Tag: Knife play phone sex

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Venus: Payback is a Bitch, So am I


rape phone sex fantasies killer gothI ran into a mean girl from school by chance the other day. I hated her. She made my life a living hell. Pay back was in order. I stalked her, hunted her, followed her for days.  Then I grabbed her last night as she was getting into her car. Smashed her face into the window and when her body slumped, I pushed her into the back seat and drove her car to my house. She awoke in my living room. I  had her tied to the chair, standing over her, slapping her face until she was fully awake. She was clueless about who I was. The bitch made it her job to humiliate me every day of my school girl years, and ten years later doesn’t know who the fuck I am? That pissed me off more.

I pulled her up out of the chair, and threw her up against the fireplace. I chained her to my fire place, making sure her ass was exposed. I then decided to assault her ass with a fire poker. I fucked her ass for hours. She was screaming for help. Blood was running out of her violated ass. I then started whipping her with a variety crops, paddles and whips. When we were in school she always said she was just hazing me to make me feel special. Now I was hazing her. I had her ass so raw it looked like bloody hamburger meat. At one point she passed out from the pain. I got a bucket of ice water and tossed it in her face. I wanted her alert for the pain I was inflicting.

rape phone sex fantasies evil bondageI asked her again if she remembered me. She still insisted we were strangers.  One time in school, she was behind me in class and she lit my hair on fire. The smell was horrible; the humiliation worse. I lit her hair on fire to jog her memory. She suddenly remembered me. She tried to apologize, begged me to put out the fire, said that was years ago and she was not the same girl. I didn’t give a fuck who she was now. I could not forgive the bitch. I let her burn. I let all of her burn in front of the fire place. I only wanted to hurt her. Inflict pain like she did to me many years ago, but my anger got the better of me. Like the flames were consuming her body, revenge was consuming my mind. No one would miss a cold hearted bitch.

I never burned a bitch alive before. The smell is intoxicating. She deserved to die. Once she was a pile of charred flesh, I swept her into the fire place. I would continue to burn her until even her bones were ashes. Revenge is sweet. You have someone you hate? I bet could help you dispose of the body in a fun yet tortuous manner. Let’s have some fun putting bitches and tools in their rightful place-a graveyard.

rape phone sex fantasies evil bitch

Special Thanksgiving Dinner

I have a new accomplice, Rick, who is helping me better  appreciate my victims. See, it is wasteful to just dump their bodies in some swallow grave or in the woods for the wild animals. I can use their flesh to feed myself and my friends.  Turns out human flesh is quite tasty, not to mention nourishing. My new  friend taught me all about the choice cuts, how to properly season  my dinner and how to plump it up to make it more delectable.  I am in an apprentice stage, still learning, but in the spirit of learning, I kidnapped a young couple at the mall. Well not so much kidnapped as duped into thinking they were going to have a threesome with me. Well it’s more like an orgy, an orgy of flesh. They would be joining me and my friends for dinner.

Cannibalism phone sex knife playI slipped them some roofies in their wine, then practiced my culinary skills. I want to impress Rick. I made sure the couple I selected was in good health and meaty. I then prepared a good sauce. I made this pineapple sauce that I found online often used for roasting pigs. I bound their legs and hands, put an apple in their mouth, some stuffing in their holes, and basted them in my tangy pineapple sauce. I put them in the oven mixed with some potatoes and veggies and slow roasted them. I have to admit the smell was intoxicating. Of course they woke up and started screaming. I just looked at them through the glass and watched them slowly cook to death with a smile on my face. I can’t wait to have Rick come over to share the dinner I made for him.

I’m gonna be practicing for awhile now as I want to have a special Thanksgiving dinner for all my friends. I am harvesting organs for then too. I’m curious about the different flavors and aromas of the heart, the kidneys, the lungs, the brain, the sex organs….I’m no Hannibal Lector, yet, but I am looking forward to having folks for dinner. Join me? Human flesh is an acquired taste, but it is so much fun acquiring it.

Cannibalism phone sex evil bitch

Accomplice Phone Sex with Venus: Let’s Hunt Our Dinner

accomplice phone sex kill torturtureLooking for accomplice phone sex? Well, I am a sadistic bitch always hunting prey, which is always more fun with an equally twisted partner. Winter is approaching and I have this creepy little cabin in the mountains where bodies are easily hidden. You see hunting prey in the snow is better because no one will find the bodies for months. And, if they do, they are in an advanced stage of decomposition making identification difficult.  My little kill shack is off the beaten path, but near enough to a ski lodge that we can kidnap victims easily. You would be amazed how many novice skiers get off the bunny slope and end up in my backyard by mistake, which makes them trespassers, which makes them free to hunt.  It is just as easy to stalk our prey at the nearby ski lodge too. Hell this last time, my accomplice John and I just told this couple we wanted to have them for dinner. Once they arrived, we were liberal with the libations to cushion the blow that we were literally going to have them for dinner. The blizzard had rendered us unable to get to the store and our food supply was dwindling. Flesh may not be our preferred choice of meat, but the will to survive sometimes calls for extreme measures. Funny, how no couple believes us until we show them the chainsaw, knives, bow and arrows…

accomplice phone sex killer preyWe like to hunt; it’s an art form. Anything worth having is worth working for, and dinner is no exception. Hunting your food not only makes it taste better, but gives you a better appreciation for the gift of sustenance. We like to make it challenging so we give dinner a head start. Amanda and Jim were provided snow shoes, and a survival back pack that included a compass, protein bars, bottled water and heat packs. It was snowing really hard, which made this hunt more challenging because we could not follow their tracks. Turns out that was really not a problem because Amanda and Jim were dumbasses. You are being hunted by two strangers, in the mountains, in the snow and you pee?  Not up against a tree, but along your trail. They gave us a urine road map straight to them. Guess maybe giving them wine was not really fair. John and I were in the woods not very long when we picked up the scent of human piss. From there it was easy to track them. We actually spotted them early in the hunt, but where is the fun in killing your prey, even stupid prey, so soon? We let them think they were smarter than us. We let them think they might actually escape our horror winter wonderland. We gave them until sunrise. Stalked them, laughed at how stupid they were. They apparently never thought to use the compass we gave them. I was not feeling bad at all about eating them. Stupid  people don’t taste worse than smart people. You just feel better eradicating more stupidity in the world.

accomplice phone sex cannabalismThey got to this ice pond and well, my tummy was gurgling. John and I were in agreement that the hunt was over. I got all Catniss like, drew my bow and got Amanda right in the head, then her meaty companion. Their blood spilled onto the ice turning it a crimson red. We scooped up their dead carcasses, attached them to a thick branch we found, and carried them back to the cabin to join us for supper. In the basement, John used his chainsaw to sever the body parts. I used my knives to skin the flesh off the bones. I cut out the organs to freeze for later meals, and used the flesh to make a nice hearty stew. The skin of two healthy  humans makes enough flesh stew to feed two for at least a month.  Throw in some potatoes and seasonings and  I swear it taste like chicken soup.

My sexy accomplice threw the bones and clothes out back. Either the coyotes  will carry it away, or the snow will bury the evidence of our survival games. John and I hunt well together. We fuck like wild animals after every kill too. Hunting our dinner is foreplay. Having an accomplice that understands your dark desires, your taboo fantasies, your sick pleasures is important. Life is too short to kill alone. Let’s hunt, kill and fuck together.

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Bloody Phone Sex with Venus: Revenge Fantasies

bloody phone sex knife play snuffI was watching some stupid ass old TV show last night called The Love Boat. Corny as hell, but it gave me sweet dreams of murder and mayhem. I dreamed I was on The Bloody Boat, along with all the bitches and tools that were mean to me in my life. In my version,  I was Venus, the evil cruise director. Every room was rigged with some torture device fitting for whatever offense that individual committed against me. Make a great horror film, don’t you think? Just need an accomplice or 6 to help me execute all the bullies and mean girls from our youth. Think about it, all the unsuspecting morons we hated under one roof, held captive at sea. We could torture, mutilate and kill them all. Dump their bodies into the sea to be shark bait.

So many scenarios. We could poison them at dinner, rendering them sluggish making it easy to slaughter them. We could gas them in the ballroom, but that would be too quick of a kill and hence no fun really. We could design rooms like in the Saw movies with torture devices. Each person has to decide how bad they really want to live. What extreme measures are they willing to take to spare their worthless lives? Or, we could use my knife collection, sneak into their rooms at night and butcher each one in their sleep like a serial killer. The possibilities are endless. I love revenge kills. Revenge fantasies.

I just need the right evil minded accomplice to help me flesh out my fantasy kill. Is that you?

Taboo Phone Sex with Venus on Halloween

taboo phone sex goth girlEvery full moon, something comes over me. I seem to become more homicidal. Like a werewolf, I cannot control my urges. Combine a full moon with Halloween night and I make Michael Myers look like Hello Kitty.  I know it’s taboo, but I want to kill some innocent young flesh on Halloween night. I have my knife collection out and ready. I have a bayonet, a switch blade, a dagger, an ice pick, a trench knife, a combat knife, a shiv, my rampuri, scalpel, butcher knife, machete and my straight razor. And, I have a ton of good candy to lure my little victim into my evil clutches. And, a ton of razor blades. I will be leading her like a lamb to slaughter.

taboo phone sex accompliceI just need my victim. Is it wrong to want to snuff out a young life? I mean in reality, I could be sparing her a life of abuse, drugs, poverty, pain….The real hell is on earth. The real devils are folks like me, with taboo, dark desires. I know there are lots of annoying spoiled brats or self entitled twats or little lost souls with devils as parents that I could take. I just have to find the right tender morsel to be the Angel of Death too.

I usually stalk my prey. The hunt is part of the fun. Like Michael Myers or Freddy Krueger. But tonight, on Halloween, I am going to be an opportunist. The streets will be paved with wee witches and goblins. In the darkness, no one will notice if a little one strays from the road, lured by a sick twisted bitch with a knife and candy. I think you need to help me capture and torture a little one. Taboo is fun. Taboo is hot. I can pierce her flesh with my knife; you can pierce her flesh with your big cock. I can give her candy with razor blades; you can give her liquid candy. Either way she bleeds. Either way she cries. Either way we win.

taboo phone sex knife play

The Taste Of Sin

snuff phonesex tasteWhat tastes better then blood? Thick and hot and full of sinful delight. She is on her knees before me. trembling with fear, tears streaking her face, naked, vulnerable, at my mercy. I feel the electricity coursing through me. Sweet nectar being released as my cunt contracts dispensing fluid that drips down my thighs freely. My nipples hard and erect, longing to be touched. I refrain from caressing them and the denial adds more arousal. A knife in one hand and a hand full of her hair in the other. Looking down on her sends a feeling of power coursing through me. I am superior, in control of everything except the sensations that this power brings, the lust that fills me. Yanking her head back so that I can look directly into her eyes, wide with fear I lower the blade to her throat. I can plainly see the pulse in her neck. Her heart is pounding with fear. Touching the blade to the pulsing artery she whimpers. I apply no pressure, not yet. I just run the blade lightly across her neck letting her feel the cold steel. We both know it’s coming but only I know when it will come. Adding a little more pressure to the blade I can see her skin breaking and small drops of blood form on the line where my blade is caressing her skin. Resisting the urge to make this swift, my cunt begins contracting faster and my cum is flowing in heavy gushes now. Finally I slit her throat and watch the blood squirt and drain down her naked and now limp body. Were it not for the grasp I have on her hair she would slump to the floor. Dipping my fingers in the blood I finally touch my nipples, pinching them hard, reveling in the sensation. Licking the blood from my finger tips I explode finally, relishing in the pleasure, releasing her hair and watching her slump to the floor. Sweet, fulfilling release!snuff phonesex angie

A Twisted Tale

knife play phonesex karmaSnow White is one of my favorite fairy tales. Not because of all the sappy shit. Prince Charming and all that Happily ever after crap, but because of the idea of a huntsman looking to cut the heart out of a fair beauty. I often live out the fantasy my way in my mind. The huntsman would go find Snow with blood on his mind, his cock is hard thinking about the fear on her face when he approaches her, the silver blade glistening in the sun light as he raises it high in the air. He knows that when the blade pierces her skin and the blood spurts out of her chest he will cum hard from delight. However he is in for a surprise, she is ready for him with an evil plan of here own. Her pussy is wet with anticipation. She knows that when he comes for her she will pretend to be helpless and scared. This will be to her advantage and at just the right moment she will sink her blade into his flesh. He comes for her heart, she will leave with his brain. She will surely have a knee buckling orgasm when she peels the hair from his scalp and saws the top of his skull off, pulling the mass of grey matter that thought she was weak, the reason he lost his life in her hands, warm and dripping blood just as her pussy drips cum.

Psycho Movie Serial Killer Wannabe

knife play phone sex killer snuffLast night I went to a midnight showing of the original Halloween. It’s a classic. One of my favorite films. Michael Myers is my hero. Gets to kill annoying people with a big ass knife, always allude capture, some how never get killed. I often fancy myself a psycho movie serial killer like Michael, Jason, Freddy, Chucky or Pinhead.  Brutal, evil, cold, invincible. A killing machine who does not worry about that silly thing called guilt. A true sociopath.

There were these two blonde bimbos in front of me that were texting and talking through the movie. I find that annoying. When I asked them politely to shut the fuck up and watch the movie, they got rude with me. I channeled my inner psycho movie serial killer, followed them out when the movie was over. I hide in the shadows,  stalked them, watched them, followed them home. Stupid bitches left a window open. Of course I took that as an invitation. I found them laying in bed together.  They looked like they passed out. Clothes and makeup still on. This was too easy. But sometimes a quick easy kill like one of my heroes would do, is just good for the soul. I plunged my knife into the heart of bimbo #1 and her eyes opened wide, she took a big gasp, then slumped back down on the bed in a bloody pool. Bimbo #2  never even woke up. Her BFF is being snuffed out right next to her, and her drunk ass is snoring. I slit her worthless throat.

I went over to a chair in the corner, licked the blood of my knife, rubbed the blood on me into my pussy as I masturbated. Then I went home, left with an unquenchable desire to kill again. Yes there was lots of blood, which makes me hot. But they were drunk, oblivious to dying. I get off on the fear, the tears, even the screams and resistance. Where is the challenge if they don’t even realize they are being hunted, stalked and killed?  I’m like a vampire, needing to feed.  Would you like to be my accomplice? We can find some unsuspecting bitch, hunt her like an animal, kidnap her and torture her for hours, maybe even days, until we decide we are finished with her.  Sometimes I feel sorry for  my psycho movie serial killers because they play alone.

knife play phone sex bloody evil

Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus: Random Acts of Violence

knife play phone sex blood gothIt’s Halloween time. My favorite. Normally, I am not a knife wielding psychopath unless provoked. If I am gonna cut a bitch or stab a tool, they have usually deserved it. But something about Halloween brings out my inner Michael Myers.  You know, stone cold killer, no rhyme or reason to his victims. Last weekend, I was walking around my neighborhood and I just felt homicidal. Felt compelled to kill. To just kill for fun. So I started creeping around in backyards looking for blood to spill, flesh to tear.

Then I saw them, a family of four on their back porch carving pumpkins. They looked idyllic, almost like out of some Good Parenting magazine or something. That made me hate them. Made me want them snuffed out, even the little ones. I walked right up on their porch too. Showed them my knife collection and asked if I could help carve pumpkins. They looked a little taken a back, but still they invited me in. A strange woman, with knifes, trespassing in their back yard. Yeah they deserved to not live.knife play phone sex  evil snuff

I played the game with them for awhile to give them a false sense of security, then the carnage and mayhem began. I tied them all up to chairs and put them face to face. Mommy son, daddy daughter. I like to watch the fear in their eyes. I like to see the “why us” look in their faces. Sometimes there is no why. Just opportunity. Like today. And maybe if they had been a bit smarter they could have lived.

I like to play games with my prey. I told Daddy if he wanted his sweet innocent offspring to survive he was gonna have to prove his love.  I told him to kiss her, a big romantic one too. And he did. He hesitated and got a knife in his thigh, but then he did. I told him I could spare her life if he fucked his baby girl. I told Mommy the same thing about her son. You would think they would do anything to spare their wee one’s lives. Guess love does have some bounds. Sad really. If my life depended on it, If the life of a loved one depended on it, I would saw off my arm.  And Mommy and Daddy won’t have sex with their offspring. Would you do anything I said if your loved one’s lives depended on it?

knife play phone sex evil killI snuffed them all out right there on their porch. Total blood bath. I went into a frenzy with my knives. Slaughtered the innocent lambs first so I could enjoy watching their parents cry and plead. I enjoyed telling them too that their blood was on their hands. They could have prevented the slaughter. My knives covered in blood, I let mommy and daddy have a taste. Sick, I know, but fun too. They didn’t really love their brats or they would have done whatever I asked without hesitation.  The pumpkins they were carving now covered in their blood too.

knife play phone sex bloody sadisticThe real fun was slaughtering mommy and daddy. Random senseless acts of violence make me feel good. A knife in an artery with a slow bleed out while looking into your partner’s eyes as you die, pretty darn entertaining. Oh the shit they say to each other. The confessions they make. Guess they wanna die with a clean conscious or some silly shit. But I sat there, watching them make  their dying confessions, profess their love yada yada yada. Blood spurting everywhere. Turned me on actually. Blood spraying me like that is an aphrodisiac. I need an accomplice. Someone I can trust. Be so much more fun to share both my random and not so random acts of violence with a partner who gets off on the blood, the violence, the torture too. Is that you?

knife play phone sex bloody

Evil Bedtime Stories for Worthless Whores

Sadistic phone sex bondage milfWhen I was a little girl, my Daddy would read me bedtime stories while I was tied to the bed. And not your typical bed time stories one tells a wee lass. These were more like horror stories designed to scare the crap out of me and keep me pure. I remember all his wicked bed time stories, but one in particular stands out. It was about these evil little dolls that lived under my bed. They could only be seen at night. They only came out to torture bad little girls who touched themselves or had sex or were disobedient to their parents.  They had sharp teeth and sharp spikes and would tear the flesh off of bad little girls. They would even penetrate naughty girls’ pussies and asses ruining them for future enjoyment because if a girl did not know how to use her privates properly she should not have them at all. A girl’s special spots were for her daddy’s enjoyment, not her own and certainly no other man.

One night, I woke up screaming in pain. I had masturbated in the shower that day. The evil little torture dolls must have know what I had done.  I felt a blindfold go over my eyes and a sharp instrument inserted in my pussy and asshole. Hurt so bad. I screamed for my Daddy but he never came to save me. When the sun rose, I could see I was covered in blood. My daddy came in and said he knew the creatures visited me last night because I was a filthy dirty whore. He could not save me because I was not worth saving. A knife or some other sort of razor sharp object had fucked my cunt and ass, shredding both. Leaving them a bloody, tortured mess. I was in so much pain, I could not go to school the next morning. I could barely walk. There would be many more nights those evil creatures woke me up in the middle of the night to teach me a hard lesson about being impure. First time I tried to masturbate, first time I got my period, first time I kissed a boy, first time I told my Daddy I did not want to suck his dick… all marked by a visit from the torture creatures who would mutilate my female parts.

As I got older, I realized it was daddy sneaking in my room at night to torture his slutty baby girl. He always knew when I was bad. He took sadistic pleasure in hurting me; ruining me for other men. My body belonged to him and no one else. Daddy believed I was a worthless whore who did not deserve a pretty ass or pussy or tits. What do you think?

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