Tag: Knife play phone sex

My Little Victims

torture phonesex karmaThey are little reminders of my sweet little victims. I play with them and love them and cum as I recall the horror I caused the ones that they represent. There is the sweet little one that I dismembered. Cutting her up and then carefully reassembling her limp and lifeless body piece by piece. Carefully stapling each body part back together until she resembled my own little Frankenstein. Ahhh remembering the screams of agony as I kept her alive as long as possible strategically cutting away. Then there was the lovely little one that looked so sweet and innocent. Bashing her skull and watching her brains and blood flow out and down her pretty little dress. I regret ending her so quickly. I should have made her suffer so much more. Then there was the mouthy little wench that I call Chatty Katie. She was so cheerful and oblivious to what was about to happen. A fucking little ray of sunshine. I had to sew her little mouth shut before I started on her.  The muffled screams were just what my evil heart needed after listening to her for far to long. And the cute little blonde whose eyes I gouged out with precision, causing her pain and agony. Watching her flounder around unable to see. Trying to run away and running into trees. That was a glorious afternoon of mayhem. And my favorite, my little demon son with his little bottle full of blood. The little one that I hope to have some day when my Master impregnates me with his demon seed.torture phonesex creepy doll

Sweet Little Pussy Lips

torture phonesex angieCastration is such a wonderfully fun procedure. I love it when I can use a dull, rusty blade and make pain so much more intense. I love when the wound gets infected and my newly castrated patient becomes weak with fever which is always followed by them becoming delirious. If course when most people think of castration,the instantly think of males. However I do not discriminate when it comes to administering pain to my victims and I am just as happy castrating young pussy as well. And today I have some sweet young bald pussy lips to remove. Slowly and carefully. No anesthesia is necessary. A nice sterile sharp scalpel is not required. All I need is this sweet young victim, tied to my table. Legs spread wide open with her eyes wide and full of fear. This nice dull knife that has so much rust on it you can’t tell it was ever silver. And this yearning deep in my pussy to draw blood and cause pain. My cunt tingles as I grab that pussy lip and pull it, placing the blade on the top part, pushing the blade into the skin the first drop of blood and the scream flow forth together and my cunt contracts in anticipation of the orgasm that will surely come. torture phonesex casteration

The Killer Clown


torture phonesex killerclown1The Clown, a character created to bring laughter and happiness to young and old. However being the dark twisted and sadistic bitch that I am, my heroes are different then most people’s and I love a clown of a darker evil nature. In fact not only do I love him, but I admire him and strive to emulate him He is my all time favorite, The Killer Clown, Mr Gacy himself. The greatest serial killer of all time because of his M.O.! Tomorrow, May 10, is the anniversary of the day he was executed in 1994. I have the perfect day planned to show him some love, wicked and twisted style. I will dress as a clown just like him and go find me a little brat to torture and kill the same way he did, suffocation or asphyxiation with a tourniquet. I will likely stab the little fucker to in honor of his first victim, This is going to be so much fun! I hope he is watching from the great beyond. torture phonesex killer clown2

Teen Models Wanted

torture phonesex karmaWhat a wicked and well planed scheme. The warehouse was just out of town and had been abandoned for a long time. The exterior was in great shape and the interior was perfect for a fake set up in front and a glorious torture chamber in back.
The ad was short, sweet and cheap and the response was overwhelming!
I set up appointments as the secretary and was ready and waiting for them.
The first Mother/Daughter duo was stunning. Of course I started snapping photos and gaining their trust right away.
Then it was time for a break or so they thought. My heart raced as I took them to the back and used one against the other while recording the whole thing.
The poor Mother knew if she didn’t do as I said her Daughter would suffer and the Daughter knew the same.
I began by cutting their pretty little faces and making them lick the blood off each other. Keeping the torture simple for now, until the others arrived.
As the day worn on five Mother/Daughter duos showed up. More then enough for a night of hideous torture and mutilation, destroying their beauty, accompanied by my pleasure and endless orgasms.
All of it on film. Fucking the little ones with knives, removing nipples one at a time, cutting and slashing and delighting in the screams and pain.
Today I sleep amongst the corpses and tonight I get rid of all of them.
I love it when a plan comes together!

Knife Play Phone Sex

Knife Play phpne sexWhat can I say, isn’t this one of the best ways to play? I mean yes you do have other things like guns, axes, hatchets, pipe wrench’s or a good old choking. But my favorite way to play is with a knife! Seeing as I like torture and blood this is the perfect weapon for both! There is nothing like a little knife play to get my day started off right! What I like to do with my knife is play with my prey. Kind of like teasing them with the knife, rubbing the blade all over their body and telling them if they behave they might not get hurt, but we all know that is not true, lol. I can’t help it I have to use this knife and torture this bitch and make her bleed. With this particular bitch I started off cutting her clothes off with my very sharp hunting knife. Then I slowly ran the knife down her body making superficial wounds just to make her bleed. Then I started by cutting off her nipples. Man, you should have heard that bitch screaming. It always turns me on when they scream! Then I just started slicing her all over her body watching that warm blood flowing out of her wounds. Then the big finale. I sliced her all the way from her chest down to her pussy making sure I got the knife all the way in her body. Mmmmm that was so sweet, all of her blood and guts flowing out of her like a river! Anyway, that is how I like to play with my knives!

My First Willing Victim

Snuff Phone Sex

I had a willing victim to play with! I won him at a local club that I belong to. He knew that I planned on snuffing him out. I told him that I was going to keep him for a weekend and hurt him and then kill him on Sunday after I was done playing with him. I won him on Thursday night and I brought him back to my house and let him sleep most of Friday. I wanted him to sit and ponder what his future may bring. Friday evening came and I thought I may burst. I needed to play with him. I had waited long enough. I went into the room where I had him chained to the wall. It is a room in my basement. It has a dirt floor and no furniture at all. There is a hole in the ground for him to piss and shit in. I have had him in here naked the entire time. I take him out of the room and lead him into the main part of my basement. I have all sorts of toys hanging on the walls in my basement. I led him over to where I have a stockade type restraint. I buckled him into. What a pretty site he was with his ass in the air and his head and arms restrained to the stockade. I went and choose my favorite sharp knife of the wall and went right over and started fucking him in the ass with it. Of course he started to bleed so I stuck my knife in my fireplace, got it hot and shoved it right back in him. I continued that routine for quite a while. I had so much fun that weekend. I can not wait to get my next victim!     

My Rival

My RivalI have a rival and she thinks she is smarter than me, well I beg to differ! You know that phrase keep your friends close but your enemies closer? Well I keep her close to me she doesn’t even know that I think of her as a rival. I think I am going to invite her to my house and do something really bad to her. Ok she has arrived at my house and I invite her in and act all nice and shit. Then I pull my gun out and point it at her head and lead her to a room I have made just for her. I have a chair in the middle of the room, some rope, a cattle prod and my knife of course! Just enough to torture her sorry little ass. So I make her go back to the room and make her sit in the chair and tie her up. The first thing I do is shoot her in her knee caps so she can be rithing in pain! Then I hit her with the cattle prod a couple of times listening to her scream. Mmmm that turns me on so much, her little screams and whimpering! Then I circle around her rubbing my gun over her head and ask her if she wants to live. Of course, she said yes and I said I might let her live but I am still thinking about it. Of course I am not going to let her live, I am going to snuff her out like the dog she is! I hit her with the cattle prod again, God I love torturing this bitch! I then get my knife and slowly start slicing her head and cutting her hair off. Then I start slicing the bitch up all over her body listening to her scream loud! I slice her nipples off, lol, and then I slice down her stomach, not enough that her insides fall out, but really close to it. Now she is begging me for her life and crying and shit, lol. I finally decide to put that bitch out of her misery and point my gun at the temple of her head and shoot and watch her DIE!! That is what I like to do with my rivals.


Kidnapping Phone Sex

I saw a dumb little bitch today. Her face just pissed me off and I have been in a bad mood ever since. I was thinking about seeing if anyone wanted to play with me tonight. I followed the little bitch so I know where she is. I will go get her and bring her back to my place where you will be waiting. We are going to have fun fucking this dirty little bitch up. She starts crying wanting her mommy. I hate it when they whine and cry. Like I really give a shit what they want. I snatch her cute little panties off her and shove them in her mouth. Now the only noises she makes are muffled cries. I am really enjoying seeing her cry. You wanna feel my pussy and see how much I like the sight of her. I am so wet. Dip your fingers in me and get my juices all over your hand and then rub them all over this little girl’s face. I am going to string her up and get my big sharp knife. Oh my I am so excited! We are going to have some fun with this little one! 



torture phonesex angieThis bitch was sweet as honey. She had a certain glow that made her irresistible. She looked so healthy and happy it made my mind run wild with thoughts of what her smiling face would look like in twisted pain and agony. The images I conjured up in my mind drove me insane to the point of obsession.

I had to have her.

I would have her.

I followed her waiting for the perfect moment to present itself. Finally I was able to grab her. I placed my hanker-chief soaked in chloroform over nose and mouth feeling her body become limp in my grasp.

The rush of conquest always sends electrical shocks through my body and I always cum hard.

I carried her into the house and took her to my room of torture and pain. I secured her to my stone alter and sat back rubbing my cunt in anticipation, waiting for her to wake up.

She opened her eyes and looked at me with a glassy confused stare as she tried to focus. I could see her trying to focus and figure out where she was. And then it came, that moment of realization and the hoarse scream that is filled with terror . The one that fills my whole body with a satisfied orgasm making my legs weak with satisfaction.

I couldn’t help but let out a low and menacing laugh as I walked slowly towards her with a handful of knives. I wanted to slowly dissect her, dismembering her while cauterizing each wound to stop the bleeding, cause the most pain, and keep her alive through out the whole process.

I worked long into the night, watching her pass out from the pain, waiting for her to become conscience again so that I could cause her more pain. Masturbating while she lay there, her muscles twitching involuntarily while she is in the darkness, the only place that she doesn’t feel pain.

Saving her perfectly formed breasts for last she finally opened her eyes again. As I sliced into her right tit at the base cutting it with surgical precision, the blood begins to mingle with milk that is in her ducts. Oh how fucking sweet, she is a new mommy! No wonder she had that glow!

What a shame I could have gotten two for one if I had known. torture phonesex tit

Castration Phone sex with a Sadistic Mortician

Taboo phone sex Pandora 2You came to me deep in the darkness of night on your knees. Looking at you, I felt no sympathy by the way you were groveling before me. You contacted me before about this obsession you have and how I am the only one that can satisfy your taboo desire. This time it was different and after much consideration, I have made my own decision. However, I don’t give a fuck about the reasoning upon why you want me to preform this procedure, nor do I care to hear it. So with that being said, you may get undressed and lay down on my operating table.

Now I am going to restrain you down so that you can’t move at all during the operation. But I am not using rope to keep you still. No, that won’t do at all. I feel that the best way to keep you still, is by using barbwire. At least it will give you more of a motivation to stay idle during the procedure. Look at it this way, if you move or jerk around, you will be the one cutting yourself with the barbwire. Also I think using a sharp metallic restraints will not  take away from the entire experience. So yes … I promise you that you will be in blood shattering pain. Now let’s go ahead and start the surgery.

With your testicles in my hands, I am feeling how firm they are from this excitement but I would like a better look at them. I grabbed my sharp scalpel and pressed in the tip point downward on the top part of your scrotum and at the base of your penis. Now look at that. You couldn’t stay still and cut yourself against the barbwire. This is definitely going to be a very long castration procedure, isn’t it?! (wickedly evil laugh)