Tag: Knife play phone sex

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies on Your Mind?

murder phone sex fantasiesMurder phone sex fantasies on your mind? You are in the right place. Who do you want to kill? I know someone comes to mind. It is only human to have those kinds of thoughts. If I think it, I do it. I am not the kind of person who holds back. I will slit your throat for looking at me twice. I look at myself as a do gooder. I rid society of brats, teen whores, cunts, tools and general assholes. I make this world a better place. I got rid of an annoying brat this week. This little crotch fruit likely would be your ideal fuck meat. A cute little blonde girl with curls and an angelic face. Behind that face, however, was an evil cunt. She said some nasty shit to me and a large woman at the convenient store. I had pulled into the store for a Monster drink. I was coming back from a kill, so I was not in my county. That meant I could kill her. She was running her mouth because she wanted to cut the line. If she had been a polite little girl instead of a nasty cunt, she would still be alive. Your rape phone sex fantasies could come true with this little whore. I needed you with me. I needed an accomplice. It is a waste of perfectly good fuck meat if no man around to fuck hat little cunnie. She was too young to be out on her own. I was in Hicksville though. I waited hours until after our encounter. I  stole her from the trailer where she lived with her druggie parents. Meth heads. That explained why she was at the convenience store alone. I was putting her out of her sad existence. I took her into the woods at knife point. I did not kill her quickly though. I cut into her flesh a little at a time to hear her scream. Then, I gutted her like a pig. Dumped her naked mutilated body in the river behind the trailer park. In that town, I am just a drifter. Her murder will go unsolved. Only me and you know I made her my snuff sex victim.

Fuck my pussy, Killer phone sex desires end in a mess

Killer phone sexHe was ready for killer phone sex with the knife at my throat, pumping into my folds hard with his thick cock. He was having fun, while I was scared – and also having lots of fun – for the end. He’d made it clear, when he cums he’s going to slash my throat, that way he’s cumming into a dying woman. One would think I’d be fighting back, throwing my fists or begging for help. Instead my hips were moving on their own, grinding up and down his thick cock and desiring all the cum I could possibly get. I needed it, I wanted it, I was hoping he’d slit my throat at any given moment so I could feel him shooting deep inside of me while my life left my body. I knew I’d spray bloody glory all over him, I was ready to take that image in with my final breath – or what would be an attempted final breath – and I wasn’t sure if I was more eager to die in a messy way, or feel his hot load enter my cunt ready and denied anything to fertilize. I’d accept my final demise with a horrific moment of cum drenched folds and an aching body. All the pains would flow away, just like his desires would flow into me.

Knife Play Phone Sex is the Best Way to Prolong the Pain

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex anyone? I think a knife is the best weapon. It prolongs the agony. I am not a fan of a quick kill, are you? I had a little girl in my basement last night. She had been in my basement for a few days just waiting, scared as a wounded bird. Her fear was intoxicating. This package was not for me though. I was hired to kidnap her for her father. But we had to plan it well, so no suspicion fell on him. He was visiting his sister when the girl went MIA on her way home from school. He is in the middle of a nasty custody battle, so he would be suspect number one. He came over last night to have fun with her after waiting patiently. I wanted to carve her up, but only after he explored his rape phone sex fantasies for his bitchy daughter. The mom was coaching the little girl to say very bad things about her daddy. I am just helped him live up to the lies. With the girl gone, there would be no support payments, no pawn in the divorce. I did not care his reasons why. I just cared about the money. He fucked her. Fucked all her tight tiny holes. They were so tiny that he split them open. She bled bright crimson red. Once he was done using her holes, however, she became mine to play with. I took my time carving up her tender flesh. I mutilated her soft skin. It was more for fun than anything. I liked listening to her scream. I mean her daddy just tore her asshole and cunt up, but she still cried out for him. She preferred her attacker to me. Most women or girls would because I am a snuff sex sadistic bitch. I believe in torture and mutilation. I believe in my victim feeling the pain. That lying little cunt got what was coming to her. Now, she is bear shit because I fed her diced up body parts to the wild animals. How do you think I have never been caught? Nature makes the finest accomplice.

Evil phone sex leaves me gasping and bleeding out

Evil phone sex“Hah-” I felt his evil phone sex knife pierce my side at the same time he thrust his hard cock deep. I’d been stabbed, deep too, a nice knife wound that’d leave me bleeding out soon enough if he didn’t help me. I got the feeling he had no intentions of doing that though, why save your victim, why spare what you can take away? Another sharp wound had me gasping for air, this one way too close to my lungs and making every single breath agonizing. It was easier not to breathe, easier to let the darkness take me while he used my cunt for his dark purposes. His seed was going to fill me, I knew that, I just wasn’t sure I’d be alive when it happened or if I’d succumb to his killer phone sex. He didn’t need to get me again, the two wounds pooled crimson onto the floor and stained my skin a dark red that contrasted nicely. My only regret was that we were indoors and the moonlight wasn’t reflecting off my aches and pains. “Oh, yes!” I heard him say as he got faster, making each moment all the more painful. I didn’t breathe, couldn’t force myself to go through that even as I panicked. That was until I suddenly woke up, my body forcing air into my lungs despite my request. I couldn’t just die, it wouldn’t be that easy, I had to slowly succumb to his desires and hold back tears with every buck of his hips into my soaked cunt. Every movement a slice deep inside me that got worse and worse and worse with every second. There’s no standard protocol to being cut up, no advice to make things easier, his hands stayed on both handles, using them as something to hold onto while he destroyed my pussy and my body with knife play phone sex. 

Killer Phone Sex Mood Somedays, Most Days

killer phone sexSome days, I am more in a killer phone sex mood. And today was one of those days. I was looking at this brat for weeks. She would give you a boner. Me? She filled me with rage. She was a teen slut. I watched her practice for cheerleading in her back yard. I was out of town, staying in an Air B and B and she was just there. Looking cute and doing cute things. I could see neighbors watching her jump up and down and do some acrobatics that showed off her spankies. No doubt her neighbor men jack off to her. I assume her daddy does too. She was a hot piece of ass. But her youthfulness. Her cuteness just filled me with rage. I know I am not alone. She must cock tease half the neighborhood giving dads like you rape phone sex fantasies for her and girls like her. Well, she will not be doing that anymore. She is officially listed as a missing person. I followed her yesterday and when the coast was clear, I picked her up and drove her into the woods. I was no where near my kill shack since I was out of town, so I improvised. I found a clearing off a 4-wheel drive path. She was drugged, so I had to carry her. If she weighed 100 lbs., I would have been shocked. She came to when she was naked and tied to a tree. I wanted to skin her alive, but I could not bring all my gear with me since I had to carry an unconscious bitch, plus a bookbag of rope and a couple of my favorite knifes. I cut her flesh. Sexually mutilated her girl parts. I thought about making it look like a Satanic kill. But I decided that was too risky since I was staying next door to the whore. If you had been with me, teen rape porn would have been the way to go. I just gutted her like a pig and watched wild animals eat her entrails. Then I carved up her body and fed the rest of her to them too. No body. No crime.  She is just a runaway to the cops. Or a girl stolen for the sex trade. Only you and I know what happened and I know we aren’t telling.

Break Up with yOur balls Goth Teen phone sex

Goth Teen phone sex

He told this goth teen phone sex whore that he really can’t stand the power his balls and cock have over him. Well, If that is the case, It’s time to break up with your balls! Tell them that they no longer rule your life. You are an intelligent man with the drive and power to make things happen for you and your family.

But that cock of yours and the need to cum multiple times a day distracts you. It’s not good for such a go-getter like yourself to be attached to something that do you no good. You have already sired your two perfect angles and now it’s time to have a sexy teen whore take the garden sheers out and make them glow with the torch. A nice easy castration and cauterization at the same time! 

Look I know I’m not stupid, my tats and piercings were a way for a young teen to try to look hard and older before I was okay with my little girl body I got stuck with. But now I proudly wear my skin art as a way of letting people know that I’m really into some hardcore shit. So if you bring me a limp dick and want to try to get your last cum load before the sheers close all the way that’s fine with me. I’ll Light my black candles and get some chicken blood ready as I prepare to ceremoniously separate you from the testicles that control you!  I’ll do a big fat line and just snip, snip!

There will be a lot of pain just like any breakup, but you will find your mind is clear and your ambitions are in overdrive. Taking your balls is a pleasure for a goth little Castration phone sex whore like me! Plus I have a craving for rocky mountain oysters and your manhood will taste great!

Knife Play Phone Sex Includes Castration Play

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex anyone. I do not even own a gun. Honestly, I find a knife to be a better instrument of human destruction. Every victim of mine gets the knife. Maybe I just torture them with castration, or I kill them by evisceration. Either way, I am using a knife. I have thousands of knives. Many I inherited from my grandpa, my mentor. He taught me how to hunt my prey. He told me there is no valor or honor in killing with a gun. A gun requires no skill. It is mostly luck. I was a young teen girl when I helped him castrate a man. That was my first castration, and it filled me with a love for castration phone sex and knives. My grandpa did not kill this man. At the time, I wondered why. But I grew to appreciate his methods. Castrating a man is leaving him with a daily reminder of his sins. It is forcing him to live a celibate life. It takes the wind from his sails and leaves him unable to fuck or procreate. My grandpa’s victim was a P man. He was diddling little girls in the community. My grandpa caught him red handed too when he fucked my first cousin when she was itty bitty. He was a family friend, a pillar of our community. He would be a disgrace if it ever came out what he was doing behind closed doors. My grandpa could have killed him. Should have killed him for his crime was grave and personal. But grandpa told me you do not shit where you sleep. Torture sex, however, when you have something over your victim, is the next best thing. That was an important lesson for a future killer to learn. This man would not say anything about his forced castration because my grandpa had film of him fucking his young granddaughter. Leverage, my grandpa told me, is a powerful motivator for silence. That man never diddled another girl again and he never told the police that my grandpa and me castrated him. Be careful who knows your dirty secrets.

castration phone sex

Evil phone sex gets more and more brutal by the pump

Evil phone sexI want to be a burden that’s beaten and starved and treated to the worst evil phone sex imaginable.. It’s the best place in the world to me when I’m unwelcome yet forced to stay. My dark fantasies flow through me like an energy, and I seek out suffering like a force of nature. My abusers are my favorite people, and I always come back even if I manage to escape because I can’t imagine life without them. There’s something primal and amazing about getting fucked hard into a cold floor while I make it warm with spilt blood. My memories are always a haze, one moment to the next a journey I’m not quite there for. Dissonance is my true name, and that’s why I don’t have a story for you today. I have many stories, all bleeding together like my wounds in a puddle after killer phone sex. Was yesterday when they stuffed me with a dildo so large and bumpy it ripped me open? Was yesterday when I was forced to suck men back to back without even a break to breathe, every single one so deep I saw spots until eventually I blacked out? Was yesterday when I had to teach a class about sadism with a hands on practice? My life is an action packed adventure and I’ll struggle to tell you when something happened, but if all you’re looking for is a story you’ll get one from me. You’ll get a lot of stories from me, an infinite antiquity of selfish and painful memories are stored deep in my skull. Care to try and beat them out of me, or pry them out with clawed fingers and an ice pick? My dark skin set me up for this, but I took off running, and here I am, ready for another session of brutal knife play phone sex.

His Fucked-up Necrophilia phone sex drives my cunt wild

Necrophilia phone sex

He likes them dead and cold with my hands inside a little corpse jacking him off during our Necrophilia phone sex.  A bloody End to her life means a huge cumshot for him. Men like him use me to cut up and dismember little ones after we have violated every orifice make my little pussy very happy. Most of the time I don’t have to do much breaking in or even kidnapping because little whores just love me so much. They never see The end coming.

They’re much too young to know or even think about death like that. While I do enjoy a nice young cadaver They just don’t fight as much as say an ex-wife or a girlfriend. Not that that’s a bad thing it’s just an observation that my little fucked up brain enjoys. Now I want to take you right to the scene that I just played out for one of my favorite p Daddy necro freaks. 

My girlfriend has this little girl and a keg stand with her throat open up on my lovers cock. We have used to funnel to fill her stomach up with liquid so that she can give the longest cock bath as we go fuck my little victim. That’s right he needs my hard body big titted girlfriend to funnel those balls and to make love to his mouth with her tongue. 

Fucked-up Necrophilia phone sex drives my cunt wild

And he needs the slicing of that throat after I’ve strangled a little bitch to stop the flow of the cock bath naturally. My boot knife comes out And I slice that bitches stomach open while she’s still alive. My girlfriend and I tell him to fuck her now as hard as he can! We even take matters into our own hands and push him inside of her while she screams. I reach in my hands and find his cock that is already ravaging her baby girl’s cunt. The last thing I do before a murder her is break her legs so they hang limp like a frog. Look, he is having the time of his life and I’m going to keep feeding him sex with dead bodies of young stupid sluts that I can’t stand.


Ass rape porn making with brother

When a brother is a sadistic fuck like my uncle, he makes Ass rape porn using his little sister. Knowing your mom is a cock whore gave him the idea to get her fucked up so he could end up using me. Since I was young he told me we were just going to roleplay and have fun. He tied me up and said he was the bad guy and we were playing a kidnapping game. Right away he ripped my panties off with a knife and started spanking my bottom so hard I started crying telling him to stop. I cried out for my mom but he just laughed and set a camera up. Mom wasn’t coming, she was too busy getting high. He put the knife to my neck and told me he was going to fullfil his Rape phone sex fantasies with me and if i told anyone he would slice my throat open. He spread my ass cheeks and licked my butthole a bit, making me wiggle and giggle, so I thought maybe we were still playing a game. I was wrong he stuffed his hard big brother meat inside my asshole ripping me open. I screamed but it only made him fuck my asshole harder. I could smell blood and before he filled my asshole up he wrapped his hands around my neck making me pass out.

Ass rape porn