Knife play phone sex will always be a favorite of mine because I am a knife aficionado. It takes skill and precision to kill your victim with a blade. Anyone can kill with a gun and just get lucky. No challenge or skill needed. I have amassed an impressive knife collection over the years too. Many I inherited from my grandfather when he died. My parents are simps. I get my evilness from my grandpa. How he raised my wimpy ass father is beyond me. My grandpa was a brutal man with a need to hunt like me. He taught me how to kill with a knife. I do not own a gun. I am perfectly capable of handling myself against an attacker armed just with my wits and a knife. An intruder found out the hard way how good I am with a knife. I was sound asleep the other night when I woke up to a shadowy figure standing at the edge of the bed. I did not scream. I did not tip my hand that I was awake either. I slowly reached under my pillow and flung my knife into his chest until I heard the thud of a body on my bedroom floor. I hit him to disarm him, not kill him. Not kill him yet at least. I like torture sex. No one crosses me and gets a quick death out of it. I turned on the lights, pulled out my knife and stuffed my panties into his open chest wound. I knew where I hit him. He would eventually bleed out, but I had 30 mins or so left to make him wish he had died instantly. I cut off his cock and his balls. I fucked his ass with my knife too shredding his asshole into a pile of raw hamburger meat. I could have called the authorities and been within my right to kill the intruder, but I carved him up too much before I let him bleed out, so I dumped him in my bathtub. He is soaking in lye and dissolving as I start my day off with some sadistic phone sex. This intruder will never be found if anyone even reports him missing.
Tag: Knife play phone sex
Knife Play Phone Sex
Kidnapping Them
I love to kidnap little girls and boys. There’s just something about taking them into my basement and strapping them to my table and waiting for them to wake up crying. I love watching them cry and struggle to get out it makes my pussy get wet. They always get so scared when I walk up to them with my knife and run it down their little bodies making little cuts all the way down. I love to torture the little girls the most by grabbing my big dildo and without any warning just shove it in their tight little hole. I love the first scream. But my favorite is what I get to do with my boys I love to be the first and only one who gets to make a little boy a man. I love to suck on their little cocks and get them a excited before climbing on the table and bouncing on his hard cock. I love when I am about to cum and just take my knife to slice their throat so I can paint my body with their blood. I think the hardest part is getting rid of the bodies since my animals have already eaten today.
Snuff sex Black Widow
Let me paint you a picture of the type of snuff sex I enjoy. I am the ultimate Black Widow. I eat men alive. You will be entranced by my Golden pussy! You know the crazy ones always fuck the best! Some call me the succubus Queen, sucking all the life out of you and making you only think with your erection. I want to take a big dump on your face as you’re eating me out and smear it all over your face and smother your life out with my pussy and shit! My knife held up high, can you make me cum before I puncture all of your internal organs one by one? Take your chances doing the best you can half dead and not breathing much air at all at this point! The thing you do not know is while your beloved is cumming you might think you have escaped a brutal death. WHat you neglected to understand is I’m fucked in the head! I feel so good that the only thing that could enhance the pleasure would be to gut your ass! My knife launches its brutal searing pain taking all of your pain, ending your life, yet feeding my Immortality! Baby, speaking off asses, I would love to fuck you with this dagger for one of the most horrific snuff movies ever made!
Dirty Play Time
He loves to take girls home drunk and high from a bar so we can have fun with her. He ties her up to our table while I start setting all our toys out. I woke her up by poring boiling hot water all over her face while he was stroking his cock getting it ready. He lets me play with them first making them worn out for him. I love getting my favorite knife and making small deep cuts all over their bodies and watching the blood seep out. I love to stroke his hard cock while listening to their screams and begging for me to stop. But my favorite part is when he flips her over on the table to where her ass is up in the air, and he puts his around her little neck so she can’t breathe while he rapes her little asshole until she is gone and he cums inside her little ass. Then I get to have my taste.
Castration Phone Sex is Fun for Me
Castration phone sex? I hope you say yes, but guess what? I do not care if a guy wants his dick cut off or not. Many of my castrations have been done for a fee. Some loser knows he has a worthless cock and wants it gone. Or maybe he just wants to be a sissy and wants his balls removed. I will castrate anyone who pays. I castrate quite a few who do not pay or even request a ball removal too. Men are living in the dark ages still. If I say get away from me mother fucker or leave me alone loser, I mean it. I am not playing hard to get. I am not the kind of woman you piss off. Because I just assume kill you then let you harass me. Mike was the latest recipient of my free ball removal service last night. We met at music venue. I was alone and wanted to be left alone to enjoy the music. This solo guy was all up in my space trying to dance with him. If I wanted him to bump and grind on me, I would have let him know. It was a seedy little club. The show was a sausage fest, but one less sausage at the end of the night. I had a knife strapped to my leg. When he pulled out his cock, he thought I was going to go down on him in a club, I knew I had to cut it off. This was not ball removal. This was cock removal. The tool needed no instrument. While I was on my knees, I pulled out my knife and sliced off his cock and squirmed my way out of the crowd to avoid detection. I think it took him a few minutes to realize what had happened. I left the show early but that was only, so I did not get arrested. No fucking dickless wonder was sending me to jail.
Snuff movies for masturbation
Men sometimes inquire how making / watching snuff movies help me get off while masturbating. The simple fact is that I love seeing men and women begging for their life. As if they could beg and plead their way out of a mercy killing! I love rubbing my pussy to a bitch or bastard who clearly deserved to have that mundane life snatched right out from under them. Addicts and hookers and brats oh my! People who need to have a purpose for their life. Getting horny bitches and men off by dying. I would say it is a pretty satisfactory end all purpose for one’s life. We can get real fucked up in how we murder, my love! A rape fantasy fuck in the ass and a slice to the throat. Sliced from Ear to ear, My evil baby! Watch as I drink some of that life force and let you cum as my willing accomplice in a nice tight fuck meat hole! Some people were born to be snuff porn cattle and others to be accomplice whores such as myself! What side do you fall in?
Bloody Phone Sex Massacre Weekend
I enjoy a bloody phone sex massacre. Honestly, the bloodier the better. When I am in a massacre mood, I take my victim to my kill shack in the woods. It is not on any map, and I can get as messy as I want because no one will find the remains. This little shack is not in my name either. I inherited it from my grandpa, but for 70 years this shack has stayed off of anyone’s radar. My grandpa built it. I was told it was his hunting cabin, but I knew it was where he took his victims. My grandpa was a serial killer. A thrill killer who never got caught because he did not have a pattern. He taught me everything I know about hunting and killing. I enjoy killing free from restraint. If I kill a person on their turf or in my home, I must worry about DNA. Out in my kill shack, however, the coyotes will take care of the DNA for me. I took this teen whore to my cabin over the weekend. She went willingly because she thought she was auditioning for a horror movie, not a snuff porn. I was just in the mood to mutilate a pretty young cock tease. I was solo on this kill. That is because very few people know about my cabin in the woods. Once they have seen it, I need to kill them. That is how no one knows about it. This girl was a teenager. Her name was Jenny. I drugged her and dismembered her body after I disemboweled her. I like to feed the wild animals protein rich organ meat from tender age victims. It is good for them. I gutted her in my basin tub. Drained her body of blood. Removed all her organs and then carved off every limb. It was a bloody mess, but wicked hot fun for a sick bitch like me. I fed all the remains to the wild animals, then I bathed in her warm blood like a witch. It was a wonderful weekend. I condensed the story obviously to fit in a blog, but it is a long and sordid tale of death and dismemberment. My kind of weekend.
Cheating lover dick chopping
My boyfriends been fucking around on me with some young whore. I’m so pissed, but I have a plan. A Lorena Bobbitt type of plan. But this mother fucker wont be getting his dick reattached! And he won’t be asleep in bed when I hack it off with a butcher knife. I’m going to invite his little lover over and make her watch as I cut his cock right the fuck off. He walked in today with her sitting in the kitchen as I was sharpening my knife set. He thinks I don’t know that my niece and him are screwing behind my back! The stupid fuck didn’t even see the new hamburger grinder on the counter. I saw him ask why she was here and start acting strange. I’m going to act like I have a headache and go to bed and wait for him to sneak out into the teen whores room! Once full inside of her I’m going to sneak up behind him and chop his cock off while still in her little tight teen pussy! I will grind it up and force my niece to eat her sister’s boyfriend’s cock!
Addicted to Castration Phone Sex
Castration phone sex will always be my favorite type of call. I do love being a snuff queen too, but I take perverse pleasure in separating a man from his family jewels. Like more pleasure than I should. I am not picky about whose nuts I sever either. I will take them from a man who looks at me wrong. Big dicks or small dicks, I take all balls. It is true that I mostly take the balls of small dicked losers and tools who do not understand the term consent. But I have taken the nuts of men who most women would fuck in a heartbeat. I am not most women. I do not fall for a nice body and a pretty face. Hell, even a big wallet does not impress me much. I met Trevor at a Goth bar. He was dressed all wrong, so he stood out. His metrosexual pretty boy looks told me he was either lost or too drunk to realize he walked into a bar where the chicks would eat him alive. He came right to me too. I rolled my eyes, sighed and then mind fucked him. He was too drunk to understand my body cues or even the words that were coming out of my mouth. He was a sloppy drunk. A rude one too. He followed me into the unisex bathroom. He pushed the door open and fell on his face. Now, I knew I could overpower him. I had sobriety on my side. He was quasi lucid but mumbling so much I could not understand him. He lost his balls that night. My guess he does not remember the sexy Goth goddess with the serrated knife who chopped off his balls in the bathroom of a Goth bar. I left him passed out on the floor face down. I knew folks would just step over him to pee and never realize his balls were gone. I gave him a shot to knock him out and blur his already impaired mind. I am sure he woke up when the bar closed, but by then I was long gone. I just enjoy the torture sex of male genitals. It is kind of my addiction and I never mind removing a set of family jewels.
Knife Play Phone Sex Cumslut
My mom always taught me that you don’t play with sharp things, but that prudish bitch doesn’t know how to have fun. If she would have fucked my dad for fun instead of just to reproduce, she would have found that he could have introduced her to a whole world of fun. She rarely ever put out, but you know who did? Me. And not only did he let me practice all of my dick sucking skills on him, but it got even darker than that. He introduced me to things that make for amazing knife play phone sex calls.
Do you love running a cold steel blade up and down the body of a hottie like me? Maybe you never even draw blood, but even just the anticipation of wondering if that will happen is enough to set my pussy on fire. And when he does break skin with the sharp blade, well, that always sends me into a screaming orgasm. Do you want to talk to me about what that’s like? How far would you take our knife play? I want to hear everything, no matter what my fate ends up being. Don’t worry. I can take it.