Daddy had had a long-time feud with a guy in the next town, so he sent me to do what I do best. Seduce them and bring them to daddy for a little fun. I had been visiting this older gentleman for a few months now nut never let him touch me. I told him I was holding out for marriage. I knew he wouldn’t last long, and he proposed to which I quickly said of course. I told him my brother could marry us and we planned it for two days from now. No need to wait and he was longing for my juicy bald cunt. As we headed to my brothers who was really daddy’s friend’s house, I started rubbing his crotch and telling him all the naughty things I was going to do to him. We walked in and started to say our vows when daddy came around the corner and clocked him. The guy got up pissed, knowing he had been played and knowing daddy wasn’t going to be nice. He asked daddy if I could at least suck his dick before things started. Daddy shook his head and I got down on my knees and blew his big fat cock until he was shooting his load deep in my mouth. Daddy then lifted me up and dragged the guy to the next room. I heard screams and cries and very loud noises coming from that room, but I never saw that man again.
Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies
Daddy’s Sweet Accomplice
Master’s Evil Accomplice
I stand by Master as he finishes his dark work, the red droplets slowly dripping into the dark puddle on the basement floor. For a long while the dripping is the only sound I heard, Master had stopped. He looked at me. I knew he wanted me to compliment his artwork, as I looked over the mangled and craved corpse. Master always has a way of turning gruesome scenes into artful offerings like the one before me. It wasn’t a surprise to me that his cock was rock hard, normally feeling the splatter of blood over his body does that to him. I think that is why my Master likes to work in the nude. I smile remembering who she was before I had lured her to my Master, so naive, young a perfect offering to appease those that Master serves. He says it is they who keep him from being discovered. I have no choice but to believe him, there is no running away from him. He owns me and the only way out is through death. Any love he harbors for me is easy for him to look past. One day when I’m no longer young and pretty, I’ll become an offering too. Until then I am to do the bidding of his wicked whims and face his wrath at any slight failure. I’m his experiment, his play toy when he’s bored nothing more than a replaceable collectible of many.
Lured Them with A Pretty Dolly
I have clients that pay me good money to lure young sweet girls and sometimes boys. Today I was offered a nice sum of green to lure two blonde little sisters he has been watching. I lured them with a couple of pretty dollies that were new on the market and every girly girl type wanted. What better way to lure a couple of brats who’s parents were too irresponsible to keep in the house during this quarantine. The most susceptible and they cheerfully came with me so they could both get the new dolly. I only had one to lure them with. I offered them candy and 2 new dollies and pretty dresses for the dollies. It was fucking easy. Took them back to an abandoned house that was for sale. My mother was a realtor so I got the codes to many places to have fun in. I lured the girls right into the hands of my pervert client. Oh the games we played with these two. The best part for me was chopping off the head of the dolly and putting a pocket pussy in the neck. I loved watching the pervert pump it joyfully as I taunted the girls that this would happen to one of them while the other got to watch. So which one will it be? The two little things were petrified. I love the taste of fear in their blood, don’t you?
Asphyxiation Whore
How do you like your bitches to be when you call for asphyxiation fetishes? Do you want a struggle? Does it make your cock throb and drip when you hear me squeal and beg for my life? I won’t be able to beg for long because your hands are more than ready to grip my throat, right? I see you rubbing them together covered in black gloves. The sadistic glint in your eye makes my heart beat against my rib cage like a frightened bird.I can’t believe this is happening to me. You said I have no safe word.
I lay on my back beneath you and plead with bloodshot eyes. Your dick responds and you laugh at my suffering. You release me just enough to let me get some air. Then you dive directly back into strangulation phone sex and then you pierce me with your raging hard cock. Your thumb presses bruises into my neck but it doesn’t matter, no one will see them. The makeup will cover them, if you even allow my body to be recovered. I understand that you might keep me for personal reasons. Can you think of any uses for me after?
Stone Cold Slut
If sex with dead bodies is something that gets your cock hard, then I’d say now is your time to shine! Imagine the body count in the next coming months. All I can say is that I don’t so much fear death if the end result includes being fucked by you. I want to be chased and tortured until my icy cold body lay there waiting for you to fully enjoy. Just a stone cum receptacle for the taking. I only hope that you preserve my dead corpse and enjoy it for awhile. Knowing full well that it’s exactly the demise I’ve been fantasizing about all my life. To lay there motionless in your sadistic embrace. Imagine being able to dress me in anything you like. Like your own personal ‘real girl’ doll, but instead I’m your dead girl.
I do wonder how many times you’ve thought about squeezing the breath put of some beautiful woman you see regularly at the market or the post office. Or are your fantasies a bit more violent and bloody? I’d really like to hear about those gory details. It sends icy cold shivers down my spine, while it warms up my tight little cunt.
Entrapment A Snuff Porn
It was a really dreamy thing that become just another snuff porn. I was invited to a beautiful dinner by a surgeon. He was older and very handsome with strong hands. I loved having him as my Master when we played in the dungeon. He was really appealing to my submissive needs as a victim. He was such a perfectionist and fixated on aesthetics. His suggestion of me moving in as his Mistress was even more appealing and exciting. He set me up in a beautiful flat in London. I had never been overseas and had gone into it so wide eyed and dovish. Little did my naive little mind grasp that there was more than I was understanding. The scene in London is very dark and underground. My surgeon Master had a following and a specialty. He was the Butcher. I was just another dumb blonde American for his divine followers to enjoy. I was just fuckmeat that got tenderized and glazed before the destruction of all my holes. I was wooed into the darkest of situations and to be butchered and put back together like some kind of Frankenhooker was his ultimate pleasure. There was no future for me as I was just a sadistic phone sex victim.
My Killer Phone Sex Fantasies Went Awry
All of us have killer phone sex fantasies, even submissive whores like me. I have had enough of my abusive stepson. My husband won’t protect me from him because he doesn’t believe his own wife. My stepson has convinced him that I am a delusional, vengeful, druggy whore. He doesn’t believe me when I say his son beats me, fucks me and even pimps me out. I decided I would kill my stepson to solve my problem. I thought I could kill him. I wanted to kill him. Of course, it backfired. I baited him to come over one night. I made him a cake with rat poison inside. I thought he would eat it and die. I thought it would be simple. I should have known better. He is smarter than me. He knew I would never bake him a cake. He made me eat it. I got sick quickly. I puked withing minutes of eating a slice. He pushed my face in my own vomit while shoving his fist up my ass. He kept repeating how worthless I was and that a stupid cunt like me could never pull a fast one on him. He made it clear that I was still alive because of him. He only made me eat a slice of the poisoned cake to prove a point. He spent the rest of the night beating me and fucking my ass so hard, I wished I had eaten the entire cake.
Who Needs To Call the Pigs, Not Me
Gothic phone sex is what they deserved to be tortured with. I was here working, maybe around 1am when I heard some noises outside. I have a hearse parked in my driveway, it’s beautiful, my fucking pride and joy. I step outside with my big man eating beast and take a look. It didn’t take long to see five little fuckers hovered around my fucking baby. That fucking hearse is more than a car to me it’s my baby, and No One fucks with it. I grab my sawed off shotgun from behind the door and let Valor loose on them. I’m not letting these losers get away. I grab a little punk assed nigger bitch by her braids and kick her in the stomach making her keel over while I attend to her fucking ghetto monkey co-conspirators. One of these black boys start coming at me I knock him in the head with the butt of my rifle, he’s down for the moment. The other three Valor took a bite out of they were trying to limp away. No worries I get on my phone and text my gang that stays two houses down. Those bitches ain’t getting far. For now I have these two to have some fun with. I haul the bitch in by her braids and tell her to shut the fuck up, no one cares. I bash the butt of the gun in her whore mouth, breaking a few teeth. The nigger monkey teen was a little difficult so I just said fuck it bashed him real good in his skull, opened his trousers, oh look, it’s a big black cock. He won’t be needing this shit anymore, but I will. I grab my knife and cut it off. I leave him in the carport to bleed out, it’s ok it’s already covered in a plastic sheet. I go inside, take that severed penis and toss it to Valor for his treat. That nigger bitch, well, I will have some fun with her, and so will the guys in my gang.
Willing Torture Victim
Perhaps you’ve been with women in the past that you couldn’t be open with. Not everyone in the world can handle the intensity of extreme fantasy. I’d even say that we’re in the minority. The good news is that you’ve managed to find your way to the depraved vixen that your taboo dreams have been waiting for. Dark, bloody and fatal fantasies only serve to make me even wetter. You can feel free to let every guard down in your sexual world and invite me on in. I’ll exchange keys with you and allow you into my dark playground of the mind as well.
I can’t remember the very first time I talked to a man with murder phone sex fantasies but I can tell you that I never tire of it. So many sexual acts are so vanilla they can put you to sleep. You never have to worry about that from a wild kinky bitch like me. I’ll be your torture victim, the one that you’ve been waiting to get on your slab. You can take it as far as you want to. I’ll only take everything that you dish out and more. Come and possess me anytime.
Raised for Knife Play Phone Sex and Murder
I was born for knife play phone sex. I have had a passion for knives since I was a young girl. My great grandpa taught me how to hunt when I was still a schoolgirl. He would tell me about different serial killers and teach me how to use a knife for a fair fight. I remember he told me anyone can win a gun fight but to win with a knife means you have skill not luck. Great grandpa had dark desires. He took me on a hunting trip with some of his cronies when I was a young schoolgirl. Girls my age were still playing with Barbies. I soon discovered we were not hunting animals, well at least not the 4-legged kind. Great granddad and his friends hunted criminals who got away with their crimes. The dregs of society, usually who could get away with murder because of their money. On this trip they were hunting a man who had murdered his wife and two young daughters, so he could marry his new young girlfriend. He was a wealthy white man who got off because he could afford the best legal team. When great grandad told me about this rich fuck, I wanted to kill him myself. I did too. It was my first kill. One of my great granddad’s group members tricked him into hiding out in the mountains to avoid the media sensation. The men in the group told me I could kill him though. It was my initiation into this vigilante snuff porn group. I used my knife. I was not nervous or scared. I just lacked the precision and skill I now possess. I stabbed him violently in the chest until he was choking on his own blood. It was messy and quick. But, a girl never forgets her first kill. I have that knife in a glass box, along with a vile of my victim’s blood like Dexter. I don’t kill with such lofty purpose as my great grandpa did, but I did inherit his love for murder.