Tag: killer phone sex

The Trash Bag

Killer Phone Sex


They found me in the trash- which is right were I belonged to start with. You spotted me walking alone and couldn’t resist the chance to take advantage of a poor girl by herself. You could tell I was lonely and offered to walk me home, I had the look in my eyes like I may need to talk to someone and you took advantage of it. I told you about how things were going at home with my parents not being around and how scared I was that I wouldn’t have a place to live soon. You offered your place and I was glad to take it. I ran home while you waited and grabbed a few things then we went back to your apartment. Once I got there I knew something was off but I was just so glad to have someone around who maybe cared. You grabbed me by the wrists once we got inside and told me how this was going to go down. I am going to be your place for release until you decide its time to get rid of me. You’re even going to have guys over and let them have some fun too. I was so scared and after all the terrible things you did to me anyone would be. I was your sex slave but you had to trade me in. You left my used up body in a trash can. No one could even identify me, even if someone would of shown up to. What all did you do to me while I was your toy?

Prince from hell

Murder phone sex Fantasies

I met this gentleman not too long ago. He had a great personality so it seemed as well as style and a bunch of bodyguards. He approached me in a bar with a drink in hand asking the old pick up line of “don’t I know you from somewhere?” Of course, I smiled and we were off and talking. We got pretty intimate in conversation and I invited him back to my hotel. I was away from home on a business trip and was looking for a great fuck.
We got up to my room and were naked pretty quickly and making out on the bed. I wanted his cock in my mouth. I made my way down and made him reel with my talented mouth and hands. Now, I don’t have a gag reflex but when someone surprises you by jamming something down your throat you are going to react. Mr. Gentleman did just that, and my jaw inadvertently clamped down on his cock and I bit him just enough to make him yelp. He sat upright and pushed me off the bed. He suddenly yelled, “Off with her head!!” I was thinking, what is this Alice in Wonderland and the Queen of hearts, but the bodyguards suddenly came rushing in, kicking down the door and grabbing me by the arms. They were holding me tightly as he walked up to me, he slapped my face and said how dare I put marks on a prince’s cock. “Well to be fair you did jam your cock into my throat, involuntary reaction.” He backhands me then nods at his bodyguards. They each hand him a Japanese samurai sword, and the last thing I heard was “one less insolent bitch in this world.” I think I saw my body as my head hit the floor. The prince picked up my severed head and started ramming his cock into my severed head’s mouth. Once he was satisfied or bored he threw my head down and started to fuck my corpse while blood still pumped from my neck. I love a sick fuck.

Killer phone sex


Snuff Sex for Hire

snuff sexSnuff sex pays the bills and then some. He was not my typical client. Guys come to me for assistance force fucking and killing, even torturing girls of all ages. When I asked to see a picture of his victim, he showed me his driver’s license. He wanted to die a horrific death at the hands of a goth goddess. He told me the sad pathetic story of his life. By the end, I wanted to kill him for free. I am no fool, I took the money. I told him he would not know when his number was up. I don’t share the plan of my kills because I enjoy the element of surprise. Five days after he paid me, I broke into his house as he was sleeping. I put a pillow over his face to wake him up. Startled him awake. He tried to take it all back. Even told me I could keep the money, but he didn’t want to go through with the plan anymore. How did I know this was just not part of the game? I tied him to the bed spread eagle before I laid out my torture sex instruments: my knife collection, a blow torch, a saw, pliers, soldering iron and a straight edge razor. If I was going to kill him, it was not going to go slow. I like pain and suffering.  I duct taped his mouth so he could not scream efficiently. I made little painful cuts all over his useless body. I watched the blood trickled down and drip from his wounds. I sliced the skin off his testicles and pulled them out for shits and giggles before sawing his dick off. I castrate lots of men for fun and for profit. Never sawed off a dick before. Bastard passed out, so I stuffed his severed dick down his throat and made him give himself head. That woke him up quickly! I tortured him for hours before I plunged a knife in his belly and disemboweled him. I masturbated as he died in front of me. It was hot. I wish more guys paid me to do what they are too weak to do to themselves. Killing losers is fun.

The thrill of the kill


I love when he thinks he has full control of me. He wants me as his slave.  Not tonight I have a master who sent me out to be a savage beast.  My prey for us will be the one that thinks everything is going his way with me.  I let him hit me and smack me around with his cock.  Let him know I was just the nigger slut bitch that was going to get what was coming to her.  He threw me over a chair and violated my asshole.  He wasn’t happy until he had seen blood dripping.  It was time yet for me to go in for the kill.  Like a true predator I played with this one for a while.  It made my master happy and horny.  Watching this weakling ruff me up and fuck me.  He really thought he was in full control.  He had slapped me to the ground for the last time.  My master had said it was time to take over.  As he placed his cock in my mouth what he didn’t notice was the razor blade under my tongue.   With a little swivel of my lips I was able to flick out my small tool.  He’s grabbing my head forcing his cock down my throat.  Then with a devilish grin I started slicing his cock.  He attempted to slap me with force behind it. When a voice said to him ” Not a good idea to slap the one with your cock in her mouth. He froze and I bit down taking a healthy chunk of his cock.  Blood was everywhere and my  master smiled like it was Christmas.  He wasn’t going to let me have all the fun.  He told this piece of shit that you not suppose to tamper with another man’s property.   He poured bleach in alcohol into his fresh wounds.  we was going to have a long night of pleasure and torture with this one.  I grabbed a broom stick and on command I shoved it up his ass the same way he ripped mine.  We tied him upside down and let his blood drip on us as my master began to take over me.  I was his prize purchase and he proud that I could be a savage.  As my reward I did the final kill by snapping our little friend’s neck ass he bled out while master tasted this juicy cunt.

Father Deserves To Die Today

Killer phone sexToday is Father’s Day and I must say, I fucking hate my Dad and he absolutely deserves to die today. My Master and I concocted a plan to get rid of him and I am really looking forward to following through with it! Throughout my life, my Daddy has always treated me like shit, abused and degraded me and it’s really shaped me into the evil young lady that I am today, a worthless cunt that’s a victim to it all. Master said that he wants lots of blood, the more blood that’s shed, the better! The way my Dad would molest and violate me all of my life has been repulsive. He put his hands on me all the time and he choked my Mom to death right in front of me when I was just a youngster. That is a vision that I will never be able to get out of my head! When Master and I devised our plan, we decided that we are going to break into his house later on this evening so that we can catch him off guard as he’s tired and winding down from his day of Father’s Day celebrations. Once Master and I break into his house, we are going to ambush him and attack him with butcher knives until we have him dead and beaten to a bloody pulp. I want him to look like a slaughtered pig by time we are finished with him. To literally add insult to injury, i’m going to carve a special message into his back. I’ll engrave Happy Father’s Day deep into his skin so that his rotting corpse can burn in hell with the prolific message on him for eternity!

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies: Don’t Prank a Sadistic

killer phone sex

Do you have killer phone sex fantasies? We all have someone we want to slaughter. I have people I encounter daily that drive me to murder. I had this caller last week. I use the term caller loosely because he never paid for a call. He kept calling me baby and honey and saying stupid things like show me your tits baby and suck my cock. Do I looked like the kind of girl who wants to be called baby? Fuck no. So, let me iterate my stance. I am not your baby, honey or any cutesy name. I am only your mistress, your accomplice or your sadistic bitch. This little loser found out that I mean business. It’s called caller ID dumb fuck. He was not far from me, so I paid him a visit. It was worth the road trip to see his expression when I was standing over him with a big fat knife. He knew who I was. I was rather disappointed when I saw him. From his bravado on the phone, I honestly expected a grown ass man. He was a broke ass college boy who was goofing around on the phone. I hate broke guys. He was pleading with me to go. He apologized repeatedly. When he started talking about jacking off to me daily, I decided to castrate him. I know he is barely legal, but he was showing signs of being a sexual predator as a college boy. Most serial killers begin with antics like him. It was my duty to make sure he did not procreate in the future. He needed to learn respect for women.  I was doing a good deed by taking his balls. Its those balls that make guys unruly. Young men are slaves to their cock and balls. One clean cut and his balls were in my back pocket. The youngest balls I have ever taken, but it was well deserved.  I left him a bloody mess but I am confident I took away the cause of his bad behavior. Need some castration phone sex?


 Torture sexIm sorry Im sorry Im sorry, Ill do anything you want me to do but please dont kill me. I wont cry no more when you are fucking me anal with your big fat dick and a fat strap on penetrating my pussy. I will suck your dick all day but please dont kill me. Ill be your little cum dumpster, I Rena promise to swallow every single drop of your cum like a good girl I am. I will go out with you to the club to hunt young girls for our little club here in your basement. I will teach them well, to always suck your dick and swallow all the cum. We will always be ready for when you want to bring your friends over to play with your dolls. Pretty in make up and all dressed in black leather how you and all your friends like it. I love the taste of your dick.

Snuff sex with the little ones is better

snuff sexSnuff sex is best when I have a tiny little victim, one that will cry pitifully for her momma and beg me not to hurt her… that is what I like best. Just last night I found me a little whore like that, she was tiny and much too small to be wandering around alone at night like that! She came with me willingly, I looked safe to her I’m sure but as she soon found out, I was far from safe! I tied her up and left her hanging from a hook so that I could whip her until the blood ran down her legs and her skin was hanging off her back… she looked so beautiful to me when she was all bloodied and crying like that. Then I fucked her to death with my biggest dildo and threw her body in the trash…

Plunged To Death

Bloody Phone Sex

It all started off fun and games. A casual playtime experience but things got out of hand quickly when I started giving you head. You took your hands and gripped the back of my neck and started thrusting harder and harder into my face. My eyes were watering up and silently begging you to slow down, or stop even! But you could feel my jaw breaking apart and once you saw the blood on your cock you knew you had to finish the job. You fucked my face, punching my sides and pulling my hair out. My would-be screams completely muffled by your massive penis that was choking me to death. I tried digging my nails into your thighs to push you away but it was too late. I was dying and you didn’t care. You wanted it- you wanted to see me die in front of you with your cock in my skull. I saw my entire slutty shitty life flash before my eyes but it was just images of cocks. You left me there dying, bleeding to death and with cum dripping out of my nose. Are you going to come back and fuck my dead body next?

Killed A Grandpa In Hospice

Killer phone sexI love having forbidden fun with old people while they are in hospice nursing homes, haha it’s so fucking easy to apply to go in to volunteer and then have your way with the dying elders in any which way you please. As long as I present myself as a studious, trusting young lady, they let me right in to go and visit with them while they are on their death beds. Well, this one time I went in and visited with a dying Grandpa. The employees there all thought that I was there to keep him company and make him laugh, little did they know but I had much more malicious intentions! This little old man was barely living when I entered into his room but he was conscious and happy to see me, he looked like a dead vegetable quite frankly. I locked the door behind me and did him in! I climbed on top of him while he layed in the bed and suffocated him with my thighs as I rode his face and demanded that he lick my pussy! He was so bad at it but that’s okay, he was about to be murdered anyways! I wanted to make sure his last moments were memorable! It didn’t take long at all before his tongue sloshing ended, prompting me to check his breathing and sure enough, he was gone. I was so proud of myself! I called the nurses in and told them he had died, little did they know that I was the culprit. Wish I cared! Can’t wait to have fun with my next victim!