A soaking wet dream I had last night! My tits where getting castrated. The knife dug into the side of my fake boob popping it letting all the silicone rush out of my body. Then he took the knife and carved around my nipple into he cut my nipple off. I was screaming the pain was making me squirt hard. He shoved my nipple in my mouth making me chew and swallow on it. He then took the knife and with one swift motion and he sliced off my left tit. My body jerked and the blood was tickling me as it dripped down my flesh. This time he took a raw bite of my tit that he cut off and ate it before shoving some in my again. He slowly cut pieces off my body and we both ate them. Before I woke up from this dream I had squirted hard at least 8 times. I really want to have this dream again.
Tag: Knife play phone sex
Castration Of My Tits.
Snuff Sex: Fuck Me Properly or Die
Snuff sex is the only sex for me. I am like a Praying Mantis when it comes to fucking. The first time my lover tries to talk in baby talk to me, call me sugary names or attempts to cuddle, I kill him. If I could bite a man’s head off, I would. Now, don’t go thinking I am some crazy psycho. I am not. I warn these guys that I just want their dick. There is to be no romance. And, I give them one warning. These dead ex-lovers have been warned. They have no one to blame but themselves when I stab them and fuck their dead bodies. Sex with dead bodies is underrated. If you kill a man right when he is hard that cock stays hard for a while. The body is still warm too. And the best part is that a corpse can’t cuddle or talk. All I am doing is making myself the perfect fuck slave. One with a warm hard cock that won’t call me baby and try to spoon me. If a guy is super hung and handsome, but just can’t follow instructions, I see nothing wrong with stabbing him in the gut and using his blood as lube to fuck his dead dick. Don’t consider this just a blog, consider it a warning. You want to fuck a demented bitch like me? Follow the fucking rules or get killed.
Kidnapping Phone Sex Accomplice
When it comes to kidnapping phone sex, I excel at being an accomplice. This guy had me tied up in his basement. I wasn’t sure what he was going to do with me. I made him a deal. I promised him that I could get him something younger and tighter if he spared me. His curiosity was piqued. I had to do some fancy talking but I knew he would want something in better shape than me. We went to the mall. I always had a gun on me. I knew I had to pull this off or I would die. I am a soccer mom. Young girls don’t have the same stranger danger with me as they would with my kidnapper. I saw a young teen girl. I convinced her to help me carry some bags to the car for money. My kidnapper was my shadow. He jumped her when we got to the parking lot. I felt bad. I knew she was going to be his teen rape porn star, but this was survival of the fittest. When we got back to his dungeon, he tied us both up. What the fuck. I just bought myself some time I guess, but I didn’t change the ending. He took turns abusing us both. I watched as he force fucked the little whore I lured. After he came in her, he released her. I thought I might have the same fate, but he turned the tables on me. He gave her a knife and told her that I was the one who got her force fucked. She called me names then kicked me hard in the pussy. I didn’t think she had it in her to kill me. At least I hoped she didn’t. She rammed the knife in my stomach as I was tied up dangling in front of her like a carrot. Clearly, I was wrong.
Doctor NO!!!!
My fear of doctors proved to be valid when he used and abused my tiny teen cunny. I always dread going for my yearly gyno appointment! Doctors terrify me, I mean they are literally trained to know how to torture your body. They know the places to cut that will make you bleed out slowly, and they know where to cut to make it quick. My normal gyno was out sick, and his fill in was a big stocky man with arms the size of my head. When the nurse brought me back to the room, he had he strap my wrists and spread ankles to the bed. I thought it was odd, but he insisted it was a safety precaution. It started out normal, he used the clamps to open up my tight pussy, and started poking around with a cotton swab. After a few minutes, I seen him switch from the cotton swab to something else, but I couldn’t see what he switched to. I felt the cold metal and sting of a cut forming on the outside of my pussy lips, before he started stabbing inside of my little pussy with what must have been a scalpel. I screamed and screamed, but I heard the nurse tell someone not to worry. I started to feel light headed from the blood lost, and when I was right about to pass out is when I felt his huge cock being pushed into my bloody pussy. When I woke up I was in a wheelchair being rolled out to the car, and that is when I decide that I am absolutely never going to a doctor ever again.
Bloody Whore Snuff
Daddy loves making me his bloody little whore. He has a collection of knives that he likes to test across my soft young skin. He loves watching the blood flow in streams and pour down my naked body. He makes sure to lay down some tarp for our play time. First, he has me strip down to nothing but the rope wrapped tightly around my body.
Daddy then has me get down on my knees and peg for his cock like a good piggy pain slut. He only lets me have a taste of his cock once I let him drag his blade across my porcelain skin. He loves when I rub the blood all over my perky tits. He loves watching the blood drip down to my clit mixing with the soaking wetness of my pathetic cunt.
I only get to taste his cock when I’m drenched in my own blood. Only then, does he shove his fat cock into my little whore mouth. He makes me choke on it until I’m barely gasping for air, then he cums all over my piggy whore face. The blood continues to drip all over my worthless body while plays with my cunt using my blood as a lubricant.
Knife Play Phone Sex Fun
I enjoy knife play phone sex. With my trusty sharp companions, so many things are possible. I broke into a guy’s house earlier in the week. He was an asshole that needed taught a lesson. A lesson my knife could make. I got a great surprise. He had a young daughter in the house. Two for one. I tied him up, put my panties in his mouth while I played with his precious baby girl. She looked like a little beauty queen. The kind of little girl who will grow up to be a spoiled bitch. We need less of those in the world. I tied her up in front of daddy, so he could watch me sexually mutilate her young body. The body I am sure he has coveted a time or two before. I sliced off her right tit. She bled so easily. She screamed in pain. Her dad was begging for me to stop but get this. He was hard. Rock hard as I tortured his princess. He was pleading with me to stop hurting his baby girl, but his body betrayed his words. I held a knife to his young girl’s little clit. I could feel her trembling. She was scared. I told her to look between her daddy’s legs and see his hard cock. She closed her eyes, but I forced them back open. I wanted her to see her daddy for what he was: a snuff sex pervert. He was aroused that I was sexually mutilating his daughter. I sliced off both nipples. I sliced off her clit. I carved whore on her stomach. I was originally there to kill her daddy, but I was not expecting such a nice cock. I undid his pants and rode his hard cock in front of his daughter who was trembling in fear and pain. Once I had my fun with daddy dearest, I chopped off his dick and stuck it in his daughter’s mouth then I slit her throat. Both would bleed out. I never leave DNA. It will look like a gruesome revenge killing over drugs or money. Hottest break in ever.
Master’s New Play Thing
My master brought a new girl down to my chamber. She was filthy, covered in shit, piss and blood. Will he finally let me go home to my Mommy and Daddy, I thought. Unfortunately, I was forever to be his tortured, kidnapped, pain slut until he becomes sick of me. This new play thing was for us to have fun he said. He wants me to play with her, torture her- fuck her. He had her tied up to a small furnace as I gagged her with a shit stained sock. He had me cut her open, peel her skin and make a new hole for him to fuck. Dirty tears streaked down her face and soft screams barely slipped around the gag as master jammed his cock straight into the bloody hole in her gut. He plunged his cock in and out of her as I continued to stab and jab the rusted knife inside her. Better this little whore than me, right? Playtime is a bitch, but I’m thinking that I’m starting to like being his little accomplice.
Bloody Phone Sex Halloween
Bloody phone sex fun is in order for Halloween. At the stroke of midnight, I packed up my knife collection and went hunting for little ghosts and goblins. I got lucky that a house in the next country was having a party. There were adults and littles ones dressed up. I was the party crasher. Dressed like Michael Myers, I stormed in the house with my hands armed with big butcher knifes. I move faster than Michael Myers. I started slashing away at flesh. Old flesh and tender flesh. The younger ones bleed faster and their blood smells sweeter. Bodies were hitting the floor fast. Blood was pooling round my feet. The smell of fear and death is intoxicating to me. I tortured women in front of their husbands. I dismembered little ones in front of their parents. I fed the family dogs a nice steak to keep them away. I am not a total psychopath. I didn’t harm the pets. It is humans I find annoying, not animals. It was hard to believe that one short bitch could kill 12 people so easily. It’s all in the element of surprise. They were not thinking they would be slaughtered like snuff porn stars in their own home. They were likely intoxicated too which would have slowed their reactions. Sure, I was channeling all my bad ass serial killer energy, but it was super easy to slaughter a group of folks at a time. Normally, I am a spree killer versus a mass killer. A kill multiple folks over the course of a night instead of a group of people at once. I have a taste for it now. I left no DNA. In costume, I blended in with the other party goers in town. I woke up this morning, turned on the news and heard about a mass slaying in a house thought to be drug related. I started masturbating knowing no one will ever link me to this random mass murder in a suburban home on Halloween night.
Halloween Gang Rape
When I got the invitation to the Halloween Party, I was so excited. It was a lingerie costume party and I had a beautiful red and black corset I could not wait to show off. I had my makeup done to cover the bruises Master left during our last encounter. I felt so pretty and finally felt sophisticated, classy. When I arrived to the party location, there were a ton of cars there. This is going to be so great! I walked in the back door, like the invitation said, and I was greeted by 35 men wearing face masks and nothing else. As soon as I walked in the room, I heard the door lock behind me and felt a huge knife to my throat. I was pulled by my hair to the middle of the room where a bed was. I was pushed down on my back on to the bed. What’s happening? Did Master trick me? Master appeared from behind me, he was the one holding the knife to my throat. He used the knife and cut all the way down the front of my beautiful corset, ruining it and peeling it off of my body. I was then fucked violently by each and every single of the 36 men, including my Master, who of course got a piece of me after I was filled with stranger’s cum – His favorite.
Castration Phone Sex
Castration phone sex is bloody good fun for me. Nothing gives me more pleasure than chopping off nuts. There are a lot of reasons a man might need his nuts whacked off. Some men are douche bags who shouldn’t reproduce. Some men have tiny dicks and shouldn’t be allowed to procreate and give the world more tiny dicked losers. Some guys just piss me off. Hell, some men even beg for their nuts to be taken. If some fucking loser is that pathetic, I will take his money and his nuts. It is a free world and if a man wants a sadistic bitch like me to mutilate his genitals, I won’t deny him. Patrick found my torture sex ad on the Dark Net. He has been trying to make himself a eunuch for years but can’t seem to do it for himself. He paid me $5,000 cash to take his balls. Fuck yes. Easy money for something I enjoy. I had him meet me in my little castration shack in the woods. It is an old hunting cabin I inherited from my grandpa when he died. My grandpa worked at the old prison in town before it was shut down. He was the executioner. He managed to snag me a few items before the prison was torn down to build a new one. One of my favorite pieces is an old execution chair that I embellished into a castration chair. I strapped Patrick in, just like an inmate facing death would be, but I added a plank to separate the cock and balls. I separated his cock from his balls, then I used a castration band around his nuts until the blood flow stopped. I used my newly sharpened big ass knife and made a clean cut. There was a lot of blood. I let him bleed for a bit for shits and giggles, then I cauterized the wound. Then I let him go. Easiest money ever. Fun too.