Tag: killer phone sex

Bloody Phone Sex is A Lot of Fun for a Sick Bitch

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex is so much fun for a sick bitch like me. Red is my favorite color because I love the look of blood. I especially love the look of blood as it is pouring out of a victim. The blood of a young victim is the best. It is a bright crimson red. It has a sweet smell to it too. You would almost think it is theatrical blood, but the blood of tender age victims is just sweeter than our blood. It becomes addicting, but I am not impulsive or compulsive. That is how I can be a stone cold killer bitch and never get caught. Hell, I am under the radar still. The dark net knows me though. I am a legend of sorts there. But I make sure I change details when I brag about my snuff sex kills. I am smart and methodical above all else. This is how I stay out of prison.

When Harvey hired me, I knew he wanted a young one killed. He has been fucking his stepdaughter for years now, and she has decided she no longer wants to be his victim. She is blackmailing him. He wants her gone. I get it. She is a problem now. I take care of problems for money.  This kill took some finessing. I mean I had to make sure he had an airtight alibi and that when he did, I could easily gain access to the jailbait whore. It took weeks of planning, but the stars aligned yesterday. His stepdaughter was staying with friends because they had no power from a storm that hit recently. He was out of the country with work buddies who could vouch for him. I killed the friend too to look like a random act of violence. I stabbed two innocent angels in their princess beds while the adults slept in a near by room. I made it look like a bloody massacre. It will be blamed on some escaped loony bin patient or some schizophrenic hobo. Harvey’s problem was solved with some accomplice phone sex. Any problems I can solve for you?

Snuff sex with my roomate

snuff sex

The guy I am dating has brainwashed me, and I can admit it. No one needs to intervene. I knew I was his when he got me into snuff sex. There’s no other kind of sex I want now.

The cherry on top was when he convinced me to make our roommate part of a threesome, where he challenged me to prove that I could be a good whore willing to obey him and submit to all his orders. I had to seduce and then sedate her and let him watch as I took control of the situation and made him proud. The first thing I did while she was going in and out was choked her and tied her up. Slice her up and use the most enormous mightiest strap ever.

She had no idea what happened the next day but was all sliced and bruised up. She never questioned it when we told her it was an accident that occurred.

Evil phone sex miracles are made with my body

Evil phone sexThe French call the orgasm the little death and I am searching for death both large and small during evil phone sex. My ambitions, my passions, my fun, they’re all past issues that don’t matter anymore the moment I’m under a knife or man’s torture tools. I seek out greater pains, greater vengeful wrath meant towards others that he can make my problem. Just last night I found myself sliced into and I couldn’t help the moan that escaped my lips and threatened to make my life another scarcity. He’d told me if I was too loud he’d slit my throat, and I thought he meant it. I felt an incision at my bloody dream flow just after I let out my blissful gasp. The thing is, I was still alive, I hadn’t been fully carved into oblivion yet. A sign of his cowardice, maybe, but also a sign of his desire to keep me around a little longer to wreck, destroy, and treat to an oblivion of orgasmic bliss. Killer phone sex just doesn’t get better.

His cock was somewhere, I wasn’t fully sure. So many blades having nicked me, cut me, turned me into a whining bitch. I couldn’t feel anything properly anymore. Maybe I’d lost too much blood, maybe I’d lost my mind. Maybe it was his meaty need roughing up my insides down low and pushing me towards an edge I hadn’t known I’d needed. Or maybe that was yet another blade, permanently scarring me and destroying me for other men. The difference wasn’t in what was really happening, it’s what he wanted to happen. I was a slutty torture slave for his whims and needs and nothing was going to change that, not even an idealized realization of the dark abyss knife play phone sex.

Normal sex doesnt do it for me I need torture sex

I went on a date with a cocky dude but very normal thinking i could have something besides torture sex to get me off. It was fine at first he licked my cunt and asshole right but when he was on top of me fucking my pussy hole and doing nothing else, it was too boring. I flipped him on his back and started riding his cock hard. I wrapped my hands around his neck and rode his cock hard. The harder I squeezed the harder I rode his hard dick. He started bucking back trying to get me off of him but that only pushed his dick deeper inside me. I could see his eyes starting to roll to the back of his head and it made your body shake. As i was cumming all over your dick your body stopped moving. The look you had in your eyes is what you want to see when you have Sex with dead bodies. You want to see the very moment your life leaves your body. I learned that from my sadistic uncle. I also learned the best way to get rid of a body is to make a bonfire.

Torture sex

Castration Phone Sex is What I Love Because I am a Sadist Not Your GFE

castration phone sexIt is no secret that I love castration phone sex. I am clear about being sadistic. I am not your typical phone sex operator. I am not here to blow your cock or let you fuck me in the ass. I am not here to be your therapist or GFE either. You are my victim or my accomplice. There is no gray area in between. I find men mostly useless to me. Yet every day, I have to whack some guy’s junk off because he cannot read or he cannot listen. You try to fuck me, or you try to spoon me or show me typical affection, I go crazy and not in a good way. Just ask Josh. He thought I would satisfy his Goth girl fetish. Not my job. I am here for dark fantasies not romance. I am a sadist. That is just fact. A sociopath too. I do not care if you good looking and rich. Nor do I care that you paid $2 bucks a minute to get off. There are plenty of women here that do BJ calls or typical fuck calls. This is a snuff phone sex site. If you are looking for love, well you are looking for love in all the wrong places. Josh got castrated with a rusty blade for trying to fuck me. He kept calling me honey and baby, and that kind of puerile talk just pisses me off. I made Josh think I would suck his worthless pecker, and I cut it off instead. The balls too. I had to make a point. I had to emasculate him permanently. I do not care if you pay $1,000 a minute, you are not treating me like your paid whore. I carved Josh up like a side of beef, making sure to inflict the most painful torture sex I could. Josh had to pay for his stupidity. Don’t be like Josh.

Torture Sex Facilitator

Torture sex

You don’t have to come to me for all of your salacious torture sex desires.  You can go through the whole rigamarole of finding your own fuck pigs, trapping them, imprisoning them and keeping them hidden from the rest of the world so you can do whatever you want to them all on your own.  Why would you need an accomplice like me to help you?  Well, let’s think about that.

First off, how much free time do you have?  If you work a job forty hours a week and then have to go home to feed and entertain a boring family, how much time are you going to have for the hunt?  A proper abduction takes planning and a good amount of prep time.  Do you have the energy to do your due diligence before you capture some dumb cunt to keep in your basement?

That’s the other thing; are you going to be able to hide a whore from everyone?  Do you have any little crotch goblins running around that might find her hidden away in that secret room you keep downstairs?  If she screams loud enough, will they hear her?  If you have a family, you’re better off going with some sort of shed or outbuilding for storing your cream taking catch.  Storage containers are cheap, just put it far enough away from your house so none of your brood can hear her scream and cry out as you do your worst to her.  

I’m not here to give you free advice.  My point is that you don’t need to do all of that.  I keep a constantly rotating lineup of greasy fuck pigs in my basement for you to use and abuse.  I already did all of the legwork for you, all you need to do is pick your favorite piggy.  After that, you can do whatever you want to her as long as you pay me for the pleasure.  It doesn’t even matter if you go too far and turn your abusive round of raunchy reaming into bloody, rage fueled snuff sex.  It’ll just cost you a little more, no biggie.  Then you can clean yourself off and head home to your regular house and normie family without any worry about the cum filled bitch that you don’t have captive in your home.  That’s why you need an accomplice like me.  Figure it out. 


Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Can Be Fulfilled

murder phone sex fantasiesMurder phone sex fantasies? Anyone? I know there is some one you want to kill. Maybe you cannot kill your wife or your boss because suspicion immediately falls on you, but we can find a surrogate for you to kill and that is almost as rewarding. I had this guy over the weekend who wanted to murder his girlfriend. She cheated on him. Personally, I thought he was a whiny loser. Your girlfriend cheats on you? Maybe you are the problem. Ditch her and date someone new. He could not kill her because he would be the scorned boyfriend. But we could find a girl in a different county who looked like her. We could make some killer phone sex memories with a girl who looked just like her. Since he was paying me, I took all the risk so he could have all the fun. I drugged her drink, and walked out of the bar with her. Led her straight to her death. I had nothing against her personally. This was simply business. I mean a girl must eat, right?

We drove to my kill shack in the middle of nowhere to off the bitch. My client could not believe how closely she resembled his cheating girlfriend. He wanted to force fuck her before we killed her. When he pulled out his tiny dick, I knew exactly why his woman cheated on him. Men with small dicks should be used to cheating girlfriends. I mean this loser had maybe 3 inches hard. No way this surrogate girlfriend would even realize she was the victim of his rape phone sex fantasies. He fucked the girl. He killed her too. Then I gave him a hard dose of reality. Women are going to cheat on you dude. I mean you have a small dick. I told it too him straight, but he did not take it well. He thought he could fuck me, so he got a free castration. Now, he will not have to worry about cheating girlfriends because he will not have any more girls in his life, LOL.

Killer Phone Sex Queen Aria Kills This Fetish!

Killer phone sex

I have this fantasy where I have some killer phone sex. It starts our soft and sweet then works into being something more murderous. With me, everything is to the extreme. So, don’t call me expecting something simple and pathetic because I wont do it. I expect hardcore and rough, not some soft mushy gooey lovey dovey stuff.

I expect murder and forced sex and extreme age play. Everything has to be so hot and extreme that it makes me melt. I expect only the best, because I give nothing but the best. I want hot murderous sex. The kind that you have to beg and plead and ask permission to proceed.

I am the ruler and mistress of this fantastical fantasy play, and you are simply my follower who will do as I ask and play my knife games with me. Will you drown in your own blood? Or will you drown in someone else’s, your pets? The one you played with so hardcore that they are left numb and go limp and pale.

All of that glorious blood, sticky warm gooey blood is so delicious I cant get enough of my murderous play. Can you? Of course not, these knives are shar enough for both of us to have a little chase and some fun.

So, come and play my little knife game and join in on my fantastical murderous game of love and lust. Sex is always open for those who are dominant and know what they want.

Gothic Phone Sex Fantasies are What a Goth Chick Does Best

Gothic phone sexGothic phone sex fantasies are common. Many men think of medieval torture for themselves or others. Or they have vampire fantasies. Or just any dark and foreboding fantasy. I am the Goth chick who can make them seem real. That is because this Goth chick is a sick bitch. I inherited my grandfather’s torture collection. He spent 100s of thousands of dollars over the years buying antiquated torture devices. He knew his sadistic granddaughter was his mini me and could put that all to good use. I did and I still do. I have a torture chamber in my basement. The centerpiece is an old execution chair that I modified for castration. Around it, on the walls, are all sorts of medieval torture sex devices that I can use on you or anyone. There is a rack and a breaking wheel too. I used the breaking wheel last night for this loser who thought he could fuck me even after I said no a dozen times. He broke my tolerance threshold quickly and paid with his life. The wheel is embedded with little needles and cogs to rest some limbs on. His limbs did not rest, however, because I used an ancient mallet to crush his limbs while he laid on a bed of tiny nails. I spun the wheel around many times, prolonging his agony. Medieval torture was designed to achieve the highest level of pain for the longest amount of time. Torture is only torture if it goes on for hours. Otherwise, it is mercy. Do I look merciful? Hell, no. I wanted that perverted bastard to feel my wrath. No one does torture phone sex like a sadistic woman with a Medieval torture chamber in her basement either. That little loser is fertilizer now. No one will miss him, I am sure.

I Snuffed Your Wife On Valentine’s Day!

Sadistic Phone SexIt didn’t take very long for me to think of the perfect gift for you, I knew just the thing you’d want me to do! After you left for work yesterday afternoon, I knew she’d be all alone, I let myself into the house and waited for my moment. She was coming out of the shower when I grabbed her by the hair, I threw her down and kicked her right in the stomach. I was already wearing my special dildo, the one you like the most, the one with the knife just beneath the head of the cock. I held her down and spread those legs laughing at her screams, I forced my strap-on in that worthless gash. She tried hard to get away but I was just too excited to snuff the cunt, I had my dildo deep in her guts before she could even turn over. What a bloody mess she made as I fucked her, the screams were delicious…. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, you walked in on us. You were so happy to see your gift and the look of shock and betrayal on her face was worth more than anything you could have given me.