Tag: killer phone sex

Snuff Porn with Lovers is My Favorite Fall Activity

snuff pornFall makes the perfect weather to watch snuff porn. I have a few lovers who enjoy getting fucked up and watching snuff flicks with me. I am in it just for the coke. And I always assumed snuff films were fake. But this guy I party with showed me a real snuff movie. The homemade kind. I knew it was real because the girl in the film has been missing for over a year. Suddenly, I found myself scared. What if he wanted to snuff me too?

I remember when the girl went missing. She went to high school with my sons. So, I did not doubt that this flick was homemade. He fucked her raw. For once, I was not the ass rape porn star. I watched and masturbated as he told me what he did to this hot teen slut. Sure, I felt badly for her. She would have been my youngest son’s age. Now she is dead and buried somewhere. I just did everything I could to not end up as the star of one of his next snuff flick.

I Try Hard Not To Star in a Real Snuff Flick

Honestly, I never knew this guy had such a dark streak. I assumed he might be like me. A normal middle-class dad who likes to enjoy some coke sometimes. He never minds sharing his coke with this ginger whore. And I love fucking him. He fucked my ass as we watched his snuff flick. But I acted like I thought it was a fake film. Clearly, I did not know this man like I thought I did. He strangled this teen girl with his bare hands. He fucked her dead body too.

However, sex with dead bodies clearly turns this guy on. I just had to avoid being his next corpse lover. As he fucked my ass, I did my best to act like nothing had changed between us. But I did fear him. No one has seen the star of his little homemade video since she disappeared last year. Police thought teenage runaway. Parents suspected fowl play. But I know she died a violent death. And her body likely will never be found.

ass rape porn

Torture Phone Sex Season Has Losers Begging for Me to Kill Them

torture phone sexTorture phone sex calls make me wet. Not much makes my Goth gash purr better than human torture. I do not torture animals. I respect animals because they help me dispose of your remains. But a man, I can torture until he dies from the pain. A quick painless death? Nope. Not with me.

Most of the men I torture do not beg for it. But this one did. And I found him so pathetic and so worthless, that I did it for free. Sometimes men find Goth girls like me hanging out in Goth or Steampunk bars. When they come into a bar filled with folks like me, they stick out like a sore thumb. And for whatever reason, they gravitate to me. Like I have a loser magnet inside my body somewhere, LOL.

Well, I could have that removed, but I love ridding this world of losers with torture sex. James found me and begged for me to kill him right there. Trust me, I considered it. But public slayings or impulse kills not my style. I stay under the radar. That’s how I avoid going to prison. However, I will slaughter a loser in my kill shack any day.

Some Men Just Scream Kill Me

Although I practice good cleanup measures, if the FBI raided my kill shack, they might get confused by all the DNA found inside. But no one knows how to find my kill shack. Thats because it is located seriously off the grid. I felt like this loser James deserved some medieval torture. Since my grandpa was a sadist, I inherited his collection of fine medieval torture devices. I put James on the rack. And I slowly turned the crank to stretch him until he tore in half.

It took hours at the pace I went, but I love prolonging agony. Watching someone die from pain slowly, I find erotic. I can smell pain. I can smell fear. When James finally tore in two, his upper body did not know he had been severed yet. While his brain caught up to his body, I sat on his face. My Goth gash was the last thing he ever saw in his final snuff sex moment. When he died, I fed him to the wildlife. Now, I am on the prowl for my next loser. Maybe it will be you.

Evil Phone Sex Is in The Air

evil phone sexEvil phone sex. I like the way it sounds. E V I L. That describes me. Once, when my mother took me to a shrink, the doctor said I did not show any classic sociopathic tendencies. Well, that’s because I do not fit any mold. Most serial killers got a taste for torture when they were schoolboys because they tortured animals. Not me. I love animals more than humans. I would kill you to save a squirrel. And I am not joking.

I could never hurt an animal. But I do not have any issues hurting people. My first victim, I killed accidentally. My schoolgirl bully. I stabbed her in the woods when she followed me home from school to torment me. My grandpa covered it up. Still to this day, the local police have her listed as a missing person. My grandpa taught me everything I know about killing. And he taught me how to get away with it. Serial killers get caught because they have a pattern. To the cops, my snuff sex deaths appear random. No connection. Most of my victims never get found.

I Respect Animals, It is People I Loathe

The key to my success? Wildlife. My accomplices. I feed victims to the bears and coyotes and other wildlife that lives in the woods behind my kill shack. Thus, why I am kind to animals. They help me in so many ways. My kill shack appears quaint on the outside. Remote. Surrounded by nature. No wifi. Solar generated power. Well water. On the inside? I think my cabin appears to be something straight out of a horror movie like The Evil Dead. So many souls haunt those walls. But I am impervious to ghosts.

The smell of death, I find intoxicating. The splatter of blood on the walls and floors reminds me of each kill. Sometimes, I lay on the floor masturbating on the blood-soaked floor remembering a particular kill. Maybe, if you prove yourself worthy, I can take you to my kill shack. Would you like to see where I do my best work? Would you enjoy being my accomplice phone sex partner? Or perhaps, you would prefer to die in my kill shack?

Evil Phone Sex Early as Killtober is Just Around the Corner!

evil phone sexEvil phone sex anyone? I am always in the mood to fuck something up. More like fuck someone up. My favorite month will soon be here. October does not seem too far away to me now. Every October, I engage in a Satanic purging ritual. However, the funny thing is I do not consider myself a Satanist. Guys ask me all the time if I believe in the devil. I do not believe in heaven or hell. And if you believe in God and that bullshit thing you would believe in his counterpart.

But if you do not believe in God or heaven, how can you believe in Satan? Makes no sense to me. But then I am a logical bitch. However, I do believe in evil. I am evil. Perhaps even a sadist. I am not the kind of woman who needs other human beings. So, I do not have a wolf pack. Nor do I have a bestie or a boyfriend. What I do have though is “a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people…” Okay, that’s a Liam Neeson quote. But I am a nightmare to all people.

Thirty Days of Killtober Came Early

I’m a snuff porn queen. And since my favorite month is October, I will once again partake in 30 days of killing. However, Killtober might be off to an early start. I killed a bitch on accident last night. Not really by accident. It was not like I tripped, and my knife landed in her heart. The bitch annoyed me, and my knife stabbed her in the throat. Sort of accidentally on purpose. Although I am not ashamed of it. She ran a red light, almost ran into me and then called me a cunt.

I so wished you had been in the car with me. No doubt she could have been your ass rape porn star before I slit her throat. It was dark and the road appeared desolate. She seemed drunk as fuck, and any self-entitled cunt who drives drunk, almost kills me then calls me names, deserves to die, right? I did not even think about it. My arm had a mind of its own. And so did my knife. I left the cunt bleeding out in the desolate road. Her car was still running too. Not even October yet, and I am doing good deeds already. Who’s ready to hunt and kill with me?

Castration phone sex is where you can find worthless victims

I get tired of worthless cock, that is why I get on Castration phone sex to find victim bitches. It is easy for me to lure them with my big tits and nasty fun attitude. They always think I will fuck them, but they end up become a dickless bitch which is what they need. Once you walk in, I right away hit you over the head. “What a pathetic bitch, you thought I was going to fuck you” is what I say while laughing and tying him up.

Then you wake up but have a ball gang in your mouth. “You are worthless, and that cock is useless”. “I will make you worth something now”. Then you shake your head no, but it doesn’t matter. After I say that, I extend your cock and tie rubber bands around the base. The best way is to cut the blood supply to your cock. “Please don’t hurt me, I’m sorry my cock is not worth it”.

Castration phone sex

There is nothing more that I want right now. I take my butcher knife and with one move I cut your cock off. “There you go, now you have a pussyhole”. I stick your own meat deep in your new cunt hole. The smell of blood makes me so happy, and I don’t stop until your body is no longer moving. “What a pathetic piece of meat” is all I can say as I think about what I will be doing with your corps.

Mutilation Phone Sex Will Cut You Up Good

Mutilation phone sex started when I was much younger.  I started realizing my pussy would get super wet when I would cut myself.  A boyfriend of mine would love watching me bleed. So much so that he would jack off to me slowly cutting into my skin and watching a sharp knife penetrate my skin.  Something about watching that blood bubble up and shoot out from my skin or his, it made our little cocks and clits want nothing more than to get close to each other and bang all our cum out of each other.

As I grew up, I realized I was often cutting myself and watching my friends cut into their skin was the best orgasm for me.  I keep pushing it to the extreme every time.  I will carve out chunks in my skin or my partners skin. I will burn my skin or theirs to watch the pain inflicted and the greater the pain, the more likely my pussy is to be soaking wet.  Same goes for a cock that is into the same thing.

Most of the time for me, mutilation comes in form of knife play phone sex.  However, sometimes it can be other things.  Sometimes I will bite the skin off my partner and watch their skin bruise up or becomes deformed looking.  I may tie someone up so tight that they turn purple at their extremeties.  My favorite is when I can take my long acrylic nails and scratch them up like they just got in a fight with a Bobcat.  I will cut hair too when I’m feeling really frisky.

Anything to make my pussy start to tickle and eventually explode.  What are your mutilation ideas that make your cock get hard? I’d love to hear all about them!

Kidnapping Phone Sex

kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex is one of my favorites.  Picture this scenario.  Trembling with fear as I see the moonlight hit your eyes. I‘be never seen those eyes before or after that day. I will never forget.  Pale blue with no soul behind them. Taking a cloth forcing it over my mouth until I went back to sleep. I drifted in and out of consciousness but pretended I was out. My limp body thrown over your shoulder. Dressed in my Frozen nightgown, no shoes, and my small cotton underwear wouldn’t be white for long

You took me to an older vehicle that smelled of cigarettes and booze. The old leather seats was now my new bed as you laid me down in the backseat. You quickly jumped into the front seat Snd sped off.  Next thing I remember is being laid in the woods completely naked with your big strong hairy body over me and your monster cock out, hard as a rock.

I noticed how wet I was and hoped you didn’t get mad that I had peed myself. I stayed silent as you took that hard cock and forced your way into my Virgin pussy hole. Aching in pain and frozen in fear. Next, you thrust that large dock in me so hard and so deep. I felt a pop Snd heard you mutter something about my blood.

Finally, as you got harder and I felt throbbing between my top walls of my little hole. You got more aggressive with each thrust. You hit me, pulled my hair, beat me while your cock had all the control. You got louder and louder with each thrust. Until at last, you put your hands around my neck, choking me until I had been snuffed out completely. At least that was the goal. What type of rape phone sex fantasies do you want to play out with me?

Evil Phone Sex, How Low Can You Go

Evil Phone SexMy evil phone sex fantasies are naughty and taboo.  I like blood, knives, torture, kidnapping, being an accomplice, getting snuffed out, etc. Basically you name it,  I am down. Victim play definitely suits me. Something about my body helpless and at the mercy of my captor and their cock’s desires.  They can cut me up, torture me, put their hands around my neck as they pump that hard cock throbbing into my pussy.

Other girls may not admit they like the feeling of that cock getting harder in them. The rougher and more vulgar a guy gets, the wetter my pussy feels.  What is there not to like?

As someone holds a sharp knife at your throat and you are within millimeters from life or death. All control in the hands of the guy holding it. That feeling his cock gets as he thrusts inside my slut hole dripping with my juices down him, it makes me quiver.  His cock gets harder and harder each thrust as he screams at me and puts more pressure on that knife.  It’s so naughty yet so good.

Or as you are getting kidnapped and bound, staring in between the captors legs at that cock growing. Knowing they are getting off on hurting and scaring you.  You think you may die and he is growing by the second at your cries for help and whimpers.

Also, tears role down your chin.  He can’t get his cock out fast enough to fuck your helpless little body.  That’s all you are is another body to him.  To get used to drain the creamy white cum from his balls. Your pussy, mouth, or ass being his dumping ground and he has no use for you after.

Yet you get that feeling, that tingly one in your clit.  You know you shouldn’t love it but you just say “Take me and make me yours” because you secretly love how evil things get.  Those are the people that get me.  Dirty mind is too tame, but evil minds are the ones you need to look out for.

Murder phone sex Fantasies? Jade is down for it all.

Murder phone sex Fantasies


Murder phone sex Fantasies? Jade is down for it all, she’s hot and horny for Torture sex. Jade is into even the darkest of erotica. She’s a murderous skank with a black soul for vengeance and a lust for revenge. More then willing to help you in your crimes and how to cover them up, it’s her turn on torturing new victims. When the deed is done, fuck Jade in a pool of blood while you both stare into their dead life-less eyes.  Sick porn movies play in the background and with the most evil smile jade lets out sadistic laughter and begins to masturbate with a pair of shiny knives.  That Jade is one dangerous fucking bitch, watch out.

Snuff Sex Means All Sorts of Things, But Someone Will Die and It’s Never Me

snuff sex

Snuff sex anyone? Do you know what that means? For me, it means if I fuck you, I kill you afterwards. Or it could mean we kill some bitch together. Or it could even mean I just kill you without fucking you because I find you that annoying. Most people annoy the fuck out of me. And it they do not annoy the fuck out of me, they often do soon enough.

Very few people last in my world long. However, I think I may have found an exception to the rule. I have a neighbor who a few months ago I helped out of a jam when he accidentally killed his Tinder date. Why he came to me for help, I still have no clue. I could have called the cops on him. But then I guess I do not look cop friendly or anyone friendly, LOL.

Snuff Fucking is the Best Fucking

Although sadistic phone sex pays my bills on paper, I have a dark underground world that makes me my real money. However, my neighbor did not know that. He got lucky. Perhaps, I did too because now we are like Bonnie and Clyde without the bank robbing. That accidental killing awakened a dark side he had no clue he had. And I have nurtured that dark side ever since. My first kill was an impulse kill. I was a schoolgirl and my grandpa covered up my mess. But same thing. An accidental murder awakened my dark side too.

I enjoy helping people find their inner killer. Perhaps, we all have one, but an accident happens, or we just meet the right person who brings out our homicidal impulses. Either way, I can help you like I helped my neighbor. Not saying we will become the best of friends or anything because chances are you will annoy me, and I will have to show you my killer phone sex side. But until then, I can help nurture the killer in you too.