Tag: killer phone sex

Sex With Dead Bodies Is A Real Turn On

The best thing about having sex with dead bodies is how fucking stiff that fuckrod gets once rigor mortis sets in. It’s just so much hotter to have a cold dead fuck under me while my boyfriend fucks me from behind. We had the best fucking time killing the bastard though and being I had him all  turned on as I was riding that cock and he was really enjoying this sadistics cunt.. But I just get the most pleasure out of feeling their bodies go cold beneath me and the blood shed, damn that really gets me fucking hot. It’s just such a rush to be fucking some twat while his soul is leaving his useless body as he grows cold… and limp.. but fear not that cock will be good for the best fucking in a few hours. The best part though… as he gets a jolt from the slashing of his throat that fuckrod thrusted such a massive load inside my cunt. I really can’t help my love of killing and fucking the dead.

Sex with dead bodies

Snuff and Castration Phone Sex Bitch

castration phone sexFor the love of Satan, I have no clue why guys call a castration phone sex specialist for GFE phone sex. Do I look like the kind of girl who enjoys sweet nothings and romance? Fuck no. I chop off balls and torture men, women and young ones. I guess I might be the kind of GFE Charles Manson or Ted Bundy would date, but I would probably kill them too. You know, I’d have trust issues. I did recently start seeing a guy. Don’t worry, I get girly over no one. Not even a sick pervert like me. I castrated this guy’s competition last year. It was a dirty castration too. I used a rusty jagged knife, and the bottom of a hot frying pan, so he would have a nasty reminder of what a fucktard he was. The guy I am seeing paid me last year to castrate this loser who was banging his wife. He was afraid she would get knocked up by him. We connected then. He hates little ones too. We had a chance meeting again. He is now divorced and has a taste for revenge and torture sex. His ex-wife has a baby sister he wanted to fuck up for being an annoying twat. He showed me her social media shit and we agreed she had to go. She was a bully and a cunt. Stupid too because she fell for a bullshit line about a modeling gig. She showed up, I drugged her, and I took her to my kill shack where Greg was waiting. When she woke up, she pitched a fit, but I put a ball gag in her mouth and told Greg to explore his torture fantasies. He stabbed her savagely for hours. Missing all the major arteries until the end. He wanted to string out the pain and the bloodbath as long as he could. Normally, I help kill, but this was his debut. I just watched and masturbated, so proud of my special friend. We fucked in her blood before disposing of the remains.

Welcome to Fall with Domination Phone Sex and Snuff

domination phone sexDomination phone sex is why men call me. They love ordering around a blonde, buxom bimbo like me. I like it too. Richard is an older man I met on the fetish circuit. He is a dominant man with a bevy of beautiful sex slaves. When we hooked up in person, I knew it was essentially an audition. He is looking to expand his posse. He is like the Hugh Hefner of submissive whores. Every season, he picks a new slave. I was auditioning to be his welcome to Fall whore. He is picky, however. His whores must be blonde, buxom and have no body hair. I keep my pussy shaved anyway, so I was ready to meet the infamous Richard. His slaves are well taken care of. If he selected me, I would be paid and receive health care. I wanted the gig, but he was more dominant than I expected. I felt like I was auditioning for a snuff porn. His nipple clamps were electric. It felt like my nipples were being tased. He put one on my clit too. His paddle to spank me had nails attached. If he spanked me hard, I would be in trouble. I tried not to complain or cry. I wanted to flunk the audition, but I feared that if I did, it might kill me. He made it clear that he could kill me anytime and bury me under some Fall leaves and I wouldn’t be found until Spring. I didn’t know what to do. I tried to play it straight by not crying or showing pain, but I lost it with the first whack to my ass. Like 50 nails tore my flesh. I could feel blood trickling down my ass. “You can show pain, Cassandra. I like it,” he said as he pulled out his cock. He whacked my tits too. I started crying and begging for mercy. He came on my tits and said I was hired as his Fall whore. He likes screamers. Fuck.  I should have tried to keep my mouth shut. I’m going to need that health insurance. Fuck Fall, I will be dead before its over.

snuff porn

Autumn Air Brings Killer Phone Sex

Killer phone sexI step outside tonight and took a deep breath. I noted the slight chill in the air and looked over to the tree beside my apartment. I noticed a few leaves had already made their descent onto the ground. I felt a chill up my spine but a aching between my legs. Fall is arriving and I know exactly what that means. I’m not sure why but I notice during this time of the year men tend to be more animalistic and give into their really dark desires. I find more willing men to inflict those fantasies and craving onto me. I guess in a way it’s my favorite time of the year, in fact since I stepped outside I haven’t really been able to stop touching myself, thinking about all of the nasty things I got up to last year. Not to mention the really hot intense Killer phone sex that the Fall wind blows my way. I don’t think it’s a coincidence I do believe there is some dark power that drives men during this time of the year. So fight it, but other embrace it allowing their dark instincts to surface. I bet you are feeling them creeping up on you now, that’s why you are here. It’s ok don’t be ashamed to think about afflicting horrors onto me. I invite evil in, take me and do as you wish.  Even now I type up my invitation slowly as my free hand toys with my eager pussy, twisting and tugging just to feel a little pain. I need you to understand that I have always looked for those who appreciated my affection for the dark and my craving for death. This is the best time of the year for me to really connect with those like minded. I can’t wait to die by your hand soon.

Evil phone sex

A Little Bitchcraft and Murder

Killer Phone Sex

When I am having a bad day and just can’t get the anger to subside I have to work my bitchcraft and take it out on some dickhead or little brats, usually. But today it was a dumb cunt that crossed my path and i was going to be very slow and torturous with my craft. I decided to make nice and sweet to the whore I caught trying to fuck my man. I got flirty with her at the bar and lured her out back. I made out with her and slipped my razor sharp index nail into her wet snatch… what a dumb whore. I fucking finger fucked her into screaming spasms as I slit that slit up inside. Her vagina was getting the tuna tartare preparation. I wasn’t happy about just destroying her cunt like that and texted a friend inside the bar to come out back. I had him bang that cut up hole real good and send that cunt into shot as she bled out. “Fucking whore” I uttered as I slit her throat to ensure the job was done.

My Sadistic Nightmare


Sadistic phone sex

I’ve been having these nightmares about you taking me in the middle of the night out of my bedroom. I’ve been having these dreams that turn into Nightmare about you tying me up and poking me with sharp objects. And every time that you poked me you draw blood, those dreams are intoxicating they are sometimes liberating. Whenever I wake up, and I touch my body sometimes I feel like you’re still coming for me you know that I know you’re mind, you know that I’ve seen your evils genuinely in my dream. I feel like you’re out there waiting to get me waiting to punish me and make me your necrophilia next victim. I know that you look at my ass and you see what you want to slash I see that you look at my nipples and think about biting them off. You’re out there why are you torturing me why are you tormenting my dreams taking over the way that I remember. I’m lost just somewhere in the woods I smell you, and you just smell horrible. You smell like ass and, bacon fat you are slimy, and you feel like fucked up goo. You’re disgusting that’s why you could never get a woman of your own, so you have to stalk and hunt me down like an animal. I woke up last night drenched in sweat from running from you in my dreams. Every time I hear your voice I have a nightmare your mind is so incredibly sadistic. You are a demon, you are a twisted demonic vessel sieving on Earth. Every time I hear you breathing over my helpless body I quiver, and you like it. You want to listen to me cry you love to hear the sounds of my body moaning in pain, it conjures pleasure in you. You are my sadistic nightmare

Domination Phone Sex Jezabel

domination phone sex

Domination phone sex with a true Jezabel. Yes, I live up to my name. I love wealthy guys with a grudge and I know how fucking sexy and sweet my hot twat and pucker ass is. I love when my bank account is flooded with money because I arranged some rich man’s wife to be kidnapped and ground into my next bbq recipe. Not before I had his daughter violated right in front of her on camera! Sweet young taint is a favorite of mine because I can lure them so easily. And if I am hired to snuff out a wive or girlfriend I normally take the mans daughter and have her gang banged and mutilated as my tip so to speak. That’s the Jezebel part of the domination games I play with wealthy men. Come See what all the cum inducing bloody phone sex is all about baby. Let me dominate that wallet and manipulate you into giving me sweet cunny to destroy and roast up and feed you. Your young ones never tasted so good before and after I am done with them.  I will slice and dice as long as you make sure that dick can cum for me as a marinade to your sweet guilty pleasure. 

My New Love Is A Psychopath- My First Victim

Snuff phone sexAgain it was a while since I heard from my new love. It’s always on his terms, which makes it exciting for me. I often fantasize about the day when he will finally make me one of his victims, I hadn’t known he had other plans. It was late when I had my door shut and I looked up from my bed to see him standing there. He was smiling and holding up a beautiful red dress which he laid on the bed and gave me a address. He left quickly afterwards. I got dressed and drove out to the address he had given me and I arrived at a dark abandoned looking barn. I could see a faint light flickering inside. I enter to see a man naked and tied down, his mouth stuffed not allowing him to scream. He saw me and attempted to thrash around, then I saw my love step out of shadows and quickly jam a needle into his neck. The man’s body relaxed but he was still breathing. My love spoke to me “I’m sorry, he was suppose to be behave. I told him your first time should be gentle, as hoping he could be awake for it”. I was confused then I realized what he wanted was for me to kill as he watched. I saw the man’s cock slightly erected and walked up towards him and grabbed it. Jerking it up and down with my hand. “Go on, get on top of him” my love edged me one. I climbed up on the table, letting my wet pussy slide down on this strange mans cock. I could feel him letting out shallow breath. “Take this, you know what to do” my love handed me a silver dagger. I saw it was engraved with my name with excitement I squeezed my pussy around the mans cock as I fucked him. I could feel myself about to cum so I dug the blade right into his chest. Cumming all over his cock as I felt the last bit of breaths leave his body.

Porcelain Snuff Doll

snuff porn

I could still feel this hard cock and cold blade all over my skin and inside me. I always played with dolls when I was younger, but I never thought I would be used as someone’s doll. A few of my friend on the cheerleading squad convinced me to use my fake id one more time this summer, and go to this rocker club. It was so not my scene, but it was an excuse to dressy slutty and drink. We arrive, and I can feel the stares we are getting. I guess we came on a night a metal band was playing, but the music wasn’t bad. The club was packed, and I lost my friends almost immediately. I said screw it and decided I was gonna have fun regardless. I danced like everyone around me, kind of just tossing my hair around. I noticed a guy staring at me. He was a huge man covered in tattoos, and he wore his hair long in dreads. He was kind of cute in an emo way, but the way he was staring at me made me squirm. I needed fresh air, but I will never forget the lyrics as I walked out the door, “you’ll still love me, dead or alive.” I walk out to the alley on the side of the club. Then I feel strong arms around me, and I feel a rough rag over my nose and mouth. When I breathe in I smell nothing but chemicals. Everything starts slowly slipping I try to scream but I can not manage to get any noise out. The whole world went black, and when I woke up I had no clue where I was. I took a minute to look around me, I could tell I was in an attic. The walls were a light pink, and I was surrounded by dolls. The dolls porcelain faces all seemed to be staring at me. I looked up and saw the man from the club. He asked if I would be his little doll for life. I screamed at the top of my lungs, only for him to slit my throat. The last words I heard was him telling my I would make a better doll without a heart beat. The last thing I felt was his cock going into the slit in my throat as it gushed blood.

Anything? Anything!

snuff porn

I can not go a single day without getting attacked or violated. I finally made cheer captain, so now it is my responsibility to collect donations for uniforms. Mostly it was just small businesses, and boring as hell. However, one of the donators was a big fancy office, and they made me talk to the owner. I waited in his office, but he never showed. His secretary told me he arranged instead for me and him to go on a dinner meeting. I thought it was super odd, but it got even weirder when she told me he was having a gown sent to my house. It was certainly not ordinary, but I worked so hard to be captain I had to be the best captain I could be. So, I got all dressed up in the beautiful black gown he sent me, and I headed to the address I was given. I expected it to be a nice restraint, but it was a huge house. I knock and a tall, slick man in a suit answered. He told me I was even more beautiful in person, and that he was impressed that I was early. He led me into a dining room fit for a mansion. We ate in silence, and he stared at me while I tried not to make eye contact. When we finished I watched as he wrote a check for $100,000, and I stared in utter shock. A donation like that would make me the best cheer captain the school has ever had. He told me it was mine if I told him he could do anything he wanted to me. I thought about it for a few minutes, but it was too much money to deny. So, reluctantly I agreed, and his eyes narrowed. He let out an animal like laugh, and told me to lay on the couch with my legs spread and knees bent like I was at the obgyn. He brought over a table with sharp rusty tools, and he told me to bite the pillow. He showed a scalpel into my pussy, and I screamed in pain. He used many other sharp tools all over my body some I didn’t even know the name of. When I could feel myself fading away he assured me he would mail the check to the school. Then he slit my throat, and laughed while I bled to death on his couch.