I was bored last night so I went out looking for some fun. I was just walking around, not really sure what I was looking for exactly, I figured I would know it when I see it you know? Well just as I was about to give up and go home I noticed this bitch sleeping in a first floor bedroom with her window wide open! Bitch didn’t even have a fucking screen up! It was like she was an offering for me, too good of an opportunity to pass up! I slipped into the window soundlessly and looked around for something to tie her up, I settled on a pair of her own tights and tied her to her bed frame while she was asleep and then slapped her awake. She was shocked and scared, stupid bitch even pissed her fucking bed she was so scared but I didn’t let that stop me. I took my time with her, slicing, dicing and in general just fucking her up. By the time I was thru with her, there were body parts strewn across the room and the whole place looked like a slaughterhouse!
Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies
She should have locked her windows
Snuff Sex Whore For Using and Disposing Of
Hi! I’m Geneva and I am nothing more than a fucking toy for you to use as a snuff sex dolly. I am too uselessly dumb to know how to do much more than look pretty and always primping. My tits are fake, my lips are Botox and my whole body is plastic to be perfect like a sex slave doll for the use of the sickest twisted perverts. I’ve been conditioned to understand I am a useless fuck toy. I deserve your beating my face in and giving me a bloody nose because I was too dumb to understand how I was expected to act for you.
When I am really out of line you take me down to the riverside and have a gangbang fest of bums to fuck me and cum in and on me. Then I am left to let the four legged friends to take their fix. Sometimes this goes badly and my neck will have a nice chunk taken out by one of them… but I can be shoved into the river, what’s left.
Murder Phone Sex Fantasies: Use Me
When Murder Phone Sex Fantasies are the only thing that will make your cock throb, grow hard, and explode jism like a fountain then you are in the right place for mayhem. I’m a worthless fucking cunt that deserves to fucking die. Kill me, beat the crap out of me and make me cum, or forbid me to cum and piss on the open fucking knife wounds you just inflicted on me. Or invite a bunch of cracked out niggers over to jack me the fuck up and then use me like a filthy mens bathroom. Piss on me, in my mouth or on my pretty face and big luscious tits. Let these thugs force fuck my anus, cunt and mouth and jerk off their big filthy pieces of fuck meat while they shoot me up with filthy needles making me overdose while being fantasy raped.
I’m a useless bubble headed blonde that deserves every bit of punishment administered to me.
Snuffed Out Youngster
I brought my Master home a deliciously tasty young little cunt to play with and he was so very happy! Strawberry blonde hair tied up all cute in pigtails and wearing a white little dress with her diaper bulging out of the bottom, she was the ultimate eye candy! I knew that Master would want to have me help him enjoy her from head to toe, inside and out! We stretched the tiny little cunt on to a table and put the saw between her thighs. I slapped my pussy on her face and smothered her down while she licked away, meanwhile, Master was shoving his cock in and out of her as he chopped through her torso. She was screaming as blood gurgled out of her and all over us, it was so damn sexy, Master is such a filthy pervert! Once she was dead and gone, he began eating her limbs, starting with her tiny nipples! He chews on those like they’re bubblegum, hehe. According to him, red heads tend to taste better than others, there is just something so very sweet and irresistible about them! I indulged with Master in our young, freshly prepped treat!
Murder Phone Sex Fantasies
If you have murder phone sex fantasies, you are not alone. Most men harbor them; usually for a woman. My stepson has them for me. Since he was a wee boy, he has hated me because I was his father’s whore. But daddy married the whore and left the Madonna, my step son’s mother. Now, he is all grown up and his hatred is fueled by drugs and years of plotting revenge. He got in my face the other day and let off some steam. I called him a pussy who couldn’t get over the past. I didn’t realize he was high on meth. He flew into a rage, claiming he had fantasized about killing me for two decades. I told him he couldn’t kill me because pussies don’t act, they just whine and bitch. He snapped. He smacked me across the room. I tried to run, but he lunged at me, grabbed my leg and pulled me back towards him. He ripped off my clothes and set them on fire, while he tied me up. “Who is a pussy now, bitch,” he seethed. He pulled his cock out. I knew what was next. First, he pissed all over my face while laughing at me; then he fucked me. My cunt and my ass got fucked like a man with pent up rage would fuck: savagely. I was bleeding and crying. I couldn’t make him listen to me. I didn’t think he had this in him. Years of nothing but passive aggressive comments and now, I felt like he might very well kill me. He kicked me in the gut repeatedly like he was channeling A Clockwork Orange. I thought he was done, when he fell backwards on to the couch. Then he picked up the light, tightened the cord and wrapped it around my neck. Everything went dark.
Snuff Sex Whore For the Killer in You
I know there is a killer lurking inside of you and this snuff sex whore is the perfect useless cunt to really bring it to the forefront of your mind and desires. You catch a glimpse of me flirting like fucking crazy with various men to get what I want. You watch me all night being manhandled by one man after the other as you catch little packets of drugs being passed to me and multiple drinks being bought for me. Then finally you see me stepping away from my flirtations and as I sneak away into the ladies room.
As you figured, the dumb cunt failed to lock the door behind her and you push inside locking it behind you. There I was as expected, snorting fucking lines as I sit taking a piss. Too wasted and dumb to make out what was going on you grab me by my hair yanking me off the can and spilling my blow. More concerned about my blow I started stumbling over my words but you just kick me in the gut after punching me square in my face. Bleeding nose and keeled over you yank me by my hair again to face you as you stuff your cock in my mouth. Forcibly face fucking my you call me a dirty cunt and berate me about not properly wiping my whore cunt after pissing. Asking me why any guy would want to stick their cock in that filthy cunt as you take my drink that was on the counter and pour it over my cunt. You need to be cleansed you say. The vodka stung my cunt and you just laugh and pull out from my face. You knee me in the face causing blood to spurt from my nose and as I attempt to scream you shove my piss soaked panties in my mouth.
You start to give me a taboo phone sex fuck I’ll never forget, well that is if I live through it. Taking my pussy with one harsh thrust landing a big fat cock deep in my cunt and ripping me to bleeding. You laugh as you keep thrusting in me as I am on my knees you grab me around my neck with both hands until my body becomes limp. Filling me up with your seed once you know I am dead was never so pleasurable.
Murder phone sex Fantasies with Dusty
As soon as I found out my niece was dealing with an controlling and abusive boyfriend I was enraged. The first thing that came to mind were some murder phone sex fantasies. All I could do was plot this fuckers demise as I hear about how has treated my sweet niece. Having come up with a really good idea I asked my niece and her boyfriend to come by for Dinner.
I got the two here and drugged the losers drink to just sorta make him a bit more intoxicated than normal and certainly more submissive. Had my niece assist me in gathering some items we stored nearby where this demise would take place. We sat on either side of him and started getting flirty and touchy with him. As my niece was going down on his dick I got him preoccupied with my tits. This dude thought he was in heaven! Well, that is until we were sure he was plenty turned on and relaxed.
I grabbed my strap-on out and one for my niece after we bound his arms in back of him. We told him we had a fun game in mind and got him upstairs on the bed. His cock was so hard at this point and we took turns fantasy raping his ass until he was really getting droned out and enjoying it… I thrust my cock in his ass as my niece thrust hers in his mouth. We forcibly fucked him and as he was wanting to blurt out orders I punched him square in the nose s I kneed his crotch. He was really trying to fight us and make a lot of noise so we practiced some deprivation therapy throwing a heavy dark sack over his head and tied a rope around it and his neck. I proceeded to take it further and grabbed a knife for gutting prey and started cutting his penis and ball sack off. There was so much blood and oops! I failed to properly stop the bleeding and well… that was the end of him… so glad my friends own a crematory.
No more Ms. little nice slut! I took all your bull shit for many years. Well guess what mother fucker payback is always a bitch! Now you will fuck me how ever I want when ever I want! I want your dick all day every day! I just want you to cum behind me when I’m cooking and lift my little ass up tear my shorts off and start murdering my fucking little pussy. That’s right I’m your little fucking cum dumpster and I want you and all your big black nigger friends to unload all that hot man juice all over my pretty little fucking face. That’s right fucker I been fucking your nigger friends behind your stupid fucking ass. I love big black nigger dick in my pussy and all their nigger cum. I’m going to make you swallow every little drop of nigger cum! Open wide now!
Snuff sex killed him and I loved it!
Snuff sex is what killed poor Joel, he thought that he was coming over to my place to fuck but ended up dying instead! It was almost too easy, I just slipped a little something into his drink and it knocked him the fuck out; then I dragged him downstairs and hung him up like a piece of meat. Then I waited, I wanted him fully conscious when I started to torture him. Can you believe he thought it was all some kind of game when he woke up? He thought that I was just a kinky bitch and that we were still gonna fuck! I set that straight real quick when I started ripping his skin off piece by piece. He was begging for his life but I was just getting started, I pushed my knife inside him and pulled it all the way up to his chin spilling all his guts out on the floor. I masturbated with them until he finally bled out… my only wish is that I could bring him back to life so I could kill him again!
The other other white meat
Blindfolded I can’t see a thing, but I can hear a lot of sounds. They make me very nervous. I feel something go around my neck, it feels like a neck injury collar, actually I am pretty sure it is. And I feel straps going around my waist, ankles, and wrists. I don’t move at all, barely breathing. I feel the edge of a semi-dull knife push into my shoulder and slide down my side. I can’t help but tremble and flinch at the sensation. I feel poking on my tits, what the fuck is he doing! He continues to poke and I hear him say “Ah there is the good meat.” I feel a fork pushing into my left tit and I start to scream in pain as I feel a knife helping the fork to carve a piece of my tit out. He stuffs my panties in my mouth while he mumbles to himself “loud ass bitch.” I can hear a frying pan sizzling and then him chewing and mumbling how good it is. Holy fuck he’s eating my tit meat. I feel him cutting for another piece, but I hear “oh damn an artery.” I start to feel cold all over and something is running down my side. I can’t move, can’t scream I can only cry and hope someone heard me screaming before. The cold starts to take over and I feel sleepy. He takes the blindfold off “you dyin anyway don’t matter if you see me does it bitch?” He takes all the restraints off of me and makes me look in the mirror above his butchering table to see myself bleeding to death. I can see it spurting out with every beat of my heart. Everything is going black.