Tag: Knife play phone sex

Late Last Night

snuff phone sex

You came home extremely late last night. You must’ve been out drinking with some colleagues again. I heard the car pull up so I decided to pretend to be asleep when you walked into my bedroom. I was intentionally wearing something lacy and something white because you just love seeing me in something that represents purity when you have plans to brutalize and torture me! It pleases me to be your victim. I felt you tying my hands behind my back, as well as my ankles. This is when I decided to begin to “wake up” and struggle. I could feel your cock get hard immediately as you were pressed up against me. Boy do you love it when I put up a fight. At this point you covered my mouth and I began to scream and gasp. Your cock is throbbing now! And I’ll be honest, my pussy us pulsing and dripping. I love that I never know just what you’ll do next. You picked me up and carried me into the kitchen, sat me down in the chair sitting right there in the middle of it. This is where you turned on the stove and started heating up a rather sharp knife. You never even break eye contact with me when you’re putting on this display of preparation. You love that fear of look in my eyes. Do you remember what happened next?


He Made Snuff Sex Easy

snuff sexSometimes snuff sex is easy. Every now and then I get a willing victim who wants to die. He contacted me with a death wish. A male pain slut who knew he was not worthy to live. A dirty cock sucking faggot too. I had him sucking a real man while I sliced his body. It was so much fun too. I used a razor blade between his toes and his fingers. That skin is super sensitive and tender. His hands and feet were bleeding while he was still sucking cock. I decide to castrate him. Clearly, he had urges he couldn’t control. I carved faggot on his cock as I prepared to sever his worthless balls. This way if a woman ever saw him naked, she would know he was a cock sucking faggot. I sliced his nipples off as the castration band cut the circulation off his balls. I carved up his chest too. He was begging to be snuffed out, but I wanted to go slow. I had to take his faggot balls before I could let him die. I wanted him to know that I held his balls in my hands before I killed him. He was still getting skull fucked too. So many ways to die. Burned at the stake. Put in a woodchipper. Drown him while looking at him in the eyes. I told the man skull fucking his faggot mouth to stop for a second. When he pulled out, I slit his throat and my friend skull fucked him in the gapping neck wound where he was bleeding out. The blood was gushing over his cock as my faggot victim was taking his last breath. Some men in this world just know they don’t deserve to be alive. Are you one of them?

Snuff Porn with an Old Bitch

snuff pornHe had an unusual snuff porn request for me. He wanted me to help kidnap his mother. I don’t get too many gigs to kill mothers; well not mothers in their 60s. I didn’t ask questions because he paid me. All I cared about was the money. It became clear he had some deep seeded resentment for his mother. He wanted the most violent torture I could imagine. He had no idea who he had hired. I am so violent I make Jigsaw look like an amateur. I kidnapped his mother while she was sleeping. Old bitch didn’t even have any teeth. He really had mother issues. Again, I didn’t feel sympathy for the old bitch. I knocked her out, so I could get her in my trunk easily. Truth. She was lighter than a sack of potatoes. She woke up tied to a table with a scared look on her face. I started carving her flesh off her body. I was like a hungry cannibal. I carved her flesh off her body like she was a turkey. Her screams were deafening, but they couldn’t be heard deep in the woods. I took my time with the torture. I wanted her to feel the pain. Well, her son did. Right before she took her last breath, I showed her a picture of her son so she knew who wanted her dead. She had her son to thank for starring in my snuff sex film.

Medical Torture Sex

torture sexMy gynecologist was into torture sex of my girl parts. I had no idea. I signed up for some medical experiments for extra cash. I was desperate for money to get some drugs. The ad seemed harmless. The ad made it appear it was just a few medical experiments. The ad was misleading. I was sexually tortured. First, their was the breast exam from hell. My boobs were squeezed so tightly that I thought my boobs might pop off my body. If I had fake tits, I would have popped the fun bags. Dr. Demento used vice grips on my tits to see if I had real or fake boobs. My tits were black and blue almost instantly. He quickly moved on to my pussy. He put a sounding device in my urethra that made me scream in pain. That was followed by being opened wide with a speculum. He started inserting various sharp objects in my pussy. He said he was getting cells from my cervix, but this was medical torture for his own pleasure. The more pain I was in, the more I cried, the harder he got. My pain fueled him to delve deeper into his medical fetish. He said there would be some pain involved, but I had no idea how much pain. When he was done, he fucked me. I had a bloody cunt and bruised tits, but that just turned him on all the more. What a sick medical fetish phone sex call. 

Knife Play Phone Sex

knife play phone sexThere are a 1000 different ways knife phone sex calls can go. My knife is my BFF.  I have way more than a hundred knives too. I have a knife collection so vast that it would put me on the FBI’s radar. I find that a knife can be a quick death or a slow and painful one. I can scar you or kill you. I can disfigure you or castrate you. I can kill you any way I want with a knife. Stab you in the heart. Slit your throat. Gut you like a pig. Exsanguinate you. I can stab you in the ass or cunt and make you bleed out. I can castrate you and make you bleed out. I can kill you with a thousand cuts or just one very precise cut. My knives don’t disappoint me like the human race does. Now I can kill you with my knives or if you are my accomplice, we can kill a victim of your choice. My blades enjoy tender age flesh or tough old flesh equally. A gun kills instantly but a knife allows you to enjoy the torture sex.  I ever need to worry about a knife jamming up, locking or being out of bullets either. I don’t care what your weapon of choice is because when you are with me, we are hunting and killing with very sharp blades.

Kidnapping Phone Sex Slave

kidnapping phone sexI was out jogging when a car almost ran me off the road. I fell into a ditch. Before I could pick myself up, a guy got out of the car and put a bag over my head. I was squirming to get out. I ended up getting conked in the head by someone. I woke up in a little cell. It was like a go go dancer cage, but not as glamorous. I could barely move around. I was trying to get my bearings when a guy came down and rattled the cage. He reached his hands through the cage and pulled me back on his cock. He fucked my ass through a cage He was strong. His grip on me was tight. After he came in my ass, more men came into the room and fucked me the same way, through the cage. I was a captive. After a couple hours of being sodomized, my captor told me he was selling me to the highest bidder. He just wanted my holes used first because the man who bought me wanted a dirty used-up skank to fuck.  I was kidnapped and sold to this guy who said I was too pretty to fuck. He took care of that. He carved my face all up. Wrote whore in my flesh and fucked every hole I have. He didn’t even care that I was bleeding. He liked fucking a carved up old skank more.

Castration Phone Sex

castration phone sexThis is my castration phone sex chair. It is an old electrocution chair from my grandfather’s prison. I inherited a lot of prison memorabilia when the prison was shut down for cruel and unusual punishment. It was a private prison. Only the worst animals were in this place. My grandfather took some liberties with experimentation and executions. I think I inherited my sick mind from him. This chair that killed at least 100 of the sickest killers in the world, now castrates the biggest losers in the world. It resides in my dungeon with other torture devices. I modified it for castration. I have a long board that comes out from under the chair seat. The board has a hole in it so the cock and balls can be separated. I simply affix a castration band to the balls underneath to cut of the circulation, then I cut, chop or saw off the balls. I have a variety of blades from smooth cuts to jagged, rusty cuts. I can stop the bleeding, or I cannot. How I castrate you, depends on you. Whiney annoying bitches get castrated brutally. Guys who accept their fate, get castrated humanely. I have fun either way because I am using my grandfather’s prison equipment for the greater good. Not all men deserve to procreate and orgasm.

Cut Me, Fuck Me

Knife play phone sex

You have me laying in front of you, accessing my body  the ideas of what you could do to me is rushing in your mind. I can see your cock twitch every time one of your little evil ideas excites you. Finally after a long time of leaving me in suspension you command me to spread my legs, as you pick up a butchers knife. You get between my legs and start to slide it’s sharp edge up into my pussy. It cuts and I can’t help me start to scream as the pain radiates all over my body, I feel you start to twist it, rotating it around and around like a corkscrew as it enters further inside me. Then in one quick motion you pull it out, I can audibly hear a slicing sound the pain is almost blinding now. I feel you get on top of me and slide your cock into the gaping mess that used to be my pussy. Your hot cock adds a stinging sensation on top of the pain as you fuck me fast in hard, when you stop you pull you cock out and I see it covered in my blood, as you start to jerk it over me until your blow you load all over my tits and face. At that moment everything for me goes black.

A Cool Sharp Blade

Knife play phone sex

The weather is beginning to cool down but still quite hot so I still stay inside more. The bright sun is a mocking reminder that I’m still part of the world of the living. My only peace was being home alone with no one to bother me I spent time in the kitchen just staring at my mother’s new stainless steel knife set. I found them very arousing so much so I couldn’t stop myself from getting up and grabbing the chef’s knife and running up to my bedroom. Sitting in my bed I examined such an amazingly beautiful blade, big, sharp cool to the touch.  I started to touch myself while running my tongue along the sharp edge, the taste of my blood exciting me. Then the unthinkable entered my mind. Nervously I moved the knife down between my legs, slowly I began to slide it into my cunt. The pain sent electricity throughout my body as warm pool of blood collected beneath me. Still I continued to fuck that knife in and out of me until I achieved the most explosive orgasm of my very short life.

Young Victim To Sadistic Snuff PHone Sex Accomplice

snuff phone sexMy snuff phone sex is straight out of horror films. I never got off to regular sex. When I was opened up By our neighbor who was on one of those offender lists I fucking loved it. I loved how he took my body and enticed me with candy and toys. How he used his small dick to penetrate me for the first time. Little girls were the only thing that he could feel with that dick.

He was kind of upset that I didn’t fight him too much. When he was done he told me to shower, only I didn’t, I went to the garage and took his chainsaw and started it up. When Pervert Tom The neighbor came to see what was going on I sliced his leg off with that big chain saw. He screamed bloody murder, haha! And then I took a filet knife I had stolen from the kitchen and jumped on him with my tiny body and sliced his dick off with one swift cut. He bled out crying and asking forgiveness. The look in his eyes when I said I wasn’t punishing him was priceless. I just really wanted an excuse to cut a mans dick off!