Tag: killer phone sex

A Kiss Goodbye

Sadistic phone sex

Those lips, those pouty, full, perfect lips.  Soft, warm, untouched, parted ever so slightly.  This isn’t a princess in some fairy tale, this is prey in a nightmare of our making.  I run my fingers lightly from the ankles up the leg to the shattered pelvis, up the small incisions in the stomach placed there to induce a scream or two.  There were more than usual since she decided to try to be brave, keep it all in, the pain, the fear, show us that she couldn’t be broken so that we might give up.  That never happens though, we always finish.

My hand moves up across those barely there breasts watching as her chest rises and falls with each shallow breath.  They are tender to the touch, she flinches back slightly, she has no fight left, no energy, no hope.  I watch as bruises start to form, turning from red to that lovely deep color as the blood pools below the skin.  Traveling up her clavicle, broken, fractured as a matter of fact. I study the sheer white of the bone protruding from the skin, jagged.  Up to the nape of the neck, already yellowing bruises forming from fingers pressed tightly into her flesh.

Then up to that mouth.  I brush my thumb over it.  Thinking back to how it looked slipping up and down your hard cock.  Her cries being stopped from the manic thrusts which press your throbbing head into her throat time and again.  I stand at the top of the table by her head.  Looking down at her I notice that her eyes loose focus,  she knows what is coming, she is trying to slip away into her safe place to pretend this isn’t really happening. Oh, but it is.

The table wobbles slightly under your weight as you spread her legs to make room for you.  I toss you the ropes that have been previously tied to the legs of the table, you wrap each one around her thighs, tossing the unused portion back to me so that I can secure it to the legs as well.  The rope digs in, I can see her skin being pinched, the lower part of her legs turning pink, then red.  The circulation is being cut off, she moans, her eyes go blank, one single tear trails down from the corner of her right eye to splash on the table.

You rub your dick over her swollen cunt, sore, red, raw.  You press in, another moan from her, you start to move, more tears, her eyes begin to focus on my face.  I can see the pleading in them, yet those lips do not move to protest, more tears, she knows it will be better for her soon, she will be helped so that she can slip away, but not yet, you aren’t done but you are close.  I lower my head down as your noises become more guttural, the table legs slightly scraping on the floor, filling the almost empty room with bangs as you pump into her.  I put my lips close to her ear, waiting for you to cum, I whisper “Goodbye fuck rag” just as you release your hot sticky jizz deep into her. I then place one last kiss upon her lips so I can taste her last scream as you finish her off.

Snuff Porn in a Haunted Corn Maze

snuff pornI was in the mood to make a homemade snuff porn last night. I just needed the right victim. I was feeling like a killing a hot teen slut last night. Friday night haunted house got real for one little bitch. I have a seasonal gig in a haunted corn maze. It is in the country. It is three miles long and very dark. I work with other “actors,” but I kill for real. No one would think one of the “actors” went rouge. When some one dies in a haunted attraction, it is blamed on one of the visitors. A stalker, an angry ex, or just some Michael Myers wannabe. I had a camera on my miner’s hat to capture the fear. I just used a real axe instead of my fake one.  I substituted the blade for a different one so when I was questioned, my fake axe would not match. I stuffed the blade in the back pack of a dick boy before my victim was even discovered. I watched in joy as visitors thought she was just a prop. She never saw it coming. She was lagging behind her girls because she was flirting with all the male workers. Cock tease. She thought she smarter than the girls working the corn maze. She taunted me, so it was easy to put an axe to her head. She must have been on something because she kept mocking me as blood poured out of her head. When she realized it wasn’t fake blood, she freaked out. Started staggering through the corn maze, but folks thought she was an actor. I guess her friends left her thinking she hooked up with a guy. She wasn’t discovered until the lights came on and the night was over. Hours after I snuffed her. I was questioned, as was everyone working there, but since we have no record of everyone who came through the maze last night, I suspect her death will remain unsolved. I have a wonderful snuff sex video of her gruesome death. I may be out of a job since the maze was shut down by the police as a crime scene, but the month is still young. I can find more victims anywhere I want.

Green Eyed Monster

Snuff phone sex

“Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretense of keeping it alive.” ~ Havelock Ellis

I very much enjoy seeing jealous feelings in others.  I myself do not get jealous, there is nothing for me to be jealous of, I don’t like people enough to be jealous of them.  However, when that ‘green eyed monster’ rears it’s head in others, oh, how spectacular it can be.  Watching as people spiral down, seeing the depression set in, the obsession, the crazy, the whole delicious thing.  Granted, not all people fall all the way, but there is always that one, that one that goes above and beyond all others.  How is it that you can supposedly love someone so much that you kill them because they no longer love you? That is fucking hilarious!

Knowing that right now there are men and women out there who are plotting the death of someone that they state they love so much that they can’t be without them.  I’m crazy, I admit that, but those that I am speaking of are in a league all their own.  Perhaps I don’t understand it because I don’t love.  Let me rephrase that, I do not love people, I have never loved anyone, never will.  I think I am incapable of it which is fine.  I am not missing anything.  If I want to get fucked I go and get fucked, but other than that I really don’t want to be with someone day in and day out.  That would be horrid. Anyway, let us get back to it.

The best part of this whole jealousy thing is, that only one of the two know what is going to happen.  There is the jealous one, and the one who has moved on.  Can you imagine how shocked they will be when they find themselves in danger? Maybe it will be a simple gun shot right to the head.  Or perhaps some torture will be involved, dismemberment, evisceration, skinning, and so on and so forth. All because the person you loved, no longer loves you. Just once, I would really like to take part in one of these killings.  I wouldn’t want to get involved, but I sure as hell would want to watch. I want to see that dragon take it’s victim by the throat and bite down.

By the way, killing someone with a gun is a pussy move.  If you are going to kill someone, put some flair into it for christ sake.  It might be the only chance you ever have of taking a life, so make it your opus.  

Snuff Sex Sentence

snuff sexI was sentenced to snuff sex as my punishment. I faced a trial and a jury and was sentenced to a painful death, a public painful death. My crime? I was a judge who took bribes and sentenced women to prison and death for things they did not do. According to my executioner B, my death was a long time coming. In a public forum, I was on a platform in my judicial robe. That soon came off me. I was stripped of any shred of decency and power I thought I possessed. I was smug at first, but my executioner smacked the smugness off my face. Once I was stripped naked in front of a large audience cheering my death, I felt the shame my victims must have felt. My executioner made it clear that I was going to die in pain. My death would speedy, but it hinged on one thing, my orgasm. I was injected with microscopic robots that would trigger a massive heart attack the moment I came. When I heard that, I fought some more, but soon I was tied down and spread eagle. The microscopic killers had already invaded my bloodstream. My executioner just had to ensure my orgasm. In front of thousands of people, I was naked, spread eagle and getting fucked by a large fuck machine. Despite my fear and humiliation, it was a biological clock ticking to my death. Under my judicial robe, was a kinky pain slut who no matter how hard she tried, she could not hold back an orgasm, not even under such grave circumstances. I let out a huge moan as I came my final time. My body stiffened up and my heart felt like it was being squeezed so hard it could pop. That was it, I was dead. Just like that, executioner B gave me my comeuppance. What is your dark fantasy phone sex death sentence for me?

Castrating A Fool Like You

Castration phone sex is what you deserve, Fool! You are such a fucking loser and it’s no wonder the only pussy in your life is the skank cunt you pay for down in your trailer park. You have no damned game and I will guarantee that your pecker is just that a peck away from a god damned pussy. But it’s another fucking night at the bar and you rant on and on about pussy this, pussy that, tits.. ass and all sorts of derogatory shit that a loser like you can’t even get a hold of.

Castration Phone Sex

Fucking you is a god damned joke, but I grabbed you from my bar and threw you against the wall, and grabbed that pathetic pecker through your pants. You need this filthy wang to get off in some pussy? Well honey follow me. You hoot and mother fucking howl like the loser pecker you are and little do you get that you won’t even have the balls to return here… fuck if you even walk away when I’m done with your pathetic snuff phone sex victim self.

Snuff Phone Sex

I get your filthy pants off of you and can’t even stand how bad your alcoholic ass reeks, but I pull that pecker out that is throbbing so fucking hard and your drooling like a rabid bitch in heat. Fuck you I punch you square in the fucking face breaking your nose and splitting your lip. I laugh at you in my sadistic phone sex way and yank my boot knife out and in a simple swipe I sever that pathetic prick right off. Blood spewing all over me I laugh as you scream. I ain’t done with you yet mother fucker. I take another swipe and cut those balls off. More blood than a butcher room is all over me and I am elated to watch you bleed out. 

Sadistic Phone Sex

Castration Phone Sex: He Had it Coming

castration phone sexCastration phone sex inspired me. I had a call last week from a useless ass loser. He had a 2-inch dick and huge balls. Sadly, I saw pics. Some things you can never unsee. His balls obscured his shrimp dick. I was happy to take his nuts. At least it made his dick look bigger lol. Two nights ago, I was at a Goth bar when this little nerd came in. He bee lined straight towards me and flashed his tiny wiener. The geek had a death wish.  To show me his cock he wanted killed or castrated, or both. I have a reputation. He said his girlfriend dared him, but I had a hard time believing he had a girlfriend. He looked truly scared when I pulled out my huge knife. My guess was a woman fucked with him and knew my reputation and wanted his balls gone. He reminded me of my caller because he had huge ass balls and a teeny tiny weenie. I took him into the bathroom to castrate him. I had no supplies, just my knife. This was a freebie. He wasn’t paying me, so no need to treat him well. He was some looser with a sort fuck stick exposing himself in public. I didn’t give a fuck if he got gangrene and died. Seriously, he was a loser with a death wish. I know a few. I had some Jack Daniels, my lighter and my trusty old knife. I made him put his cock under the dirty toilet seat to separate his nuts from his dick. The loser was so fucked up he was going along with it. I poured whiskey on his balls as a curtesy he wasn’t owed and chopped them off. It was medieval torture sex. Very bloody. He puked. What a wuss. I used my lighter to cauterize his wound and then I used some more whiskey to dull his pain. He acted like I took his fucking dick too. Ungrateful loser. I could have killed him, I should have killed him. I made his worthless dick look bigger and not even a thank you.

Bath Time Killer phone sex

Killer phone sex

Babysitting is not my thing.  Killer phone sex is.  However, if you combine the two, one could have a real fucking great time.  When I was younger I would; on occasion; babysit the brats two streets over.  I hated them.  Their big eyes, their tiny bodies, their dimples, their high pitched little voices.  All of that shit.  I remember the female had these fluffy pink footie pajamas that I used to have to put on her after she took her bath.  The male  had fluffy blue ones.  Why? Why do this? Stop dressing your vaginal discharges as fluffy things, fluffy things get eaten. 

Once, their parents went out of town for three days.  I had to be in that house with them.  Sure the money was good, but having to deal with them and their happy selves was almost more than what I could bare. One night while I was giving Ginny her bath she slipped, banged her head on the faucet pretty hard, then slipped into the water.  I had to grab her.  She started to cry and bleed.  Just a little cut on her forehead.  Nothing major, but any cuts to the head area will bleed like a son of a bitch.  I was mesmerized.

One tiny drop went into the water.  It swirled around, grew tendrils, floated downward, then dissipated into the water. I still remember that.  All of a sudden I had the urge to reach up, grab her Dad’s razor, slice her throat, lay her down in the tub and watch the dance of the blood mixing with the water.  It made me feel calm.  It made me feel horny.  I imagined these huge billows of red blooming from the wound, turning the clear water into a red heaven.  All the while she would be floating in it, her eyes wide open, her hair splayed out above her like a halo.  Her soft, warm body turning paler, her lips becoming a perfect shade of bluish purple while her gaping neck wound continued to release the precious liquid that had kept her alive up until now. 

Then I thought how nice it would be to grab her Brother only to do the same thing to him.  Both of them, forever perfect, floating, their bodies bobbing in synchronization.  Me getting into the tub with them after there was the barest sliver of life left, humming them a lullaby as they drifted off into the warm long sleep. I would sit and caress them, bathe myself in their bloody bath water, relishing every second of it.  I would take my time, use their bodies to pleasure myself while they still twitched, barely alive, until they just stopped bleeding. 

I didn’t do that of course, I mean I would of been caught pretty damn quickly.  This is one of the defining moments that helped create my love of death, the love of hurting little things, and the love of killing.

Bloody Phone Sex Fun

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex stories make my cunt wet. I love blood. The feel of it. The taste of it. The look of it. I was more deranged than usual Sunday. I took Sunday Funday to a new level. I snatched a young girl from a church parking lot. I wanted to carve her up and play in her blood. That is exactly what I did too. This blonde angel in her Sunday best was covered in blood after one cut. Her skin was like a porcelain doll. Soft and tender. I made cuts all over her body and masturbated as she screamed in pain for her mommy. I watched her blood spurt and run out of the holes I made. It made me hot seeing her tender flesh bleed like an ocean. I gave her one last cut to her throat to shut her the fuck up. Watching it cascade out was wicked hot. It sprayed on my body. I rubbed my pussy as her warm blood coated my face.  She died quickly. It was a shame to let her go too soon. I could have doused her in lye to get rid of her remains, but I decided she would make a tasty meal. I boiled her in water with some spices and veggies. She was small, so she wouldn’t feed an army, but she did feed me well. Hopefully, she understood she would be better off dead in my belly than alive. I know I should have invited some friends to feast on her tender flesh. I mean it was like eating veal. I was just wicked hungry for human flesh. I was greedy and wanted to consume her all. I did just that. I ate her cooked body and gave her bones to my dogs. No one will ever know what happened to little Harper but me and you.

Punish the Nosey Neighbor

Sadistic phone sex


Tie me up, strap me down and give me some of your pain treatment. All I’ve been thinking about is gore I want to be treated like the fucking cum-filled slave whore. I just can’t stand it, how much I want you I need you, and I’m going to get you. Don’t you know I don’t care about your stupid fucking wife she’s nothing to me. She’s just getting in between all of the fun that you could be having right now. You can treat me like you want to treat her because she’s so fucking vanilla I know she gets on your nerves when she screams at you after you’ve worked all damn day. Punish me like you want to punish her but you can’t because well you know why. Let me be the object of your torture tonight. I like to be stuffed with a cum-guzzling amount of cock I want you desperately to be horrible to me. I’m caught up in the way that you look at her when you’re screaming. I’m the nosiest neighbor you’re going to ever meet, but I promise I’ll be discreet when I get you. You can hurt me I’m begging for you to do it I need it more than anything. I want you to stuff your fist up my ass and bang me hard. That’s right love I like it extreme super hardcore I even like the thought of stitches. Why don’t you go into my mind and tell me just how you want to victimize me don’t worry I like it all every bit of it. I have fantasies of being captured in these sweet seductive salacious rape fantasies I get taken. All of my body is bloody for you beat me like you want to beat her. She’s always screaming at you and causing trouble I know because I look out my window and I can hear everything. I feel so sorry for you because I know you want to slap her fucking face, but you always digress. Aren’t you mad at me for being so nosey? Don’t you want to teach me a lesson? I know how she makes you feel less than a man because she’s such a fucking cunt. Do you want to know something else, I know you love a woman who isn’t faithful at all while you’re at work the mailman the Water Guy, the gas man they all get cookies. I want you mad at me because I never told you this before your wife is a secret slut. Now I just want to know one thing are you angry at me for spying on your cunt of a wife and not ever telling you that she was fucking every guy that knocks on that door when you’re gone? Forgive me for laughing, but I dare you to do something to me about it.

Snuff Porn Revenge

Revenge is a dish best served with their intestines wrapped around their throat, and their decaying cock in your cunt. I had and ex that drugged and violated me several times, and with my new found attitude, I decided it was time to get my revenge. So, I texted him that I got us a hotel room, and that I wanted tonight to be the night we finally have sex. Since he doesn’t know that I know what he did to me, this plan was perfect. I wore sexy lingerie, so that he wouldn’t be suspicious. I had champagne set out for us, and there was something extra special in his. I thank cheerleading for the muscles to move his fat unconscious ass. The only difference between us is that I violated him when he woke up because I wanted to hear his screams and see the look of horror on his face. I cut right across his toned abs, and ripped his intestines out. I wrapped them around his throat until he started turning blue. I loved seeing him weak and vulnerable, trying to cling to what little life he had left in him. My pussy was dripping wet watching him take his last breathe. It’s true what they say about how a man’s cock stays hard when he dies, and I stuck to my word. I rod him until his body was cold, and his corpse started to smell. 

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