Tag: cheap phone sex

Bondage phone sex with Makayla

Rape phone sex fantasies

I must have made daddy angry. I don’t know what I have done but he hasn’t talked to me or cuddled with me all week. He hasn’t fed me like  he has the other girls. I don’t understand. I grabbed his legs as he walked past me yesterday. I begged him to tell me what I did wrong. I am so hungry daddy. Please please feed me. He rubbed my face softly then pushed me down and put his foot on my throat. He told me I had 5 minutes to get dressed in my best dress and to be waiting. I was so excited but so weak. I could barley move but I made it in the time he gave me. Things weren’t normal, instead of him taking my collar off he kept it on and dragged me up the stairs with it. I am so afraid he brought out the rope. Why would daddy hurt me? I thought daddy loved me. He tied me up, and to the table. I was so worried he was going to beat me like he did that first night. To my surprise he laid me down and started to eat my pussy. He told me I had to beg to cum, but 2 minutes into it I was screaming and begging him to let me finish.  He would bite my clit as I started to lose control and that would bring me back to reality. Please Daddy let me cum!! 

I am daddy’s whore

I made daddy so happy on our date that he has given me more food and a extra blankets to keep me warm. He came down stairs today and he cuddled with me! I couldn’t believe it. While we were cuddling daddy started playing with my pussy. He whispered in my ear telling me he loves how wet I get for him. He wanted to play but I was expecting he wanted to play the way he wanted. He started spanking me, hard. So hard that he was leaving hand prints on my body. He rolled me over and spit in my face.

” You are daddy’s fucking whore.”

I nodded my head yes. He punched me hard in the face.

“Tell daddy what you are.”

His powerful punch made my head dizzy and fuzzy, when I didn’t answer right away daddy hit me again this time busting my eyebrow open. With the blood running down my face and aching I whispered

“I am daddy’s whore.”

That wasn’t good enough he punched me again and it felt like my head was hallow.

Rape phone sex fantasies

I could feel his erection pressing into my thighs. I was dazed as he ripped off my panties, and stuck two fingers inside of me. He growled and punched me again in the face.

“Get wet you fucking worthless whore.”

I looked at him with blood and tears running down my face and whispered

“I am trying to be a good whore for daddy and get wet but daddy you keep hurting me.”

The anger in his eyes scared me.

Rape phone sex fantasies

He grabbed my neck with one hand and started punching me in the face with the other hand.

“Does this hurt you stupid fuckin’ cunt? Good bitch I want it to fucking hurt.”

He pried my knees open with his legs sat up and slammed his cock into my dry pussy. He fucked me so hard I was raw and bleeding. His cum burned as he came inside of me. The last thing I remember  was

“You are a worthless fucking whore.”

My body hurts so bad. I don’t want to make daddy angry again.. I am his worthless whore. I deserve everything daddy does and I am thankful for my punishment. It wasn’t his fault. I mad him angry. 

Whisper Hunting

Taboo phone sex


I was needing to feed the monster inside of me. Normally I take my time and search for people who wont be missed, but I needed it tonight. I got on my Whisper App and asked Who wanted to be my sex slave? Instantly I had replies. People said I was a freak, but there was one that caught my eye. I read the email and knew this was the one I wanted. The email said “Please make me your cum whore.” After talking back and forth for a little bit I asked her to meet me in World of Warcraft. She made a new character on a new server. I met up with her but pretended to be someone else. I fallowed her for hours. She started to think I was her friend. She made me giggle. I just wanted to cut this bitches tits off and pour salt on her empty chest. But she thought we were both played by the same guy. 

Taboo phone sex

I told her I was going to the store and that is when it came up. “Where do you live? What do you look like?” We decided to meet up but instead of me being seen I waited in the shadows. She was really a he. I told her I was waiting behind the building and he started walking over. I noticed in his hands he had some rope. I knew his game. We were playing the same one.  He walked right past me, that is why I am a goth bitch, I blend in with the shadows. I walked up behind him and cracked him in the head with a pipe that was behind the building. I struggled getting him into my car. This is why I take my time to plan things out, if not things go wrong. He wasn’t very big, he looked very experienced with this. I must have cracked his skull because he was out for a while. I took him to the barn and pulled him out of the car. I tied him up right away. I used my favorite knots, the ones that get tighter as he struggled. 

Taboo phone sex

When he woke up he started to struggle. I watched and laughed as he was choking himself. I walked up to him and kicked him in the face. I started in on him. I stomped on his chest, legs and arms. I grabbed the pipe from before and rolled him over. I covered the pipe in tiger balm and pushed it up his ass. I loved hearing him scream. I started screaming with him just to show him that I didn’t give a fuck. I rolled him over to see a semi hard cock. I smiled and asked him if he liked being fucked in the ass. Every time he didn’t answer I took my riding crop and hit him. He was my sex slave for the next few days. I guess he shouldn’t have been trolling me. It wouldn’t have been this bad on him. 

Taboo phone sex

I made him pray to god, I told him to beg god to kill me right then and there. I am still alive and well.. Ohh I need to go I hear him crying. He is awake now! 

Dirty Dirty Girl

I wake up so drunk. So fucking drunk right now. And something’s in my ass. Oh my God it burns. I turn my head and vomit profusely. It consists of spunk and tequila. What the fuck is going on. I’m so drunk that turning my head was a lot of work, I don’t think I could move my arm to check what’s in my ass. I hear a low growl from a chubby man who apparently was reading my mind “It’s a liquor bottle, sweety. You took about three shots worth of whiskey in your asshole. Absorbs into the mucus membranes, gets ya fucked faster. And oh boy, did you get fucked. what, 5 men? I don’t fuckin know, how would you?” He laughs at his own joke and saunters away, mumbling “5 men at least. Me…Rico…Tony…Mario…Chester…eh maybe more than five”

Domination Phone Sex

He returns with a bedpan, a rubber tube and a mug. “Cold coffee, babe.” he says, lifting the mug “We picked ya, knocked ya out. Got you drunker than a skunk and had our way with you. The others humped and dumped, but me? I’m a worrier. I don’t want you dying of alcohol poisoning or no shit like that. Little tug, babe.” He hawks a fat loogie and spits it towards my asshole and expertly removes the bottle. “Thank you” I mutter, my words slurred and my eyelids heavy. I vomit again. He replaces the bottle with the rubber tube, which he holds up high. “Coffee enema” he says matter of factly. “Take a little poison outta your system” He pours the coffee into the tube slowly. It hits my rectum and it felt cool and relieving. I feel the urge to shit. A lot. I don’t have the energy to speak so I groan “Let it out babe” he urges, removing the tube and putting a bedpan under me. As if on cue I empty my bowels. It comes hard and fast, stinking like an Irish pub. I’ve never shit so much in my life. It comes in powerful bursts, splashing and staining the sides of the bedpan. I’m so humiliated that I’m actually dripping from my pussy, too. I look over and to my surprise, the man who saved me is stroking his dick. It’s a short fat little thing, cut tight and you can tell he’s rough on it, it’s covered in scratches and friction marks. He’s watching my ass explode and stroking his fat little chode. “Fuckin a’ right’ he mutters. “Let it out, baby. Ohhh, yeah. Yesss, that’s the ticket.” “There’s…there’s no more” I mutter. He closes in, putting the bedpan on the ground. “I should clean you up.” He looks at me. “I’m going to let you go, sweety. But first, I’m going to clean you up while you suck me off” He climbs on top of me, dick right in my face. I dutifully put it in my mouth. I’m so drunk I can’t do much, but I suck and swirl my tongue. He bends over and inhales, groaning. “Ohhh yeah” He burys his face in my ass, lapping up my feces. I gag on his fat dick at the thought, and it makes him hungrier. He licks everything from my crack and starts sucking on my asshole. He fucks my face and I heave, his weight bearing down on my slender body. I am trying so hard not to, but I release, and I spray his face with coffee, whiskey & jizz filled shit. He cums in my mouth, giving me much more than I expected from his tiny little rod. He gets off me, his face covered with chunks of scat. “You should be safe, little one” he says, his shitty mustache rising and falling with every word. “I’ll call you a cab and help you out” He helps me out, and makes a short call on his cellphone. He hands me a folded wad of cash, a ten on the top. “Well,” he says as the taxi arrives “have a good morning” I get in the cab, and he returns to the house. I give the cab driver my address, handing him the ten dollar bill. I open the wad to discover $800. Holy fuck! It’s not the stimulating humiliation I’m used to, but for the right amount of money, anyone can lick my filthy asshole.

Out Of Time


I had to find someone for him and quick! This time he had given me a time limit for my assignment. I had to be back before sun fall with a white princess that could help him rape his nigger slave. Leaving my cage I had no idea where I was going to find this chick! Determined I figured I’d trail the bars because I knew the drunk chicks would be easy and free. I saw my angel walking out in a white dress with her beautiful legs looking perfect for my mission. She agreed to come back with me and we were off back to my master.

He took one look at my angel Angie and I could see on his face that he was satisfied with what I had arrived back with. He pulled me down to my knees and tied me at the door. Him and Angie disappeared for what felt like hours! Finally coming back with what looking like a box of torture. He placed it just far enough to where I couldn’t peak to see what was inside. He placed our princess right between my legs to eat my pussy while he pulled the first tool out the box, clamping my nipples hard I instantly came in Angie’s mouth. He handed her something and I could feel the lips of my pussy being clamped open as I felt an intense vibration right on my clit. She was holding a vibrator on my pussy while he pushed anal balls in my ass to stuff me. I couldn’t scream out because I was gagged, even though I wouldn’t dare make that outburst. My last outburst ended in me not being able to control my potty breaks for a few weeks.

They had there way with every part of my body that day. Angie was an amazing princess, she controlled my every nut and made sure that everyone I had was more painful than the one before. The tears draining down my face just caused her to fuck me harder. She loved to pull the pain out of me. I fell victim to her power as he tore into every hole I had. I was stretched out until the early hours of the morning. Waking up the next day still chained at the door, awaiting my next torture fest.

Dinner is ready

Accomplice phone sex Ivy

Do you like my table setting? I have tried it a few times but these stupid sluts start to cry as the wick gets hotter and starts to burn closer to their skin. As if. They are just scared little bitches. Worthless in my eyes. They don’t need to eat. They can suck on the candle wax. I set my Holiday table like this because well, Its the holidays and I don’t want to end up fat and ugly like this bitch. I eat until I am full. 

But this bitch. She doesn’t get to eat food. She gets to eat me. She has to lick my pussy until I come all over her face. If during that time I have to use the bathroom. I just go on her. If she doesn’t get me off Ill just kick her with my heels until she does. Ill take the melted wax off by ripping it off her skin. hopefully there will be some pain and blood!! Oh… Its time for her meal! 

Accomplice phone sexIvy

Journal Entry November 23, 2014

torture sex marleyI overheard that they were going to farm me out again, that the food supply was getting low and they needed money. Again, these fucking monsters brought over some friends. They had me put on display like I was some fucking trinket, I was set out for amusement. Well right in front of me the one guy named Jesse pulled out crumpled wad of cash and pointed in my direction he wanted to take me. They grabbed my arm pulled me next to him as like always, the camera comes out they want a picture of what I look like before. Just as the flash went off this guy Jesse took me outside. I felt a sharp pain in my head and the next thing I remember is waking up in this cold dark cabin with that toothless fucker standing over me. I tasted the blood from my cheek, he leaned in and said you like that taste baby? I seen the look in his eyes I knew I better serve him. He grabbed my shirt and ripped it bringing me to him (I could smell the sweat; he hadn’t showered in a few days) he ordered me to unzip his pants. I was slow because the smell was gaging and he hit me hard. I felt the oose of blood again. This time I moved faster. I gagged on sucking that cock. Jesse forced my head there chocking me so hard making me suck him harder. Just as I thought he was going to cum he flipped me over and raped my ass. I felt his hands dig deep into my hips with all his might. It hurt so bad he didn’t use any lube. Jesse continued to torture me for what seemed to be hours, I finally passed out from exhaustion. I woke up back in my vault battered and bruised. My captors must have made out like bandits because when I awoke they threw me cookie. Ugh I’m so glad this day is over.

Taboo phone sex with Ivy

She wouldn’t stop screaming. There are times when I enjoy a little scream. Cries for help, screams from pain…

But this cunt wasn’t even touched, she might be in some pain but after a few hours you’d think she would be

used to the feeling.

Taboo phone sex Ivy2

That she would know that the more she moved the more her skin would pinch and twist. I can’t stand it. I took out my box cutter, held it to her throat…

She started screaming even more.. If she was going to keep screaming she was going to die. She was going to bleed herself to death.

Taboo phone sex Ivy

I cut her arms down her wrist and I cut her major artery in her legs.

Scream bitch.

Die you fucking worthless whore. 


violent phone sex renaBecause of my father gambling debts I work for the men that my father owes. I went to a party set up for men to choose the girl that they want for the night, I was walking around showing off my goods when I saw a group of older men sitting in the corner, when one of the guys motioned me to come over so I did, as I got there he stood up and said hi what’s your name and I replied Rena, he said glad to meet you my name is Antonio but you can call me Tony, he took my hand and we walked over to the guys running the party and Tony paid for me and we left, we got into his car, I didn’t know how he was going to fit he was at least 6’7″ tall and very muscular, I had a scary thought that this man could kill me with one good hit, but he was being so nice I thought naw he won’t hurt me…Tony drove to Fredrick’s of Hollywood and we went in and he bought me some very sexy outfits, I felt so spoiled. We left there and we went to this beautiful hotel where he got an awesome suite, we went to the suite and he unlocked the door and said go in and get yourself dressed up for me I’m going to get some dinner and wine, I thought this is going to be a fantastic evening, so I got undressed put on a pretty sparkling bra and thong that matched a pair of black thigh highs and my 4″ black heels, I looked so hot, a few minutes later Tony came in with Thia food and a great bottle of wine, as he opened the wine I set out the food, he said to me I want you to undress me and feed me, I want to eat food off of you and drink my wine off your breasts, so I did everything he asked, his rock hard body pressing against mine made me so hot and excited, he took my bra off me and drank his wine from my breasts, my body was so excited I could feel my pussy getting so wet, I wanted him so badly that I reached out to him and said Tony I want you please make love to me, he smiles took my panties off and started licking my pussy, my legs started shaking and I began to moan, he got up and set me on the bed he walked over to his clothing and came back over to me bends me over and sticks his big hard cock inside me as I am totally enjoying him I feel a stabbing pain in my leg, I said what did you just do,as the room started spinning and I could hardly speak, then I heard a harsh laugh He shoved his cock inside my wet pussy and started fucking me so hard it hurt I tried to cry out but I couldn’t then he took his cock out and just shoved it into my ass, I could feel the ripping and knew he was just totally having his way, once he came in my ass he turned me around and said so how did you like Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde? as he threw me on the bed. He came up and kissed me so hard he made my lip bleed, I started losing light and passed out. in the morning I was all bruised and bloody I took a shower got cleaned up and went home. I had a message on my answering machine that said hey Rena had a great night and I purchased you for next weekend, Tony. That’s my life

Because He Can

bondage phone sex master slaveI was in my bed, waiting for my son. He never showed. I decided to go to bed. I was startled awake by a noise in the garage. The dogs were barking too. I thought my son was drunk and had stumbled into the garage. I went to go check it out and a guy grabbed me and threw me down on the concrete floor. He straddled me from behind and began to choke me and smack my face on the floor. I started to scream and fight, but he shoved a ball gag in my mouth, ripped my clothes off and forced his cock in my ass.  He came almost instantly. That was a blessing and a curse.

I thought he was done with me. That this was a typical breaking and entering with forced sex. But, he had more in store for me. He strung me up. He found my son’s bondage equipment and used it against me. He had me tied up and suspended in my own garage. So many ropes around me I had very little movement.  He then put clamps with weights on my nipples, pulling them down. They started to bleed. He grabbed my throat and choked me some more. I could feel my windpipe collapsing. I was struggling for breath.

He suddenly let go of my throat right before I was about to pass out and shoved his cock down my throat till I gagged. My eyes got watery, I started choking and I started to cry. He shoved his fingers up my nose restricting my air. He yelled at me, “Stop crying bitch and you can live.” I tried my best to stop crying. I tried to think of this as just another extreme bondage game like I play with my son. Only this game had no safe words.bondage phone sex torture boobs

He shot his load down my throat. As he was cumming, he pulled on the weights attached to my breasts and made them bleed more. In fact he ripped a nipple. I was afraid to cry. He messed with the ropes to get me in a different position. He wanted my ass up in the air. He got behind me, sort of like a wheel barrel position and started ramming his dick in my cunt and ass. No condom either. I just prayed he did not get me pregnant or give me an STD. As he fucked my holes, he stretched them at the same time with his fingers. He enjoyed watching his dick torture my cunt especially. My pussy was raw looking. Red and swollen. I wanted to survive, so I did not cry despite the pain.bondage phone sex forced blowjobs 

As he fucked me, he kept choking me. I know this is suppose to  intensify a woman’s orgasm.  But, no way I was cumming being forced by some stranger who broke in to my house. I like rough sex, but consensual rough sex, one between a master and his servant. Suddenly, I heard the garage door open, but one of my ropes was attached to the door so I started to levitate up to the ceiling as the door opened until I was smack dead against the garage ceiling. This tightened the ropes so much they started to cut my skin. The ball gag was in my mouth so all I could do was moan. I saw my son come in and I was relieved. I knew I would be cut down and this nightmare would be over.

But then I saw my son pull out his wallet, hand my attacker a wad of cash, and shake his hand.  My attacker left. My son looked up and waved at me, then turned off the lights and left. I stayed up there, in that awful position all night. Scared, in pain, cold. Next morning, he came back and let me down. I had purple marks all over my body. I could barely talk, and my right wrist was broken from the constriction of the ropes. I asked my son why he would pay a man to assault and torture me. His response, “Because I can.”

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