Tag: Knife play phone sex

Knife Play Phone Sex Angel

knife play phone sex

Hey there, lover. Are you feeling a little violent today? I am too, and that’s why I’m hoping you’ll get on the phone and give me a call for knife play phone sex. Have you ever had that kind of phone play before? Maybe you’ve just thought about it in your head but you’ve never found a like-minded girl to play with. But it’s your lucky fucking day because I’m the one who will really enjoy all of the knife play fantasies. I’m not just going to pretend to be touching myself while we talk. I’m going to have my hand between my legs, going to town on my cunt.

Do you want to talk about what it would be like to just run the knife up and down her firm young body? I love seeing the blood start to appear and then drip down her arms, legs, tits, or wherever you want to cut. Maybe I’ll even get down on my knees and suck your cock while you slice her up. But if you have something else in mind, I’m all ears. Just tell me what you need, baby, and I will be glad to make it happen for you!

Snuff Movies and Full Moon Fever

snuff moviesEvery full moon, something comes over me. I am no longer content with just watching snuff movies and masturbating. I become even more homicidal than I already am. The next one is a little over 2 weeks on May 26. I am already planning my homicidal killing spree.  I am like a werewolf when a full moon arrives. I cannot control my murderous urges. I can make Michael Myers or Jason Voohrees look like Hello Kitty on a full moon night. I will kill more than either of them did in all their movies combined, just in one night I know it is taboo and illegal to kill but I blame it on the moon. I have my knife collection already ready. I have a massive collection too. I own bayonets, switch blades, daggers, swords, hatchets, combat knives, a few shivs, scalpels, machetes and straight razors.  I just need my victims. I usually have a murderous type each full moon. I will rotate between murdering men, women, and brats. Is it wrong to wanna kill the tender age? Their full moon is up. Honestly, I do not care if it is. I could be sparing a brat a life of physical abuse, drug use, poverty or heartbreak. The real hell is on earth. The real devils are people like us who have dark desires. There are plenty of spoiled brats or self-entitled twats that deserve to die. I bet you agree. I bet you know some personally. Maybe you want to join me for the hunt and the kill. You can fuck the little twats and I can kill them. Now that the weather is warmer, and this virus has an end in sight the streets will be paved with wee ones to prey on. In the darkness with only the glare of the full moon, no one will notice if a little one wanders away.



Mutilation Phone Sex Slut

mutilation phone sex

If you have ever given me a call, then I think you already know that I am not like most girls. I take kinky to a whole new level and honestly, it is too much for some guys. But you probably ended up here because you were looking for mutilation phone sex and I know that my filthy mind will never be too much for you. Instead, when you talk to me, it will be like talking to a kindred spirit. We will just automatically get each other and to find someone sexually like-minded really is a thing of extreme beauty, don’t you agree?

When it comes to mutilation fantasies, do you want the mutilated party to be me or someone else? Maybe we can even find a girl and we can slice and dice her together. We can start small and just make her torture last for a long time. Oh, my Satan, my pussy is getting wet just thinking about it. I cannot wait to see what kinds of things you come up with to do to our little victim. Do you think you can shock me? I bet you can’t, but we’ll find out when you call me!

Georgia’s Castration of Worthless Cocks

Castration Phone SexI have happened to come across a few calls in my time but one I desperately want to try and castrating your cock. I can see it now after catching you doing some nasty shit and feeling pissed off. It’s been a desire of mine you cut off a worthless dick like yours. What the hell were you jerking I off too? You don’t deserve that little thing! I’m gonna tie it off with a rubber band making the cock hard and clean first. I’ll have you all nice and tied up for me to take away what makes you a man. I’m going to make a bloody mess out of you when I’m done. Just relax while I drag this knife up and down your body lightly and taking it down your cock ready to cut it clean off. It’s going to hurt baby but it’s what you deserve for being such a dirty boy.You need an evil bitch like me to teach you a lesson. Come here and let me give you what you deserve!

A Final Moment Of Ecstasy

Taboo Phone SexI could see the raw pink skin beneath the ropes that bound them to their torture devices.

They knew their fate and they did not care!

Sluts being lead to the slaughter by soft tongues beckoning sweet pussy juices….hard cocks promising one final transcendent moment of ecstasy!

The blade that sliced through their exposed clits was almost undetectable as their cunts clenched and contracted, spitting sweet pussy juices through the pain!

Their eyes rolled back in their heads and they did not notice the deepening color of that sweet cunt nectar as it turned from milky cream to pink and then red.

A pool of crimson drips beneath their mutilated lips as the knife plunges deeper into their cunts , destroying their virgin wombs!

I watched as their delicate white necks grew limp and could no longer support their heavy heads!

It is only then that his cock begins to rage through the blood, pounding through the torn flesh, draining his balls and spewing cum into shredded tissue that could no longer surround or embrace his throbbing rock hard meat!

And I found my untouched cunt, waiting, yearning, and dripping at the erotic torture, the final climax that was my fate!

Georgia’s recent medical fun

medical fetish phone sex

I’ve recently become informed in medical fetish phone sex! Oh my god it’s so hot and so fun! Being creative of all the fun and sadistic things you can do! Having a little girl like me as a patient or accomplice, we will have loads of sadistic fun together! It won’t just stop their either. I’ll take it as far as we can go with all the nasty and scary situations I put myself into. Aren’t you ready to hear about the true painful torture of such a hot tight body? Dominating someone like me or using me to dominate another poor little girl as we rip into her precious body seeing all the torturous things we can get away with on doing to her precious body. Let me be your sexy nurse while we bring some little ladies in for you to play with! Roleplay with me and make the hot fantasy come to life with my moans and screams baby!

Bloody Phone Sex is Bloody Hot

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex is bloody hot. I am not squeamish at the site of blood. I love blood. I discovered this at a young age. I was a schoolgirl when I had my first kill. I did not kill animals like most sociopaths, however. I did not target sex workers or the homeless either. I wanted a fair fight, even at my young age. I killed predators. I would get on my dad’s computer and look for where the registered sex offenders lived that were nearby. There were a lot. Did you know that when sex offenders must register where they live, it list their sex crimes and ages of their victims? It was not that felt like I had to defend little girls and boys like me. I hate brats. I hated them then and I hate them now. It was that as I was developing my dark side, I was looking for a fair fight and I wanted to kill someone no one cared about. I wanted to kill people that had a lot of enemies to generate more suspects for the crime. Even as a little girl, I was smart about killing. My first victim was a man 4 blocks away from where I lived. He had sodomized many little boys. Spent 20 years in prison and was out. I cased his place for weeks. No one lived with him, so only maybe his parole officer would look for him. I broke in a few times because I was tiny enough to get in and out of the doggy door. I knew he stilled liked little boy dick. He had stacks of illegal magazines and videos. One night, I crawled through the doggy door and stabbed him to death in his bed. Blood went everywhere because he was a fat fuck. He choked on his own blood. He was shocked to see such a young girl wielding such a big knife. I carved Pervert on his forehead and justice on his chest. No way this crime was getting blamed on a little schoolgirl who lived down the lane. It never did. To this day it is unsolved like many of my snuff porn victims. I love to kill, and I love a bloody mess. A fair fight is not always required because I do love mutilating tender age flesh too.

Craving Mutiliation

Being a pain whore is not an easy life.Taboo Phone Sex

You would think that all I would have to do is walk down a dark alley and my body would be tortured, and beaten and I would once again get that rush that only comes from having my skin ripped open!

Feeling a cold steel blade slice into my nipple, the warm trickle of blood running down my bruised swollen tits….it’s best when I am being held down against my will and being forced to take the hard angry cocks of complete strangers!

There is nothing more satisfying as waking up in a puddle of piss and cum at four in the morning, prying my bruised mutilated body from the cold dirty pavement and walking home in torn clothes that no longer cover my shame and humiliation!

But as I clean the slashes in my skin, the tears in my ass and pour rubbing alcohol on my sliced cunt ( I love the sting), I can’t help but feel frantic, wondering where I will get my next fix.

I need the pain and humiliation like some people need air!


Knife Play Phone Sex Slut

knife play phone sex

One of the guys that I fuck on the regular has a thing for knives. The first time he brought one out, I will admit that I was nervous. I knew he wasn’t gonna kill me, but I had no idea what he was doing. He asked me if I had ever felt the cold steel of a knife pressed up against my body. I said no, and he asked me if I would like to. He said it was one of the hottest things ever, and that he wanted to share it with me. I trusted him, so I told him that I really wanted to give it a try. I knew that it was going to turn him on beyond belief, and that kind of turned me on.

It startled me the first time I felt the knife up against my flesh. He pressed it right up against my tit, and I have to admit that the rush of adrenaline kind of got me excited. He traced my body with the knife, and every time he would press it up against me, I would tell him to fuck me harder. I’m not sure why it turns me on, but it does. Do you want to hear more about my time with my knife loving friend? Give me a call so we can play.

Knife Play Phone Sex

knife play phone sexHe inquired how I got into knife play phone sex. My love for knives is hereditary on both sides of my family. My great grandparents on my mother’s side were circus freaks. They threw knives and swallowed them for traveling carnivals.  I inherited their knife collection, and it is massive. On my dad’s side, my grandpa was a prison warden. He confiscated hundreds of handmade knives from prisoners over the decades. I inherited them. Knives made by some of history’s most hardened criminals. I have over 500 knives in my possession and they all have a story. They all have a past and a present because I use them frequently.

The other day I picked up a tool who thought he was going to fuck me.  I invited him home for some fun. He thought it was fucking fun, but I knew it was knife fun. He was perfect for an impromptu snuff porn. I told him my fuck shack was in my basement. It got his dumb ass down my stairs where all my knives were waiting for him. He fell down the last couple stairs. I thought he killed himself and robbed me of the fun. He just knocked himself out. It saved me the work of having to drug him. While he was semi conscious, I broke out my knife collection. I used one knife to castrate the loser. I had him tied to my mutilation table where I cut arteries and slit throats. I had not planned any of this, so my castration chair was not ready. I used nothing to numb his balls or stop the bleeding. What was the point? He was not going to live.  I cut all his major arteries using a different knife for each one. I sat back, masturbated and watched the loser bleed out. I know my grandpa on my dad’s side would be happy to know how I used his knives.