Tag: Knife play phone sex

Bloody Muse


Cannibalism phone sex

I know this bitch named Casey she thinks she’s my friend, but I’ve got something in mind for her. Casey gets on my fucking nerves I’m going to show her I’ve been wanting to, but I guess I was waiting to give myself a beautifully twisted wrapped Christmas present. Fucking bitch Casey you’re not worth anything friendly, and I’m not able to be any kind of sweet. I tricked that dirty fucking cunt bitch into coming to my house so that I could torture her and mutilate her body. I really didn’t even have a reason except for I was jealous and jealousy motivates works of art in me. I’m sure you’re aware of the expression “Put a Little Love in Your Heart” oh, well I am going to put a little blood in Casey’s heart. I got Casey to my house I gave her some pills in a drink, that knocked her out cold then I started my work. First I took my straight razor and cut little blocks of skin out of that whore. I placed those blocks of skin that I cut out of her scandalously beautiful body onto my sewing table, and that’s my skin sewing table. Did you know that skin dry’s like leather and sews so nicely? I then began the work of cutting her skin deeper I wanted more tissue so that I could fry it and feed it to her when she woke up. I cut those little toes off one at a time, and they were pretty little toes but she doesn’t need them after I get done with her walking won’t be a priority. I decided that I was going to feed those toes to my special Bubble Guppies. When I got done with those toes, I started cutting those fingers off one by one because fingers only get in the way of my artwork. I feel like when I get done with Casey, she’s going to be a fucking Masterpiece bloody art. Next time going to cut off that pretty little fat Pearl tongue. Finally, after everything was cut up, I started to cook each piece of her body. I garnished my lovely little slut cunt’s parts with rice and green beans. My sweet Casey woke up horrified, screaming in pain, so I stuffed a well-seasoned toe in her mouth and made her crunch down. Casey begged and pleaded for me to stop, but nothing could help her nothing at all. Would you like to know what else I did to my bloody Muse? Are you hungry for a sexy slut treat?

Live snuff movies

snuff moviesI love technology! I have become quite the devious slut lately. I have taken full advantage of the sluts in campus. I invite them over and get them nice and drugged up. Then I begin a live snuff movie with my webcam. I get such a high torturing a slut. I love everything about snuff and enduring pain on a bimbo gets me wet as fuck.

There is nothing like a slut begging to be set free. I like to pretend I will eventually set them free but in reality they will be nothing more than old news when I am done with them. Its so hot to see a hot whore become a bloody slut. Leaving her unrecognizable is the goal. Chopping off her nipples and stuffing the biggest razor end dildo is the absolute best.

The 12 Days of Castration Phone Sex Christmas

castration phone sexThe 12 Days of Castration Phone Sex Christmas has officially begun. I am castrating a loser for free every day until Christmas. Normally, I charge 10 grand to take a guy’s loser nut sack. You would be surprised how many guys beg me to take their nuts. Some want a clean castration, others prefer it dirty. Dirty as in catch a nasty infection dirty! I am charitable to a point. My 12 Days of Castration spree will all be dirty castrations. Ted was the first beneficiary of my charity. He has been begging me for years to cut his nuts off, but he just never had the funds to pay me. He is a broke ass loser. His little dick is 3 inches. He can’t even pay hookers to fuck him. He has a dead end job and few friends. I am doing the world a solid by making sure he cannot reproduce. Never will he be a baby daddy. We never needs more sad sacks in the world. I surprised him at his place. The fucking loser had the audacity to tell me to leave. No fucking way. He begged me almost daily for years and now I am going to take his nuts for free and he tells me to leave? I clocked him in the head. Loser went down like a sack of potatoes. I tied him up, stripped him and then tossed some cold water in his face to wake him up. I was holding my rusty knife to his nut sack. The moment he spoke, I sliced his nuts. A dirty cut too. Usually, I would cauterize the wound, but this punk ass didn’t deserve any mercy. I tied a sock around the wound, so he wouldn’t bleed out, but he was going to lose some blood and have a nasty scar from the procedure to remind him always of what a worthless piece of shit he is. Merry fucking Christmas.

We killed that pregnant bitch

Murder phone sex FantasiesMaster and I have been having way too much fun with our murder phone sex fantasies lately. We decided to shake up our devious pleasure & excitement even more and abduct a pregnant whore from the local brothel. We were so horny at the idea of being able to bring her home to our torture room to have some evil knife play with her. I doubt that anyone would miss that stupid ass bitch or her fetus that’s cooking up inside of her. She was screaming, begging & pleading for her life but we shut her up quickly by stabbing the fuck out of her big swollen preggo belly. We were killing her and her unborn youngster at the same time. I was masturbating my filthy cunt while I plunged my machete into her slutty body. Her last gasp of oxygen was one of the most disturbing sounds that I have ever heard. She was dead and her corpse was mutilated and bloody as it laid on our cold steel medical table.

Abducted for snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sex My best friend and I were abducted at knife point and thrown into the back of the van where we were forced to have filthy snuff phone sex together all night long. Master knows that two whores are way better than one, that’s why he wanted me and my Mom as a double trouble duo. We have been working the phones together all night, making horny bastards have back to back orgasms and cumming non-stop. Things have gotten bloody, disgusting and every bit kinky. I really have been going crazy as i’ve been getting fucked and eating my bestie’s pussy. Master shoved a ball gag down my throat because he was fuckin sick and tired of hearing me moan. He bent me over his knee and used his bare hands to spank my sexy ass. I have welted red marks all over my skin, he fucked me up! We’re here waiting to be used and abused some more, we cannot get enough. Anything to please our Master.

Christmas Castration Phone Sex

castration phone sexChristmas castration phone sex season is my favorite time of year. I think the holidays bring out the worst in men and when that happens, I am there with my knife to teach them a permanent lesson in holiday cheer. I was at the mall over the weekend. Still plenty of time left for holiday shopping. No need to be a dick, but this guy was. I had the last new iPhone in my hand from the Apple store. This jackass grabbed it from me and said he needed it more. It was a fucking phone and this jack ass stole it right out of my hands. Well, that didn’t set well with me. That kind of behavior required a lesson. I followed him to his car, placed my knife against his rib cage, and forced him in his car. I handcuffed him once he was in the back seat. I drove him to a no tell motel where crack whores and junkies hang out. The motel desk clerk is a junkie himself. I gave him an 8 ball to forget he ever saw me. I took room 69 because I thought it was funny. This Grinch was not getting anywhere near my pussy or any pussy ever again. I could have given him some whiskey. But I wanted him to feel the pain of a jagged edge slicing off his balls. This hotel was damp, dark and disgusting. I shoved a ball gag in his mouth and stripped him naked. I saw the fear in his eyes. He peed the dirty bed out of that fear. I laughed as I sliced his balls off. He bled on the dirty bed. I tossed his balls in the corner of the room and watched as the cockroaches descended on his severed balls for a feast. I left him there bleeding out. On my way out, I knocked on a crack head’s door and told him the guy in room 69 needed a fix. I’m sure that loser is now a permanent resident of the junkie hotel. Maybe next time he will think before being a dick.

Snuffed Out by Step Sister

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Never in a million years did I imagine my sweet step sister would turn on me, and torture this tight teen slit. She just became a freshman, and I managed to get her onto the cheerleading squad. She is a very sucky cheerleader, but I have been trying to help her. This year our squad was chosen to go to a very big cheer competition, and everyone is working their asses off to make sure we win. As captain I have to make some tough decisions, and I truly felt that she was holding the squad back because of he incompetence. When we got home from school I pulled her into the kitchen to let her know it was nothing personal but the squad just really wanted to win that competition, and we were not going to be able to do that with her still cheering with us. Surprisingly she reacted very well, and even offered me a drink! Well I drank more than I probably should have, and I got very light headed. I went up to lay down, but never made it passed the living room. I remember seeing her face laughing at me, and telling me she was the captain not. I remember her slicing my clothes of, and cutting my skin while she cut. I remember her rubbing the blood on my pussy and nipples, and telling me she was going to snuff out all of her problems, starting with me. She fucked me with a drill, shredding my tight wet teen pussy, and then she slit my throat. She left me on the couch to die, to bleed to death naked, intoxicated, and possibly drugged, and all because I kicked her off of the cheer squad. I tried to scream for help, but it just made the blood gush even more. So, I gave up fighting, and the world went dark.

Snuff Porn Dreams

I touched my little cunt while thinking about him shredding my whole body with nothing but his hand. I grew up on horror movies because they were like porn for daddy, and my favorite was about a man with knives for fingers. He would come into your dreams, and mutilate and murder you. The idea of this excited me, being the little snuff doll I am, and I would have so many fantasies about becoming his victim. One night after waking up from a dream where he snuffed me out I was just so wet I had to finger my bald little slit. Well, daddy walked in on me, and demanded to know what I had been fantasizing about. Guiltily I admit that I always wanted to be snuffed out by the man in the movie, and oddly enough daddy left without a word. The next night I had the same kind of dream, and again I was walked in on. However, this time it was hard to tell that it was daddy. He was wearing the full costume of the man in the movie, as well as a glove with sharpened knives for fingers. Using his other hand he removed my fingers from my pussy, and replaced them with one of his knife fingers. The cold metal and the sting of the cut felt so fucking good I could have orgasmed right there. He cut up my cunt and shoved a knife finger into my ass hole as well. He rapidly moved his knife fingers in and out of me, mutilating my tight teen holes. When I came on his knives he took them out, and decided to make a new hole for him to fuck. He sliced open my stomach, and fucked my freshly made hole. I bled to death, and the last thing I felt was him cumming in my stomach. 

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Bloody Phone Sex Sacrifice

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex makes my cunt wet. Red is my favorite color. Blood is my favorite taste. I practice witchcraft. I come from a long line of deviant witches. I am no Charmed witch, however. I am more the burned at the stake kind of witch. I have a ritual every full moon. I kidnap a young teen slut. The cock teasing thinks her shit don’t think kind of hot teen slut.  The kind of young slut you would die to fuck. Melissa was my latest victim of my blood ritual. I spotted her at the mall being a mean girl. Cock teasing dirty old men, shop lifting from stores, acting like a total bitch. The world will be better without her. I lured her away from her bitch pack with the promise of a role in a horror film. I have a kill shack off the beaten path for my sacrifices. In the basement is where I hone my craft and sacrifice girls to my Pagan Gods. I bathed her, so she would smell fresh and clean, not like some teen whore mall rat. She hung above me naked. I drank some wine, masturbated and had some blasphemy sex with Satan while I taunted her. My long blade next to me teased her flesh. I could smell her fear; I could hear her cries. She knew this was no movie role. She knew she was going to die. I assured her that since she was a blood sacrifice for Satan and his Pagan gods, she would be reborn in hell for eternity. After my ritual chants were complete, I sunk into the tub beneath her, reached my long blade out and sliced her clear down the middle of her young body. I gutted her like a pig. Her blood and entrails fell over me like a tidal wave. I came masturbating in her blood while watching the life go out of her. Hail Satan. Thank you for the gift of this once vibrant hot teen slut.

Christmas Castration Phone Sex Season

castration phone sexCastration phone sex Christmas has begun. The weekend after Thanksgiving, I begin my once a day Castration ritual. It is my way of giving back to society. My special brand of charity helps prevent fucktards from reproducing and in the Me Too era, it empowers women because I am castrating sexual predators too. Don’t know how to use your testicles? Well, then you should not have them. I traveled to another city over the weekend to stalk Damien. Seems he has been living up to his name. He is a privileged college boy who likes to drug coeds then assault them. My guess is his daddy’s money and high-powered lawyer has kept him out of prison even though there have been 12 complaints about the bastard. I decided he needed a charity castration. Neither the law nor the school is going to protect the coeds, so I took matters into my own hands.

I dressed less threatening to lure him. We met at a bar, he spiked my drink when he thought I was not looking, but I am smarter than him and I switched our drinks. He was shocked to wake up tied up naked to my hotel bed. I listed his offenses, gave him a chance to rebut but the little prick was unrepentant.  If he had a least shown some remorse or made up a fake apology, I would have used a castration band and a clean blade. He was a piece of shit, so he was treated worse than cattle. I didn’t even let him do a shot of whiskey. I just used the jagged, rusty blade to chop off his balls. He bled like a stuck pig and cried like a little bitch. I just smiled as I looked at him bleeding out. “Apologize now prick and I will cauterize the wound,” I seethed. Now, I got a fake ass apology, but it saved his life. I took the bottom of a hot pan and sealed the wound. He won’t force his cock inside anyone ever again. Fuck, he won’t have a hard-on ever again. Damien gave me my first set of holiday balls.