Tag: killer phone sex

Killer Phone Sex

killer phone sexKiller phone sex is what they wanted. I was out for a morning jog. It was super fucking cold. It felt like a winter day, not a spring one. There was frost on cars and even a little snow on the ground. It is almost June. I couldn’t believe this freak weather. I started to head back home because it was too cold. I ran by a car with a man putting something in his trunk. I think some one was behind me because the next thing I knew, I was pushed into the trunk. They were working together. Why, I was not sure. I felt like I was in that car forever. The trip was bumpy too, like a dirt road in the mountains. When the trunk opened, they yanked me out by my hair. I told them my husband was rich, but they retorted they didn’t want money. I was just the unlucky whore that fell in their laps. I was out in the cold wilderness. The middle of nowhere, I guess. I was going to be their snuff porn star. They wanted to kill a bitch just for the hell of it. First, they force fucked me. One in my ass and one in my pussy. As they tag teamed me, they choked me. Their hands were around my throat in a violent death grip. It was clear they were amateurs. Their methods of torture were sloppy and all over the map. They were just winging it. They wanted to kill and assault a woman and I jogged myself right into their trunk. I pleaded and begged, but no mercy was shown on me. They punched me, stabbed me, fucked my holes with broken branches and once they had their fun, they left me to die slowly and alone in the cold woods.

Fuck me silly

snuff sexGetting fucked up drunk and high always leads me to trouble. I like pain though. I am naturally obedient and submissive and don’t mind being fucked and used and abused by a couple of guys who enjoy snuff sex with a dumb cum slut like me. I am hot young and have an appetite for hard dicks. I like them even better when they take advantage of me. Have me screaming bloody murder. You know that makes my cunt quiver. Show me the way to infinite extasy. I enjoy my holes being double stuffed and double cream. I don’t mean only two I want a minimum of two in each hole. Six dicks are stretching me out and slapping me around like the whore I am. In my inner core, I will always be this trashy snuff loving victim.

Tat man

snuff sexI was dating a pro tattoo artist who had his shop. I enjoyed the perks of his big dick and also loved being able to fuck his big dick. We both shared the shared love for hurting bitches. My boyfriend’s shop was a hot commodity. Not only was it super accessible and always booked it was in the middle of a college city. We had drunk coed bitches at all hours of the night. We were also open late. Some dumb whore would come late night in packs. We had no problem roofing them up and finishing their choice of an art piece. We would lie and tell them it was mild over the counter pain reliever. They would all take it, and it would be lights out. It was a blast using them and having snuff sex with their slumber bodies. It was a fun time. I got plenty of frustration out plus lots of neat tattoos from the relationship.

Snuff Porn Got Real

snuff pornSnuff porn gave me my start in the adult industry. I have been making hardcore BDSM films since I was 18. I thought I was pain proof. I have thick skin. I can handle pain better than most men can. I found out this week, I do have a pain threshold that can be crossed. I was doing a bondage film. The director switched gears on me. He wanted snuff, the real kind too. Apparently, he was paid a large sum of money to execute me on film. I have enemies. Men who hate me for not submitting completely to them. I was tied up, locked to a bar. I was being fucked hard in the ass. I thought I was making an ass rape porn, but then my star started taking orders from the director. He choked me, punched me, even cut me. I was gasping for air and bleeding. I had no idea what was going on. I signed up for a fake snuff flick, but this felt like the real deal. I started screaming for help. I was in a studio, surely some one would help me. But, no one did. In fact, they were all in on it. Suddenly, I had a small army around me and they were all helping to hurt me. Knives, whips, blow torches, any kind of torture device they could find they brought to the table to kill me with in unison. It was gang bang torture while the director filmed my demise. I endured hours of pain and torture while the director filmed it for a mystery patron. I thought could handle pain, but they found my threshold. I went into shock before everything went dark. I have made thousand of snuff movies in my life, but this one was real. This one was my last one.

Teen Snuff Girls

2 girl phone sex

My Daddy told me to invite my best friend Tess to play today. Daddy loves young teen whores and he often gets bored of just torturing me, he wants to have multiple fuck toys to tie up and have torturous rape sex fantasies with. I brought Tess home after school and Daddy took us down to his play room. He told Tess and I to get each other naked and get on our hands and knees to be tied up and turned into his little teen bondage whores. Daddy’s big cock got so hard when we got into position. He had us try out his new invention. His snuff whore human centipede device. He brought out his big iron pipe and swatted and lashed our backs until they were bloodied while we rocked back and forth fucking our own holes. Daddy loved hearing Tess and I sob from the pain and he wanted to have even more sadistic bondage fun. Daddy made Tess lay on her back and he pushed his thick cock deep inside her virginal teen cunny. Her bright red cherry juice dripped all over his cock and he told me to suffocate her with my bald wet cunt. I sat right on her face and rubbed myself all over her nose and mouth. It felt so good while daddy was doing his rape fantasy to her tiny little cunnie. He handed me his hunting knife and told me to cut Tess’ tummy open. I pushed her guts away and could see daddy’s hard cock fucking her insides! Daddy got even harder inside of her and told me to grab his cock and jerk him off inside of Tess’ guts. I wrapped my teen hand around him and stroked his cock with Tess’ bloody organs and watched him cum all over her insides.

Bondage Phone sex


Snuff Porn Director

snuff pornSnuff porn makers have the best lives. I hooked up with this snuff director over the weekend. He had seen a few of my amateur underground films. He wanted to hire me. The professional snuff film maker wanted me to help him with a special film project. I felt honored. I have always been in awe of his work. He told me his films were bogus. I was disappointed, but I expected as much. He wanted to know how I made my films look so real. I told him they were real. Why would an amateur like me with no film connections make a fake snuff flick? I hate people. I kill for sport and entertainment. That was when his proposition got real. He offered me a huge sum to kill his ex-wife and film it. She is milking his wallet dry with alimony. He had me at alimony. I get paying for your brats, but I am not dependent financially on anyone, especially not any man. It would be my pleasure to make snuff movies with her as the star. He couldn’t be there because he needed to have an alibi. I broke in her house in Malibu. I filmed her fear. I filmed me stabbing her cunt and her heart. I filmed me pissing on her dying body. I filmed me sodomizing her worthless whore ass with a broken bottle. I had to do some editing to keep me out of it, but I had a good death film in the end and more importantly, I had a dead wife with proof of death for a big payout. He told me he has a long list of people for me to take care of for him. Happy to help! I love killing useless cunts. I am sure you have someone you want to star in a snuff sex film too.

Killer Phone Sex Fantasy About Being Dismembered

killer phone sexAs I listened to his killer phone sex fantasies intently, I got scared because I knew that soon they would not be fantasies. He talked about wanting a blonde bimbo to dismember. With no pain or numbing meds, he wanted to saw off the arms and the legs of a blonde slut. One that looked just like me. I started to run, but he over powered me. He grabbed my arm and twisted it in such a way that it snapped. I felt it break. I cried in pain. If that had been all the pain, I would have been able to endure it. What came next, was unimaginable. It was something out of a Texas Chainsaw movie. As I laid on the floor trying to move my broken arm, he fired up a chainsaw. I didn’t see it coming until my blood was splattering everywhere. I went into shock as I saw my one good arm severed from my body. He had an evil phone sex look on his face as he severed my other arm. I tried to run with severed limbs, but I slipped in my own blood. I hit my head and as I was on the floor squirming about, he cut me in two. I was eviscerated, laying in my entrails and warm blood. I would be dead soon. He waited until the moment I took my last breath before he fucked me.

Layla Meets her End With Jezabel

snuff phone sex accomplice phone sex

I might be a snuff whore but I am still very much a jealous woman. And the only difference between me and the girl next door is that I carry a hunting knife. Well, that and I love the smell and taste of blood. So when my boy toy was drooling over Layla’s big black tits I knew I had to act fast. I sent out an SOS looking for men who wanted a black whore to fuck up. I found just the pay duck in Jim. He wanted her hogtied and delivered to his basement of torment.  I knew Layla’s lusty body ran drugs for her associated and took cum like it was nobodies business. I do stalk my prey before pouncing. All it took was an envelope of cash and a promise of pure coke and lots of cocks to have Luscious Layla following me like a puppy pet. Her eyes became frightened but she merely whimpered as I tied her like cattle and threw her down the basement stairs. My only request was that I got to slice and dice Layas Big Tits and make sure my boy toy knew that they were disfigured at my hands. I so enjoyed her screaming as I tortured those round black jugs. Jim had his power tools ready as we put her on the slab. My knife dug deeper the more whore Layla screamed as I made quick knife work of those titties! This was going to be a hell of an accomplice snuff out!

Make me cum before I die

Violent phone sexPlease don’t inflict violent phone sex upon me and put me out of my misery without letting me orgasm one last time! I promise you I will do anything that I need to do in order to be able to squirt cum all over your hard cock once and for all. I will never be missed or remembered but it will be something special for me to enjoy before I gasp my last breath of oxygen. I’m sure you’re thinking that I don’t deserve a final orgasm and that’s okay for you to think that but I would seriously die the happiest snuff slut in the whole wide world if I am able to be granted that! I am your human punching bag and I cannot believe that I am actually about to be killed! You’re going to be using me like a filthy skank, penetrate my holes and don’t hold back. The more pain inflicted upon me the better.

Snuffing Mommy

Killer phone sex

My Daddy always said that he hated naughty little sluts. Last Saturday, I came home from shopping with my friends at the mall to find daddy waiting for me as soon as I walked in. I was so shocked that he returned home from his business trip early, but he told me that he had to cut it short because he received a call from mall security. They told Daddy that I stole thongs and bras from the lingerie store with my friends. He grabbed me by my neck and pushed me against the wall making my head bleed. Daddy asked why I am behaving so badly and why I am dressing like a whore like my friends. He pushed his fingers inside my stolen panties and rubbed my cunnie until it dripped wet. He asked if I deserved to be punished and I begged him not to. He said instead he would punish my mother for letting me dress like such a slut. He dragged mommy into the living room by her hair and made me sit on her face with my bare cunnie while he defiled her with his cock. Daddy made me watch while he had his rape fantasy with mommy. Mommy screamed and screamed into my wet cunnie but Daddy wrapped his hands around her neck and squeezed tightly until she couldn’t breathe. Daddy suffocated her while I rubbed my wet hard clitty all over her face until I squirted all over her blue face. Daddy told me that my punishment was to snuff my mommy with him and I did as I was told. Now if I want to continue to live, I had to bring Daddy all my little whorish friends to snuff one by one. It would serve as a lesson to me for being a slut like them, he said.