Tag: Knife play phone sex

Two Against One

bloody phone sex

Somehow my husband found out about the neighbor. If ask me I truly believe they are in works with each other. And yesterday they both confirmed what I thought to be true. I was cornered by the both of them. With no where to go. My husband had a knife to the side of my throat as he forced me to my knees and made me suck the neighbors cock. He would cram his dick deep into my throat then look at my husband and smile and that is when my husband would pinch my nose shut. Unable to breath or move because he still had that blade pressed into my neck I started to panic. Chocking on his cock I puked all over him. That is when I started taking blows to the head. Each of them bashing me upside the head all the while I am still being skull fucked with the neighbors cock. It started to get real fuzzy and eventually I blacked out. Once I finally came to. I found myself handcuffed to my husbands work bench out in the garage. I had a screwdriver shoved in my ass and a dildo in my pussy which was attached to his power drill. I was covered in bruises and my neck ended up with a shallow slice enough to cause it to bleed leaving all kinds of dried up blood down my neck and onto my tits. If this is not a living hell I don’t know what is.

2 Girl Phone Sex Let’s fuck bitches up!

2 girl phone sex (41)

You’re here because you don’t want any vanilla shit. You want me to be your little accomplice with one of these stupid victim sluts. That’s what we call a 2 girl phone sex call…the kind that involves you and me using her until we snuff her out. Then on to the next! Don’t worry Daddy, you know my pretty little face can lure any girl to us. I can befriend her or get close enough to knock her ass out and bring her home for us. What do you wanna do Daddy? What can we do to fuck this whore up?! Oh you know I am going to get my knife and we are going to fuck her with it. But not yet, that’s for the end. First I am going to hold her down for you Dad. Let her scream and cry and wish she was already dead. She will beg for mercy and beg for us to do anything but hurt her and fuck her but that’s all we want to do anyway! Silly girl! I am going to sit on her face to shut her up Daddy…you do whatever you want while I talk your through it, while I take care of what you really wanna do. Go violate those holes, let me help you. You know you want to make her cry…and I want to hear her muffled screams through my pussy. Do what you wanna do! Get that tight pussy and make it yours. You know that’s what you want and I am going to help you take it and OWN it. Make her your sex slave, make her your little bitch. Get her pussy all bloody with your dick then make her suck it. I’ll help ‘convince’ her with my knife. Only to shove it deep in her little cunt until she’s got a huge gaping hole! That’s enough to make her bleed out, right Daddy???

Knife Play Phone Sex Lessons

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex fantasies get my pussy so wet. I run this little school for girls. It is a training school. I assist dark little bitches in growing up to be sadistic women like me. You just don’t become a murderous, castrating whore over night. Behind every evil woman is a female mentor. Yesterday’s lesson was in dismemberment.  I had this annoying fuck who cut me off in traffic as our learning victim. I wanted my girls to understand the thrill of inflicting pain, while seeing how pain affects one’s body. I have a makeshift medical examiner’s room in my basement. Only the folks on the slab are not quite yet dead. This jack off was strapped down spread eagle on his back. I had him hooked up to a blood pressure machine and a pulse reader. We had not even begun the torture sex and his BP and pulse were high. I had an array of knives for the lesson. My pupils were so excited. One little girl asked to go first so I rewarded her enthusiasm with a big knife. She made some cuts on his thighs to see how his vitals skyrocketed. More girls grabbed knives and started cutting and stabbing. They giggled as he screamed in pain and pleaded for his life. That just turned us all on. He was close to having a heart attack by his vitals. It is amazing what pain does to the body. When I cut his dick clean off and blood spurted everywhere he actually passed out. No worries. We had smelling salts to revive him. I shoved his dick in his mouth so he would stay awake while my little evil angels took off his limbs. Had to use a chainsaw for his legs as he was quite stocky. Despite all that pain and blood loss, he did not die immediately. Of course when we chopped his head off that did him in. His head rolled around the floor with his eyes wide open as if he was watching his body die. It was a fun lesson, well for us girls at least.

Truly evil phone sex right here!

evil phone sexSometimes in life you simply need evil phone sex… and not just a little bit evil, I’m talking about truly depraved, twisted fucked up shit! The kind of shit where people die and they die very fucking slowly! Now, come on over here because I want to tell you a little story about this strung out whore i found walking the streets late at night. She was obviously a crack whore, she was barely dressed, all she had on was this skanky little dress and these ugly ass stripper shoes… bitch looked filthy like she hadn’t had a bath in weeks! Obviously there was no way I could let that whore live right?? I pulled over and asked her if she wanted to make some money… you know that whore didn’t even hesitate, not one little bit! She saw that 50 dollar bill in my hand and hopped right in my car like it was nothing. Little did she know that she had just signed her fucking death warrant! The smell coming off her was sickening, she smelled like sex and desperation, I knew that as soon as I got to my private cabin that this fucking whore was going to need a hose down before I would dirty my knife on her. It was funny though, she never protested, not even once! I drove her to the middle of nowhere and literally hosed this fucking whore down in my driveway and she didn’t say anything! I guess she was too high to really comprehend what was going on… but she wasn’t so stoned that she couldn’t feel every fucking stroke of my knife! That whore screamed every time I cut her… but she never even tried to get up! I didn’t even have her tied up and she never tried to save herself! She just laid there and let me kill her!

Getting Out of Control

torture phone sex

I woke up to my feet being bound together and my hands tied to the bed posts. With my husband standing over me, kitchen knife in his hand. I begged and pleaded to be untied but the more I screamed the worse it became. He took the knife and pressed it so hard against my neck that it actually began to cut me, enough to make blood drip down my neck. I could feel it beginning to pool up underneath me. This was further than he had even taken things before and I knew I was in trouble. He started to run the knife along the side of my body. Not pushing hard enough to draw blood but enough to make me tremble and urinate all over myself and the bed. He took his other hand and spread my pussy apart not being easy or gentle whatsoever he rammed his fist up into my dry cunt. I felt my pussy hole tear and I knew he had done some damage. I was in such fear for my life that I must have passed out. I woke up lying in my own piss and blood. I know if I don’t escape soon he is going to go too far one day.

Snuff Porn Hostel Style

snuff pornSnuff porn is what I masturbate too. I love Russian, Japanese and German snuff films the most. They seem the most brutal, the most realistic. Some American horror movies turn me on too. My favorite is Hostel 2.  I love the fact that it is a woman who turns the tables on the men and takes control of the kill club. However, my favorite scene is about 40 minutes into the film, when this hot bitch gets naked in a tub with some big ass knives and a naked nerdy girl hanging over her. She slices her slowly at first, letting the blood drip on her before going for the neck slice. As the blood cascades over her hot naked body, she cums, I cum, anybody with a sick mind cums. It is my favorite scene in a horror film. I have always wanted to make a snuff short just recreating that scene, but with a much younger girl as the victim. So, I made it happen. I snatched a little cock tease from the mall. A daddy’s princess type. You know the kind. Rolls her eyes, smacks her lips, twirls her hair and thinks she is better than anyone, especially a Goth girl like me.  She got a wakeup call. Literally. I spiked her Starbucks frappuccino at the mall, then slapped her awake once she was suspended above me. I had to suspend her from the drain pipes in my basement and I had no tub, just a plastic tarp to lay my naked body on. I saw the fear in her eyes. She pissed on me, which I half ass expected, but didn’t enjoy. I cut her cheek with a sickle and laughed as she cried. I gauged and eye out too. It plopped on to my right tit. I made lots of little slashes on her tender tight stuck up body.  Blood was dripping all over me. I was rubbing it in my skin, but I wanted more. Needed more. I sliced her open like a captured animal. I didn’t go for the neck. I wanted her to see her entrails, organs and blood spill onto the body she mocked earlier. She watched me play with her guts before she drifted off to never never land forever. It was so fucking hot. But, in my excitement, I forgot to hit record on the camera. That means I need to find another little one to snuff out. Maybe this time, you would like to help?

snuff sex

Knife To The Wife

snuff phone sex

I woke up to something cold, hard and, sharp pressed against the side of my neck. This is not a normal way of ever having to wake up. But one would think if they were to be awoken with a dagger against their neck most likely it is because an intruder has entered their home. Not so much the case with me. This intruder of my life…pressing this knife against my flesh making me beg for survival is my very own husband. If you keep up on my blog. This will come as no surprise to you. You already know how violent and angry he his. You have probably read about all the hate filled fuck rages he goes into. Either it be him or his arrangements of someone taking what they want from my old battered, torn, abused, and used pussy, asshole, and or mouth. On this particular night he made a threat against my life and took his hatred to a whole new level. His exact words that he spit in my face when my eyes opened were ‘If you don’t do as you are told I will fill your fucking throat with my load and then I will split your wrinkly old neck from ear to ear just to watch my nut ooze.” This was a legit threat and I took his cock in any way he demanded.

It was an interesting meal…

castration phone sexIt was an interesting meal… though to be honest it went nothing the way I imagined it would. It all started with my newest slave boy, he has been submissive for his entire life and so he was very obedient… to a degree that I have never seen before. I have had a million slaves but this one… he was very different, it was like he was a robot just ready to die if I commanded it. I decided to test him, I wanted to see just how far I could push him before he would say no… but he never said no! I told him that I wanted to cut off his cock and fry it up for our lunch and he didn’t even flinch, he just asked me if he should pull it out. He didn’t whimper or protest as I cut through his cock and when I put it in the pan to fry it up, he just smiled. He even helped me eat it… every last bite…

Evil on Friday

Evil phone sex

Friday the 13th is coming. All the CRAZIES cum on Friday the 13th! The day of evil is coming. All that shit makes me laugh. The “Crazies” that are out and about are the one’s I enjoy taking. I snatch them up, listen to them moan in pain from having their heads cracked with a heavy lead pipe. They claimed they loved evil, they wanted to see it for themselves. So why the fuck are these bitches crying? Begging me to let at least his girlfriend go! Oh I’ll let you go as soon as I am done with you and her. Done hearing you scream for mercy, scream in pain, scream for help. No one but me and my friends are going to hear you. Have I showed you my friends and how badly they want your sexy blonde Goth girlfriend?

Domination phone sex

They don’t come out and hunt for stupid wanna be whores like her on Friday the 13th. No no sweetie. Sick in the head people like me and them search for bitches like her every mother fucking day! They knew how horny I was so they brought me both of you.  I love how cute your little girlfriend looks tied down and forced to be fucked. You are going to watch as I slowly rip off her nipples, cut off body parts you love and feed them to the demon beast. Then you are going to watch all of my friends fuck your whore girlfriend as she slowly slips away never to wake up from this Friday night! Next is your turn. I’ll keep your tiny dick to remember you by! 

Snuff Porn with Little Whores on Friday the 13th

snuff pornFor this snuff porn whore,  my favorite holidays are Halloween and Friday the 13th. Why? Because death and dismemberment is so widespread on those days, most murders go unsolved. They get blamed on drunken pranks and sick Michael Meyers wannabes. Personally, I have always preferred Jason Voorhees. Not sure why, but a man in a hockey mask wielding a big ass knife killing horny teens gets my cunt so wet. I already have my Friday the 13th mayhem planned out. There is a secluded girls’ camp in my city. It’s off the beaten trail, but all the dirty old men know where it is at. Many have been arrested spying on young girls in the community showers and even jacking off on their angelic little faces while they sleep in their bunk beds. Anything I do will get blamed on one of the many registered sex offenders in town.

knife play phone sexI hate young self entitled bitches. Instead of butchering just one this year, I am going to slaughter an entire camp of young girls. Young bitches. I have an array of knives to use. Small ones for cutting nips and clits. Bigger ones for shredding cunts and asses. And a huge sickle for cutting off little pretty heads that can be shoved down on the posts of the bunk beds for the camp counselors to discover the next morning. What a horrific discovery. All girls camp massacre. No one discovered alive. I love hearing about my carnage in the press. Because of the young age of my victims they only show before pictures. That’s okay. I always take pictures of dead little whores for my spank bank. I love to masturbate thinking of the torture I inflicted on the little ones. I kill adults because they annoy me or are a waste of space. I kill the little ones because taking innocent lives makes my cunt drip. Who wants to help me slaughter the innocent? They may be innocent now, but they will just grow up to be cock teasing money draining little whores. Let’s have fun with them while we can.

taboo phone sex