Tag: cheap phone sex

Torture My Tits

Evil phone sexSal enjoys brutalizing my fake titties. He has a huge fetish and I love to be the whore he plays on. He has these alligator clips that just clamp down on my nipples cause insane pain shooting thru my body followed by a falling asleep numbness. But he just does not stop there. He adds on weights two pounds at a time into he gets up to thirty pounds of weights hanging off my nipples pulling them down. I feel the burn as my boobs stretch to the ground. He continues brutalizing my tits by slapping them making the weights sway about. I cringed and I let out a huge moan. My cunt gushed down my thigh. He was making my tits bright red before he brought out the cold steel knives. I saw the knives and I was drooling my body thrust forward begging for it.

Fantasy Phone Sex Transforms Ivy To A Werewolf

Fantasy phone sex

Fantasy phone sex allows me to transform into anything that sexually excites your appetite. Even if it is me transforming into a werewolf…….I was fully aware of the fact that there would be a full moon tonight as I headed off to the night club to stalk out my prey. From the moment I walked in I could feel that you could not take your eyes off of me. Within a matter of minutes you were offering to buy me a drink. As the night progressed you offered to talk me home. I couldn’t help but to respond with but you just meet me. You laughed and said well how dangerous could a little petite thing like you be. I cannot begin to explain how sexually aroused it made me that you were under estimating my strengths and had no clue as to what I really was.

You keep commenting on how striking my golden hazel eyes where and how they almost glowed. You would be the perfect victim. I ask you if you wanted to take me home, I even warned you that I live out in the middle of no where. When we arrived at my little cottage in the woods, you seemed a little guarded. I ask you to come out on the balcony with me and have a drink. I reached over and grabbed you by your shirt and pulled you into me for a kiss. You were surprised by my strength as I shoved you down to the floor and climbed on top of you.

As the fog was clearing and the full moon was in full force, I was transforming into the werewolf that I am. My red finger nails started growing long and sharp. I even used them to shrewd your shirt off of your body. As I drug them across your chest I made it lightly bleed. I started licking your blood as my hand started turning growing fur. I reached down and shoved your hard throbbing cock into my hot wet cunt before my hand turned into a paw. I started howling at the full moon as I bounced up and down on your big hard cock. The harder I fucked you the louder I howled until you spewed you load of hot spermie human cum inside my she-werewolf cunt. Hopefully, giving this werewolf the offspring she desires.

Roleplay phone sex

Sacrificing Sarah

killer phone sexsnuff sexI was working on set with a couple people on a movie set with Sarah H. she got the roll for a straight to dvd film and for lackluster career it was no surprise. I got so close with her that I was asked to get her in her most vulnerable state. by one of the film editors. I knew a top secret that made her the perfect pawn in our game. We hung out one day and she left her phone in my car. Curiosity got the best of me and I saw all her home made porn. She had pictures jerking off randoms and getting fucked. That wasn’t the only secret I found out I saw conversations that were private that made her my soon to be victim.

I invited her over and together we drugged her. It was a couple of us and you can say it was a cult in some sorts. We wanted sacrifice her because she had an it factor in our eyes and a little something extra. Watching Sarah wake up in pure terror was the best.. She had no idea she was going to be a snuff sex slave. Frazzled and confused she couldn’t see we all had masks on and it was pitch black. We revealed ourselves to Sarah. She was in a stream of tears and it was actually a turn on. She felt betrayed she really thought we were all friends. I tried to pacify her and told her we were.

It didn’t take long for her to plead and bargain. We knew she would use her big secret as a way to get out of the sacrifice. I let her know we knew she was growing a little more than a gut. I figured out she was pregnant before she did. That was her way out she thought but in reality we chose her because we knew she was growing a tot. I did what I was told and began lick here slutty face. Her make up came off and reveled all her big pores and pimples. I was sucking her snot and whiteheads off and all the gunk out of her pimples. I then was ordered to take all her shit right in my mouth. I wasn’t done with the slut. We kept her till her water broke and sacrificed that offspring. Thankfully it was girl so it was twice as nice.

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Evil genius mind

Evil phone sex  When I get a serious feeling to be violent I come here. I stay in my head. I hurt first, but then it becomes evil. Hate is something I have had built over time. Never show the right way so I’ll continue to pray. Let me sit and think to ponder in my thoughts. My body wants to be taken over but it can’t so I’ll take over someone else. My dad’s girlfriend is an evil cunt. Who treat my brother and me with disrespect. I come to think, to plot something. Being a sexed crave bitch I want to show her what it’s like to be yelled at and physical. She wants to slap me around I am going to do the same thing to her. I might even poison her first. Make her die really slow and as soon as she is sick make her take cocks in every hole. Making her beg will be my greatest pleasure. Give me some great sick ideas. She took my daddy away from me. All his attention is on her now. Or maybe I should self-harm and make it all seem as if she is doing it to me.  Advice?

Great Sadist!!

Torture sex I was at the club and bored as all fucking hell into this hot looking man walked up to me and sat down. He said he had been watching me for a while now and he has heard all the nasty kinky stories about me being a pain fucking slut. He continued to tell me what type of sadist he is and he thinks that us two could have a great fucking time together. So I followed that fucker back to his house like a horny dog in heat. I thought I would have a moment before we got started but to my delight, he punched me right in the face before I was all the way thru his door.

Two Snuff Pain Whores

Evil phone sexOne bitch to beat on and snuff out is great but two bitches are even better. Sarah and I go out often looking for a threesome with a sadist that is looking for snuff pain whores like us. We both get off on fucking pain Sarah and I. If it ain’t hurting then it is fucking boring! We always get lucky finding at least one sadist who wants to play hard and nasty with us. We lay it on the table when we start chatting with one of these sexy men. Pee on us, beat us up, make us bleed, and make it long and full of torture. Sarah and I have no time for games with lame ass “respect my body” men.

Killer Phone Sex and The Perfect Victim

Killer Phone Sex

You’ve been stalking me for awhile and have told a few of your thug buddies about this prime piece of ass you want to have killer phone sex with and want them to help out in destroying my perfect body and pussy. You plan out the home invasion for a Monday night and your buddies and you prepare your torture bag of goodies to ensure nothing is left unfulfilled as you want to destroy every inch of my perfect body. I am alone and in bed asleep when you break in and all six of you gather around me in black masks and gloves with shiny blades as you take in the view. I sleep nude and make it so easy as you all grope and grab at me tossing me around, slapping and cutting at me as you take turns shoving your cocks in my holes and even double up in my cunt while my ass gets gaped by a huge thick black cock. I’m barely able to breathe or scream but when you that i start cumming you don’t hold back and snuff out my very pleasure of violent sex. I am no more and you leave me out in an alley like last nights trash for the vermin to do away with the evidence.

Castration Of My Tits.

Knife play phone sex A soaking wet dream I had last night! My tits where getting castrated. The knife dug into the side of my fake boob popping it letting all the silicone rush out of my body. Then he took the knife and carved around my nipple into he cut my nipple off. I was screaming the pain was making me squirt hard. He shoved my nipple in my mouth making me chew and swallow on it. He then took the knife and with one swift motion and he sliced off my left tit. My body jerked and the blood was tickling me as it dripped down my flesh. This time he took a raw bite of my tit that he cut off and ate it before shoving some in my again. He slowly cut pieces off my body and we both ate them. Before I woke up from this dream I had squirted hard at least 8 times. I really want to have this dream again.

Snuff Me Out

Snuff porn Everywhere I go I advertise that I want to be snuffed out to have that ultimate orgasm. I get lots of offers and take most of those men up on those offers. And they are very sadistic with me. They degrade me beat the shit out of me and have no regards for my body or safety. But the most I get is passed out and when I wake up I am bleeding and bruised laying on a floor somewhere. But I have yet to be snuffed the fuck out. I want to feel my life leaving my body as I squirt all over your cock. I want to be snuffed slowly and painfully I do not want it to be quick at all. I want to be brought to the brink of death and then beaten back into life. Can you handle this?

Halloween Snuff Fucking

Snuff sex There is a slamming Halloween party going on at the club tonight. I am going as a stupid slut raver punk chick. I am looking like I do every Halloween for a guy with some balls to give me the ultimate fucking orgasm by snuffing the life right out of me. I look for the guy in the fucked up costume. A serial killer, or a vampire maybe. You know something dark and frightening. Those are the men I target at parties they have sadistic sides to them. And every one of them needs a pain slut to release those fetishes on. When I spot my target I make my way over to them and rub my body right up against them. I see no sense in beating around the bush I come straight out with the fact that I want to get fucked up and fucked. And none of this pg-rated bullshit I want hardcore triple X brutal fucking. Take control of my trashy body and beat me within an inch of my life before stopping to fuck my holes raw making me bleed. And right before they are about to burst their nut I want them to snuff my life out. If I am lucky skank it will be a painful agonizing slow death.