay me whatever I wanted. I wanted his life, nothing more, nothing less. Self entitled prick thought he could buy my mercy, buy my silence. But how to snuff him out? I could just stab him a few more times and let him bleed out like the worthless pig he is or I could push his sorry ass off his balcony. I went with option B. I dragged him to the balcony, forced him up on his feet and pushed him over the railing. Took almost no strength as he was little snippet of a man weak from bleeding. Very troll like. He landed in a garbage bin. How perfect was that? He would be taken out with the trash, like the garbage he was. Not a person in site either. It was fate.  I had his DNA all over me. I could claim self defense if I had too. I could hear it now, “Yes officer,  he tied me down and sexually assaulted me and when I broke free he tried to kill me. I was just defending myself, so I grabbed a knife and just slashed frantically to keep him away from me. I guess we ended up on the balcony and he fell over. I had no choice, he was gonna kill me.”  Of course they would believe me. If they ever found him, his loss of manhood could be attributed to the fall or rats. They would never find his worthless cock anyway because I took it as a souvenir. A reminder that no man would ever assault me again.

Turns out though, no one missed his worthless ass. I am sure I was not the first woman he forced himself on, but I was certainly gonna be the last. Hell, I’ll castrate you if you want. Felt good to go all Loreena Bobbitt on a piece of human trash. If you don’t know how to use it properly, you shouldn’t have it anyway.

murder phone sex fantasies sadistic torture