Tag: Knife play phone sex

Bloody phone sex

bloody phone sexI was on a date and I happened to get my time of the month right when we were about to get down right dirty. When his fingers slipped inside of me and he pulled them out, only to see how bloody they were- he got even more turned on. He reached in his pant pockets and pulled out a shinny metal knife.

I wanted to get up and run, but before I could he shoved his cold blade right into my cunt. I guess my flow was not heavy enough for him. He stabbed my cunt over and over again. My legs are slippery wet in my blood. He takes his cock out and shoves it into the gaped open new hole that he has made. He starts pumping in and out of me, saturating his cock in my blood.

I guess after he is done he is just going to leave my body here to bleed out.

Knife Work Practice

Bloody Phone Sex


You have been instructing me for awhile on the pleasure of knife play. Having me drag the blade across my thighs first to get used to the sensation then ordering me to press harder and harder. Cutting off my labia was fun although I cannot lie, it did hurt a whole lot. I’m a bit of a self inflicting sadist though, as you know by now for sure. Watching the look in your eyes while we take turns digging the tip of the blade into my flesh and seeing how big and full of pleasure your face grows while I use my body like a personal voodoo doll. You even got these amazing needles that we stick directly into my ovaries from my tummy itself. Being your human pin cushion for your darkest desires is what gets me off. Finally, you get the big knife out that is double sided and have me ride it like a mounted dildo until it cuts me open. Creating just one giant fuck hole from vagina opening to anal wall. We still have more work to do and personally, I look forward to it.

Castration Phone Sex with Venus

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is by far my favorite. I am not a man hater. Guys think that because I like removing some dude’s nuts that I am some ball busting male hater. I look at what I do as charity. I am stopping the spread of stupidity. I am stopping the spread of misogynistic behavior. If a guy begs me for junk removal, he is no man. He doesn’t deserve his testicles. Those are for winners. Many times, however, I take a guy’s junk for free. I consider that charity. I did some fine charity work over the weekend. The mall is my hunting ground. Usually when I am there, however, I am hunting young flesh to exterminate. I have noticed a dirty old pervert stalking the jailbait for weeks. Facial recognition programs told me he was on the sex offenders list. He diddled some young girls and showed his old creepy genitals to some other girls playing in the park. He was clearly hunting new victims. I appreciate other sick fucks, but I do hate a certain type of P man. The ugly fat slobs with no game who even a fat ugly girl would reject. I confronted him. I explained I knew who he was, and I would report him for violating his parole. He tried to pull a knife on me in the food court. I knocked it out of his hand and pushed him into a public restroom. I yanked down his pants, laughed at his small pecker and cut off his balls. Right then, I de nutted the creeper.  I had nothing to stop the bleeding because I planned on drugging him and doing this at home. I flushed his nuts down the toilet and told him he won’t be preying on young girls again. I walked out of the bathroom with a big smile. I heard later a man had been rushed to the hospital, the victim of a violent castration. He is an old pervert who preyed on young girls. The list of suspects who wanted his balls, I was sure was long. It was a charitable castration.

Mutilation Phone Sex with Marley

Mutilation phone sexHe’d picked me up and taken me back to a warehouse. I thought I was safe, since there were so many people around. He offered to feed me, so I stuck around. When everyone else had gone home for the evening, I started to get a little worried, but….food! He told me he had a kitchen toward the back of the warehouse, and that we could go back there and he’d cook up something delicious for me. Instead, what I found as he locked the door behind us was another girl a bit younger than me. She was on the floor crying quietly, and he introduced me to “my little sister”. I knew right then that something really bad was coming. He made me play with her – her tits, ass, and pussy – before making her do all the same things to me. Then, he had her tie me up and shove a pole right up my cunt. He stood that pole up in a hole in the ground, and I dangled on it, feet maybe an inch from the ground. I could feel the pole trying to work its way into my cervix from my own weight pressing down on it. Then, he broke out a huge blade, and a welding torch. He held the blade up to that flame until it was red-hot. Then, as she watched on in horror, and I watched as though I was not even in my own body, he started at my feet, cutting my body into pieces. I watched my feet fall to the ground, then my calves, then my thighs. The pain wasn’t even registering after the first one. Then, he was at my belly….

Snuff Porn Fantasies

snuff pornHe told me I was perfect for snuff porn. I wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or not. Did he mean I looked like a good pain slut or did I look like the kind of girl that should be killed? Turns out it was both. He put on a Japanese snuff film and talk about all the ways he could kill me. My pussy was super wet. Seriously, the more graphic he got about killing me, the more I wanted to die. I know, right? What is wrong with me that I would actually want to die on film? I am a submissive whore. I prefer being used and abused than treated like a princess. Pain and violence make me horny. He was getting high which always takes him to a weird place. I was huffing a spray can bottle for a quick cheap high. It was impossible for me to feel pain. I told him to hurt me; like seriously hurt me. He took his cigarette and burned my clit. I yelped in delight. I begged for more. He took his switchblade and carved his name in my stomach. The hot crimson blood trickled down my stomach. He started stroking his cock until he came on my belly. The look of blood and cum mixed together on my stomach was so hot. He fucked me twenty minutes later, cutting my face and arms. Blood and sex are fricking hot. Want to fuck me then kill me? I really do deserve to die. I want to star in your snuff movies.

The Private Collection


killer phone sex


I woke up in a dark room. Looking around for any way to turn lights on, I was completely faded.
I guess there was something in that last drink at the bar? I kept walking around the dark room, totally blacked out.
I kept feeling weird fleshy pieces along the walls that were sticking out but didn’t think much of it until the lights came on.
Once I could see what I had been touching, I couldn’t help but vomit all over the floor. It was cocks.
Thousands and thousands of cocks attached to the walls. Suddenly I couldn’t help myself, noticing they were all hard.
I had to fuck those cocks.
I ran around the room like a crazy nympho bitch, pleasuring myself on all the dicks. Cumming over and over
on each dick. All the beautiful dead man’s cocks, every nationality. A rainbow of orgasms waiting to happen.
After exhausting myself, I opted to take a nap. That’s when the lights went out again. I wonder what will be there
when I wake up this time? Or do you think my privates will become apart of this gallery on this next run?
I guess when I wake up, we’ll find out. 😉

Castration Phone Sex: Who Wants Junk Removal?

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is the next best thing when you are a sadistic bitch. Virtual castration is hot, but not nearly as fun as really taking a pair of nuts. Ted pissed me off. He told me, even paid me, to remove his nuts. I had all the tools ready. The castration chair was dusted off, my knives sharpened. I was pissed when he didn’t show up and I discovered that the check had been cancelled. I was going to give him free junk removal. He earned it. I hunted him down at this dive bar he frequents. I spiked his drink and snatched him in the parking lot as he was stumbling to his car. I hit him hard, so he was out cold on the ride to his place. He woke up in a chair, not my preferred chair, but in the position I needed. Once he realized who I was he tried apologizing. Too late for that shit. Backing out is one thing, but once you agree to nut removal, I keep the money regardless if you chicken out. “You could have had a clean castration,” I whispered in his ear right as I used my rusty knife to cut off his balls. He screamed loudly. I licked the blood from his severed balls off my knife. The taste of pain and humiliation is the best taste. He cried like a baby. I laughed, even bent down to kiss him so he could taste it off my lips. I told him that he brought this on himself. I was happy to give him a clean castration and stop the bleeding but he stopped the check. No compassion for assholes. Let this be a lesson to you. If you call me and ask for a certain fantasy, don’t change your mind as I am already planning for some torture sex.

torture sex

Snuff Sex Date

snuff sexI love snuff sex. I am a predator. I like to hunt, kill and fuck. I have this game I play with myself where I go shopping for a date. By date, I mean a man I can fuck then kill, like a praying mantis. Last night Earl was the lucky victim. I hunted him from Starbucks. He was a hipster douche bag. Cocky, rude, self entitled, everything I hate about society.  He ordered a large order of fancy blended drinks, made the rest of us wait for our plain old coffee, was rude to the baristas and on top of all that, he didn’t tip. I followed him to his office then to his house. I studied him for a few days, then unGothed myself a bit to strike his fancy and hit on him. Men are weak for a bold woman. They never say no to free pussy. Predictable idiots. Back at his place, I slipped him a roofie. He woke up tied to his bed spread eagle with a castration band around his balls. I was sharpening my knife when he awoke. I loved the look he had when he saw my knife. I told him he was out of his league because I don’t fuck douche bags. I informed that I do cut off their dicks so they cannot reproduce. We need less assholes in the world, not more. He was a grade A tool who would breed more grad A tools. Once his balls were a pretty purple color, I sliced off his nuts. He was bleeding. He was also crying like a baby. I could have stopped the bleeding, but I hated him. I wanted him dead. So, I left him there crying like a baby to think about being nicer to people. I saved his pathetic balls as a trophy.

Playing Both Sides And Loving It Part 2

Torture sexHearing his words.  Knowing this was my chance to do to this little cunt bitch exactly what I wanted done to me.  I walked right over to the dope up bitch and backhanded her hard across her fucking face.  Then immediately I stripped the little whore down.  She was drooling and trying to mumble the words please no stop.  I just laughed at her  and told her to shut the fuck up.  The man that was with us (sorry never found out his name.) put in a Snuff porn video for entertaining background noise.  I started to twist at this cunt’s nipples and cunt lips.  Taking my cigarette and burning her.  Laughing as her screams were muffled by the drugs in her system.  I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and started to cut at her flesh.  Just enough so she can feel the pain and I can see the blood.  She tried to fight me off but in her doped up state of mind she could barely move.  Just become a blubbery pile of shit on the floor.  I grabbed some salt and poured the salt into her open cut wounds.  Her body lashed at the pain I was inflicting.  This made my cunt sloppy fucking wet.  I saw a bat near by and whacked her a few times hard in the stomach and on the thighs.  Before shoving the bat deep in her cunt. Sliding the bat in further and further with each stroke.  Torture sex brings out the best orgasims in me.  The man was relishing in all this torture I was inflicting on this bitch.  His fuck rod was fucking hard as a rock. He walked over to us and pushed the bat out of her and shoved his cock in her.  He told me to start bashing her head in with the bat.  I squirted right there in my panties with his words.  “Ohh  Yes I shouted out!”  As I began to smash her head in.  feeling every blow that hit her head vibrate through the bat.  Oh My God what a fucking turn on this all was.  She was lifeless and he was still pounding away at her dead body.  Then he turned his attention to me.  And I knew exactly what I was in for.  The time of my fucking life!!!

Snuff Sex is Hot Sex

snuff sexSnuff sex is the best sex. Have you ever thought about killing a girl as you were fucking her? I am sure you have fucked some twat waffles in your life. Maybe even a young girl whom you were afraid might get you arrested if she spoke to the cops about what you did to her. Killing someone as you fuck them, solves the problem. I know. Have I ever told you that I like young boys? Teen boys have rock hard cocks. No issue getting hard or staying hard. I find them on Tinder. They lie about their age or use a brother or even a daddy’s account to hook up with chicks. One boy hooked up with the wrong chick last week. That wrong chick was me. He knew I was out of high school by a decade and a few years. He knew I was a Goth chick. I thought he was a slightly older man at 34 with a sick side. This boy showed up at the motel I arranged for us with his vanilla hard cock. Now, I liked his dick. Not the first teen boy I fucked. But he was the first teen boy I killed while fucking. He was disrespectful. Called me an old bitch and a slew of other derogatory names while his dick was in my cunt. I made myself cum with the use of his dick, then I fucked him some more reverse cowgirl so I could slice his nuts off while his dick was inside me. He pushed me off him, made a big deal out of the slice and dice job I did on his balls. He started talking about daddy being a cop so I stabbed him about a 100 times until he was bloody dead mess. I don’t care your age or who your daddy is, if you can’t be respectful to a goth goddess, I will make a snuff porn with your dead body. Men or boys can never forget who is in charge.