Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Fantasy phone sex Ivy

Murder phone sex Fantasies

After a binge of snorting some shit up my nose I watched a ton of documentaries on world war 2 and a shit ton of porn. I have this fantasy of grabbing a bitch off the street and taker her home. I want to see how long the human body took to no longer live. Starving someone was going to take a lot of time and patients, something I don’t have normally. I know exactly who to take. Kaylee, she was a whore down on 5th ave. No one cared about her or where she was. Kaylee was always strung out and she eats pussy like a pro.

Torture phone sex

I know I can trick her into going to my apartment and after a few days when she comes down she isn’t going to leave. Starving her isn’t going to be enough for me. I’ll have to see how much pain she can take. Cut her and make her drain her blood. She will be a dirty toilet, since she wont be eating or drinking anything I don’t think I need to let her out to let her go potty. I do think I will let her eat protein… Let someone fuck her throat till they cum. I’m excited to beat her, fuck her, piss on her. If you have any other suggestions, Id love to hear them. Ill be waiting her watching her suffer.. 

 Taboo phone sex

Erotic Porn Snuff Production

killer phone sex

I know everyone knows my love for snuff films and how I have always longed to make one of my own. To be able to watch a dumb bitch get her shit all fucked up, something that I could watch over and over again while I played with my pussy. I have spent hours dreaming of making my own erotic porn snuff film. I just dreamed the day would come where I would meet the man who would let me help him. I met that man the other day, he wanted me to make outdoor rape porn with him, and the fact that I desired snuffed just made it a match to die for, literally. We decided on this beautiful chick that I had my eyes o from the mall. Daddy, I shall call him, was super talented in fucking up her engine. When she broke down she pulled over on the side of the road. It was dark and luck enough she lived off a dark back road.
Daddy approached her vehicle with caution while she looked under the hood, steam flowing over the engine. He was dressed like the perfect approachable house dad but she stepped back with caution anyway. Good skank. I could see him point towards me who was sitting in the car. This was my turn to put her mind at ease. I got out of the car in my dress and pigtails and introduced myself.

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I said my name was Hillary of course in case the little piggy got away. We wore our glasses, see here is a secret about my Daddy, he is loaded and our glasses were recoding every encounter with little cunty. Daddy said he was going to check something under the hood and it risked spraying up with hot skin melting liquid and directed up to the side of the street. She turned her back as I lifted up my skirt and SWANK stabbed that bitch in the back.
She turned over grabbing at it and then looking at the blood on her fingers. As she went to scream I held the blade under her throat and told her she better shut the fuck up before I slit her throat. She whimpered and tears began to well up in her eyes. I knelt across her chest. My dress moved up over my highs and reveled my shaved teen pussy. I stood up placing the knife between her skin and blouse tearing my knife through it. Daddy took over and began to play with her nipples while I tore through her short revealing her hairy pussy. I took the knife and began to insert it into her. Blood drained from her. I let daddy know she was nice and wet. Blood dripped from her pussy down her ass creating the perfect lubricant for Daddy as he began to ram her in the ass. Stupid bitch made the wrong move screaming. I walked over to her trunk and removed her four way and then buried it into her chest. Flood flowed over her perfect tit. I kissed her dying lips with mine; I took in the taste of her sweet blood and then kissed Daddy as he came in her.

outdoor rape porn

Space Savers

Mutilation phone sexWe have all been there haven’t we?  Found ourselves in a situation where there is just not enough room to fit everything into a given amount of space.  The best way I have found to avoid this is to make sure the person who you have put out of misery is either: 1) Ground up, 2) Dissolved, or 3) Put into a wood chipper.  Think of how amazed and jealous your friends will be over your garden when it comes to life due to the death of a pain in the ass Ex.

My favorite way out of all three is the first.  However, you cannot just stick someone in a meat grinder.  Human bones are very strong, they will tear up the blades or worse yet cause the grinder to become jammed.  Not a great situation if you ask Me.  The first thing you must do is flay off the skin.  Take your time in doing so, see if you can do it perfectly.  I am a bit OCD so I consider this My challenge.  Then you must debone the subject.

This can also be a challenge due to the sinew in the muscle structure.  Also there is cartilage that you must remove, then the finger nails, and teeth.  Yes it is a lot of work, but done properly it will save you a lot of time in the long run.  At this point you can just grind the meat down.  You could make sausage if you wanted to.  Serve it to your annoying In-Laws the next time they visit.  You will want to dissolve the bone, teeth, hair and finger/toe nails in acid.  It will take some time until of course you know of a certain acid that can eat through anything rather rapidly, then use that.  Make sure you only use a heavy gauge plastic bin when doing so, because this type of acid will react with everything except for the plastic.

With your ground meat you can seal it in plastic bags, or you can fertilize your lawn, or spread it in the woods, feed it to the fish.  What ever you would like.  If you wish to keep your prey for what ever reason after the butchering then you will find you can store it in small containers which are more inconspicuous then having huge bio-hazard barrels cluttering up your living room. I hope you found this space saving tip helpful.  Until next time…Happy Hunting.

Sitter Smoothies

         babysitter phone sex

I decided I need to make myself a little bit of cash. It is not like a have a high set of skills besides murder, death, kill, and rape either. So I was walking on my way home from school and saw a sign for sitter needed hanging on a tree.  I took it into my hand and ripped it down. OUCH. The paper snagged my finger causing it to bleed. I smirked a little sticking into my mouth and reading the advertisement. It advertised for a sitter for their three brats so that they could go out. There were phone number tabs on it but I just decided I would cut out the competition and take the whole thing. I called the number when I got home and tried to sound super chipper.

    The parents rattled off a list of requirements that came with watching he little ass holes, like no gluten, organic and all that bull shit. I had no problem with it at all. I was ready to just do what I was paid for and leave. When getting ready I made sure to dress like a good little slut and put my hair into two pigtails. When I showed up I acted like a stupid preppy twat with an ear to ear smile. When they left the little maggots and I stood on the front pouch waving good bye to their parents as they pulled out of the driveway with haste. I did not know why they pulled away so fast until the little brats become total fucking terrors. The oldest little bitch kept demanding I make her a smoothie. I did not know what a smoothie was nor was I going to make one for a stuck up bitch who thought she was entitled because mommy and daddy had lots of money.

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                She would not quit so I decided that I was going to teach that dumb bitch a lesson. Next time she came in to bitch at me what her demands were of me because she felt as though I was working for her I hit that dumb blonde brat over the head and watched her knock to the floor. While she was knocked out I tied her up then put the other two brats up stairs and tied their mouths shut stuffed with a sock. I heard her start to wake up so I went down stairs and straddled her lap. Her eyes got large and she tried to scream past her gag. I giggled as I slid the knife up her torso tearing her shirt. I told her that I was going to make her a smoothie and I was going to fit in everything she loved. She looked puzzled and with that I lopped off her hand. I giggled as I went over to the counter and stuck it into the blended. I mocked her as I ground it up, told her how good she was going to taste to herself. I continued to cut and blend fitting both arms meat into the blender. She started to gurgle and I realized that she was not fun anymore so I shot her in the head so I could start to figure out what to do with the body.

                I looked all around and decided I would blend the rest of her up and toss her into an old container to take with me. She fit into a old five gallon bucket in the garage and was surprisingly light. Her bones broke up easily and I knew a friend who would reuse them for various art projects. That is how I could make extra money, I could get rid of the dumb cunts that continued to mess with me and sell their remains to those I know had interest. Look at me being crafty with my skills. 

Mutilation phone sex

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Babysitter phone sex

It started a long time ago. When homework and being popular crowded my mind. To think I used to watch little shit heads for money every weekend till I skipped out of that fucking town. Looking back on it now that was my first time and it was so messy. No one ever found those little fur balls that disappeared. After a few years of being away from that town a blast from the past came into the store I was at. He walked up to me, He knew who I was which shocked me. I couldn’t believe that the big strong tall man who stood before me was the little shit bag I used to watch while his whore mommy got high and fucked as many men as she could. I idolized her. She is who I wanted to be and I became her. Her son however was rather yummy looking. I invited him over for some fun.

Bloody phone sex

As we drove to my house I leaned over the seat and started rubbing his cock. He tried to act like that wasn’t what he wanted. I told him I remembered him rubbing his cock all the time when I was there. He smiled and pushed my head back down on his cock. I knew I had him. I was going with the flow I didn’t really have a plan for this. We got into my house. He followed me inside and watched as I slowly walked through my house taking off my clothes. We made it to my bedroom where I laid down. That is when he crawled up to me and started sucking and fingering my cunt.

Killer phone sex

I could have stopped him there, but I wanted to have him. Fucking him was like fucking his whore mother. After hours of sex, and hours of getting fucked up. We took a bath together. I got on top of him and slid his cock inside of me. I started to ride him. Water was splashing and going everywhere. He had his head back and eyes closed. At that moment I pulled out my knife and slit his throat. He came inside of me as he leaked his warm blood into the bath.  I had him and now I am relaxing in his blood.

Easter Egg Hunt

murder phone sex fantasies

So I decided this year in the spirit of the holiday season Terry would play the fury little thing in pink and lay eggs around in peoples yards for all the brats to find when they woke up. I got the idea when I was at the dollar store watching a bunch of idiots fumble and fight one another over stupid candy to stuff into their plastic eggs. Now normally I would encourage this kind of hatred towards one another but on a day like today I just wanted to get the fuck out of their after dousing the place with tear gas.

So I shoved some of the plastic eggs into my purse and walked out with the choice that I was going to fill these with something everyone could appreciate. I was sitting in my car holding one of them in my hand, it was so shinny and covered in the nastiest pink color you could find. I wracked my brain over what to put in them as I went to pull out of the parking lot only to be cut off by a dick wad in a green suv. That is when it occurred to me it is not so much what as who I should be stuffing this disgusting decorations with. Poor guy was about ready to be planted all around the town. So he pulled into the Floormart parking lot, no doubt in a hurry to pick up something for his little spawn he forgot to grab. I watched him stalking him from the aisle and was already at my car when he got to his which was next to mine. We were both parked at the end of the lot since the lot was stuffed. I pretended to act all damsels in distress like I could not get my trunk open. I poked my butt out for him to see and he took the bait fast like they always did. “Here let me help with that” He said winking at me and lifting the trunk lid. His wedding ring sparkled at me as to say ‘kill this cheating asshole’ And that was all I needed. I knocked him in the back of the head with my tire iron and shoved him in.

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When I got home the prick was still passed out and I had to carry his heavy ass all the way to the garage. I tied him to a chair while I laid out layers of plastic to make clean up a little bit easier. Once everything was done I laid him on the floor and grabbed my jar with Curare in it and poked him with a needle and that on the tip. This was going to paralyze his voluntary muscles so I attached oxygen under his nose. I need him to be still for what I was going to do and quiet, but he needed to feel every second of it. I attached tourniquet to each of his limbs tightly. As they became purple I would saw through them one at a time and then cauterize them with my portable electric burner. He breathed heavily and his body became drenched in sweat. I took his leg in my hand and sat by his head, criss cross just like one of his brats would. I took a scalpel too it and began to knife down the skin ripping it. I would then take a shred of it ball it up and stuff it into the eggs. He tried to shut his eyes and I supper glued them upen and held them till they dried. I was even sweet enough to add eye drops. I continued the process of cutting his limbs and stuffing the eggs till all four limbs were done. 4 hours later I had grown bored. I grabbed his wallet and got his address. I took the two bags of egg and chopped off his head to come with me. I giggled; I had forgotten he was alive. Lol. Was.

I took him back to him house and set everything up. When his family woke up the next morning they would find his head in the basket on the porch and eggs of him spread up and down the street. I hope everyone has a memorable Easter this year. I really tried my hardest to make it one no one would forget. 

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How to Make Earrings

         Accomplice phone sex      

 I am a unique character. Do not get me wrong, there are those who are idiots and feel the world should know how dumb they are I but l am me. Every time I go out in public l can hear those pathetic maggots whisper about how scary I am. That’s right, be afraid of me! If I chose to I could slit your insignificant throats right now. Today I am shopping for the usual substances required to run a human body, Doritos, Mountain Due and pizza rolls. At the store there is always this real chipper house mommy who wants to preach the word of her worthless god to me, always so nice. I just want kill her firstborn to see if she still forgives then.

                She keeps nagging me about teaching her how to make my “charms” look so realistic. She is of course referring to the teeth and other mummified body Parts that I adorn my body with. Have never lied to the stupid bitch I tell her they are real, l don’t think she quite understands that. And am sick of listening to her wrenched voice. So, it is now time to invite miss faithful to her very own lesson.) Told her (was going to teach her how to make earrings. Those should be simple for her to comprehend. I give her he address to what l call my shop. It is an old abandoned building that is on the outskirts of the warehouse district. Naive as she is she shows up, and opens the heavy steel door stepping inside.

“Hello” She calls into the building. Her voice echoed through it’s emptiness, or mostly empty I should say. My stomach began to fill with butterflies like when you meet a crush for the first time. She walked into the middle of the room where a single chair sat with two tables, one on each side. On the left hand side, and the first table that Dr.Dumbshit approached contained all the supplies to create my beautiful art. She picked up the various wires and smiled to herself. She slowly walked over to the right hand side table. This table she approached with caution; taking her hand out she lifted the corner of the white sheet that covered it. Under it were all the devices that I liked to use on my play things. The smell of dried blood filled both her nostrils and my own as I now stood behind her. She went to turn quickly bumping into me. I smirk at her ear to ear. “I know what you’re thinking,” I said to her with a sarcastic tone “what kind of a women doesn’t clean her utensils when she is done?” She mumbled and stumbled over her words trying to find a path past me to dark towards the door. “Now…T T Terry, ha ha, I get it, April fools. I’ll be on my way now, ha ha.”  I stepped to the side long enough for her to take a half a hesitant step forward and then leaned into her ear and whispered “Then you better fucking run you fat ass bitch.” I followed this menacing advice with the evilest laugh a girl could give. She darted towards the door; I let her get about halfway before throwing a knife into the back of her knee. She instantly fell to the ground and tried to crawl towards her freedom.

Torture sex

I leaned down to her and dug my heal into the back of her hand, “Fucking cunt, too slow, I changed my mind.” She cried spastically, I could hardly make out any of her pathetic words. Her pants began to become soaked with her own urine as it pooled around her on the floor. “See I was going to let you go and then I remembered how eager you were for this lesson in crafting so I couldn’t let you down, thoughtful I know.” I chuckled at myself; I was such a sarcastic bitch sometimes. I stood up, my heel digging into her hand, she let out the bitchiest scream so I naturally reacted with a swift kick to her face. She whimpered trying to compose herself as I slammed the heavy door closed. I walked towards the top of her head and grabbed my hand into her brown overly permed hairdo. She continued to struggle as she dragged along the floor while I walked her to the chair. “I do not know why you are bitching so hard cunt, you wanted to know how this happened.You should be happy; I am doing you a huge favor.” I tied her into the chair and strapped her arms and head down. Prying her mouth open I pulled out all of her teeth. She screamed so hard, I laughed. I shoved a sock back into her mouth and went over to the table to craft her bloody teeth into earring. I went back over to her and showed her them. She screamed past the blood soaked sock in her mouth. “Let’s see how they look, shall we?” I studded her sitting on her lap in the chair. I removed the ugly gold earring from her ear and looked at her in disgust. “Clip ons? What the fuck bible humper. That is okay I will pierce them for you.” I grabbed my scalpel from the table. Blood was thick and dried all over it. “Now hold still you dumb bitch” I held her ear out and stick out my tongue a little as to keep my hands balanced. “one…two..” She squinted her eyes and SWINK “Oops I seemed to have cut your ear off…” I shrugged my shoulders as she squealed trying to shake her head that was strapped in place. I held out the other ear still attached to her head “Guess we better make it even then.” I removed it shoving one earring into each of the voids where her ear used to be attached. “Those look beautiful!” She started to seize and her eyes began to roll into the back of her head. She shook and convulsed and a liquid rose from her nose. “Oh look you are choking on your own vomit.” I giggled slitting her throat. The blood sprayed across my face. It was warm. I stuck my tongue from my mouth tasting it. MMMMmm “Whelp,” I began to talk to myself. “Looks like you will have to stay here till I get back; I need to finish my shopping.” I removed my clothing changing into a fresh pair I brought with me leaving her dead body, blood draining onto the floor. I would come back later to clean up her mess. Now it was time for pizza rolls. 

Sadistic phone sex

Gangbang Porn: Roleplay with Toni

gangbang porn

Whenever I think about all the pain and suffering in the world it doesn’t make me depressed or upset me like it does most people, it turns me the fuck on. The world is a dark place, I’m just one of the few people that excepts it for what it is and embraces it. The rest of you assholes can deny yourselves the things you truly want, but I have one life to live and I’m going to have my fun. If I see some slut walking down the street, I’ll take her if I want her. If there’s a boy I want to torture and skin alive I just do it without any hesitation. Consequences don’t exist for me, the only thing that matters is my pleasure.

The last bitch that got in the way of my pleasure is rotting in the ground in the middle of nowhere now. That stupid whore was one of the pretenders. She thought and tried to act like we were alike, but in the end just was nothing more than a sad goth girl.  Once she realized I was “too extreme” for her I knew she would try to expose me and obviously I can’t have that so I shut poor Lisa up FOREVER. Dumb cunt has no one to blame but herself for it too! I guess she thought everything I said was a joke until she saw me in action.

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You should have seen the look on her face when I cut this faggot’s cock off and jammed it down his throat. She looked horrified! While I was rubbing my dripping wet clit watching him die slowly and painfully, that pussy was in the corner crying and begging me to stop. She made a BIG mistake interrupting me getting off, but her biggest mistake was lying to me. A smart person would have held it together in front of me, so yeah it’s her fault she’s a nothing more than a festering corpse fertilizing the earth now.

I didn’t go easy on her either I wanted her to suffer and have time to reflect. Never in my life have I seen such shameless begging. I didn’t just torture her myself either, I invited some friends over to play to really teach her lesson. While they were gang raping her I put cigarettes out on every inch of her sad little body. This morning I was rubbing my swollen clit in my latest victim’s face while I thought about watching that foolish skank taking her final breath. Even after the memory of the fun we had with her fades I’ll always have a recording of it to watch…

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Camp Fire

Cannibalism phone sex

I saw them earlier. They must be hiking up into the mountains for a party. This weekend is one of the last for spring break. I am hungry. I know there is easy prey out there. Its almost like a horror movie is playing out in my life. City brats who have no idea about this mountain or the people around it. My mother and her clan own this land, they do their crazy witch craft shit. I know I can get the men to help me grab those brats . We need a few for the blood moon. I walked up the path to see them all there. They were doing the typical teen thing, drinking around a fire, some a re passed out and some are fucking in plain sight. No one noticed me. No one saw me walk into their camp until I grabbed the big titted red head and threw her into the fire. They started to scream and run as I stood there laughing at them. The men from the cult grabbed them and tied them all up. I grabbed the red head who fell out of the fire. She was begging me to stop. To help her. I kissed her burnt lips and pushed her back into the fire. I’m going to eat good tonight. Now I need to find my new sex slave. I’m thinking about using this big black one. 

Killer phone sex

Langly’s Party Daze

Killer phone sex


I felt the kick to my face and the one thing that had held me down was that I couldn’t see him anymore tearing into my flesh and asshole. He had placed a metal rod in his jolly and was now plunging it into my asshole with the glass. Bloods squirted as I screamed at the pressure of the metal pounding into my gaping hole. Plunging the knife deep into my gut I felt the rip as my organs were being disemboweled. I thought this was what you see before you die a gruesome death! The blood pool was mounting on the floor and I was feeling myself go faint. Blow was all over my back with the blood and I could feel him snorting it up his nose. With each pound I felt his jolly grow longer and longer. That’s what coke did to you pressed the energy and release to new heights. He was full of it and I knew death for me was the only substitute.

     He had brought me here in hopes of having the party of a life time and I was getting that alright and then some. The experience was one I would die for he said so I had no quirks about getting in the car with a complete stranger as long as at the end of the night I was loaded. But it had ended badly of course with him smacking me to the ground with a hammer and nailing a crucifix  on the wall. A trophy he had said to Christ! And I was the sacrifice! With each slash that cut into my flesh I knew this party was not going to be over until I was dead. I tried to gather myself as he sucked my blood but I was too weak and my body was going numb. The last thing I felt as he tore the knife into my asshole was a metal pole pushed into my cunt. Then there was nothing but splashes of water oh so I thought as my eyes closed.