Tag: Knife play phone sex

Torture Phone Sex Fantasies with Rena

Ever have a fantasy about Torture Phone Sex? Well here is mine. Torture Phone SexWe are walking down a dark alley late at night when we spot a young couple strolling hand in hand. They look innocent enough, but that only makes them more appealing targets for our evil plans. As they approach, you step out from the shadows and force them into an abandoned warehouse nearby with the threat of a knife to their throats. Once inside, the man begs for mercy while his girlfriend whimpers in fear – it amuses me how easily people break under pressure like this.

We tie both of them up tightly using ropes and chains; their struggles are futile against your strength and expertise in restraint techniques. Then comes the fun part – torturing each one separately before finally killing them off slowly over several days or even weeks if time permits. Playing with each other, getting off while we watch them suffer, because our minds are  twisted and evil as they come.

You start by cutting off his clothes piece by piece, reveling in the mix of humiliation and terror on his face as he’s exposed to us. We laugh at his pathetic self. Then comes the knife play – slicing into him here and there just enough to draw blood but not kill immediately; it heightens their senses while also making them more vulnerable for what comes next. Nothing makes your cock harder.

Next up is our scream queen who thinks she can escape this nightmare unscathed because “she’s a good person.” Oh how wrong she is! Her turn begins with some light bondage involving ropes around her wrists above her head so that when pulled taut they stretch out those delicate shoulders blades beautifully (smirks). As if that weren’t enough torment already, I proceed to carve words onto various parts of her body using sharp objects like razor blades or box cutters – pain mixed with fear etched permanently onto perfect skin will be quite a sight once everything goes downhill from here. Watching her naked bloody body squirm makes us hot as we stick things in holes and force these victims to be at our mercy.

We play with each other in between torturing them, I’m wet as a lake and you stay hard the more we torrture these poor pathetic fools.

Medical fetish phone sex with sharps and BDSM

Medical fetish phone sex

Medical fetish phone sex has always intringued a young whore like me. 

Ahh the world of medical fetishism! It is a realm of naughty pleasure and excitement that I personally find to be incredibly hot! From the thrill of role-playing death with syringes to the sensations of bondage using medical instruments have my sweet cunny dripping wet. 


For those of you who have never explored this type of kink, let me tell you – it is a great way to entertain your cock.  We do not just have to play with a nice large needle if you would perfect something sharper than a sharp!  You can explore other medical instruments such as scalpels and forceps. You can also experiment with different types of bondage such as rope and cuffs. And don’t forget to explore different types of BDSM with our doctor/patient snuff phone sex such as impact play and sensory play.

Medical phone sex and sharps what could be hotter?

Let’s start with the snuff role-playing. Death play at the hands of a teen with a syringe can be incredibly stimulating and hot. Both roles can be fun to role-play, whether you are a patient or a doctor. Imagine you are the patient, lying helplessly on the bed as your partner administers “medicine” that will cause you to pass out. As a deviant doctor, imagine empowering and sensual ways to administer the medication.


The sensations that can be achieved from medical fetishism are also incredible. Bondage with medical instruments can be a great way to add a little extra spice to our accomplice calls.  I love using a surgical strap to bind wrists or ankles for an incredibly bloody bondage encounter. Or using a medical speculum to open asses wide for some differnt ass rape porn! 

Is that magnificent cock throbbing for some medical fetishism?

Castration phone sex oh let me sever that cock.

Castration phone sex

            Castration phone sex oh let me sever that cock. It is my right to get have first dibs on taking it off. Although, I must admit that there are so many options to go through. As long as the cock is gone, and you let me take if off I will be benevolent enough to run through some of the options for you.

            Now then, up to the present time I have not been so shall we say nice about giving men the option. Your first choice is with an elastrator which is a banding device. There are many choices and among those choices you may choose the color of the rubber band.  I buy in bulk the assortment. Options are always good and up to the present time the banding has always worked.

Second is the knife play phone sex.

            See this one is usually much more fun for me. The reason being is that I get to cut into that cock of yours. Watching it start to bleed. Using a dull knife takes longer. Not going to band it at all. Although, some do. It is less messy but where is the fun in that. Using a sharp knife, it is over with quickly. Efficiently.

            The dull knife gives you time to tell me how worthless that cock of yours was and how you are having me dispose of it for you because you are not worthy of having a cock anymore. Watch me slicing through it as a mangled bloody mess.

Third is the mutilation phone sex.

            This one has shivers running down my spine. It can be done with a dull knife but for a really good sticky mess we use whatever is lying around the house. Broken piece of glass, hacking away at it. Blood spurting all over the place. This one I will be tying you down. You won’t want me to finish and as long as I am destroying your cock you can be screaming how much you deserve it.

            Don’t want to scream that you deserve it. I can make it hurt a little more. Pour some salt in the wounds. Even better pour a little ever clear or real moonshine on it. Listen to you scream out. It is sure to get me off.

Last but not least the clippers

            Finally, we reach the final one that I like to do and this once I call the calf clippers. That is what they are. They are sharp dullish clippers. Usually only used to clip the balls off so we will clip those first. That will sever the nerves, causing your balls to drop off. It’s okay to scream.

            Next, I will quickly do you cock, and you will be a eunuch permanently. Completely castrated. 

Snuff Phone Sex for November, or As I Call it, Snuffember

snuff phone sexSnuff Phone Sex November arrived yesterday. And I am so happy. I love snuffember. But let me be honest here. I do not need an excuse to snuff someone. Every month has a theme of death and torture for me. Sorry. Not sorry. It is who I am. I love to create havoc and chaos.

And I love to kill. Last night I worked late, but my callers filled me with both rage and inspiration which is a perfect combination for a sadistic bitch like me. Some callers inspire me with their wickedly delicious minds for torture. And some annoy the fuck out of me because they expect me to fuck them or be their girlfriend. I am not GFE material.

Anyway, I felt the need to pull an all nighter. The freaks do come out at night. And I found one that deserved snuff sex. I watched this loser try to attack women in the park. He attempted to take advantage of drunk girls. That is not hard, but he kept fucking it up. So, I let him think I was a drunk girl cutting through the park to get home.

Every Month is Snuffember with Me

He proved to be much easier to subdue than expected. Sort of disappointed me because I like a challenge. One punch and I knocked him out. And I do punch like a girl too. I put him in my trunk and took him to my kill cabin. That was a long drive at 3 in the morning. But once I arrived at my kill shack the magic happened.

With just the glow of a candle, my kill shack looks spooky. And he felt fear. I could smell it. That smell is my aphrodisiac. I told him happy snuffember before I sunk my knife into his soft belly. I gave it a few twists before I pulled it out and let his entrails spill on my floor. Although it was a quick kill, it felt satisfying. Once less predator on the prowl.  Since I got sleepy, I just tossed his entire carcass out back for the animals. Usually, I cut the meat up for my furry accomplices, but not when I feel sleepy.

After a nap, I came back to my kill shack to clean up the mess, and I did not find even a bone. Not sure if it was a bear, coyotes or the hole damn forest that consumed my evidence, but I was happy. Nature is the ultimate accomplice phone sex partner.

Knife Play Phone Sex Season is Here

knife play phone sexHalloween is knife play phone sex season. Many men want to stab a bitch. One man thought he could stab me. Wrong bitch loser. I joke that I have a set of eyes in the back of my head. I do not miss a thing. When he attempted to mug me leaving a Halloween party at a Goth bar, I sensed his presence. And he did not have the element of surprise he hoped he would have. However, I did.

Sure, I could have killed him right there in public and never spent a day in jail. We can defend ourselves from attackers and get off. But I wanted to enjoy the revenge. Even though I keep knives strapped to my legs and arms, I always carry a needle full of morphine around too. In needle form, it acts quickly to disable anyone I want.

Normally, I only inject brats I want to kidnap in a crowd. But a man trying to mug me, well, he had it coming. When he woke up, he found himself in a snuff sex nightmare. I stripped him naked and tied him to my castration chair. I still do not know if he wanted me dead, disabled or what his true intentions were. Did he want to mug me, or force fuck me? Perhaps someone hired him to attack me? It did not matter. He would not survive to do this to me again or anyone.

I Castrate Men and Feed Them Their Severed Cock and Balls

I am glad I disabled him quickly because he appeared to be like 6’5. Although I am tiny at 5’1, I am mighty. No one ever suspects I am as strong as I am. I told my attacker who I was. Then I showed him in case he had any doubt about my capabilities. I cut his balls off first. When he began screaming in pain, I shoved his severed balls into his mouth until he looked like a chipmunk who scored some nuts.

Then, I sliced his cock off but in tiny little pieces. I treated his cock like a holiday sausage I cut up for a charcuterie board, LOL. I love castration phone sex, but I rarely just take the balls. My attacker kept passing out, so I needed to slap him back awake. He did not deserve to die quickly or sleep through the torture. Although I did kill him eventually, I made him wish he had never been born first. And I made him eat his chopped up worthless dick.

Yeah, he fucked with the wrong bitch.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies for a Halloween Whore

Halloween Whores Make The Best Victims For Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

Halloween is the best time to fulfill your murder phone sex fantasies. And I’m the pathetic fucking slut that is going to be your next victim. I’m one of those stupid girls that go out every night around Halloween dressed like a hooker and teasing every cock that I come across. Getting fucked up and walking alone in dangerous areas.

It wouldn’t be hard to attack me. To come up behind me with a knife and slice my achilles tendon so I can’t run away. To grab me by my hair and painfully yank me down on to my knees where I belong. I’d be too wasted to put up a real fight, and the moment you put that knife up to my neck I would shut the fuck up. Or beg for my worthless life. You want to hear a pathetic whore beg for you, don’t you. Having my life in your hands makes your cock harder than the snuff sex you plan to have with me

Tell me to open my mouth and clean my blood off of your blade with my tongue. And if I don’t want to use my tongue then cut it the fuck off. I’d watch it fall to the floor in horror. But it’s not like I can scream while I’m choking on the blood filling my mouth.

murder phone sex fantasies

Have Snuff Sex with Your Newest Victim!

All I can do is claw at your hands while you watch the light leave my eyes. Right before I pass out, take out your cock and force it into my mouth. My blood and your cock are filling my mouth. Make me choke on them both. I’ll suffocate on my own blood right in front of you. It all comes down to your wishes. I’m nothing more than a mindless victim. One that you plan to have evil torture sex with. 

Pull your cock out of my mouth and kick me until I’m laying on the ground gasping for air. Rip through whatever slutty costume I’m wearing and force that blood soaked cock into one of my holes. If you catch me late in the night I should already have someone else’s cum leaking out of me. The blood and cum are perfect lube for a forced anal fucking.

Don’t hold back. I fucking deserve to have my ass destroyed. I’m so tight when I squeeze down on you, trying to get away despite it all. Will you make me live through it or will you slut my throat and put me out of my misery? If you killed me, would you still fuck me? I’m sure a sick fuck like you wouldn’t mind having sex with dead bodies!

He Likes Them Ripe

Bloody phone sexBloody phone sex is a specialty of mine. My Master has taught me well. I  never thought in my wildest dreams I would be doing any of this snuff sex stuff. I have been going out to the clubs to pick up fresh meat for Master. Usually, he would make me watch as he did whatever he wanted to them. This time he made me join. Master asked me if seeing the fear in her eyes made me wet. I knew the only answer was, yes, Master. He handed me a scalpel and ordered me to slice at her breasts. She screamed and begged me to stop. I could tell Master was getting angry I wasn’t slicing fast enough. I slashed faster and cut a piece of her tit off. Her scream was blood chilling and it got him so hard he railed that cock deep down her throat. He told me to suck on her on her pussy, I could taste the blood that was dripping down from her chest. She wasn’t a very good listener, not once did she call him by his name nor did she thank him. At that point I really didn’t feel much pity for her anymore. I knew what Master wanted with bitches like that. I held her down with my juicy pussy over her mouth. I rode that tongue until she was still. After that, Master had all the fun he wanted with her. She’s still around, he likes to keep them until they are ripe. There is nothing wrong with sex with dead bodies, that is until the meat turns!

Knife Play Phone Sex Requires Skill and a Love for Human Suffering

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex takes skill. Why shoot your victim when you can carve them up with your knife. A knife not only takes skill to use, but it also serves as a versatile weapon. I use my knife to stab victims. But I can torture with a knife. Most guns kill quickly. Bleeding out or being dissected like a frog causes optimal pain. And that most often is my goal.

Charlie loves pain. He hired me to castrate him. Although he recognized that his cock appeared worthless to most women, he lacked the courage to castrate himself. But Charlie tried to renege on our arrangement. And when I said I do not offer refunds for losers with cold feet, he tried to fight me. And he lost the fight. However, I would say my knife won that battle. One jab to the side rendered him less feisty, LOL.

I knew where to stab him to disable him but not kill him. Oh, he would be a snuff sex victim, but I wanted to prolong his pain and suffering. Those two things combined equal an aphrodisiac for me. Suddenly, he looked like a shadow of himself. What did he expect? He hired me to take his junk, then he tried to fight me over money. Do I look like the kind of woman who takes that kind of shit? No, I do not would be the only answer to that question.

My Knife is My Best Friend and I Love to Use My Friends

Charlie might be bear shit right now, but it took him 23 hours to die. I set the timer so I would know how long I prolonged his death. I cut his cock off first. His balls too. I mean he did pay me for a service. Although he paid for the castration, the torture sex I gave him for free. He deserved it. I dissected him like a frog in biology class. Even took out his organ meat. High protein food.

Charlies’ death needs to serve as a reminder to everyone not to renege on an agreement or fight me. You will not win. In fact, you will die.

Torture sex on a killer phone sex call

torture sexMy dark side comes out a lot and especially with my love for torture sex.  I love pushing boundaries especially when it comes to pain I endure during my sexual encounters. The more pain, the wetter my cunt gets.  I love a dominant man who will hit me, punch me, choke me, smother me, strangle me, whip me, and do some awful things to my body. My evil phone sex calls get dark fast as I describe what I would do to someone else while my callers watch.

I love hurting their other lovers or wives.  Kidnapping them and making them watch me fuck the shit out of their husbands hard throbbing cocks.  All while tied up to a bed or chair.  Gagging them with their own panties or maybe even mine as they watch us engage in the wildest most amazing sex.  I especially love sucking their husbands cocks right over their faces so my spit falls down on their mouth as I lick, suck and salivate over those delicious cocks that these pathetic women have been neglecting.

They are the ones that deservce to be tortured and have torture phone sex as they have been neglecting their masters beautiful innocent cocks that just want a pussy to go in to relieve that built up cum every once and awhile. I mean, is exploding in your pussy so much to ask bitch?  That’s all we are asking and these whores act all prude toward the very cock that they should be on their knees worshiping for even putting up with their pathetic asses.  I love ramming a dildo in one of these bitches and violenetly fucking that cunts ass that won’t let their man stick their cocks in their ass like they are too good for a good fuck in the shitter hole.  Fuck off,  I’ll fuck your ass until you like it, I guarantee you that whore!

Snuff phone sex on my way to Anal Pleasures

Snuff phone sex

On the way to Anal Pleasure I came around the bend of Snuff phone sex, I was walking one night and stumbled upon a darkened alleyway. Curiosity got the best of me and I ventured into its shadows. As I walked further into the alley, I could heard a sound that made my blood run cold – a deep rasp something that sounded like someone giving an obscene pleasure. Then, from out of the darkness, a man emerged with a woman in his arms. He was snuff sexing her, having intense sexual intercourse as she moaned and screamed out in torture.

I was horrified by the sight and turning back towards the main street before anyone noticed her. I had to get out of view from the alleyway as quickly as possible but I felt so aroused making my way to Anal Pleasures. I could still hear the sounds of the man snuff sexing the woman as I ran, as if they were haunting me.

By the time she reached Anal Pleasures, I was shaken and scared, but determined to go inside and purchase something that would help her explore the pleasure of anal sex safely. I quickly chose a dildo and lube, and paid for them as quickly as I could. As I walked away, I vowed to visit that alleyway again and be his next victim.