Tag: killer phone sex

Lured Them with A Pretty Dolly

I have clients that pay me good money to lure young sweet girls and sometimes boys. Today I was offered a nice sum of green to lure two blonde little sisters he has been watching. I lured them with a couple of pretty dollies that were new on the market and every girly girl type wanted. What better way to lure a couple of brats who’s parents were too irresponsible to keep in the house during this quarantine. The most susceptible and they cheerfully came with me so they could both get the new dolly. I only had one to lure them with. I offered them candy and 2 new dollies and pretty dresses for the dollies. It was fucking easy. Took them back to an abandoned house that was for sale. My mother was a realtor so I got the codes to many places to have fun in. I lured the girls right into the hands of my pervert client. Oh the games we played with these two. The best part for me was chopping off the head of the dolly and putting a pocket pussy in the neck. I loved watching the pervert pump it joyfully as I taunted the girls that this would happen to one of them while the other got to watch. So which one will it be? The two little things were petrified. I love the taste of fear in their blood, don’t you?

Evil Phone Sex

Stone Cold Slut

sex with dead bodies

If sex with dead bodies is something that gets your cock hard, then I’d say now is your time to shine! Imagine the body count in the next coming months. All I can say is that I don’t so much fear death if the end result includes being fucked by you. I want to be chased and tortured until my icy cold body lay there waiting for you to fully enjoy. Just a stone cum receptacle for the taking. I only hope that you preserve my dead corpse and enjoy it for awhile. Knowing full well that it’s exactly the demise I’ve been fantasizing about all my life. To lay there motionless in your sadistic embrace. Imagine being able to dress me in anything you like. Like your own personal ‘real girl’ doll, but instead I’m your dead girl.
I do wonder how many times you’ve thought about squeezing the breath put of some beautiful woman you see regularly at the market or the post office. Or are your fantasies a bit more violent and bloody? I’d really like to hear about those gory details. It sends icy cold shivers down my spine, while it warms up my tight little cunt.

Mutilated Slut

mutilation phone sex

I’ve decided to take my dark and twisted fantasies to the ultimate level. I’m going far beyond mutilation phone sex. It’s time to let my sadistic lover have his fun taking me out. He’s been cutting pieces of my flesh off day by day. He promised to flay me and cook me up one slice at a time while I’m still alive. I just know he’ll feed me to myself as he slices away my life. Why does it make my pussy so wet thinking about him mutilating me before he ends it all. I’ve been cumming like crazy thinking about him removing parts of me while he leads me to death.
I know it really excites him too. He gets so breathless when he jacks off over my bound body. He slams his hard cock into my cunt while he digs the knife in and takes pieces of me while fucking me senseless. I can not wait to give him my life. I just know that he’ll fuck my corpse too, after he finishes me off. He tells me He’s going to use me once I’m gone. The thought of being fucked after death makes me so damn wet.

Evil phone sex

Evil phone sex I got the call from my heroin dealer he pimps me out and I get all the heroin I want pumping through my veins. He told me there would be three horny men waiting for me and they had two hours with me but he never told me it was going to be an Evil phone sex session. It only took me twenty minutes to get to the residence. I walk up to the door and it swung open. A man grabbed me by my hair and pulled me in. My body twirled and I landed on my ass. I heard laughter all around me. Suddenly huge hands were around my neck lifting me off the cold floor. I was gasping for air and that is when I saw the video camera. They were doing a live stream and taking requests. My dealer owes me extra heroin for this sadistic session.

My Killer Phone Sex Fantasies Went Awry

killer phone sexAll of us have killer phone sex fantasies, even submissive whores like me. I have had enough of my abusive stepson. My husband won’t protect me from him because he doesn’t believe his own wife. My stepson has convinced him that I am a delusional, vengeful, druggy whore. He doesn’t believe me when I say his son beats me, fucks me and even pimps me out. I decided I would kill my stepson to solve my problem. I thought I could kill him. I wanted to kill him. Of course, it backfired. I baited him to come over one night. I made him a cake with rat poison inside. I thought he would eat it and die. I thought it would be simple. I should have known better. He is smarter than me. He knew I would never bake him a cake. He made me eat it. I got sick quickly. I puked withing minutes of eating a slice. He pushed my face in my own vomit while shoving his fist up my ass. He kept repeating how worthless I was and that a stupid cunt like me could never pull a fast one on him. He made it clear that I was still alive because of him. He only made me eat a slice of the poisoned cake to prove a point. He spent the rest of the night beating me and fucking my ass so hard, I wished I had eaten the entire cake.

Our Threesome turned into a Twosome

Evil Phone SexSometimes Daddy lets me go out with my friends to have a little fun without him. He knows I am a naughty evil thing, so he always tells me to be careful. Anyways, my friend and I hit up the local dive and were shooting pool and throwing back drinks when this super-hot but arrogant guy walked in. I looked at my friend and winked and she knew what was up. I walked up to the bar beside him and asked if he would like to join us for a game. He grabbed his beer and headed our way. We played and drank and took turns making out with each other until the wee hours of the morning. I grabbed his dick through his jeans and asked if he would like to come back to my place for a little after-hours party. He smiled as we hopped in his car for the ride. On the way there I unbuttoned his pants, pulled out his dick and gave him a blow job. He almost ran off the road as he shot his load in my mouth. Once home, we went to my room and started partying and playing. I brought us some beers and gave him a little blue pill so he could satisfy two girls all night. I bent over for him to fuck me in the ass while my friend stuck her tongue deep in his asshole and grabbed his balls. He then laid back and my friend climbed on his dick and rode him while I sat on his face so he could lick my juicy bald twat. We continued fucking every way imaginable until I ended up on top of my friend and he stuck his dick between our lips. I gave his dick a few good licks before pulling the knife from between the mattress and slicing that thing right off. He screamed in pain as he fell to the ground. We both got up and as she stuck her tongue deep in his mouth, I took that knife and slit his throat. As he lay there bleeding, I grabbed her and put her back on the bed and continued munching on her sweet, cum filled pussy.

Snuff Sex Is My Addiction

snuff sex

You’ve been talking about this one fetish you have ever since we started fucking – snuff sex. You have always liked putting your hands around my throat while we fuck. You like squeezing until I give you the safe word. But you tell me how much you’d like to ditch the safe word and go all the way with me. You want to keep squeezing my throat and squeeze the life out of me. As much as I am a little embarrassed to admit it, the thought of you doing that really does make my pussy wet. I’ve even started having my own fantasies about it.
Let’s just say that one night you come home and you find me sitting on the bed in really sexy lingerie. You ask me what the special occasion is and I tell you that I’m finally going to let you have the one thing you want most – my life. I take your clothes off and then lie down on my back, still in my lingerie I spread my legs and tell you to put your cock in me and then ask you to put your hands around my neck. I want to look into your eyes as I slowly slip away…

Fatal Fantasy Phone Sex Accomplice

fantasy phone sexI specialize in fatal fantasy phone sex. Murder is natural instinct. Over time, society has tried to beat those primal instincts out of us. In the beginning of time, man took what he wanted. It didn’t matter if what he wanted belonged to someone else. Or if what he wanted was young. I bet you look at young girls and covet them. You are too afraid to take a young girl because you don’t want to get in trouble. Murder is the solution. Take what you want. Have your fun. Then kill her when you are done, so no one knows what you did. Hire me as your accomplice phone sex partner though. I know how to get rid of bodies. I help men like you fuck the shit out of some cute young thing, then I dispose of the tiny lifeless body afterwards.  I can even make you a home video of you fucking a tender age little pussy or ass. Guys love to relive the moment when they finally got to tear apart a super young hole. Let’s face it. Money talks. If you have money, you can buy whatever you want. You don’t need to go to some foreign country for it either. Let me help you fuck that bald pussy you want. I will get ride of the body for you too.

Willing Torture Victim

murder phone sex fantasies

Perhaps you’ve been with women in the past that you couldn’t be open with. Not everyone in the world can handle the intensity of extreme fantasy. I’d even say that we’re in the minority. The good news is that you’ve managed to find your way to the depraved vixen that your taboo dreams have been waiting for. Dark, bloody and fatal fantasies only serve to make me even wetter. You can feel free to let every guard down in your sexual world and invite me on in. I’ll exchange keys with you and allow you into my dark playground of the mind as well.
I can’t remember the very first time I talked to a man with murder phone sex fantasies but I can tell you that I never tire of it. So many sexual acts are so vanilla they can put you to sleep. You never have to worry about that from a wild kinky bitch like me. I’ll be your torture victim, the one that you’ve been waiting to get on your slab. You can take it as far as you want to. I’ll only take everything that you dish out and more. Come and possess me anytime.

Snuff Makes My Pussy Wet

Accomplice Phone SexDaddy is always scheming, anything to make some cash. He loves the pay to play webcam business and I usually am the star attraction in the videos. Sometimes daddy has special shows, the kind that require big dollars. He has plenty of people willing to pay for such naughty fetishes. They always start out typical, with me being fucked by multiple guys, sucking lots of dick, taking it in the ass and multiple cum shots. It is how they end that brings the money. Daddy hires people off the streets, the down on their luck, druggy type that nobody will know has gone missing. He jacks them up on cocaine or X and turns them loose. They are always the last guy with me. They are blitzed out of their mind. I let them ram their dick in my pussy and pound me hard. Then because he is so high his dick gets hard again. I lay him on the bed and get between his legs, sucking on his rock-hard cock and he lays there in ecstasy. Right when he is ready to shoot his load I reach under the mattress and pull out a big sharp knife. Then when he starts squirting his warm hot load, I take that knife and in one swift movement I cut his dick off. He screams as blood flows from his legs. I then take his dick and stuff it right in his mouth letting the blood roll down his mouth. Finally, I take that knife and slit his throat. The camera captures all the blood and gore before zooming in on his lifeless body with his cock still stuffed in his mouth. I get so horny from doing that that Daddy always fucks me nice and hard right by that body.