There is only one man in this house who has not tortured my black ass yet. He is the head Master in charge around here. I would love nothing more than to be at the mercy of this man. I have caught myself in a fantasy about him many times. I will get on my slave knees and beg this man to torture me if I have to. I know he wants me, I see him drooling over these black slave tits of mine all the time. He has a woman I see him with who goes by the name Jezabel. Jezebel is a twisted and evil woman who wants nothing more than Blood and torture. I did not know that until she tried to snuff me out. As soon as she saw how the head Master was looking at me, I became her new prey. She checked out my background and used it against me. She paid off another man in the house to be an accomplice to her twisted plans. Once she had everything in place Jezabel tricked me into following her. Men and drugs were all I needed to hear from her twisted mouth and I was following her like a pet. Then Jezebel pounced on me and tied me up, throwing me down the basement stairs. I was frightened and turned on at the same time. I see one of the men who lives in the house in the basement with his power tools.
His name is Jim. Jim picked me up and through my brittle body on a slab. Fuck, Jim looked so sexy handling me like the nigger slave I was. Then I see Jealous Jezabel walking towards me. She ripped my shirt open exposing my big titties. I saw Jim in the background looking at me like a piece of meat he was ready to eat. That is when I felt a knife pierce deep into my left titty. I screamed out in pain and pleasure. Seeing a woman take control over me, fucking my black tits up because she was jealous made me want to take her by the hair and smash her face into my oozing bloody titty. I wanted her to be my fucking vampire right then and there. Suck all my fucking nigger slave blood up. As I looked up at Jim and Jezabel the room started going black. I woke up with gauze wrapped tightly around my chest. Jezabels boy toy stopped her before she could end my life. My black tits are fucked up for right now but I can still live another day, fantasizing about the headmaster torturing my slave body.
Tag: Knife play phone sex
Jealous Jezabel Ready To Snuff
Layla Meets her End With Jezabel
I might be a snuff whore but I am still very much a jealous woman. And the only difference between me and the girl next door is that I carry a hunting knife. Well, that and I love the smell and taste of blood. So when my boy toy was drooling over Layla’s big black tits I knew I had to act fast. I sent out an SOS looking for men who wanted a black whore to fuck up. I found just the pay duck in Jim. He wanted her hogtied and delivered to his basement of torment. I knew Layla’s lusty body ran drugs for her associated and took cum like it was nobodies business. I do stalk my prey before pouncing. All it took was an envelope of cash and a promise of pure coke and lots of cocks to have Luscious Layla following me like a puppy pet. Her eyes became frightened but she merely whimpered as I tied her like cattle and threw her down the basement stairs. My only request was that I got to slice and dice Layas Big Tits and make sure my boy toy knew that they were disfigured at my hands. I so enjoyed her screaming as I tortured those round black jugs. Jim had his power tools ready as we put her on the slab. My knife dug deeper the more whore Layla screamed as I made quick knife work of those titties! This was going to be a hell of an accomplice snuff out!
Castration Phone Sex
Castration phone sex is popular on Sundays. I think men get to praying for a bigger dick; praying to be a better man and they can’t do that with a shrimp dick. Little dick losers pray at my evil alter. I don’t have empathy only contempt for small dick losers. I met Tom at a bar. We had corresponded via the dark net for months. I was encouraging him to chop off his balls. He took some convincing, but he agreed. When I came down to doing it, however, he struggled. He botched it, and only nicked his left testicle. That was when he started asking me for more than just encouragement. He wanted my help with chopping off his nuggets. I told him that would cost him. We agreed to meet. Last night, was the last day he had balls. I took him to my castration chamber after a few drinks at the bar. I explained that my castration chair was an old prison executioner chair modified to chop off balls. I gave him a shot of whiskey and strapped him in. For a clean castration, no movement can occur, or I might take the cock too. I separated his balls from his dick. I use a castration band like they do with sheep and cattle. The circulation is cut off, numbing the balls. This makes it easier to whack them off. I wanted to give him a clean cut. I used sterile medical grade scissors and snip snip the balls. It is torture sex. It hurts no matter what, just hurts less when I do it properly. Jack asses get a dirty castration with serious risk of infection. For Tom, I used a soldering iron to cauterize the wound. I’m no surgeon. He will have a nasty jagged scar, but he will live a eunuch’s life from here on out.
Snuff Porn Mall Brats
Snuff porn was on my mind when I saw this gang of mean girls berating a coffee house girl at the mall the other night. They were high school girls. Nothing meaner on earth or more vacuous either than teen girls. The queen bitch was complaining that the barista spelled her name the common spelling. Apparently, that little whore is a Tiffani, but her cup said Tiffany. Slut thought the barista was calling ger common. When she called the barista a stupid whore, I killed her in my head a few times over. Mean girls like that just grow up to be meaner girls that the world doesn’t need. I knew how to lure them away. You play to their vanity, to their sense of entitlement. I told them I was a talent scout for a horror movie. Girls like them always believe me. I took them to my cabin in the woods. I gave them drinks spiked with high levels of gelsemium, which is a toxic plant that causes paralysis. It is felt quickly too. They couldn’t move. They fell to the ground with a thud and I used their bodies for torture sex. I cut up their perfect, pretty faces. I sexually mutilated them. They could feel the pain, but they were powerless to fight or do anything about it. I could see the tears of pain. I carved names like whore and slut and bitch in their flesh, then pissed into their wounds. I was enjoying every moment too. I tortured them for 24 hours before I slit their throats and fed them to the wild animals. No one will find their remains because when the coyotes get done with them, I will burn their bones if any are left. The world will thank me for getting rid of more teen bitches.
Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies
What are your taboo phone sex fantasies? I could write a Russian novel about mine. I have snuff fantasies about killing young ones, old ones, anyone… I have a wicked desire to castrate almost every man I meet. I want to kidnap and torture a bimbo slut. I want to bleed out all the mean girls in the world. I want to traffic small girls so I can profit off their tender age flesh. I want to watch a male accomplice split the pussy and ass of a young one in two. Those are just the tip of the iceberg. Every day, I meet several people that I want to do very bad things to. I talk to them too. I wish there were more accomplices in the world but finding a man that is worthy of my time is hard. It is also difficult to find a man who can match my sadistic needs. I was hanging out with Ivan last night. He wanted to fuck a super young girl, torture and kill her. He vomited at the first cut to her flesh. What a wuss. The young girl, however, she fought like a champion. She had balls. He was a disappointment. So, I gave her a knife and let her castrate the loser who had rape phone sex fantasies about her. She was young, but she had a lot of anger inside, anger she took out on her kidnapper. I think I just found my latest accomplice. Girl power.
how bad do you want it
I interviewed for my dream job. I have been dying to get this postion. When I got the callback, I knew I nailed it and had it in the bag. I thought my potential boss loved me and was respectable and professional. Going in for this second interview was something I wanted more than ever. I was so close to victory and potentially got this job I have hoped for, for what felt like the longest. I walked in gleefully and cheery. I could tell he was not in the mood. I guess he was parting a little too much because his blinds were closed and it was dark. I could feel the environment and vibe shift even more sinister when he started asking me sexual questions. I tried to shrug it off, but he came on even stronger. Panick surged inside me, and all I could smell was the liquor on his breath. I was wondering why he was so close to me, and I knew he wanted a piece of me. He asked me how bad I want the job and proceeded to have snuff sex with me till I was knocked out cold.
Castration Phone Sex: Lorena Bobbit is My Hero
Castration phone sex is one of my favorite things. I have a philosophy. Not every man deserves to have balls. They don’t all deserve a cock either. Testicles and dicks are a privilege not a right. So, if I meet you and decide you don’t deserve your balls or your cock, I will take one or the other or both. Chuck was a unique case. He was a special kind of douchebag idiot. I was minding my own business at the bar when him and his friend stood near me. They were discussing the Amazon documentary on Lorena Bobbitt. She is a hero of mine. This douchebag was saying stupid shit like you can’t force yourself on your wife because she is your property. His level of stupidity was mind numbing. He also said she Lorena deserved the death penalty for taking her husband’s dick. I knew, I had to do to him what Lorena did to John. I waited for his drunk ass to come out of the bar. He looked like a last call sort of guy. He stumbled out of the bar, dropped his keys at his car, which gave me the advantage point. I whacked him on the head and pushed him in the car. I drove to a junkie hotel. I was planning on giving him a hot shot, but not until he saw me take his cock and balls with a rusty old knife. I wanted him to feel the pain too. He screamed like a bitch. Even drunk as a skunk, he felt me lob his cock and balls off. He was bleeding everywhere. I had no intention of saving him. Normally, I cauterize the wound, but this dipshit didn’t deserve to live, so he could spew his ignorance. I let him bleed out a painful death, then I gave him the hot shot. Nothing but junkies at that motel. No one would be a reliable witness and the police would just think he stiffed a whore. He got what he deserved.
Temporary Master
I have been with my new master for a couple of days now. I have learned a lot of things about him in the short time we have been together. He likes blood and lots of it. The first night I was with him he tied my ankles up then tied my ankles around my neck so my legs would be lifted all the way back to my head exposing my nigger cunt. He took a sharp hunting knife and slowly inserted it right into my black fuck hole. The knife was so sharp, as soon as my new master put the tip of the blade in my cunt started to bleed everywhere. He took his large mouth and started sucking the blood right from my bloody nigger cunt. I thought I was going to die right there the first night. The rush was amazing but I did not want to die just yet! No, I wanted to please this big sexy monster as much as I could. I knew if he was making me bleed this much on our first night there was so much more yet to come. My temporary master has a huge 12-inch thick cock. I am just waiting for the day he chokes the shit out of my nigger throat with his giant anaconda. He does not know I like all of this, no master will ever know that secret of mine. I am already liking it here with my temporary master. I just hope the other fuck slave bitch can hold her own so I can stay here forever.
Snuff sex addict
Snuff sex is the best when it is spontaneous. I like going to clubs and targetting sluts that catch my eye. The best snuff fuck sessions have happened randomly. I see a girl I know, and I instantly get the wrong ideas. This week I saw a girl that is an avid bible study ended. We both went to Catholic school together. I could see she was out of her element and I decided to buy her a drink. I made her ease up with some fun stuff. She had no idea I slid some pills in her glass. I had her so out of it that I even was having her do a bunch of coke lines. I eventually convinced her to partake in a gangbang. I had a few buddies rough her up and leave her beaten to a pulp. I wonder how she woke up the next day if she ever did.
Deserving Whore
I got way too drunk and high at my campus frat’s party. One minute I was taking shots and dancing half naked on the pool table and the next I’m laying on a cold table in the dark. I can’t see anything, it’s so dark. I’m scared. A voice interrupts my thoughts and tells me, “Had fun whoring tonight?” I recognized the voice vaguely. Suddenly a bright lamp beamed onto my drunk, bruised face. I was completely naked and tied down. My nipples were rock hard. The voice said that I’ve been such a filthy college slut, and sluts like me needed to be put in their place. He walked into the light and I recognized him from one of my classes. He began stroking my nipples and cunt until my nipples and clit grew hard beneath his fingers. I began to cry and beg for my life but he punched me over and over again until my mouth swelled and filled with blood. He then began wrapping my tits tightly with rough rope, he tightened and tightened until the rope dug into my skin. My tits began to blacken and ache. I tried to plea with him but all that came out of my mouth was gargled blood. He pinched my cunt back with tight clothes pins and then wheeled out sharp metal instruments. He brought out sharp skewers then held me down and began shoving them straight through my tits. I screamed in pain, my cunt drizzled involuntarily while he skewered straight through my perky college tits, he began inserting more and more into my tits. The pain was unbearable, he then moved to my cunt and began pushing sharp pins through my clit and fucked my hole with a sharp knife. Liters of blood poured out of my cunt as he knife fucked me over and over. I deserve this. I brought this upon myself.