Tag: Knife play phone sex

Cut me and whip me; Don’t forget to fill my holes.

I am sitting in my house all by myself in the middle of the woods. What possibly could go wrong right? Well i hear a knock on the door and i go look through the peep-hole and i didn’t see anybody. So i opened the door and looked out and their wasn’t anyone. So i went back to watching a movie in my little silk lacy top when i hear banging on the sliding glass door on the other side of the house. I think to myself it probley is just some of my friends trying to scare me.

So i go to the door and there is one of my guy in a black mask standing there so i run up to my room crying and hide under the bed. I heard stomping and foot steps down stairs. I must have left one of the doors or windows unlocked. I put my hand over my mouth so they couldn’t hear my whimpering. I heard someone open my bedroom door. I was look around and see 3 people’s feet walking around. I feel the tears down my face when one guy pulls my feet and slides me from under the bed. I am screaming and walling around! Please stop! Help me! One has tape with razor blades attached to it and put it over my mouth and i could feel the razor blades cutting the lips and gums. Blood was dripping down my mouth. They carried me downstairs and strapped me on the table with rope.

They ripped my clothes off my body exposing my little teen naked body. There where 4 guys in total. They started pulling there cocks out and shoving them in every hole. My mouth, pussy, and asshole. They had an axe and as they where fucking my brains out they started chopping off my fingers and toes. They took 3 of my toes and peeled the tape back and shoved my bloody toes in my mouth. One had a whip and was whipping my stomach leaving gashes that where oozing blood everywhere. They kept taking turns with me till i was filled up with their cum loads and left me there strapped to the table with all my toes and fingers cut off and my stomach gashed open from the whip.

Home invasion phone sex

Worn and Torn

evil phone sexThere is not much I can do these days to keep these two from nearly splitting me from asshole to appetite. I learned that it is in my best interest to just lay there and take what they want to give to me at that moment in time. Weather it be a cock shoved so deep into my asshole and the only lubrication helping it pump in and out of my torn flesh is the blood from which they tore me open, or maybe one decides he will skull fuck me as the other presses a cold sharp blade against my neck. Knowing with the slightest movement or to hard of a thrust it could nearly cost me my worthless life.

Snuff Phone Sex Juliet

Snuff phone sex Juliet

I have some very naughty plans for us. Do you wanna hear them? Well here I go, if you keep reading you won’t want to turn away, read at your own caution. I wanna start our night off with a little knife play. Getting my clothes cut off by you sounds like the prefect start. Then I want you to tie me up.

I want to be tied up for you to fuck me as hard and long as you like. I am your willing victim. I want to be your dirty cum rag. I want you to choke me with your cock. You get to have full control of me, using me anyway you want. Fuck my ass, pussy, mouth, anywhere you want and cum anywhere. By the end I hope to be completely covered in your cum and barely awake anymore.

If this sounds like the perfect night to you too let me know. I want it soon.

taboo phone sex

taboo phone sex

I got knocked up by some jerk at the bar who is really just after some ass. He really doesn’t care that I am pregnant and insists on me getting an abortion since he is not ready to be a father. I ignored him which just infuriated him since I was doing what was not  being asked. I went home later that night which was a huge mistake.

I walked into my room and found a gentleman sitting on my chair with a gun pointed at me. I yelled at him to not shoot, begging him to spare me since I was pregnant. The masked man then grabbed me bounding my hands and feet together. I couldn’t help but cry and feel helpless as he began drawing a dotted line around my big round belly followed by an x.

I was screaming for help but it was no use, he placed a strip of duct tape over my mouth and just chuckled as he began cutting me opened tracing the dotted line with a very sharp knife. I could feel a sharp pain followed by an intense burn, then a slight coolness as my organs were exposed to the elements. The masked man began to sing as he continued to slash and snip his way inside of my body ripping out my unborn.

I screamed in pain as he continued to mutilate my body scraping every remanence of what was once there and alive. He held the unborn alien looking creature in his one hand and laughed at me as he squeezed it in his hand until finally it busted under pressure  bleeding all over his hands. I cried out loud since it was torture seeing something helpless just explode.

I sat quietly as the man began stitching everything back up cleaning my open wound. Right when I thought things couldn’t get worse he turned me around and began fucking my bloody pussy. I cried as I just took his hard large cock inside of me. Each time he penetrated me I could feel the stitches separating.

I cried as he pulled the tape off of my mouth encouraging me to scream. He began pounding my pussy harder telling me he was going to fuck me open. Until finally the stitches began to tear letting my insides rip open. He pulled out of my pussy and began fucking the gaps In between my stitches until he filled up my insides with his cum.

Make Me Suffer

torture phone sex I love being suffocated and brought back. I love the feeling of not having any air and you use my fucking tight holes. I love when you push my head on the concrete and make my face bleed! Then you put a bag over my head and let me die for a brief moment then give me some air. Better yet how about you slice my throat so I bleed out just feeling the blood rush down my fucking tits knowing I will soon be dead so you can fuck my dead body. How about you make me bleed in my panties and shove them in my mouth? I am feeling extra dirty today. I want you to slice my stomach open and fuck my intestines.

torture phone sexMake me bleed all over myself and the floor. I had a fantasy yesterday about being me laying flat on something and being strapped down, and a man came up to me and slid a butcher knife down my body and sliced open my legs first. He sliced the open and pulled out my tendons. Then he stopped and got a plastic bag and put it over my face. I couldn’t really see anything but I could feel him cutting every part of my body open. I was suffocating and I think I passed out for about 2 minutes then he took the bag off and woke me up. When I woke up and looked down my tits where completely cut off. I started to scream so he put my bloody tit in my mouth to make me shut up. That’s when I woke myself up from cumming so hard.

Cunt Sitting!

Babysitter phone sexOh you know what I did? I babysat some new little cunts. But not just any cunts…they’re the perfect little whores! Want to know why? They were twins…twin virgins. And at they were the STARS of my video I made. I thought it would be perfect… I thought it would make me some extra money and oh it did. Who doesn’t want to see two twin virgin cunts getting 100% violated?! It’s very popular…seeing little bitches getting all used up by tons and tons of guys. And that’s about half the reason I babysit! I wanna see these sluts cry. I want to make them squirm and beg and wish that they were dead. But they’re not going anywhere. They can cry and beg and scream all they want but what they are really going to get is what they deserve! I wanted them both to hurt like the itty baby sluts they were. Who wears shorts like that? Who the fuck lets their daughters dress like that at that super young age?! I mean…seriously they had all this shit cumming and ME TOO!!! Mmm, my pussy is so soaking wet, and these virgins? Well their pussies are soaking wet with BLOOD! Ahh… who doesn’t love a virgin? Or two…haha!

Castration phone sex is for pathetic little men like you!

castration phone sexBe careful what you wish for… especially when it comes to castration phone sex. You can’t tell a woman like me that you want me to cut off your pathetic little cock and then feed it to you without expecting that I will actually do it! What did you think this was? Did you think that it was all a game? Well you found out that I don’t play stupid games very quickly, now didn’t you? I asked you over and over again if you were sure, you said that you were, you said that you wanted this so now you are stuck with it. I have to say though, cutting off your pathetic penis was very satisfying to me, and cooking it was an experience I will never forget! Was it delicious? Did you enjoy being force fed your pathetic little dickie that I cooked up so nicely for you? Watching you eat it turned me on I have to say… now I need to go find a man that still has his cock so I can be fucked the way I want! I hope you enjoy your new life as a woman…

Castration Phone Sex for Losers

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is my favorite sadistic type call. Guys IM me or call me and ask me all the time what is my specialty. Death, torture and dismemberment are my specialties, but taking a man’s cock and balls gives me an extra good feeling. There are too many losers in this world and my motto is testicles are for winners. Only winners should be allowed to procreate. Only winners should be allowed to fuck. So who falls in the loser category? Who deserves my junk removal services? Too god damn fucking many of you. Small dick guys. Men like Brock Turner and his daddy who don’t understand how to treat a woman. Sissy faggots. Men who can’t pick a fair fight and abuse women and animals. Men who think they are better than me because of some fancy degree. Men who would rather live on the government’s dime than actually work for a living. Deadbeat dads. Assholes. Men who call me and say I love you or that they just want to cuddle and watch a Nicolas Spark’s movie. Do I look like I want to be held? Do I look like I enjoy a sap ass movie? Sometimes I will take your junk just for shits and giggles. The point is I have a big ass knife collection and I am well trained on how to use them to inflict maximum damage.  I do all sorts of castration calls. Some guys are too dumb to realize I’m not the GFE type, so their stupidity is the reason the call ends with their balls on the floor. Some guys call me and bitch and whine about life in general and their wretchedness is why their balls hit the floor. Some guys call for fantasy phone sex that gets a little too real and that’s why their balls hit the floor. Then there are the jackoffs who think they can make me a victim. Their foolishness is the reason their balls hit the floor. If you are not worthy to be my accomplice, then death, torture and dismemberment are in your future. Are you my accomplice or my victim?

Castration Phone Sex: Submit to Gray

You Fucking pervert! Look at the way your cock grows when you hang around the parks or malls with those sweet tender bodies all around you. Their soft skin, the scent and taste of them is intoxicating to you. I think the only answer to fix you is to FIX you, and castration phone sex with me will only fuel your kinky filthy desires.

Castration Phone Sex

Your so beyond fixing with your needs of soft young bodies to defile and savagely fuck them mercilessly.

My amusement is watching and coercing you and making you take those fantasies a step further.

I will make your cock throb and as it becomes engulfed with blood, it’s flaccidness is defiant growing into a hard prick of damnation for some innocent young thing.

Oh, but I shall watch you struggle and will tease and tempt you as I lower a virginal cunt upon that prick.

Try to resist and instead you thrust inside her, as she cries and whimpers…

I laugh and take my blade from my boot. I see you lost in the sensation of your defilement as I swiftly sever your penis and balls.

Evil Phone Sex

Cut Me

Freddy makes me bleed in so many different ways and pushes me to new limits every time we are near each other. He is a sexy cut lover and loves when I open up my chocolate skin exposing pink flesh. I always was curious about pain and why I liked being hurt which led me to discover cutting. In  school, some girls did it for attention but I’m grown and need a new way to get my rocks off! I started slow with occasional shallow slits on my inner thigh. When I walked I would feel the burn of my wounds rubbing against the fabric of my pants. Then, I progressed on into deeper cuts that resulted in massive blood loss. I loved the way it felt to have warm blood flowing out of me and over all the sweet spots on my body. I would vigorously rub my clit until I violently orgasmed from the sensation of pain and pleasure. When I met him he pushed me to another extreme: Stabbing. He makes me stab my mound and my thighs and even right above my bellybutton. I have almost severed a couple arteries and almost punctured my uterus. That’s not enough to make me stop and every time I see him call I soak my shorts. I know that he is going to make me feel ecstasy immediately after i experience the most excruciating pain in my life. When I stab my cunt I love to feel the hot blood run down my clit and into my hole. I stab my pussy hole with the knife and lick the blood and cunt juice off after im done. It feels nowhere near as bad as it sounds and the pussy heals fairly quickly. This way I don’t have to wait too long in between my tortures. Call me and I’ll be your little pain slut too