Tag: killer phone sex

Snuff Porn Star

Snuff Porn

Master says we need to handpick the best little whores to make into our snuff porn stars. We pick the most deserving piggy whores to violate, abuse, torture and fuck. Master hasn’t yet let me out on my own to pick him fresh meat yet, but he brings them back for us to play with. This one particular whore he brought back to us was this awful popular girl from my school that used to bully me and taunt me relentlessly.

At first, I was horrified but then I remembered all the times her and her friends would spit on me and call me names. She tried to beg us to let her go. The little bitch even tried to play on my emotions by telling me that she missed me and that everyone was still out there looking for me. But I didn’t believe her venomous lies. We tied that little skank up and had her stretched out. Her little whore tits were tied so tightly, they became purple. I wanted them to die slowly just like she was about to.

Master had the rope wrapped tightly around her through as he skull fucked every last breath out of her. I watch and became so wet watching the bitch struggle for air. I rubbed my throbbing pussy and clamped my clit while I watched Master suffocate her with his cock. It’s what the bitch deserved.   

Bloody holes

snuff sex

Some girls end up doing a complete 180 when they start dating a guy. I always made sure I wasn’t one of those girls. Things changed when I met my controlling master. I quickly realized my place was behind him and on my knees. I only need to worry about serving him and making him happy. He is my everything. When I got into snuff sex per his request I thought maybe some nipple clamps and a couple hard fuckings would be all to it, I was dead wrong. There was going to be so much more to his kinks.

I knew I was in deep when I allowed him to slaughter my holes. I have to say that doens’t compare to when I made my whole bleed all on my own. I knew the sight of my blood filled twat was an instant bonafide boner for him. His eyes were in dismay. He couldn’t believe I had got the sharpest knife and fucked my twat and ass for his entertainment. His cock was cumming like never before. I made him proud and gave him the best orgasm ever.

Sometimes you have to go with what feels right. Nowadays its all about him and his needs. I know I have to gage my own asshole and make him feel his happiest. Watching him climax is all I ever want. He will never be into vanilla sex so that has completely been out of my mind. I know what he desires and I am here to make him get it every single time. I will go as far as to kill and make his rape fantasies come true. I even brought my young sister over for all his bloody pleasures and sick fantasies. He is proud of his snuff slut. I am where I need to be.

My Snuff Porn Addiction

snuff pornSnuff porn is my addiction. I love watching another person’s suffering. After so many years of watching snuff, however, I needed to make it. Turns out I enjoy making snuff films more than watching them. Last night I kidnapped a teen whore for some sadistic fun. She is a mean girl. A hot teen slut who thinks the rules don’t apply to her and she can get away with murder and flirt her way out of trouble. She hit my car a few months ago and got out of paying for it. Payback is a bitch cunt. She didn’t even recognize me when she woke up in my kill shack. I am a Goth chick; how do you not recognize me? She started screaming about who her dad was. I didn’t give a fuck about her daddy. I was here to kill her, put her in my snuff sex porn. She was pretty with perfect skin. She used her beauty to cock tease, bully and get her way, so I uglied her. Little drops of acid on her perky tits and pretty face gave her the look she needed. Her screams in pain made me wet. I carved up her tits with my butcher knife. I fucked her cunt with that same knife as I joked about ruining her baby making ability. No self-absorbed twat should reproduce. Not that I was going to let her live. I was enjoying torturing her, but I was going to kill her. She was barely alive when I finally slit her throat. The way the blood gushed out of her was intoxicating. I filmed it all too. I don’t kill little bitches like this for just the thrill of it. I do it to cleanse society. The world needs fewer little bitches, don’t you agree?  Perhaps, we can hunt and kill together and truly make America great again.

Bloody Phone Sex Halloween

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex fun is in order for Halloween. At the stroke of midnight, I packed up my knife collection and went hunting for little ghosts and goblins. I got lucky that a house in the next country was having a party. There were adults and littles ones dressed up. I was the party crasher. Dressed like Michael Myers, I stormed in the house with my hands armed with big butcher knifes. I move faster than Michael Myers. I started slashing away at flesh. Old flesh and tender flesh. The younger ones bleed faster and their blood smells sweeter. Bodies were hitting the floor fast. Blood was pooling round my feet. The smell of fear and death is intoxicating to me. I tortured women in front of their husbands. I dismembered little ones in front of their parents.  I fed the family dogs a nice steak to keep them away. I am not a total psychopath. I didn’t harm the pets. It is humans I find annoying, not animals. It was hard to believe that one short bitch could kill 12 people so easily. It’s all in the element of surprise. They were not thinking they would be slaughtered like snuff porn stars in their own home. They were likely intoxicated too which would have slowed their reactions. Sure, I was channeling all my bad ass serial killer energy, but it was super easy to slaughter a group of folks at a time. Normally, I am a spree killer versus a mass killer. A kill multiple folks over the course of a night instead of a group of people at once. I have a taste for it now. I left no DNA. In costume, I blended in with the other party goers in town. I woke up this morning, turned on the news and heard about a mass slaying in a house thought to be drug related. I started masturbating knowing no one will ever link me to this random mass murder in a suburban home on Halloween night.

Halloween Snuff Fucking

Snuff sex There is a slamming Halloween party going on at the club tonight. I am going as a stupid slut raver punk chick. I am looking like I do every Halloween for a guy with some balls to give me the ultimate fucking orgasm by snuffing the life right out of me. I look for the guy in the fucked up costume. A serial killer, or a vampire maybe. You know something dark and frightening. Those are the men I target at parties they have sadistic sides to them. And every one of them needs a pain slut to release those fetishes on. When I spot my target I make my way over to them and rub my body right up against them. I see no sense in beating around the bush I come straight out with the fact that I want to get fucked up and fucked. And none of this pg-rated bullshit I want hardcore triple X brutal fucking. Take control of my trashy body and beat me within an inch of my life before stopping to fuck my holes raw making me bleed. And right before they are about to burst their nut I want them to snuff my life out. If I am lucky skank it will be a painful agonizing slow death.

Snuff Sex Betrayal

snuff sexSnuff sex is what I deserve. It is all I get. No man looks at me and wants to make me his wife or his girlfriend. I scream blonde bimbo to men. I represent the type of woman who has scorned them, rejected them, cheated on them… But unlike other women, I am submissive. I wouldn’t cheat on a man. I would give him everything I have and more. When I met Danny a few weeks ago, I had no idea I would end up bound, gagged and battered on his basement floor. Danny had me all wrong. He thought I was a high class girl, maybe even a spoiled rich bitch. He assumed the reason I didn’t go out with him was because I thought he was beneath me. The reason I rejected his date offer was because I am owned by someone. Some one who would dismember me and keep me locked in a cage under the bed for even kissing another man. When I was hit over the head last night going to my car, I assumed it was my owner and I had made some small infraction he took personally.  When I woke back up, I discovered it was a jilted man seeking revenge. He had me tied to a support beam. I was black and blue from the beating he gave me. I saw the blow torch and pissed myself. I pleaded and begged for my life. I tried explaining  that I was more like a snuff porn start than a gfe type. All he could see was a woman who rejected him. He branded his name into my flesh with his name. He burned my flesh off and when it scabs over, his name will be forever etched on my body. He didn’t kill me, but he sealed my fate. When master sees another man’s name on my body, he will certainly kill me for my betrayal.

Snuff Porn Fantasies

snuff porn

I’m not gonna lie, the thought of being in a snuff movie really scares me but my owner says I must so I guess that is how I am going to die. He has it all planned out, down to the last detail. I have to wear these little pink panties and a short nightie with my hair up in pigtails. He wants me to look really young and innocent even tho I have been used by like so many men before. That’s why he wants to kill me, he says that I’m all used up and no one likes a used up whore like me so he might as well kill me. He’s gonna let all kinds of men use me, he told me that he would let them fuck me to death! There is going to be an endless line of men just waiting to use and abuse me and I just don’t know how I am going to be able to handle it! I have no choice tho, all I am is a dirty little whore and I deserve to die if that will make my owner happy. After all, isn’t that why I exist in the first place?

Cannibalism: An Intoxicating Feast

She was a real juicy specimen that just wondered into my favorite hangout and on the best night possible for such a plump one. It’s the night of our annual gathering where we bring in about three plump and delicious sides of fresh flesh to get skewered. Well, we get them intoxicated and have some fun tenderizing the flesh or prey as it may be. We make sure they are marinated well inside before we toss them in a pot of warm brine and use a baster to really clean them out, and inject them with some nice dry white wine.

Once the prey has been penetrated and fucked by every member of the gang and fucked good is when all of the above preparations happen. We then impale them from ass to mouth with a long seasoned roasting stick that will be used to carry them to the fire. Positioned over the open flame we all start to oil the meaty breasts and asses up and let the flames lick away at their scrumptious flesh. The smell of their flesh cooking is beautiful and we continue to baste them with oils and seasonings until they meet our desired doneness. We really get into chopping the heads off and digging into the brain for a wonderful delicacy. Limb by limb the appetizer is served up. Let’s have a feast!

Cannibalism Phone Sex

Feeding The Trees


Snuff phone sex

Everything thrives off the death of something else.  Death is a necessary part of life.  Even vegans kill things, but veggies do not have a face, so they eat them, I hate to tell them this, but killing is killing.  However, you can make killing fun.  It doesn’t have to be a fucking somber time.  The lead up is sometimes more satisfying than the act it’s self.  All that planning, the stalking, making sure you have the right equipment, finding a place to play, then to dispose of the lifeless fuck-rag. All of it gets my cunt wet just thinking about it.

Having a place to take the prey is critical.  Spare of the moment shit always backfires, that is how people get caught.  Nothing is worth rushing over.  Taking time is what makes the experience worthwhile.  Instilling fear is the first thing, the unfamiliar, the brutality administered over a long time, erratic in it’s timing. It throws them off, making them on constant alert, it is exhausting for them.  Placing them in a place with no outside light, no outside sound, no way of knowing time, that will break anyone.

Once you get them at that point, right at the tipping point, you bring them back.  Showing care, kindness, regret, you gain their trust, then you start all over again.  The emotional as well as the physical pain is a must.  Make it last, days, weeks, months, but never ever hold onto them longer than that. The day arrives where you simply must do away with them.  They become tiresome after a while, and you will crave something new.  They are bruised, even fucking them has lost it’s fun because they just slip away into themselves.  What fun is that?  No screaming, no crying, no protesting, just dead weight. 

One piece at a time you take from them.  Keeping them alive by cauterizing wounds and cuts.  You bury those chucks of your prey deep, no animal will find them, no people will stumble across them, the only thing that knows that those juicy piece of flesh are there are the trees, and they are grateful for the nourishment.

Do Tread On Her

Killer phone sex


Upscale society bitches really piss me off to no end.  I abhor every damn thing about them.  It isn’t the fact that they have money, it is the fact that they are so damn idiotic.  That much stupidity packed into such a small space is mind boggling. I don’t care if they have companies, I don’t care if they are a CEO, bitches with that much money have no idea how the real world works, even if they came from dirt poor families, they forget.  Most of these flesh puppets never even have to work, they are born into a world where nothing matters to them but themselves.  Not that I give a shit for others either, but it is different with them.

If I could, I would take one of those cunts to a secluded place, and keep them there.  Every day I would do something a little more violent, although to them breaking a fucking nail would be the worst possible thing that could ever happen.  I can just imagine me standing over them, them begging, pleading, offering me money, blah blah blah.  I don’t need that shit, I can make my own money.  Me spitting into their face then taking a nice long piss into their mouth, before kicking them in their head to make them shut the fuck up.  

After a very long time of playing with them, starving them, violating every orifice I could with what ever I could find, leaving pretty bruises all over their once flawless skin, I would begin the life ending act.  Would I use a knife? No.  Would I hang them from meat hooks before gutting them? No.  What I would do is stomp them to death.  I would start at the very bottom.  Break those toes beneath the weight of my foot, crack the knee, watch the patella  disintegrate before my eyes while they scream in pain.  I am pretty sure the little shit would pass out at this point, so I would drink, watch some netflix, and wait until they regain consciousness, then get back to it.  

I know that by the time I reach their sternum that they will have figured out that I was working my way up their useless body and that they would soon be just some floppy dead cunt tossed into a lake somewhere. I might even prolong the agony.  I usually don’t like begging, I hate it actually, but to hear them beg for their shallow lives right before I crush their skull in could actually be fun.  Then after they were crushed, broken, bruised and of course dead, I just might have to take some time to play with my magnificent pussy a few times before dumping them like the true pieces of trash they are.