Tag: Knife play phone sex

Sunday Snuff Phone Sex

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex Sundays have become my favorite day of the week. While others are going to church and resting, I am slaying stupid cunts and severing worthless dicks. I believe in Sunday, Bloody, Sunday. I was in a foul mood this morning. I was supposed to hook up with this guy to torture his little cock teasing niece. I had all the details arranged. I like killing with an accomplice, especially when the victim is a little girl. It is fun for me to watch you force fuck her holes until your dick is covered in her blood. He stiffed me a sizeable amount of money and I wanted paid. I decided to hunt him. I found him in his apartment. He was easy to find. He gave me fake info about his niece but used his real name. He was going to be fun to torture and snuff. He recognized me from the avatar I use on the Dark Net. Stupid fuck thought this was all some sort of joke. The joke was on him. I was going to remove his balls and his cock, so he would have to piss through a straw for the rest of his life. Some one as dumb as him, doesn’t deserve to have pleasure. Certainly, doesn’t need to reproduce either. Stupidity breeds stupidity. I stripped him naked, tied him to a chair and told him he was in for a world of pain. I brought my rusty saw and knife, so it would hurt more. He thought I was joking. I don’t mess around when it comes to castration phone sex. I take junk and I don’t do it painlessly. Where is the fun in that? I put his dick under a Bible and sawed it off. His blood seeped many pages of God’s word. Funny, right?  I snickered as he screamed in pain. Taking his balls too was just for fun. Only a dickless man fucks around with a sadistic bitch, so I made him into what he already was.

Evil Phone Sex

evil phone sex

Evil Phone Sex is what’s on my mind tonight.  I just went through a bad breakup with a cheating ass no good loser.  He did have a big fat cock though.  I guess that’s why I stayed with him this long.  But, it’s not like  don’t get plenty of cock anyways here at work. And at least they don’t give me any shit either.  But right now I’m just pissed off and I feel like mutilating some of these dead bodies.  Nobody is off limits too.  I’m fucking everyone in here up tonight. I think I’ll switch some of their body parts out.  Give some of the less fortunate in the cock department an upgrade.  Creating my own Frankensteins lol!  Call me and tell me what you want me to do to them.

Torture Sex Gone Wrong

torture sexWhen I walked into work today, I was not expecting what I saw.  Apparently this bitch was having some crazy torture sex and the sick motherfucker she was fucking, got a little carried away.  No, not just a little carried away, a whole lot carried away.  This bitch was bloody as fuck.  Apparently they were all coked up, meth’d up, you name it, they were on it.  She had gashes everywhere.  He even cut off her nipples.  Which was kinda fucked up for me, cause I have my own little nipple collection at home.  Anyway, her neck was also broken. The police said that neighbors had called 911 when they heard all the noise and screaming.  By the time the cops got there, bitch was swinging from the chandelier twitching her last moments away.  Spewing blood everywhere.  He was still holding the knife when they broke down the door.  The told him to drop it, but he was so fucked up, he tried to approach them and they filled his ass with lead. He had about 25 bullet holes in him.  This was definitely a case of torture sex gone wrong.  At the end of the day, I get them.  Now, what shall I do to them?


Snuff Sex is the Best Sex

snuff sexSnuff sex is the best if you ask me. Fuck them and kill them. I am not one for pillow talk. I am not one for cuddling either. Once I cum, my need for a guy is over. Just like once you fuck a tender age slut, you don’t want to send her home to rat you out as a dirty P man, right? They lose their usefulness. Normally, I don’t kill my accomplices, but I rarely fuck them either. Ted hired me to procure him a virgin school girl. At the age he wanted, finding a virgin was not difficult. Ted was not a creepy fat fuck driving a white van with a mattress in the back who is forced to register with the police department whenever he moves. He was a handsome, sophisticated and intelligent man. He wanted a young girl because he could afford it. Enough money gets you whatever you want in this world. He had a rape fantasy involving a super young girl. I made it come true for a price. I think I got super horny watching a good looking dude fuck a little bitch. Of course, I was also aroused by her screams. After it was clear he was done with her, I killed her. That turned him on. His dick got hard again when he thought he was drained dry by that bald tight slit. Never underestimate the sex appeal of a snuff porn bitch. I carved up that little beauty queen and fed her to the coyotes. We fucked like wild animals afterwards. Her blood was still on his dick and all over my body. After he came, he tried to cuddle. Like what the fuck man? I just killed the little slut you assaulted. Do you think I wanna spoon? He got a knife to the chest. It’s a knee jerk reaction to any attempt at intimacy. I fuck and I kill. I was a tad remorseful because a good cock shouldn’t go to waste. But, he shouldn’t have tried to spoon. A spoon gets the knife every time.

My Gal Pal

Snuff porn My gal pal Kerri and went to a local BDSM club. We were looking for sadists who really wanted to beat the bloody mess out of us. Just like me blood turns right the fuck on. The smell, the look, and the pain that comes with extracting it out of my body We found one who said he wanted to have us both and he promised our flesh would be torn up from head to toe. And that we would be to weak from the loss of blood to walk out. We would have to be carried out. We called his bluff and followed him back to part of the club that had all sorts of whips, chains, Knives, and other torture devices I did not even recognize. I could feel my cunt creaming in my pants and I could see the look on Kerri’s face. I knew she was just as sloppy wet as I was.

Castration Fascination

castration phone sex


I’ve been totally turned on by the idea of severing a set of testicles off of a man’s body as long as I can remember. When I would go visit my grandparents on their farm, I would beg Grandpa to let me do the honors when it came time to use the emasculator on the new heard. I would often think about how grand it would be to slap a pair of those around a set of big thick hairy balls attached to a pathetic worm boy. I finally got my chance today to really live out my dark thrill. I was back visiting my grandma and grandpa when I noticed the new farm hand really getting into me handling the castration of a retired stud. I looked up and noticed his cock was so hard it was probably chaffing the head, the imprint fully visible through his wranglers. I made a motion to the feed room and he followed. I ordered him to drop his jeans and let me see his ball sack. He did so, sweat dripping down his temples- looking down at my young skinny body in just a small black sundress. I clicked the tool and the thick rubber band wound rightly around his testicles. He went to yelp like a bitch but I slapped him back into his senses. I reached into my bag and grabbed my favorite knife, slicing through the thin stretched skin and taking his set right off. I threw them into a jar on the counter to save for later when I got hungry, some fried human-sourced rocky mountain oysters will be so tasty later.

Bloody Phone Sex

bloody phone sexI’m having a bloody good time tonight. All these bodies. Bloody Phone Sex is what I’m into tonight. I have a load of bodies going to the crematorium so tonight, there are mine to play with.  The first thing I do when I come into work, is strip down.  Examine what’s come in for the day.  Then I have all these fantasies about what could have happened if they had run into me or my friend Shadow.  She’s into twisted shit too. Occasionally I have to dispose of some fucked up looking bodies she brings me.  A lot of the time, I like to pose their bodies in a fashionably sick and twisted way.  I can break their bones and make extremely distorted figures out of them.  Other times, I just go wild with knife play phone sex.  Cutting pieces off.  Cutting women’s breast implants off or just their entire breast.  With my job, the possibilities for some sadistic shit is endless.  Wanna play with me?knife play phone sex

Knife Play Phone Sex

knife play phone sex

Well looky looky what I found on my way to work.  Stupid fucking bitch. Who hitchhikes anymore?  Knife play phone sex with her should be fun. Usually they’re already dead when I get to slice them up, but today must be my lucky day, and obviously not hers.  My shift just started and I’ve got ALL night to play with her.  What do you think I should do to her?  I’ve already started cutting little slits all up and down her.  Not enough to make her bleed out.  Oh no, that would take away all the fun.  Just enough to frighten her and thrill me.  There’s already a nice puddle underneath her that I’ve rolled around in and rubbed it all over my tits and my starving pussy.  I climbed up on a ladder so I could straddle her face and made her lick my pussy clean of her fresh blood.  It was so exhilarating.  I grabbed her by the back of the head grinding my cunt all over her face until I came all over her.  She looks so beautiful hanging there with my sweet juices mixed with her blood dripping off of her chin.  We’ve got a very long night ahead of us.  Call me and tell me what you would like for me to do with her.

Sex With Dead Bodies

sex with dead bodiesDo you fantasize about having sex with dead bodies as much as I do? For me, it’s not just a fantasy.  My career as a mortician allows me to really live out my fantasies making them my reality. Cold dead bodies are so hot!  I bet you envy me and my job don’t you? Well you shouldn’t.  You can join in on all the fun anytime you want.  I’m here for you and our secret desires.  There’s no reason to be ashamed of what you really want to do to these corpses.  You have no idea how good they feel.  And of course they NEVER object to anything we want to do to them.  I have some fresh new kills in here that I think you would really enjoy.  There’s no limits to our fun.

My Last Babysitting Job


babysitter phone sex

I had just sat down to watch some television after putting the two little angels to bed when I heard a meek little scream come from their bedroom. Assuming a nightmare was just taking place, I sort of brushed it off for just a moment before hearing the second scream. I rushed up the staircase and that’s when I saw you with your cock shoved inside her tiny face, skull fucking her through her eye socket while her small body limply hung off your dick. Her even tinier little sister already ripped in two in her cradle. As soon as our eyes locked, I knew I was next. I ran downstairs and grabbed a knife to try to protect myself with but you threw me to the ground quickly and disarmed me without an issue. You threw me to my knees and made me suck the little one’s brain matter off of your uncut penis which left much flavor to savor. You took your belt off, wrapped it around my neck as I begged for my life. You made me suck your cock while you choked me to death. What a mess for their parent’s had to clean up, right?