Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Drinking My Victims Blood

snuff phone sex

 I enjoy bringing my accomplices snuff phone sex that makes the hard as a rock. I have been afforded the luxury of seeing the light fade out of my victims’ eyes. I love hearing the last beat of blood pumping from these little sluts you bring me. The best glass of blood wine comes from the atrial drops of blood last precious pumps before the soul leaves our victims body. I am an evil bitch and I also enjoy a glass of blood straight from some castrated balls.  I love to have that cock hard and balls filled as you enjoy a little tight pussy right before I stab her in the heart and her body goes limp. Stay in that tight dead twat as I slice your nuts off and feed them down her throat as you watch. I will cauterize your scrotum. You are now my nutless accomplice for the duration of our murder phone sex fantasies. My pleasures have switched to the young ones with creamy smooth skin and a fire in my heart makes me want to see them forced to do my evil and bodies gapped and ruined before I drink the sweet blood of my victims.


murder phone sex fantasies

He Didn’t Know He Was Fucking A Corpse

Necrophililia Phone SexI have a guy that will do anything for me and I mean anything. On occasion I have him go stalk out malls or bars for those stupid kinds of whores that guys like to fuck, you know the kind all bubbly and what not. They make me want to gag myself, so he went and got this petite blonde with big breasts and big blue eyes. I slapped her around a bit and she tried to scream, I warned her that wasn’t what she wants to do. I had plans in mind for this bitch and so I decided to let her have a nice farewell not before I let my guy have his little bits of pleasure with her all tied up with her arms above her head. While he was throat fucking her, I was fisting her cunt and she was crying. I decided to pinch her nose so she couldn’t breathe and he went in even deeper, she passed and I got so wet looking at her lifeless body. I put an ad out and got an unsuspecting guy to come over. I told him a free fuck and he was all for it and down my basement steps he went. He got so hard when he saw her dressed up in school clothes, I told him she was passed out from the rape drug and to have his way with her. He jumped back and asked why she was a little chilly feeling, I told him that is what it does. So he ripped her panties off and started fucking her. I was laughing and rubbing my cunt, he had no idea that bitch is dead. Before he was about to nut I told him “you know you are fucking a dead corpse”, he freaked but couldn’t help but nut.

Wanna Know My Hot Fantasy of My Demise?

Home invasion phone sex is possibly one of my hottest fantasies as the worthless victim that I am. You see this hot piece of groomed snatch gets so fucking wet when i daydream of my demise. I literally just get all creamy and crave dick, and not just dick to fuck me normally, fuck normal! I want a guy to fantasy rape my snatch as he takes out his aggressions beating me, slapping or cutting at my perfect fake tits, or even fantasy raping my cunt then once he came in it he takes a knife and starts to fantasy rape my perfect snatch with it. As the wounds are made his salty spunk oozes into them and causes this most terrible burning, stinging sensations.

I really am a worthless fuck whore, am I not?

Home Invasion Phone Sex

Snuff sex wasn’t what he expected

snuff sexSnuff sex wasn’t what he expected at all, he thought that I was just a high class call girl coming to his hotel room for a good time. But I was really there to kill him and leave him there in a humiliating position. I was hired by his ex wife, he screwed her in the divorce but if he died before his will was changed, she would inherit everything. Well, you know I was down for all of that, I get to kill someone and get paid for it?? Sign me the fuck up! It was almost too easy to, when I showed up wearing a slinky black dress and stilettos all he could think about was how sexy I looked, he had no sense of the danger he was in at all! I did a little strip tease for him, once his dick was rock hard it was very easy to get him to allow me to tie him up, he was ready to give up control and with that, his fate was sealed. Once he was restrained I dropped the dumb bimbo act and got right to work torturing him, he was in so much pain but couldn’t scream thru the gag, all he could do was cry like a pathetic little bitch. Not that any of that made me feel the tiniest little bit of sympathy towards him, he shouldn’t have been such a dick, if he was nicer he wouldn’t be suffering! Finally I slit his throat and let him bleed out, then I dressed him like a little sissy boy, put his own severed cock in his mouth and posed him ass up so that I could shove an enormous dildo up his ass! He looked ridiculous, but that’s what you get when you spend your life screwing people over…

Evil new boyfriend

Murder phone sex FantasiesWhen you start dating someone you like to see what peaks their interest and what can you do to make them feel good. When my new boyfriend started to bring me into his dark fantasies and his fetish, I thought he was playing and just trying to see my reaction. I knew he loved to push the envelope. I noticed he liked dark stuff when we got involved with one of his favorite things of all he enjoyed murder phone sex so much. I was shocked at how much of that he liked to do when we were going the distance. At one point we were about five hours away from each other, and we had a ton of phone fucks. When he told me how bad he wanted to fuck me till he could kill me, I laughed off. When I heard it in his voice how excited it was making him just strangling me till I was blue in the face, I knew he was a snuff fanatic. I played it cool and thought it was just a fetish. One weekend when he finally moved closer we were only two months into our relationship he told me he wanted to make one of those phone sessions reality. He assured me he was going to strangle me till he came then he would release. I guess I trusted him a bit too much because as soon as he got his hands wrapped around my neck, he wasn’t letting me go. I think I believed him a bit too much. The only thing he wanted more than anything was fucking a dead body. 

Evil as Fuck Snuff Sex

You are a poor excuse for a gentleman and even less of a fucking human in how you chose to act when I agreed to a date. It’s no surprise I started to make elaborate plans in my head for a real snuff sex revenge on your pathetic ass. I really love the scheme I came up with and really plan on putting you in your god damned place, dumb fuck. I fucking haven’t a care in the world the next day while driving to a place that you are known to hang out at. I lure your pathetic ass over pretending to apologize for being a bitch towards your lewdly lame ways.

My apology resulted in snagging you in my suv, chloroforming you, and driving you off to an abandoned church. Pulling you from the sleep I coax you into the church telling you how I always wanted to fuck here. It’s too bad that I am giving the dick and your not going to enjoy one bit of it’s penetration. I’m set out to ruin your ass and using your blood to make an offering to my Dark Lord. Your penis was about to be useless anyway and that gaping ripped ass made a great candle holder for the ritual as I carved you to pieces and tossed them to the Wolves.

Snuff Sex

He wasn’t expecting that ending

snuff phone sexIt’s always so funny to me when a little man comes to me asking to take part in some of my special movies. They always want to be the star… but they never realize exactly what it means to star in one of my movies. They assume that they will get to fuck some little whore and tear her to shreds but they are never the kind of man that anyone actually wants to see do that. These men are small, with little cocks and no kind of self esteem, they are weak and must be culled from the herd! I always smile and tell them that of course they can star in my movie, I lead them in just like a lamb to slaughter and they never see the end coming for them until it is far too late. The last little wimpy wannabe star that came to me was a prime example, he walked into my studio like he was a big star… it wasn’t until he saw the big bad torture master waiting for him that he realized something was wrong. He tried to run but we were too fast for him and he was tied up and fucked before he even knew it was gonna happen! We ripped his tight asshole to shreds before castrating him and letting him bleed out on the floor… I’m sure it wasn’t the ending he was expecting but it sure did make for a great movie for me!

Fed to the piranhas

Mutilation phone sexI was beaten to a pulp and when I came back to slight consciousness he was hanging me up on some thick hooks that were dangling from the ceiling, gorging them deep into my back meat. A huge aquarium type pool of water was below me as he raised me high above it. I was terrified as I saw thousands of piranhas snapping their jaws and hungry for human flesh. Blood-curdling screams and begging for my life was all that I could muster out of my filthy mouth. The evil look in his eyes assured me that I had no hope, in just a matter of seconds I was going to be fed to these murderous fish. He threw a rotting pig’s head into the murky water to demonstrate how violently I was about to be mutilated. The piranhas ripped the decapitated head to shreds, straight down to the bone. I was shrieking with horror and gushing out with blood as I dangled from the hooks. He slowly lowered me into the water, inch by inch so that I experienced a slow and very painfully morbid death. It was a disgusting mess as they fuckin chowed down on my flesh. The last vision I had was looking over at him sadistically laughing as he watched me expire before I was fully submerged into the bloody water.

Torture Sex A Dumb Stalking Cunt

Torture sex is exactly the thing to do in this situation and make sure the fucking idiot cunt suffers before I snuff them out completely. I have this fucking stalker and he is getting really fucking annoying now, and the dumb ass thinks he is being sly and elusive… well think again dick wad. I am onto you like ants on a fucking picnic feast, and baby I will fucking destroy you.

You are of no god damned mother fucking match for this Queen Bitch and I will make your ass suffer as I destroy it quite literally with my special stainless steel strap on cock. You will be squealing like a mother fucker and I will be enjoying the gore of ripping you a new one with this bladed beast of a cock. Better hope you wake up, then again best hope you don’t!

Torture Sex

Fucking Her Dead Body

sex with dead bodies

Oh, you really screwed the pooch this time.  Having a little breath play during some choking sex I see.  Guess you held that belt a little too tight for a little too long.  So why is it that you’re fucking her even harder now that she’s dead than when she was still breathing?  You keep coming and coming and filling her dead cunt with your thick cum but your cock is still so fucking hard.  She should have known that this could have turned out very badly for her.  I guess she didn’t realize that all this time, you’ve been fantasizing that she was really dead, until she was.  What are you gonna do?  Keep her as your little fuck doll?  You do realize that in a few days, she’s really gonna start to smell up the place.  Call me and we can figure out what to do with her corpse.  I wanna hear you fucking that cold dead cunt.