Tag: Knife play phone sex

Cutting Your Balls Off

castration phone sex

Come on into my fetish dungeon- i have an extra wild surprise for you today. I sit you down and strap you to the chair but not before spreading your legs open really wide and pulling your dick out. I go ahead and blind fold you- I want it to completely come as a shock once you feel the hot blade cut against your flesh. Okay- here we go: 1, 2 , 3…I grab your balls up firmly in my hand, pulling them and stretching the space of skin out thin. Sucking the head of your cock which is throbbing from all the blood rushing to it. That’s when it happens- I castrate you. I have been heating this blade on the stove for a hot minute (lol) and the metal is red. I quickly cut your balls off, the blade is so hot that it completely sears the flesh and you are howling but you love it. Now that you are balls-less, I can turn you into a perfect sissy slave. Are you ready?

Nasty Dick Needs A Circumcision

Bloody phone sexYour nasty uncut cock has been grossing me the fuck out and I think it’s time for me to give you a much needed circumcision. All of those folds and flaps of extra skin that you have just hanging out on your shaft are super unattractive to say the least. To make it worse, you get all sorts of gunk caught up in those skin folds. Cum chunks tend to rot which then cause your dick and balls to smell so fucking putrid. It’s so damn foul when you make suck it and I have to taste how disgusting you are. It makes me gag just thinking about it, ew! Why the fuck didn’t your parents take the initiative and cut your cock when you were born, and why the fuck haven’t you done something about it in the years since to help yourself?! You must really enjoy having a dick full of infections and rancid fluids. You make me fucking sick! Lay back and let me give you the much needed blessing of circumcising your cock! My knife is sharp as fuck and ready to slice you open. It’s going to be painful and it’s going to be bloody but it’s going to be worth it, you sick mother fucker!

Home Invasion Phone Sex Fantasies

home invasion phone sexHome invasion phone sex fantasies keep me busy. Men love the idea of breaking into a woman’s place to assault her in the middle of the night. I was sleeping soundly; maybe a bit too soundly as I had been drinking. I didn’t hear my dog bark. I didn’t hear a thing. What woke me up was the hand over my face. I woke up scared to see a man in black with a knife to my throat. He told me one word, one whimper and he would slit my throat. I almost peed my panties I was so scared. I was shaking in my bed as he used the knife to cut off my night gown. Once my body was exposed for him, he ran the knife down my body making sure I knew he could gut me like a pig at any moment. My breathing was rapid and shallow. I feared for my life. I tried to close my eyes to escape someplace safe in my head, but he wouldn’t let me forget. He wanted me struggling to not show my fear. He was waiting for me to whimper, cry or otherwise make a sound. When he wasn’t scaring me to the degree he hoped, he started making small cuts on my flesh. I’m a pain slut. He would have to cut me deeper for that to happen. I was pissing him off. He shoved his fingers up my cunt.  Soon he had his fist in me. He clearly had no clue whose home he broke into. I have been a pain slut and submissive whore over 2 decades now. A fist in my cunt is nothing. He wanted to kill me. I didn’t want to die, however. I played his game better than he bargained for, but he changed the game when he replaced his fist with his knife in my cunt. I couldn’t help but whimper. I was dead minutes later.

The other other white meat

Knife play phone sex

Blindfolded I can’t see a thing, but I can hear a lot of sounds. They make me very nervous. I feel something go around my neck, it feels like a neck injury collar, actually I am pretty sure it is. And I feel straps going around my waist, ankles, and wrists. I don’t move at all, barely breathing. I feel the edge of a semi-dull knife push into my shoulder and slide down my side. I can’t help but tremble and flinch at the sensation. I feel poking on my tits, what the fuck is he doing! He continues to poke and I hear him say “Ah there is the good meat.” I feel a fork pushing into my left tit and I start to scream in pain as I feel a knife helping the fork to carve a piece of my tit out. He stuffs my panties in my mouth while he mumbles to himself “loud ass bitch.” I can hear a frying pan sizzling and then him chewing and mumbling how good it is. Holy fuck he’s eating my tit meat. I feel him cutting for another piece, but I hear “oh damn an artery.” I start to feel cold all over and something is running down my side. I can’t move, can’t scream I can only cry and hope someone heard me screaming before. The cold starts to take over and I feel sleepy. He takes the blindfold off “you dyin anyway don’t matter if you see me does it bitch?” He takes all the restraints off of me and makes me look in the mirror above his butchering table to see myself bleeding to death. I can see it spurting out with every beat of my heart. Everything is going black.

A lesson of fantasy learned

Evil phone sex

I do not know how I survived such an ordeal. It all started as a fantasy. I invited him over to fulfill my fantasy of a home invasion rape. The next thing I knew he had tied me up and was cutting me for real. He stabbed me in multiple spots, fucked me with the tip of his knife blade and fucked my asshole til I bled out shit. He told me what a stupid little bitch I was for letting a stranger into my home and not expecting something bad to happen. He told me if I survived what he did to me that I better think twice. As he fucked me, cut me and hurt me he kept saying, ” I bet you are learning a lesson, aren’t you?” I was hospitalized and still am still healing. The last thing he told me was he hopes he never sees my ad for a fantasy again or next time he would kill me.

Fuck My Slit Open Belly Button

Evil Phone Sex


Stupid silly me went home with a guy from the drugstore the other day. He just seemed to be so sweet and chill but that’s always how I end up into trouble. He couldn’t control himself, at least that’s what he kept saying while he was cutting me apart. He pulled his knife out and told me to relax. He tied me up and I followed his every order, him promising me that he wouldn’t hurt me but that was a lie. Then he cut me open at my belly button and fucked the hole he made inside my stomach. I was still alive, screaming and crying so hard like a little brat. Begging for my life but he didn’t care. He’d stop and kick me in the jaw or sides- then just go back to fucking that belly button he had cut open and finally finished by cumming inside my guts. I’m at the ER now and I can’t tell anyone what happened- can you give me a ride home?

Castration Phone Sex Tales

castration phone sex

Castration phone sex is a popular fetish in the phone industry. Many men love to jack off to the thought of a bitch in charge chopping off their nuts. It is the ultimate domination fantasy for men. Is it for you? I’m skilled at junk removal because I have had some real life experiences. Men have paid me good money to remove their nuts. I am not one to say no to fun money. I call it fun money for two reasons. One, it is fun to make sure losers cannot reproduce or have that much fun in the bedroom. Second, the money paid to me by losers funds my travel to exotic places like the Caribbean. Last week, Troy decided to part with his nuts. He had hired me in the past but backed out on several occasions. I told him third time is the charm. If he backed out, I was going to hunt him down, remove his balls with pliers and let him bleed out. He knew I was serious. That may have lit the fire under his ass. He came to my place. I had all the instruments laid out. I cleaned the castration chair, which was my grandpa’s execution chair from the 60s in an old prison that shut down. Did I tell you my gramps was a doctor who injected the lethal dose of potassium to death row inmates? I think I inherited some of his sick enjoyment of torture sex and killing. Troy got a shot of Jack Daniels before I clipped his balls with my hedge clippers. There was a lot of blood, but that was on purpose. I wanted him weak and in pain. I didn’t kill him. He was a big boy. Would have been hard to dispose of his body. But, I let him know as I cauterized his wound that if he spoke of my service to anyone, I would hunt him down and snuff him out. I took his $10,000 tribute and felt secure that I scared the piss out of him.

Castrated Anal Sex

Castration phone sexYour pathetic dick deserves to be castrated, cut off and shoved up my tight, dirty little asshole while it’s gushing blood! I’m going to wrap your throbbing cock up tight with a rope, cutting off the circulation and laughing my ass off at you as I watch your shaft and balls turning blue and purple from being wrapped up so tightly! I’m just going to be sitting over here, playing with my cunt as I watch you squirm and suffer! I’m sharpening my butcher knife, I need to make sure it’s ready to slice off your manhood! Oh yeah, I want it to be gruesome and bloody, a torturous experience just how you like it! I raise my arm up high and violently cut that pulsating dick off of you, your blood splattering all over me as I castrate your pathetic cock! I’ll cut the balls off separately because I want you to feel the agonizing pain one after the other! Once i’m finished, i’m going to bend over in front of you and fuck myself with your castrated cock! I love the feeling of the gooey, sticky blood and flappy skin as it plunges in and out of my tight fuck hole. It feels like a piece of deflated bubble gum, all soft and rubbery, so disgusting! It looks sickening as I use it as though it were a dildo, covered in your flesh and blood!

Castration Phone Sex: The Best Part is What I Do with Your Nuts Afterwards

castration phone sex Castration phone sex is hands down the sickest fun I can have on the phone. I love telling losers exactly what I am going to do to their testicles. My pussy gets wet at the graphic detail. Every loser who calls me for this specialty is different. I never remove two guys’ junk the same way. Where is the fun in that for me? Variety is the spice of life. I enjoyed telling a loser last night after I removed his balls with a castration band and a rusty saw, that I was going to deep fry his nuts and eat them. My spin on Rocky Mountain oysters. As he laid there in pain, bleeding all over the place, I was deep frying his nuts in olive oil and scallions. They ended up looking like fried perogies, just a lot smaller. Not quite as tasty either. Sat down across from him and ate his balls. I’m not a savage. Of course, I offered him some too. He tried to politely refuse, so I forced a few bites down his throat. Your host offers you something to eat, you eat it, even if it is your own balls. How do you think I will remove your nuts? I will let you in on a little secret. The best part is not removing your balls; it is what I do with them afterwards.

Medical Fetish Fun

Medical Fetish Phone Sex

Opening myself up with a speculum in front of my mirror has become a daily routine. I love being able to see all the way back inside me and check out all of my parts. Taking out my handy dandy flash light to get a better look. I can see my cervix and all the fun we’ve been having scraping and cutting at it during our knife play fantasy sessions. It’s becoming more and more intense and I love it. I crank the speculum open wider and wider so I can check out our work further. The color of the discharge, the blood and it’s overwhelming how intense the pleasure to pain ratio really has become over the past several days. We’re not exactly playing doctor but we’re just taking our time figuring out exactly what direction to take this medical fetish in and I can’t wait to hear your next batch of ideas. 😉 Talk to you tomorrow, yes?