Tag: Knife play phone sex

Snuff Sex: You Can’t Outsmart a Sadistic Bitch

snuff sex

Snuff sex is the best sex. I picked this guy up at this Steam Punk bar I go to often. He wasn’t really a goth or Steam Punk guy. He just had a thing for goth bitches like me. I wasn’t going to marry him. He just looked like a good fuck. Had money too from the way he was dressed and the gold Amex card he used for his tab. He bought me drinks all night. He was an out of town business man. Married of course. He took his ring off to hit on me, but I saw the tan line still. Nothing much gets by me. Again, his marital status didn’t matter to me. I was fucking him, not marrying him. His hotel was nice. One of those ritzy sky rise places downtown. I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, but I wasn’t a hooker. All eyes were on the Goth girl as she walked in on the arm of older, wealthy frequent flyer. All the staff knew his name. We get to his room and he pours me some Absinthe. The kind that is illegal in the US because of its potency. Something was up. My gut was going off, but I wanted to see it through. I scanned the hotel room. It was clear from little things his wife was on this trip with him. Threesome? I started acting drunk. I figured if I acted out inebriated, his true intentions might come out. They did.

He wanted me to kill his wife. In fact, if I didn’t kill her, he would kill her make it look like I did it. He paraded me through the hotel lobby like a show pony. Everyone would remember the Goth girl at the Carlton. My finger prints were on the glass. He was smart, just not smart enough.  I fucked him so his DNA would be inside of me; slipped him a roofie in his drink, waited for him to pass out, then I used his phone to text his wife. Waited for her to come back to the room. She wasn’t happy to see me, but I had her cheating, contract killer hiring husband tied up spread eagle. I explained his plot to her. It’s her money he likes to spend, so I made a deal with her. I castrated her sorry excuse for a husband so he couldn’t cheat on her anymore. In fact, she helped me. She would be my alibi if he tried to go to the cops.  She would divorce him and share with the police his murder for hire scheme should he try any bullshit again. I cut his balls off with so much joy. Used a rusty blade. Let him bleed enough to scare the fuck out of him, then cauterized the wound. I left her his worthless balls so she could keep them in her purse. Never mess with a sadistic bitch or a wealthy wife.

Killer Phone Sex Fun with a Friend

killer phone sexKiller phone sex fantasies are my specialty. As a young girl, everyone called me Wednesday Addams because of my morbid fascination with death. Now, I never killed animals like most serial killers. I like animals. It’s people I hate. I am not really a serial killer either. Serial killers murder out of compulsion and they have a type of person they kill, along with a pattern. I kill because I want to, not because I need to. Sometimes I kill for money; other times I kill because the world doesn’t need another asshole or annoying brat. I am more like an angel of death than a serial killer. My killing is compassionate killing for the living. I have this girlfriend who was being harassed and stalked by a total loser. I mean she is a hot model. Statuesque beauty who can have any man she wants. Why would she waste time with a small dick loser? Especially one with no money. I threatened him once. I only give you one warning to back off. The second time we tango, you die. I don’t have the time nor the energy to waste giving warning after warning. Plus, how do I carry any weight if I have no follow through. I want to be taken seriously as a snuff porn queen. Brandon didn’t heed my warning. He also didn’t heed the court’s warning when he walked right through that restraining order. Just like Earle, Brandon had to die. My friend went with me. She was my accomplice and ticket into his gated home. He still lived with mommy and daddy at 35. How pathetic is that? They travel the world, so they were not home. Once we were in, he saw me. Rightfully so, he was scared. He tried to run, but I tossed a bottle at his head and down he went. I wanted to slit his throat immediately, but there is no fun in that. I tied him to his bed spread eagle and naked. Chopped off his balls so I could use them as a ball gag. Aimee did the honors and whacked off his pecker. We let him bleed out slowly and painfully, waited until the shock sunk in, then we sliced an artery and left to have dinner. He had no friends. His parents won’t find him for two weeks. Don’t be a loser or an asshole and you get to live.

Murder phone sex Fantasies, fuck me with a knife

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Master has me in his playroom. He straps me down to the metal table naked. Him and one of his friend’s start rubbing on me. They work their way down to my already wet cunt hole. They begin to finger me. Once my tight pussy is soaking wet they begin their fun.

They start by fucking me with a broom stick. It hurts. They ram it deep into my cunt. I scream out in pain. They take away the broom stick to replace it with the handle of a thick brush. They shove that in and out of my tight wet hole as well.

Master starts to fist fuck me now. He shoves his whole fist deep inside of my stretching bald cunt. I begin to cry. He punches his fist inside me over and over.

I think he is done when he takes his fist out. I am wrong. His friend takes a knife. I think he is going to fuck me with the handle. Wrong again. He stabs my soaking wet cunt hole. Over and over he slices my tight pussy. I beg him to stop.

Everything goes dark. My pussy is gushing out blood as he fucks me harder with the blade. I feel myself grow cold as my bloody pussy betrays me as I squirt out my juices onto his knife.

Bondage Phone Sex is Not Always Tame

bondage phone sexBondage phone sex is about the tamest thing I do. I’m a dark woman. Phone sex is a way for me to explore the more depraved things that I fantasize about without really ending up dead.  In my real life I am a frequent face on the BDSM circuit.  I’m sure you are familiar with the Fifty Shades of Grey movies and books, right? Every time one of the those insipid installments comes out, my clubs are jammed packed with the curious and lonely hearts. A BDSM club is looking for love in all the wrong places. I have learned that hard lesson a time or two. Because my favorite clubs were packed with newbies curious about the bondage lifestyle, I had to go to this underground club with a bad reputation.  This is the kind of club girls go missing from and show up later in snuff porn never to be seen on the circuit again. I know. Why would I go? Because I am a bondage junkie; a submissive whore who needs a dominant man like she needs water and air.

snuff pornWhen I arrived I could smell death. That club always has a smell of fear: blood, cum, piss all combined into one aroma. I was not greeted with pleasantries nor offered a drink like at my favorite clubs. I was put in a leather mask while chains went around my neck. A man with a guillotine dragged me to a dungeon room. Before he shoved me in, I saw some money exchange hands with a couple guys who later were in that dungeon with me. They tagged teamed me first. Hardcore anal sex, but that is nothing I can’t handle. With their cum leaking out of my ass, they strung me up and whipped the flesh off my body. I felt like I was being lynched. The pain was even more than I could bear. I heard similar screams echoing from other dungeon rooms.  Blood dripped down my legs like a waterfall. When my mask was removed, I saw the  knives, pissed myself and passed out. My dark fantasies were about to become realities…

Happy National Cherry Pie Day

As Master sits quietly in the bushes, our first victim comes into view. It all happened so fast; he snuck up behind her and knocked her out with a chloroform, put her body in the truck of our car and then drove to an old abandoned factory. He strapped her body down the the conveyor belt. She finally woke up when he pissed on her face. Her muffled scream made Master even more excited. He positioned himself on top of her and slowly pressed his cock into her twat. She moaned. Master slapped her in the face, he doesn’t like to hear moans. We want that dirty whore to suffer. He grabbed a steel pipe that was just lying around and proceeded to hit her in the ribs. He drug the jagged edges along her face until her whole face was covered in blood. He put his blood soaked fingers in my mouth. I’m so fucking hot right now. I jump on top of him and we rip each others clothes off.

Evil phone sex

We fuck hard and fast. I love the rush! As I pound away on his hard ass cock, he chokes me. I’m so close to cumming, and so is he. He stops just as I am about to cum and he shoves his dick deep into my throat as he finishes his orgasm. He goes back to the bitch and punches her in the face, over and over. Frustrated, I sit between her legs and pull out a pair of vise-grips and clipped them to her clit.  I reach in my little bag of fun and pull out a scalpel. As I’m about to slice her clit off, Master took a few swings at her shines with a mallet, causing the sharp implement to ram into her pussy. She started to bleed out, the knife was in pretty far, I knew it did damage. Fuck, now we don’t have as much playing time with her. I quickly rush over and put one side of my double-sided dildo in her mouth and I shoved the other in my soaking wet pussy. As I ride my fake cock, her nose rubs my clit. She’s gagging as I’m cumming. My master grabs the scalpel and runs it across her throat. At first nothing, then suddenly a river of red cascaded down her neck. I can see the life in her eyes slowly fade as Master takes the dildo from her mouth. I stick it in his tight ass as I slide the other end into my pussy. As he licks her bloody twat, I fuck us both. We decide to stuff her body in a cherry pie filling filled drum and reseal it.

Fantasy Phone Sex with a BIG Twist!

Fantasy phone sexHe got us out deep into the middle of nowhere & he pulled off the road. He undid his seat belt and slipped between the seats to the back, grabbing my hair and pulling me behind him. He pulled the blanket off her, and I could see that she was completely naked. He told me that if I didn’t do exactly what I said, without hesitation, then he’d take his gun or his knife and do even nastier things to her than he’d have me do. He made me pick her up and stroke her tiny little cunt, rubbing my fingers over her clit and dipping them gently into her. She was crying so hard by that point, but he made me lift her around my throat and hold her cunt to my face. He stood so close watching as my tongue worked around and over and inside of her little cunt, even as she struggled to get away from me. Then, he made me put on a strap-on, told me to fuck her. I hesitated and he took his knife out and slid it agonizingly slowly down her arm, cutting her open. She screamed and cried harder, and I put that strap on on so quickly that he stopped. I lifted her little legs until her hips were tilted up enough for me to slide that big dick into that tight little cunt. I tried so hard not to hurt her, I spit on the dick, I spit on her cunt, and I worked it in slowly, but I guess he got impatient. He kicked me in the ass, thrusting me hard into her as I almost fell on top of her. She was screaming again, and I could see blood coming from her cunt. I could hear him starting to jack off just behind and to the side of me as he yelled for me to just fuck her already. I started thrusting my hips in and out of her over and over, my heart breaking, tears flowing down my cheeks, with every thrust. Finally, I heard him cum, and felt the jizz land all over my bare backside.

Sadistic Knife Play

Knife play phone sex MaceyMy Master drugged me last night to keep me sedated while his friend enjoyed sadistic vulgar knife play with my sexy body. This sick fuck has been begging Master to let him play with me for the longest time but I would always resist, I didn’t want his filthy hands anywhere near me! Master likes me all to himself for the most part and he is very selective with who he lets play with me. Reluctantly, Master granted his friend’s wishes and let him have his way! He brought out his freshly sharpened hunting knives and went to work. I was laying on the table like a helpless dead fish, arms and legs flopped over the sides while this piece of shit began slicing off my nipples and nursing my tits to drink all of my blood. He was loving it! He dug his knife deep into my abdomen, slicing me open down the center while my blood and guts spilled out. He traced the knife down to my clit and cut into my pussy, making me gush blood all over the table. The knife was so big that when he started fucking me with it, it broke through my internal organs and came out through my stomach. He got on to the table and started sucking and licking up all of my blood and tissue matter as it oozed out of me! My Master was filming it all because his friend wanted to bring home the snuff video to rewatch the gruesome act any time he pleased. This fucker better have thoroughly enjoyed his time with me, he’s one lucky mother fucker!

torture sex

torture sex

Master lays me on the table where I just murdered the girl. Her blood is still fresh as it sticks to my body. I thought I had pleased master. Maybe I did who knows. He uses the pussy spreader on my tight wet cunt. I wince in pain. He cuts my stomach with the dirty blade I just used. The cuts hurt but, they are not deep enough to kill me. He gets up on the table. As he shoves his massive hard shaft into my exposed cunt hole, I moan out. Partly from pleasure and partly from pain. His huge vein cock stabs my soaking pussy hard. He takes a clothespin to my clit. I scream as it clamps down. He fucks my sloppy cunt harder. I scream louder. I rub some of the blood from the dead girl on my hands and hold onto masters chest. The blood smears all over the front of him. He thrusts into me harder. He rams into my little fuck hole over and over before releasing his white cream deep into me.  My cunt responds my clenching around his massive throbbing shaft. My juices pour out of my soaking wet fuck hole. Master leaves me laying on the table. I hope he doesn’t kill me.

Knife Play Phone Sex Keeps Me Busy

knife play phone sex Knife play phone sex is popular with me. I love sharp objects because they serve many purposes in my life. I have quite the collection too. I think my knife collection would make Michael Myers envious. I have been fascinated with them since I was a little girl. I much prefer to be a knife wielding bitch than a gun toting whore. There is no skill in a gun fight. It is luck and if your victim has no gun, it’s an easy kill. A knife fight requires precision and is an equal fight, well in theory it is at least. I have honed my craft over the years thanks to annoying fucks, tiny dick losers and spoiled brats. I can chop a cock or balls off with one clear slice. I can stab to kill, paralyze or disfigure with one hand movement. If you live after I stab you, it is because I want you to live. I don’t miss my mark whether it be your balls, your throat or your heart. I did a little handiwork this weekend. I have a signature slice like a graffiti artist’s tag. I know it is recognized because cops and coroners have mentioned it in news stories.

With a few exceptions, I kill or castrate folks who deserve it, so the police rarely investigate. Most of the folks I castrate actually pay me to do it so they say nothing unless end up in ER with a nasty infection. I had a Catholic priest pay me recently to remove his balls so he will stop molesting little boys. Not really because he was remorseful and wants to curb his desires for young boys. More because he will not be able to hide from the law forever if he keeps getting busted by folks in his Parrish. Can only be moved around to churches for so long before the law finds you when you can’t keep your hands of little boy dick. Pretty sure the Diocese paid for his  junk removal because priests have no money. As I cut off his dirty balls, I told him I would castrate all the priests in Boston for a flat fee. I was not at all surprised when a check from the Diocese of Boston sent me a very large check. Good think I have a lot of knives. I’m going to be a very busy girl the next few weeks. Don’t worry though, I can squeeze your worthless balls in too.

Castration phone sex : The missing jewels

Castration phone sex

After many drinks for Sailor Jack and a couple for me and my Mistress, Jack asked if there was a quiet place that we could all go. Jack was feeling no pain when he got into back of the cab between Mistress and myself, spreading his arms around us both. As Jack leaned his head on the headrest, we played with his belt and zipper. And soon we had his throbbing hard cock out, stroking it with our cheeks and mouths, Jack was in heaven. When we got to the hotel, Jack paid the cab driver. and we all went inside. As we playfully unbutton his shirt, tickling his nipples and belly button, lightly sucking and licking them. We manage to get his shirt off and loosen his belt and pants. Jack’s hard throbbing dick ticked back and forth, like waiting on us impatiently. We got down on our knees and I sucked on his low-hanging balls while Mistress took his rod inside her mouth. Jack moaned with pleasure as he grabbed her head and shoving her mouth down onto his cock, making her gag. He was about to spurt too soon when I nipping him on one of his balls, stopping his orgasm straight in its tracks. We gave him some of our home-made liquor, infused with fruits and whey. He guzzled it down and quickly became drunker than what he was. At this time he was hornier than he could ever remember- just the opposite of what alcohol usually does. But now he was getting physically getting weak and his mind became foggy. He said his legs became weak and tingly and his arms were heavy. He fell to his knees and was out cold. We rolled him over on his back and have our own fun. His cock remained hard and we giggled with glee. Mistress comes to me and kisses my neck, slides her hand down to my skirt. She lifts the front and slides my panties to the side. Her fingers slide into my wet and hot crevice. I fondled her breast  as my other hand also ran under her skirt. We stood there in pure lust for what seemed forever. We were both hot and ready for more. She mounted her wet cunt over his still erect cock and tells me to put my round ass in the air. As she plunged onto his rod, she fingers my ass. Almost about to cum, I stand and sit on his hips. While she rides him, I make our pussy’s and clits rub together. We kiss and we cum at the same time. Jack wakes up hours later. He’s disoriented and in pain. When he tries to stand, he falls back because of the pain. The pain is the worst he’s ever felt. He looks down to where the pain is radiating and notices white gauze and tape around his testicles. His shaking hand goes towards the wrapping and slowly unwraps. He sits there in shock at what he’s seeing. He sees his penis slumped to the side and realizes his balls were gone.